Music Rock&Pop '
I Big in Falkirk (‘alicndar i’ark tk Various, 0| 324 503770 noon-l lpiii. Scc Sat 2‘) 'ititia} is |i\c acts lllciutic Mltlgc l'rc and ()r\()ll
I Snow Patrol and The Cinematics ABC. 330 Saiichichall Strcct. 332 2232. Tillpni. SUN) ()1 "'l' ()\L'f-l-1\ \ilti“, 'i'hc :iiithciiiic indic i‘ockcrx pi’cpai‘c thc \Hl} loi' ncu album I:\('\ (""71 unit llll\ hoiiicconiing show
I Take That and Beverley Knight SH ‘( '. i‘innicxtoii ()ua}. 0870 0.10 4000. 7. illpiii. £25—U5 Scc Sun 30.
I Gilby Clarke, Doug Doppler, Redstar Rebels and Still Life 'l‘hc (‘athousu i5 l'nion Sti'cct. 248 0000. 7.30pm. i ii). ()\L‘t‘- l 4\ show. (iunx'ii'Roxcx iiian ('lai‘kc hcadlincx. htit \\ c i'cckon Doug i)opp|ci' has lhc licxl rock star naiiic lll thc l‘tltllll.
I Acoustic Jam \icc'ii'Slc;i/_\. JZI Satichichall Sti'cct. 333 0000. 8pm. l‘rcc. \Vcckl} \houcaxc ltit' local song“ i‘itcrx pci'loi‘iiiiiig original inatcriai.
I Hell is for Heroes, Fickle Public and Orko Bar”). 200 ('|}dc Strcct. 0870 007 000‘). Spin. 9; I0. 'l'hc 2 I \t ccnttii‘} aitci'nati\ c to i)io. ilcil is for iicrocx arc a catct‘xuitiling cino rock combo.
I The Upper Room, Cord and My Architects King Tut's Wait Wait iiiit. 272a St Vinccnt Sti‘cct. 22! 527‘). 3.30pm. U). Brighton-basal post- (‘oldpltn l'otiitpiccc.
I Delays 'i‘i‘ic Liquid Room. ‘ic Victoria Strcct. 225 250-1. 7pm. U i. i’i'ctt} ho} qtiai‘tct thc Inlays haxc hccn making thc acqtiaintancc oi" thc charts mcr thc last lc“ tlltilllilx \\ ith thcii‘ iiiclodic \llll\illllc pup \\ hints}.
I Stepping Stones 'l‘hc Jain llouxc. 5 ()ticcn Strcct. 220 4380. 7ptn-inidnight.
Xtm Scotland presents
i'rcc 'iakc iil|\tlp[\tll1llllll} to gracc thc Jain ilillht' \tagc and \lili“ thctii \\ hat _\ou'rc iiiadc ot. and Pthll‘i} hc snappcd tip to pia) ltitiirc gigs ('ontact ('alais Brimn on 0‘05] H‘) 0.52 it )ou'd iikc to gnc ll ago
I Big Hand and Bombskare 'i‘hc Bongo ('iuii. Mora} “0th‘. 3“ iioi_\rood Road. 553 "004 “pm £5 iHi Night oi hill on ska niadncxs
I Open Mic \Vhixtichinkitw. in South Bridgc. 55" 5| i4 ‘)pni i‘i‘cc Just turn tip and [k‘l'ltll‘lll
I The Zuchinins, The Cigarettes and WYND Banncrnian‘x. .\'iddr_\ Strcct. 550 i254. 0pm. 924. lndic night
I Dead Beat Club 'l‘iit' Jalll illitlw. 5 ()ticcn Strcct. 220-1330. lllptii i‘i'cc. Bcat coiiiho \pccialixing in indic pop
Tuesday 2
Glasgow I Low .-\li('. 3 ‘0 Satichichail Sti'cct. ;‘2 2232. 7pm. U5. licatitilul \itmctll‘L'
sounds l'i‘oiii acciaiincd Mormon ll'ltl li'oin Minncxota. ()wr- l4\ \how
I Walkmen :\ll('2. 330 Sauclncliall Strcct. 332 2232. "rpm. [10. New York indic qtiintct \\ ho dig Spi‘iiigxtccii. thc (‘tii'c and Jo} i)i\ i\|()ll. Scc 5 Rt‘dxtilh. pagc 73.
I PLUG: The Electroacoustic Event RSAMI). I00 chl'rcix Sti‘cct. 352 5057. 7.5“Plll. i'ii‘cc hut tickctcd. .-\ no“ lt‘xllhll on thc \ccnc. i’i.l '( i'x truth is to proxcnt ail ncu \iork l'oi' an :tli-llc“ audicncc. 'l'hc lll‘\l cicnt in thc \L'l'iL‘\ l'cattirm cicctronic intixic itll' ainplilicd lll\ll'lllllt'lll\ and \oicc with laptops. lilack bows and multi- channci audio \pcciaiixation.
