MuSic Rock&Pop

I Aquadynamic The Bongo ('luh. Moruy Hottsc. .37 Ilolymrd Roud. 558 7604. 7pm. £4 l£3i. |.i\e illltlltt/VISUHI perlormunce lll surround sotntd ol exiwrnnenlul music und I)Js,

I Open Mic Whistlebtnkies. 4 (i South Bridge. 557 5i l4. 9pm. l'ree. Just turn up and perlorm.

Tuesday 16


I The Kiteflying Club 'l'chui ()s'nu. 43 ()tngo Lune. 357 4534, 8pm. £3. Improvisation with members oi the Glasgow linpros'isers' ()rcheslru.

I Metric, Komakino und The Suffrajets Burn); 300(1)th Street. 0870 907 0999. 8pm. £(i. Metric ure u ’l‘orontirbuscd synlh pop bund. Komukino uti indie quintet lrottt Herb) and the Sullrujets un ull girl rumpuge leuturing ex-Bub) shumbles drtnntner (iemmu.

ii: Willy Clay Band und Southpaw The Arches. 353 Arg) Ie Street. 0870 340 7538. 8pm. £|0 (£8i. Wurm hurmonies and strong melodies ll'oln tilts Swedish ult.pop Americunu uel. l’uri of [fig li’ie ('uimlrt‘.

I Blue Rodeo King 'l‘ut‘s Wuh Wuh Hut. 373st St Vincent Street. 331 5379. 8.30pm. £l0. AILcounlr)’ veteruns who ure lltussiVe itt their nutive (‘unudu

I Louie Nice'n'Sleuz). 43l Suuehiehull Strcci. 333 0900. 8.30pm. £lhc. Sec Mon I5.

I Fmthing Mucus Bur Bloc. l l7 0th Street. 574 (i066. 9pm. Free. Livingston bund marking u noise in the vein of ex— l’uith No More mun Mike l’utton's Mr Bungle outfit.

I The Kays Lavelle, Dead Fly Buchowski und Rory McFarlane l3lh Note (Bile. 50 ()0 Kiitg Street. 55.3 I638. 9pm. £3. The Kuys l.u\'e|le ure un Iidinburgh quintet blending li‘ugile uttd durk gttitur rock. Bluesy rockers |)eud Fly Buchowski join thetn on the bill.

Ai Neate

70 THE LIST 1 1—25 May 2006


I Drive By Argument, Odeon Beat Club ultd The Rushes (‘uburcl \itllulrc. Vt ib' Bluir Slrccl. 330 (tl‘b 7pm. £5. Much luncted rocking quintet. l)rt\e b} Argument. \slio cunte together us purt of u ntusic course urtd huse gone on to surpuss e\ en their unit e\pcctulions_ I’u/‘I u] liei'r/i‘sl

I The Hub und Micah Blue Smaldone Henr} ‘s ('ellur Hut. 8 lm Morrison Street. 338 9393. 7 30pm. £(i l£5i. Nest York usunt gurde |u// trio “hit count ('hurles lses. littstu Ril}lllc‘s und Sluyer us influences. Should be interesting. l’uri oi 'Iifll’l"('\l.

I Ramblin’ Jack Elliot The l’leusunce ('uburet Bur. (ill The l’leusunee. b50 3349. 7. 30pm. U 3 l-olk ntusic pioneer uiid \sundering L‘tthtti} minstrcl.

I The Dirty Cake 'l'hc I.ell Hunk. 37 (itilbrie Street. 335 9744. 8pm. l'tcc. Night oi expermtentul tmprosised noise. I Band Showcase \k'histlelunkies.

4 (i Sotttlt Bridge. 557 5| l4, 9pm, l-iee. (‘ull in ud\unce l’or u


I Master Musicians from the Crooked Road Arts (illlltl ’l‘heutre. ('umpbell Street. 01475 73 i038. 8pm. £l0. See Sun l4.

Wednesday 1 7


I Dinosaur Jr ABC 3.10 Suuclneliull Street. 3.33 3333. 7pm. £l(i.50. 'l‘he retttrn ol' the Americun indie/grunge godheuds led b) stoner dude .I Muscis. I Every Time I Die, It Dies Today und Protest the Hero The (iurugc. 490 Suuchiehull Street. 333 I I30. 7pm. £ I 3.50. User» l4s shim. Whole Itillu dying goin' on. l’;ll'l}c‘ttl't‘ combo l-'.\er) Time 1 Die recent!) toured \\ itli .\1_\ ('hemieul Romunce which must huxe been u bui'rel oi luughs.

Songstress Andi Neate incorporates folk and jazz influences into her acoustic sound. Having played fiddle with Salsa Celtica and performed at the likes of Celtic Connections, Ronnie Scotts and Glastonbury her gentle style crosses many boundaries. I 13th Note Cale. Glasgow, Wed 77 May; the Bongo Club. Edinburgh, Thu 78 May.

I Acoustic Open Stage The Hull Bur. lh0 \Vtxtdlunds Roud. 353 9mm 8pm l'ree. Weekl} unplugged session I Decapitated Sotmdhuus. 47 listlepurk Street. 33l tom 8pm l.tti\ i. £9 (£7 membersi l’olish pruclttioners ol Reul |)eulh Melul \\ ho curt \lllll Hill .1 luke .0 .t lllllltlfL‘ti p.1ct‘\

I Eddy Fink, 1,2,3 and the Fours and Opportunity Club 'i'ht- .-\ttic. 5b |)undus Street. 35‘ h040. 8pm. l‘ree

I.ocu| bund lineup.

I Michael Simons 'l'chui ()tnu. lot) |)eunslon l)rt\e. M9 7358. 8pm. £3. (ilusgots bused gutturist p|u_\ntg tolk. blues uitd be}ond.

* Ramblin’ Jack Elliot The Arches. 353.»\rg}|t' Slim-1.0870 340 7538. 8pm. £l3.50 l£l I50) See 'ltlc lb, ’uri of [fig my (‘uiiitlrtz

I Your Scarecrow und Placer Hurll). zoo ('l'ule SlrecL 0870907 out» 8pm. £4. l’osl hurdcore. emo ish sottiids lrom Your Scurecroxx.

I Blackbud, Kharma 45 und Magdalen Green King 'l‘ut‘s \Vuh Wuh lltit. 373u St Vincent Street. 33! 5379 8.30pm. £0 Rock trio influenced b} Hendrix. /.ep. Rudioheud und Buckle.“ Jel'l' uttd 'l‘im ts ho hu\ e beett giggittg uround \sith Kuiser ('hiels uiid tlte Bees. I Andi Neate, Finlay Morton und John Alexander |3th .‘s'ote (Kile. 50 oil Kittg Street. 553 l(i38. 9pm. £3. l-olk und iu/l sl}llllgs lrom singer/songtsritei Neule.

I Claire Wood und Caragh Nugent Bur Bloc. I I7 Bulb Street. 574 b066, 9pm. Free. Intense btit intimute piunoidmen muleriul lrom Wood's lutesl ulbum 'l'lii' Rm! n/i/ir' Rites. She is joined by the Joni Mitehell/(‘urole King-influence Nugent. I Luke Doucet Heuriscene. 38 43 \‘t'oixllunds Roud. .353 9800, 9pm. l‘ree. ('unudiun sitiger/songwriter touring in support (it his new ulbtntt Broken.


I Kevin Bowyer St (iiles‘ (‘utlic-tlrul. Royul Mile. 335 9443. 7.30pm. £8 (£5). (‘ontemporury orgun recitul ol‘ Smrions o/ (/H' (Toys by (iilcs Swuyte. I’ilrl HfSI’III-f Fusion.

I King Biscuit Time The Venue. l7 3i ('ulton Roud. 557 .3073. 7.30pm. £8.50. (‘.'\N(‘li|.l.lil).

I The Swing Kings und The Belrocks The Jum House. 5 Queen Street. 336 4380. 7.30pm. l-‘ree. Big bund und stt ing lollowed b) some good old l'ushioned roek'n'roll.

