3 (-QISllL' Sll't'cl. 35: 33.57. .\Itlll 'llltl it Sat Illain 5pm. Hi tk Sun llain 5pllt, l’lL‘L'

Women and War l’ntll Stilt l‘.'\tig_ l’ltotograpltx lt_\ Jt'tttt} Mattltcux \tlilt'x \torkcd lll ttal IttllL'\ \tlL‘ll .l\ H Saltadol. tllc \llddlc laaxl. Mum and .'\lj._‘llitlll\l.lll \lncc i933.

Vivid Voodoo l'nill 'lut- ‘~l ()cl. l'lt'L‘. l’llotogiapltx it} /lllll.’t photoiotlrnallxl l.t'\ Stonc cxploring tltc pl‘actlcc ol \oodoo on tltc (‘arlltltcalt l\l;tlltl ot llaltl.


ix King Strch 553 3l5l. 'luc Sat

lilaln 5pm.

The Jump Films l'ntll Sat ‘tJtln. .-\ \t't'lt'\ ttl \ltttl'l liltlt\ l1} .\l;ll'l\ Nmtllt‘. \thlclt \ltott thc al'tlxt tulitping or lalliltg llolit \lti'ltllh l‘l'ltlfJL‘S lit :\lll\lt'ltl;tlll. I’ll/J o/ (i/muott III/('I'Iltllllllltll.


35 .'\lllt'l'l l)i‘l\c. (LS-l5 Ht) 35lll. 'l‘uc l'ri Illattt 5pm; Sat & Stilt ltooit 5pnt. Streams of Story 'l‘ltrcc \lat'\. l'nlil Sun 3| .\la_\. Scc i‘ctlctt pagc ()3. lASl {,l lANtil l() Si l‘

Private Galleries


7‘ Roltcl'txoit Strcct. Stiltc it. How I. 3le i7] l. .\lon l'ri ltlatn 5pm; Sat ltoolt 5pln.

Dirk Bell Sat l3 .\la_\ Sal l7 Jtlit. .\'c\\ pttlllllllgN altd \\ttl'l\\ on papcr li_\ llll\ (ici'lnan artist. \\lltt\t‘ \\ttl'l\ ol'tcn lllt‘ltltlL‘S collagcx tltat la}ci dillcrcltt lt'L'lllllt]llL‘\ ol’ painting \t itlt papcr

dratt ingx altd \L‘lllpllll't‘. Nl Sl l()‘i.".’.


5 St .\lal'garct\ l’lacc. (l7Sl3 (M5745. lllll Sat l 5pm.

All Dressed Up with Nowhere to Go Sat 30 .\la_\ Sat 34 .ltllt. (ii'oup Slit)“ including \tot'k it} Agiticvka lit/c/anxka. l'l‘icdcrikc (‘lctci‘ and R}an l)oolait looking at llltllllt'llh ol' ilttilnac} altd ll'aglltt}. NE ‘1‘! Si ltWt’.

Artist Spaces

I ARTISTS IN EXILE GLASGOW 3 ll) ()\ltltl'ttt‘ Slt't‘t‘l. 5.53 7(t(t.\’. Sat noon .5pitt.

Open l'ntil l-l'i 3t) .ltin. l’icccx h) artixtx l'l'oln Koxmo. llulgaria. Iran and tltc l)clnoclatic chtlltlic ol' ('oltgo.


l‘lat 3/l. (t l)i\on Stl‘ccl. 07730 (tSl-ll5. 'l‘uc Sat noon 5pm.

Karla Black liolll' \ltll'S. l'ittil ill I” Ma}. ltoolt 5pm. .\'c\\ \ctllpttlral \torkx. \\ lticlt \taltd ax ph_\ \ical L‘\Pltll'tlll0ll\ into tltiltkiltg. l'cclilig. colnnttinitating and t'clating. I’ll/'1 or (i/mgotl' llllt'l'lltlllrllltll. Scc llitlixt. lASl CHANCl— l0 SEE:


38 King Strch 553 4Sl3. .\lon Sat 11am .5pnt; Stilt noon 5pm.

Fiona Jardine & Will Daniels l-‘otlr \tai'x. l'nttl Sat l3 .\la_\. l\ing intagcr} l'l'ont ’l'S liliol'x Sttccltc} ptk‘tlh. liiotta .lal'diltc'x ttork ix inllttcltccd It} u all painliltgx. rclict' Milk and lttctlictal acxtltcticx. \\'i|lialtt l)anicl\ ci‘calcx \lnall-xcalc paintingx. \\lllL‘ll rcl‘crcttcc l'aittotix ai'tttorkx It} ‘dl'll\l\ \llL‘ll itx ('c/aitttc altd Baxclitl. I’url ortilutgotr liili'riitllloilul. LAST CHANCE TO SEE.


5tl7 .-\lc\andl‘a Parade. 0778‘) 4S7‘H3. Sat & Stilt noon (tpnt.

Decors du Silence! Stilt 3t

Ma} Wed 7 Jtllt. For thc inatlgtil‘al c\hiltitiolt ilt this llC\\ \pacc/gallcr). Bcck) Bcaxlc} lta\ crcatcd an inxtallation ot’ pltotograpltic attd \L‘lllpllll‘ul \\ttl'k\ \\ lticlt disrupt tltc domestic L‘llVll’OlllilL‘lil. Open at \tcckcnds and b) appointment. Scc .-\t'thcat. NEW SHOW.



3 \lllt'kcl Slt‘cci. 53‘) “Ni. \lott Sat Illant 5pm: Sun itoolt 5pm.

Per Annum: Painting the Seasons l'ntll Stilt ‘) Jul. l .indxcapc \Hll‘kN \ltottlng tltc [‘QISSIIIfJ ol tltc \L'uStlllS artixtx Such a\ William .\lc'l'aggard. Jantcx lattton \Vntgatc .titd laitt l’illlL‘l'Sttll.

Rainbow City: Stories from Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Edinburgh l'ntll Sun ‘) .ltll. l‘l'cc. (‘ollcction ol' lnclnoraltllta troln tltc ‘Rclnclnltci' \Vltcn' lircltltc. \tlticlt lotth at hott tlic cilpltal\ l.( ill'l' ll\L‘\ lta\ c chaltgcd ltctttccn thc litth aitd 3 l \t CL‘llltll‘lL‘S.

Anatomy Acts Sat l5 .\la_\ Sun ‘) .ltll. l‘rcc. ()l'ganixcd in conitlnctlon

\\ itlt tltc Ro}al (‘ollcgc ol' Surgcottx this c\ltiltilion\ L‘\;lllllllL'\ tltc changing \ignilicattcc ol' altatoln} iit Scotland tt\ cr lltc last 5W) )L'ut'x. Nl W St l( )\.'.. Breaking with Tradition: British Art 1900-1975 Sat l3 Ma} Stilt ‘) .llll. l'il‘L‘C. \Vttl‘lu h} \Vallt'l‘ Sit’kt‘l'l. Stanlc} Spcltccr. l’ati'ick ('atlllicld attd l‘rank .-\ticrltacli charting tltc tlc\cloptttcnt ol' lttodcl'lt art ilt lll'tlain. Nl W St it )W.


33 3S ('ocklttlrn Strcct. 33(l l3ot). 'l‘tic Sat itoolt 5piit.

Amy Marietta 8- Ruth Claxton l'lttil Sat 3 Jtlli. Sculptural Milk and than ing\ that c\plorc tltc itatttrc ol rclatiomltipx. .llliitlt} Roltcl't'x \ idco \tork [film I. ('illn’ occtlpicx tltc l’t'oicct Room.


73 Bcll‘ord Road. (t34 (t3llll. l)ail§ l()ant Split.

After the War: Art from 1945—1955 l'ntil Still 4 .ltilt. Work it} lialtlttlx. lcgci‘. Bacon altd l‘l'ctid tll';l\\ n to ltigltligltt tltc tll\ ixion ltctttccit RL‘illlSIH and Altxtl'action.

Paolozzi oi the Month liter} 'l‘ltti. I345 1.30pm. Free. liach \tcck l)anicl llcl'rlnaltn. tltc l’aoloI/i curator. :Ji\c\ a talk on a dillcl‘cnt \tork li'ont tltc collection.

Paolozzi’s Patterns l'tttil Sun I I Jun. l)i\p|a} looking at the tlxt‘ ol' pattcl‘n ilt thc latc artist'x \Htl‘k. Visiting Picasso l'itlil Stilt ‘) .ltll. Kcillcr Librar) tllSPlil) doctintclttiltg tltc long-lasting l'l‘icndxhip hctttccn l’lL‘éhxtt and Roland l’L‘lll'USL‘.