I After Christmas, Smile for the Camera Honey and Baby Bones Bastiilc 'l‘aVcrtic. (i2 .-\i'g} lc Ai‘cadc. 22i 8017. 3pm. £3. Disturbing alt pop il‘tllll Alter (‘lll’l\llll;l\. thc \tllllpit'ticlit' Siiiilc . . . and clcciro punk li'oni Bah} Boncx
I Fragile, Amongst the Arrows, D868 and Eight Page Pullout
Thursday 1 1 May 2.30t‘im
Friday 12 May 7.30pm
Sunday 111 May 7.30pm
@oa‘rnegie hall dunfermline
Wednesday 10 May 7.13ODni Client Goodnight Monsters dataPanik
Flying Matchstickmen Persil Amplifico Quinn Laki Mera Saturday 13 May 7.30pm Creeping Bent presents
Fire Engines Bricolage How to Swim
Aberfeldy Popup A Very Secret History
13'3"“; 8"." 3'
The Acute
f—‘ I If i, I Express s'l‘l'lll-Jll" within)!
me xx}
lOI' edlnburgh tigerlest dates
Tickets: 01383 314000 and on line at www.carnegiehallconk
78 THE LIST 27 Apr—1 1 May 2006
\lc‘t'lii‘SiL'd/k. J2l Saticiltcitali Sticct. :1: Will“ \pin 1-1 High class ~ctcaniing cino I Howie Payne .lllti The Echo Session llaiilx. Sou (‘lxtlc \‘iicct. 0V0 W)" 0W)” \pni. £5 i'rontinan ot i.i\crpudlian indic l;lllf._'lcl\ thc Stands [\‘l‘lill‘llh .i mlo acoustic \hou
I The Sunshine Underground .lliti Yes Boss King i'tit'x \\.ih \\ah iiut. 2-2a Si \ tllt'c‘lll Sttcct. 22i 52-"
.5 5llplll Ui 'i'hc hcadlincix arc .i qtiaitct ll'tilll ict‘th
I Magdalena, Stars Kill .lllti St Deluxe i1th\otc(‘alc.5ll-lilikiiig Strch 55; iti‘ih ‘ipiii L" Scll \t_\icd ‘iiiodci'n bastard iock‘ lioiii \iagdaicna. pins angular. Shcliac-inspiicd .iggicxsion ll'tllll Stars Kill and \killlt' llill\L' and ti\}t‘itt'tit'itt‘ di‘oiic li'oiii St ilclti\c
I The Noisettes (Iiiiat'ct Voilaitc. Vi 1s Blaii Sticct. 220 M20 “pin [5 'Scot'ching lciiiiiic ptiiik' according to .\'.\II:
I James Winter attd The Belrocks iiiilL‘ .ltllll lititl\t'. 5 (‘illL‘L‘ll Slit‘ci. 220
J ‘80 2. illpiii. i‘icc 'l‘aiciitcd _\ouiig \iiigci"\tiiig\\i‘itci' tolloxxcd ii) claxxic 50s and (lil\ rock.
I Band Showcase \\'lii\tltiliinkicx. -l (i South iii‘idgc. 55" 5| H. ‘lpiii. inc. ('all iii ad\ancc lot a
Wednesday 3
I PLUG: Doug Whates and his Music RS.-\.\il). 100 chli'cu Sli'cct. 5.52 .5057. lplll. l'lL‘k'. tickclcd. Rcccnt RSAMI) gi'adtiatc \Vhatcx it‘gltis ill\ gcni'c—dcl} ing \c\tct in a pci'loi'itiancc ol llL‘\\ compositions l'L‘llllllle‘L‘lll ol tlic lil'lll\il dancc l)1llltl\tlliliiC i‘lilix
I Mystery Jets and The Spinto Band ()iiccn Mai‘garct l'nion. 22 l'ni\ci\it} (itll'tiL‘ll\. 53‘) 0784. "put. I”. iioti} tippcd indic t_\ kcs \\ ho hax c hccn dcxcrilicd h} .\'.illz as thc llll\\lll;j link licmccn ('an. l)c\_\ '\ and thc [Mom and lcaturiiig lathcr/xon coinlio limit} and Blainc Harrison at thc hciin. Support “Hill ['5 kindi'cd spirits thc Spinto Band. I Magpie, Acousticbug, David McCreadie and John Price llrcl. 3‘)» .13 Ashton |.;inc. 3-12 4000 7.30pm. L5. Acoustic night.
I Acoustic Open Stage 'l‘lic iialt iiai‘. I00 Woodlands Road. 352 ‘)‘)‘)(i. .‘x‘pni. i-‘i'cc. \Vccki} unplugng \Csxltill. I Carson, the Ghandi Band and the Elvis Suicide Nicc‘n‘Slca/y 421 Sauchichall Strcct. 2‘33 0900. Spin. (4. Dark indic ruiiihiingx.
I The Little Flames liarl’l} lltpxltllt'xl. 2(ili (ink 30ch H.570 ‘)(i7 (NW) Spur £5. i.i\ci'ptid|ian indic i'ock quintct “lltl haxc just suppoi'tcd Arctic Monkc) \.
I The Longcut and Shitdisco Halli}. 2(ili (inh- Sti‘ch 087” Vt)" (NW) h‘piii £7. .\ianchmtcr—hawd Ill\ll‘lllllt‘lll;lil\l\ citing Sonic Youth and .\iog\\ai as llliiltL‘lch‘\. i’lll\ \iohiiic rock disco raxc gl'timc gtitins Silildiscti.
I Magdalen Green, Frightened Rabbit, Down the Tiny Steps and The Ten to Five Project 'l‘hc Attic. 5h l)tinda\ Strcct. 353 (i040. Xpni. l‘icc. Mcititilc llltilc \tillllll\.
I Michael Simons 'l‘cliai ()\ na. Int) i)can\ton i)i'i\ c. 04‘) 725K. 8pm. £2. (ilasgoxx -ha\cd guitarist pia_\ing loik. Mum and bound.
I The Noisettes and Of Racas King 'l‘tit'x Wait Wait Hut. 272a St Vinccnt Strcct. 22! 527‘). 8.30pm. £0. ‘Scorching lt‘llllllL‘ ptink' according to Nil/z.
I Jack Butler liar Bloc. l I? