
Odeon At The (Iuay, Glasgow

()11 l’01\11'} R11011.0141 429 7027 111111 01111 ('(’ 11111110111" 01171 22 44 007. [1)] 11:1 Atlllllx U11pr1'11111'r \1'0ls 111901. ('11111'1'xs111nx L4 25 1pr1'11111'1 \1'01\ 14 501 1011111} 111‘111'1 £111 1.11'1'11x1'111101‘

1HUPSUA/ 1 1

American DreamZ1l2A1 1.111. 9.15. Confetti1151 1.15. 345. (1.15. 11.45 Eight Below 11’(i1 11111111.

iceAge 2:The Meltdown 111 1.00. 1.111. 11.111

Inside Man1151 2.30. 5.10. 3.10 Ml:3: Mission Impossible III 1 12.-\1

11111111. 11111. 2110. 1.011. 4.00. 5011. 11.110. 7.1111. 0.110. 11.00. Prime1l2.1\1 1245. 3.15. 5.45. 010

ScaryMovie41151915. TheShaggyDog11'11215.

She’s the Man112.-\1 2.15. 4.111. Silent HIII1151 1.1111. 1115. 168locks112.-\1 1 15. 3.45. (1.30. 11.10.

36 ChinaTown112.-\1 2.45. 5.45. 11.00. Three1151 11111111. 715. 9.30.

11111,)AY 1}), 1HUHSDAY 18

American Dream 1 12.-\1 1)011_\: 3.30. 9.15.

Confetti 1151

0011): 1.15. 3,45. (1.15. H45. The Da Vincl Code 1 12.-\1

1.011' 11111: 12.010111.

Eight Below 11’( 11

M011111'1' S01: 1 1.000111.

Ice Age 2: The Meltdown 111 1)011_\: 1.15. 3.45. (1.30. Also 1110111111 801 1k S1111: Inside Man 1 151

D011}: 2.30. 5.30. 3.30. Ml:3: Mission Impossible III 1 12.-\1 D011): 11111111. 1.00. 2.00. 3.00. 4.00. 5.00. (1.00. 7.00. 8.00. 9.00. .-\1\11111011111'1' $01 1& Sun: 11.000111. .'\1\111011‘ 1'11 1& .5012 111.00. 11.00, Prime 1 12M

1)011_\: 12.45. 3.15. :\1x11 1011' 1'11 & $01: Scary Movled 1 151 0011}: 1.30. 3.30. The Shaggy Dog1l'1 “011): 11111111.

She’s the Man 1 12.-\1 D011}: 12.30. (1.45. Silent Ill" 1 15) D011}: 9. I 5.

16 Blocks 1 12A) 0011}: 1.30. 4.00. (1.30. 9.30.

36 China Town 1 12A1

0011): 5.45. 9.00.

Walk the Line (Senior Screening) 1 I2.\1 M011111'1' '1'111': 10.300111.

When a Stranger Calls 1 151

1)011_\: 2.15. 4.30. (1.45. 9.30.

Yours, Mine and Ours 1l’(;1

3111111111801 1k 81111: 12.15.

Showcase Cinema, Coatbridge

$111M 1‘0x1' 1.1'1xu1‘1' P011. 10111121111111 R0011. (11011111111212 11110 11111': 01230 434434. ('(’ 111111101112: 01230 438000. |1)|. |1i|.£5.(10 1124.50 before (1pm). ('111111/().-\1’: £4.50; 8111110111: L4. 1111' 011 111'10'1x: L450: 8111111'111 £4.

Provisional times only at time of going to press.

LljiJBSDAY 1.1.

American Dreamz1 12.-\1 11.20.1111. 9.45.

An American Haunting 1 151 111.115. Confetti1151 11.450111. 2.15. 4.45. 7.15. 9.45.

Eight Below1l’(11 11.15.1111. 2.05.

ice Age 2: The Meltdown 11'1 1121011111.


5.45. 8.30. 11.15.

11119-411111 25'

54 THE LIST 1 1—25 May 2006

11111111. 2.00. 2,30. 4511. 51111. “011 (1.311.

Inside Man1151 440. 1015

Love+iiate1151 11.00.1111. 115. H11.

11.011. 11.110.

Ml:3: Mission Impossible III 1 12.-\1 11.00.1111. 12.10. 1.00. 130. 2.00. 3.111. 4.1111. 4.30. 5.1111. 11111. 71111. 7.311. 0.00. 11311. 1111111. 111211

The Pink Panther mm 11 1111.1111 Prime112.-\1715. ScaryMovie41151455. T :11. 11411 She’s the Man112.-\1 1511. 4211

Silent lliII1151 11000111. 140. 425. 7.15. 10.15. 16 Blocks112.-\1 12111. 25.5. 510. 7.411. 111.111.