I EDINBURGH PRINTMAKERS 33 l’ltion Strch 557 347‘). 'l‘uc Sat ltlant (tplll.

Jim Pattison 8- Nicola Murray l'ntil Sat 37 .\la_\‘. Jim l’attison'x \lltt\\ 'I'rumluli'om was crcatcd ilt l‘cxponxc to tltc artist‘s cxpcricncc ol' kidnc} dialtsis. \tltilc lit'lt/ h} Nicola .\ltll'l'a} lt‘alltl'cs cyaitot_\pc pt'llilx that ntintic botanical l'orntx.


4.5 Market SII'L‘CI. 3.3.5 333.5. Mon Sat l lant (tplll'. Stilt noon 5pm.

Fred Sandback l-‘ix'c \tar\. l'itlil Stilt 14 Ma}. l’rcc. Major rctl'oxpcctitc ol tltc latc .-\iitcricait ai'tixt'x \\til'l\. prcxcntcd ilt collaboration \\ itlt tltc KliliSllllth‘lllll l.icclttcn\tcin. LAST CHANCE TO SEE.


'l‘ltc Mound. 63-1 6300. Mott \Vctl & l-‘ri Stilt lllitlllspllll Thti ltlant 7pm. A Paper Menagerie: Animals in Art l'lttil Stilt 38 .\la_\. Prints and Llrtt\\ltig\ it) RlthHS. Hogarth. l)tlrcr and (ill) a looking at their depiction of alillllitlx.

Venus Rising l'ntil Stilt 38 .\la_\. l'tCC. lixhihitiott centred on 'l‘itian’x ‘.-\nad_\ontcitc' C\1lliilltlttg \chtcrn

.lrttxlx' taxclnatlon \\ ltlt tltc tclttalc ittldc

Mertoun House Tours Mon 15 Ma} l‘l‘l ltt Jtilt. ‘l l5.lin 1 45pm {l3 H. “H. .-\ gtildcd tlip to \lcltoun llouxc ncal \lcll'oxc to \cc lltolc ol tltc llllkc ol Sttthcllaltd\ art collcctton. l’llcc lllc'llltlL'S Ilanxpoi‘t. gtildc .iltd l'L‘ll't‘\lllllt'tll\. Ni Marvellous Myths on the Mound lit 1‘) \la}. I345 lillpin l-l‘cc lllll'tltltlt‘llltlt [it \ttlllt‘ t‘l lllt‘ t‘ll.tl.tt'lt‘l\ and \tol’lcx li‘oilt c|.t\\tc.ll lltttltologt lt_\ .\l.lttltc\\ \Vcllald

Signed Tour: Venus Rising Sun .‘l Ma). llalit noon. l’l'cc Sigitcd tout lot pt‘ttplt‘ \klltl .tl't‘ tlt‘dl. 'ltt l‘tmk .l pldc't‘. l;l\(t:~i(t-1»lllttl lL‘\lll—‘i\ll-l ‘Sllth‘

l‘.l NT


".5 Bcllord Road. 03-1 03”“. Hall} lilant 5pm.

The Smoking Room l'ntll Sun 3 .ltll. l)l\pla} ol \culpttirc and Plt‘llll'k‘S looking at tltc lllSltll'} ol \ntokittg lit all. Felicitas Vogler: World of Light l'ltlll Stilt ‘) .llll. l'rcc. l)l\p|;i} ot photographx h} tltc \tilc ol itl'll\l licn .\'lcltol\on.


l Qllt‘t‘lt Sil't‘t'l. (t3-l (t3llll \lltll \Vt'tl «V l‘rt Stilt Illaln Slilllllllll lllaltt 7pln, Thoroughly Modern Women 'l'ht'cc \tarx. l'ntil Mon 38 .-\tig. ,‘\\ a lollott up to 3(lll-l\ .lliu/u'n llmiil'll c\ltiltitlon. this \hott lllt‘ltltlL‘S portraitx til l't‘Spt'L‘lL‘tl SL‘ltlllSll lt‘lllttlt‘ lilt't'\ \llt‘li ax l)alnc llclcna KL‘llllL‘tl}. l)alitc l-lora .\lcl .L‘Utl til .\lt‘l.ctttl lllttl tltc lit'xl lclnalc Solicitor (icitcral. l‘.ll\ll .-\ngiolini.

