
Reviews H , g


BEAUTIFUL KNIGHT . .. ;. , ;. . ,-- Tron Theatre. Glasgow. Wed 3-Fri 5 1 . '_ - _ z ‘1 -. . . . 1

May ,.

"': "z to '1. .r «1». :' . r' a J ¢': 0 o... z o o l 1'! A, It 'vr }, r ’l ', I u | , .v ,r it“. I r, , ° " l ‘r r l i a Prwrr». '»‘:rr':v in“): rl."r‘ « ' ' ' L" i l l'fi t’ 1'" ' {)tl' l1 :' I ' . I E , VTY v .‘t‘. .‘r 7‘, ° I (t, '1‘» "(2' r'r'etar t li-alr °‘»llt ow. .‘utr: l. .r'. tlre‘ )lt'a‘ntl‘rti't t' ill)lt“‘i .‘ai'irl l r. ,0" SWAN LAKE r" r w . " ll.'\ri‘' Edrnburgh Festival Theatre, Tue 2-Sat 6 May . »\ tar‘v ,t'rrt :rlLl‘?’.">l " rl " 'tr 2" :t.

The last time English National Ballet performed in Scotland, they were r )r.~r l “ranrrwl. f'tw r w r: r n it its surrounded by royalty and the smell of wet paint. The company‘s lavish tr: tlfltfh' : tr :1?» ,-r art 1 mt» Ir, .-..*: production of Sleeping Beauty was the first show to grace the Festival lhimlt'l arr r.-.r~. or I. ‘tt t r I?» ‘rr Theatre stage when it re-opened with a royal gala in 1994. And twelve 12min, rrrrmror arr .rtr H‘ii'l' l n: years later, they're finally coming back, with another Tchaikovsky classic - \.r:r‘. rrttrw ’trorratw rr::at:r ,vturrr; illr'l' .1 Swan Lake. tr turn of It". l’lrrliril ltrr luv, at r n! illt‘

With a new artistic director, Wayne Eagling at the helm, ENB is an rlé: .tliarr. as. a rrr rrrrril‘t ,rtr .rr‘rl undergoing an exciting period of change. Eagling’s tenure at Dutch tnr: ‘rrlr an .Jar‘rrl than atnrr M! h -.~- r National Ballet produced all manner of interesting projects, sure to be r otalrlr: await. the rla'k rtiam .w‘n. repeated at the London-based company. Swan Lake, however, is the work talwn to ‘.'/lr<:rr an rrrté 'rltrlwl .trrrurf, r. of ENB‘s previous artistic director, Derek Deane. A sumptuous production the StLtfllQ: rnroht .rlroarlt, hr; onwwmt which sticks to the traditional story that is loved the world over. Having at. hot rton't ltfi that stop you danced in five different versions of the ballet, Principal dancer Thomas tilitrlldllltl this; rinrn hot llillHlllllltl nrtrrtt Edur knows it inside out. ‘Most of the productions of Swan Lake I’ve of tltmttrir, rSitr‘nIt (Jrarnmr

danced in were very traditional,’ says Edur. ‘And Derek’s is the same - very V I _ straightforward, not overdone.’ LFfig’x‘EOLLECTION For Edur, the musuc IS as much part of the ballet’s appeal as the Citizens Theatre. Glasgow, um” Sat to m ritutlfrrv r-a -' .-.l:r r .r r' .4 :' t choreography: ‘Tchaikovsky IS always great to dance to, and there’s so 29 Apr, then touring .... not iii-nut: r: Hm Irrdr rm r' r- much emotion and story in Swan Lake, it’s quite simple music but r‘. {,lll‘.?rtll’ in r. t r ' beautiful.‘ In Edinburgh, Edur will take on the role of doomed hero, Prince Simallrng; (Zl(:(lli rant hills; and on frtrarr'irel, '~:llr|"rlf)',' -' r: « ' Ml Siegfried playing opposite his wife and fellow-Estonian, Agnes Oaks as opened irnal (l(;rrran(l:. (tlU tltr: out, lorrravr. r‘, ran {:5 fr .211! rt w, ". Odette/Odile. The couple have had a long and successful relationship with lrttlra secrets; lll(l(l(:ll rn top (lrax'm‘, rn lrr .trnrrar; man . aw: ENB since 1990. ‘We‘ve been associated with English National Ballet for rnrllrons; oi hornet; across a natron so rrnartrn. -ri rim ur'rw, w m.- over 15 years now, it's our home,’ says Edur. ‘lt’s a hard working company, obsessed \‘Jrllt plastic that our 'r and this Swan Lake is a very special production. But the real stars are the personal debt stands. (gorntortalm, rrr throary 'rr‘ f: r" 1,.r n ' corps de ballet, who work amazingly hard - the precision is unbelievable tlrr: ll'llllt)llf;. In ill(:ll pltflllltlllwll ot lvlrkr: ‘,7.'ili(.': : )7 mm :r' and I'm very proud to be part of it.’ (Kelly Apter) Cullen}: lilillllil Hitl)illl(' "llriratrr- it “3: n.