Slither1l51745. 111115 Take the Lead112.-\1 11 10.1111. 7.35.


Three1151 115011111. 2.25. 4511. 7211.



American Dream: 1 12.-\1 D011): 11.200111. 9.45. Confetti 1 151

11.111}; 11.450111. 2.15. 4.45. 9.45.

.1\1\111011' 1'11 1& $01: 12.150111. The Da Vincl Code 1 12.\1 1.011"1'1111: 12.010111.

Eight Below MM

0011}: 11.150111. 2.05.

Ice Age 2: The Meltdown 111 0011}: 11.300111. 11111111. 2.00. 4.30. 5.00. 7.00. 9.30. .-\1\111011' 1'11 1& $01: 11111111132111. Inside Man 1 151

1)011_\': 4.40. 10.15.

Ml:3: Mission Impossible ill 1 12.11 1)011_\: 11.000111. 12.30. 1.00. 1.30. 2.00. 3.30. 4.00. 4.30. 5.00. (1.30. 7.00. 7.30. 3.00. 9.30. 10.00. 10.20. .-\1\11 1011' 1511 1k 501: 11.00. 12.300111. Prime 1 12.-\1

[)1111): 11.500111. 2.20. 4.50. 7.35. 10.05.

:\1\11 1011‘ 1'11 1k 501: Scary Movie 41151 0011)? 4.55. 7.25. 9.40.

Also 1011' 1'11 11 801: 11111111112111. She’s the Man 1 12.-\1

D011}: 1.50. 4.20. 7.10.

Silent Hill 1 151

D011}: 11.000111. 1.40. 4.25. 7.15. 10.15.

16 Blocks 1 12A) 1)011_\: 12.10. 2.35. .-\1\11 1011‘ 1'11 1& Sill:


5.10. 7.40. 12.400111.

11. .

17“ I}

g". \

The Hundred Steps


_ lb


11.111} " 211. 1150

.-\1\11 1011‘ 1'11 1K 501 12 250111 TaketheLead112.-\1

1)011_\ 11 100111. 155. 2 35

WhenaStrangerCalls1151 D011} 11550111. 225. 440. 745. 955

.-\1x11 1011' 11‘! 1k S01

Showcase Cinema, Paisley

(11111111.1\\1'11111'. 1’11111'111\ till\lIIL‘\\ P0111. 01411515701111.1010 014115370150 ((3 11111110113.» 0.x.“ 2211 1111111. 11)] 11:] 1'5 511 114 25 M1111 1'1'1111'1011'0111111 ('111111/().-\1’: £4 20. 3111111111 1.4

11110-1» 13.15

12 150111

1111' 011

Prov1310nal tImes only at t1me of going to press.


American Dreamz112.-\1 11.20.1111. 945. AnAmerican Haunting1151 5.111. 111115 Confetti1151 11450111. 215. 445. 7.15. 9.45.

Eight Below1l>111 11.15.1111. 2.115. IceAge2:TheMeltdown11'1 11 1011111. 11111111. 2.00. 2.30. 4.30. 5.00. 700. 11.30.

InsideMan1I51 10.15. Love+Hate1I51 11.00.1111. 115. 3.111. 11.110. 3.110.

Ml:3: Mission Impossible III 1 12.-\1 11.000111. 12.30. 1.00. 1.30. 2.00. 1.111. 4.00. 4.10. 5.00. 11.311. 7.1111. 7.30. 3.110. 11.30. 111.111. 10.20.

The Pink Panther 11*(11 11.00.1111. Prime1l2.-\1 7.15.

Scary Movie41l51 4.55. 7.35. 9.40. She’stheMan112.-\1 1.50. 4.211. SIIentHIII1151 11.00.1111. 1.411. 4.25. 7.11). 9.55.

16 BIocks112.-\1 12.10. 2.35. 5.111. 7.40. 10.111.

Slither1151 7.45. 1005.

Take the Lead 1 12.1\1 11.10.1111. 1.55. 7.25.

Three1151 11.500111. 2.25. 4.50. 7.20.



American Dream 1 12.-\1 1)011_\': 11.200111. 9.45.

Also 1011' 1‘11 & $01: 12.150111. An American Haunting 1 151 11.111}: 5.10. 111.05.

:\1.\0 1011' 1'11 1& 801: 12.200111.


r 1' ‘14

The Cinema Sud season, highlighting filmmaking in the South of Italy rumbles on.