Alter Ego l'lttil Still 0 Jul l'rcc. llttcracti\ c inxtallation \tltcl'c participants lta\c thcil' intagcx capturcd on a computer 'ittli'ror'. \thiclt thclt lttilltlt'S tltc i'cl‘lcction ot tltc participant aitd takcx on a lil'c ol il\ ott it. Fizzers: The Alternative National Portrait Gallery l'ntil Still 3 Jul. £3 tL'l t. ('aricattlrcx ot' l'aittoux Scotx. including .»\nnic l.cnno\. l,lllll. Rod Stctt art and In inc \Vc|\lt.

Great Scot! Reputations in Scottish History l'ntil Stilt ‘) Jul. l‘rcc. Displa} ol portraitx l'i‘oln tltc pcrntaltcnt collcctiolt lollotting a poll

to lind out who Sc‘tth ol toda} think ai'c

tltc nioxt \igniticaltt pcoplc llt tltc nation’x hixtor}.

Stranger Than Life: Four Hundred Years of Caricature l'lttil Stlit ‘) .ltll. li\ltiltition looking at cat'icattlrt'x iront :lcruxx tltc L'L‘llllll'it'S.


(icoi'gc l\' Bridgc. 33!» 453]. Mon Sat Illaln 5pilt1Sutt3 5pm.

The New Scots l'lttil Mon 33 Ma}. l‘l'cc. Photographs It} llcrntan Rodl'igtic/ c\ploring lltc ditcixc rangc ltl' Sotitlt .-\\ian L'Ulllllllllllllt'\ ilt Scotland. lASl CHANCE TO 8U .

I THE QUEEN’S GALLERY l’alacc ol llol}l‘oodhou\c. 556 5th“. l)ail_\ 0.30am (tplll.

Unfolding Pictures l'nlil Mon 3‘) Ma}. £5 tt-lt. li\ltibition ol otcr .S'tl tans lrotn tltc Rotal ('ollcctiolt dating l'l'oiit tltc taunt tip tllttil thc l‘l5tlx.


l5 Rtltland Square. 33‘) 7545. Mon l‘ri 0am 5pm.

Graeme Massie Architects l'ntil Hi 3 Jtllt. An mhihition ol rcccnt \tork by “in \UL'L‘L‘xxllll firm.

I ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN lli\L‘rlClllt House. 553 7l7l. 'l‘tic Stilt lilant 5.30pm.

Rungiah & Govindoo: South Indian Botanical Drawings and Rudolph Stingel: New Work 'l‘hrcc stars. l'ntil Stilt ‘) Jtil. l-‘rcc. Scc rcx ictt. page 93.

\flsual Art Art Beat

Gossip, chat and rumour from the gallery floor

l UBU Gallery, 3 new commercial venture by Richard Hopkins. will open with the first solo exhibition in Scotland by London-based artist Becky Beasley. The oft-site exhibition will take place in two rooms in a large Eastend tenement in Glasgow, with the gallerist hoping to find premises in the Salt Market later in the year. Beasley’s Decors du Silence! will examine the relationship between photography. the interior and “the artwork as decoration’. The exhibition will be open from Sun 21 May until Fri 7 July, at 507 Alexandra Parade, Glasgow. For more details visit ubuart.org.uk.

I COngratulations to Matt Stokes who won this year's Beck's Futures 5320.000 prize. Glasgow-based Sue Tompkins and Blood 'n' Feathers (Jo Robertson and Lucy Stein) Will be able to buy a few new sketchpads with their portion of the £18,000 being shred amongst the 13 (unlucky for some) losers.

I Glasgow International Festival of Contemporary Art, in partnership with Cove Park, has awarded its first arts residency to Jumana Emil Abboud. Abboud’s work is currently being shown as part of the Streams of Story exhibition at Tramway, Glasgow. Her work incorporates painting, video, performance and text-based elements to examine the visibility and invisibility of the Palestinian people.

Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art 8: Design Universitg of Dundee

13 Perth Road

T 01382 385330

E exhibitions©dundeeacuk wwwexhibitionsdundeeacuk www.dundee.ac.uk/pressoiiicex’degreeshowD6

' 71/: 'r'lit. 1/32", THE LIST 95