I RB Morris The Villugc. In South l-‘on Street. l.eith. 478 780). 8pm. £10. ('ountr)‘ liom Morris who inspired the likes oi Lucindu Williums und Steve liurle. I The lso Bar Open Mic lso Bur. 7 Bernurd Street. 4(i7 8904. 8.30pm. Free. All styles welcome.

I Rost, Dovetail und The Cigarettes Whistlebinkies. 4 (i Sotttlt Bridge. 557

5| l4. 9pm. Free. Indie nigltl.

Thursday 18


* Howe Gelb & the Voices oi Praise Gospel Choir The Arches. 253 Arger Street. 0870 340 7538’. 8pm.

£ l 3.50 I050). Americunu slur uttd .surdonie l'rontmun ol' (iiunt Sund perl'orms muteriul lrom his new ulbtnn Sim Angel like You. Port of Big lire ('oimlrt. Sec preview. puge ()0.

I The Long Walk Home, Shoreline Alarm, The Temps, Stop Calling Me Frank und Best Before End The (‘uthouse. l5 l'nion Street. 348 ()(iiih. 7pm. £5. ()ter- |4s shots. Rock hill.

I Mates of State und The New Pornographers :\B(‘3. 3.30 Suuchiehull Street. .333 3333. 7pm. £l3. Mules oi State are un orgun'n'dnims-plu) ittg murried couple l‘ront Sun Francisco ts hose music runs the gumul from sweet to spuslie - their description. political correctness luns. The} ure joined b} Neko (‘use's \"uncoux'er ull.countr} combo the New Pornogruphers.

I Duke Special und Thomas Truax Burfl}. 360 ('lyde Street. 0870 907 0999.





1 They’re nothing to do with Brian Jones The Brian Jonestown Massacre are nothing to do With Brian Jones. the founder member oi the Rolling Stones found dead in his swimming pool at the age of 27. Except that they're a bit obsessed with his death. which has plenty conspiracy theories around it.

2 And they're nothing to do with the Jonestown Massacre. The Jonestown massacre was a mass cult suicide in Guyana in the 703 where almost a thousand people were found poisoned to death. There are plenty of conspiracy theories about it. The CIA were involved. Allegedly.

3 So who the hell are they? A SOs-influenced psychedelic rock outfit formed in POrtland. Oregon and now based in New York, centred around the idiosyncratic world view of multi-instrumentalist and main songwriter Anton Newcombe. The band have been going tor over a decade. released a dozen albums. and had loads ol members, including also-rans from the Black Rebel Motorcycle Club.

4 They are very definitely not the Dandy Warhols Newcombe featured heavily in rockumentary DIGI. which showed the divergent careers of his band and the Dandy Warhols, former pals. now arguing like hellcats all the time.

5 They're nuts In the aforementioned film and countless interviews. Newcombe comes across as an unhinged and unstable character, rambling gibberish about all sorts at every opportunity. As a result, live events are always unpredictable. Worth checking out, then. (Doug Johnstone)

I ABC, Glasgow, Tue 23 May

7.30pm. £6. AKA Peter Wilson lront Bellusl. who has impressed the \N'hilc Stripes und the Hises with his grumiiphone-bueked ulter-ltours bulludeering. supported by 'l'ruux und his murselloUs homemude instruments.

I Lilly O’Ie & Friends 'l'chui (him. 43 ()lugo Lune. 357 4534. 8pm. £3. Molilhi)‘ night ol mixed sounds.

I RB Morris The Slulc Bur. I48 Hollund Street. .333 3l59. 8pm. £8. See Wed I7. I Volcano! und Galchen The Hold. The Admirul Arms. 73u Wuterloo Street. 33l 7705. 8pm. £5 (£4). See Mon [5.

I The Zephyrs The (ioul. I387 Argyle Street. .357 7373. 8pm. Free. Mesmeric lklinhurgh bund play inuteriul from their four albums to date.

I Juliet Turner und Brendan Campbell King Tut's Wuh Wuh Hut. 373;: St Vincent Street. .353 8000. 8.30pm. £l0. ('hirpy Irish songstress Juliet Turner blends pop and folk elentents in her songs.