One of the highlights in this part of the season is Marco Tullio Giordana’s unusual anti Mafia flick from 2000. The title refers to the distance between the Impastatos’ family house and the house of an important Mafia boss in the small Sicilian town of Cinisi. One of the impastatos’ children, Peppino (Luigi Lo Cascio), grows up to be a left-wing activist, and much against the advice of the silent majority goes on to repeatedly denounce the Mafia crime boss. This is well worth checking out if you have not seen it before. in Edinburgh the film will be introduced by List contributor and lecturer at the University of Edinburgh Pasquale Iannone. I GFT. G/asgow [11111 78 May only); Fi/mhouse. Edinburgh (Sun 27 May only).

Confetti 1 151 D011) 11450111. 215. 4 45. ‘15. 9 50 .-\1~111011' 1‘11 1\ .501 12 150111


1.011' 11111 12010111

Eight Below 11’( 11

D011} 11 150111. 205

Ice Age 2: The Meltdown 111

0011} 11 300111. 11111111. 2 00. 2 30. 415. 51111. "1111,0111

.-\1\111011' 111 1\ S01 11111111112111

Ml:3: Mission Impossible III 1 12.-\1

1)011) 1100.1111. 12 30. 100. l 30. 2011. H0. 400. 410. 51111. 11111. 700. 7311 5011 9 30~ 1000. 10211 .'\1\01.il1‘ 1111\ .501 11 011. 12 3110111 Prime1l2.\1

1)01|_\. 11500111. 2 20. 4 50. 2 35. 100.5

.-\|\0|011'1‘1'11\ S01 12 350111 Scary Movie 41151

l).111_\. 455. 7 i5. 9 411 .1\1\111011' 1-11 1\ S01 She's the Man 1 12.-\1 1)011_\' 150. 4 20_ 7115 Silent Hill 1 151 D011} 11 000111. 111 15

16 Blocks 1 12.-\1 0011} 1210. 2 3.". :\1x11 1011' 1'11 1k 801 Slither1 151

D0111 ".45. 1005 .-\1\11|011'1'111\ S01 Take the Lead 1 12.-\1 D011}: 11.100111. 1.55. 7.25

When a Stranger Calls 1 151

0011): 11550111. 2.25. 4.40. 745. 9,55 .>\1\11 1011' 1‘11 1& 801' 12.150111

IICI Clydebank

(1101' 11112101101 ('1'1111'1'. (111114101111. 11871 22 44 007. ID]. 1570114 70 M1111 111 0911111 5111111. (‘111111/():\1" L420. 8111111110 {570114.70 M1111 11111 111'11111' 5111111


1 ~10. 4 25. 710.

5 10. 7411 12400111


12 350111


Confetti1151 3.40. 11.10. 11.40.

IceAge 2: The Meltdown 111 .1511. 11.20. 3.30.

Ml:3: Mission Impossible iII 1 1241 11111111. 1.1111. 2.1111. .1110. 4.011. 5.1111. 11.1111. 7.1111. 11.00. 11.00.

Prime112A1 1.40. 4.111. 11.40. 1115 She'stheMan112A1 .110. 5.411

Silent IIIII1151 2.10. 5.111. 11.20.

16 BIocks112.-\1 3.20. 5.511. 11.10. TaketheLead112A1 11.10.

Three1151 1.511. 4211. 11.40. 1115


Confetti1l51 D011}: 1.50. 4,15. (1.50. 9,10. ElghtBeIOW1l’(i1

Mulincc 80111; Sun: 11.150111. iceAge2:TheMeltdown1l'1 1)011_\: 1.40. 3.50. (1.20.

Alw 111011111'1' S01 15'; Sun: 1 1.300111. Ml:3: Mission Impossible ill 1 12.111 \\'1'1'11110}\: 1.00. 2.00. 3.00. 4.00. 5.00. (1.00. 7.00. 11.00. 9.00.

801 8% Sun: 11.000111. 11111111. 1230. 2.00. 3,00. 3,30. 5.00. (1.00. (1.30. 8.00. 9.00. 9.30. Plin1e1121\1

1)011): 3.15. 5.45. 11.30. :\1\0 111011111'1' $01 1% $1111: ScaryMovIe41151 0011}: (1.40. 8.50. She’stheMan1l2.-\1 0011}: 1.30. 4.00. Silent lllll1151

[)2111}: 2.30. 5.30. 11.20. 16 Blocks112A1

D011): (1.30. 9.15.

Take the Lead 112.41 [)011): 8.45. Wailace816rornltzTheCurseoithe Were-Rabblt1l.'1

Mulincc 501 65; Sun: 11.000111. WhenaStrangerCaiis1151

D011): 1.15. 3.30. (1.00. 8.15. Yours, Mine and Ours 1P(i1

Daily: 2.10. 4.20. Also matinee Sal 1’51 Sun:


1 1.450111.