urrrrrr rlrtl'itl .rttwr‘wlr. ;rt

Nr norm K Traverse Theatre, Edinburgh, until Sat 29 Apr 000

Kafka}. rlark ‘.lt;lt)llf) oi a trrrrreatrttatg, :rrrlrttortrr‘t to intrr'art r:rrrr,tv,rraf r' 'tww .r. t: , .r ,-.- hat; long f$|lltiti hart an lllflll‘tllf't: on Brrtrnn theatre; l-rorn [fir-wot” 't' f :rw: rlarr'a’rn' Il.rlt’r'[lr'.‘7tfill/TLJh/S. to a t;t.<:r:(:‘;rsron at nus. .'.rrt‘:r:, lilitllll', ‘lillti':73’,°:’l t,, a r»- _' rim t;lr;t<lo.'. of Kafka hat; 'ntrnq ’,".‘:l amoral ourrcratrun‘) ut' t'rruatrro r,ra ,trTrx-N', I' Ciii’lrltfi' latest. it i’l‘- work of (lll(:tli()l Stuart Murrtoclx r‘. argt'rrrx; to tr, llv, nwx. rum; 'trz.“ I": .' illt:flli(:l£ttl£t;)iill(if\l(ilt(:?$.(:Yllitfl‘ffi(1‘.‘.’()ll’l“,itllilfri(tl‘)€:l,n"lt 1":‘3d'r tf'gr' ‘r:' W. ' llili,.’.tritltrlt:1lillltillgllliil(:(l£lll\r,";i'lll)‘:l‘;t;if’i‘:/\l’,ll‘:‘ ‘1, rrr: 19703,"). "t. t ,r‘ "~ (Bill'illlt r: L t a gloomy anri (,gt‘Jfl'ltAlf, r,rr,-"urrrrarrr,r; gnaw,- tr. urrr Unfrax, i "VII: _; 2' x :w’:. ' -*

in; '.rtl€:rt l)l()lt:(iil()ll fluke-rs on the; iJQll‘: .varl into“: on. .2"; arr: wan ."‘:’l r,, “.09. l-’:-’

“.‘.<:tl<t<allr l), tth Iroltt ot {1(Litlltll(:. anrt taunt ,-,r;,r‘trnt/r innrr: is illar'fl, a infra" gr .211? w: nc’u’: and K Russel! LUICH‘. the net r concernrxt, ,ir-rr r, ar‘rrorr‘trzt 77/ 5: a" x: I. :21". 1' giant's-s. frnarl', arrays late anrl rs; Ltllllr’l fru'n tr:-',- atrrtrrxtcr; at 't' ;,t.‘. :x: r“: i'fm' ":“1 11‘ a successszon of llliLUllilfltillzfllffllglt: <;tlrr<;al ’,<,ll.l;'lil’)l.f, illil,’)‘)‘:’l r,. :z', zi,‘ l',’,7:i‘: t It.“ t“ ' sun? on a (lirtéil’tlciln: rotrrrre,p sornetrrnes timotan the pertorrrrarm; Mil/51’}:

All t‘rrrs rs .ltilit‘: t;orrtp<;alrng anrl '.rsuail§.' Sgtr:l<rrrr;. DUI/1r“! .‘xorrttcr‘, whether. ‘:.~’:rr at a r .;Yrr[:.irair‘.£:l, short length, the Earnng rttea that ohms most of the ctr/r; rrnrtr: wot/tr". sustain Certainly“ there's;aflnaletitaf i‘iiClSa‘JtP _:'rr;.'."lrr-’:r,torr. out f‘r','r.vgtf [1‘17/1‘373‘: to: atv. O" tr"; ..{,t5!{}(:. 3"»: ',‘ast. all T":'£:€:. gm; strong a”: .‘~';’. .'.::f',"::r,‘-’: Lifter" I:' 8%. at": Dexrne‘s tatatrstrc nostess. (glad .n the Beckettrarr tatte's of ‘orrna? dress. pry/narer t'r‘: 0'th rook

it’ldi'“ teal"; .D‘u‘i the M00% In ,OLr. Not qurte a CLOil‘rlJlEl‘: night out. this rs r::;.'r;r‘.rr(:le'/, arr rntrrgtrrng signal or {joterttral from a mung corrrpany. Steve Crarngr,

90 THE LIST Ar" Max 3.0::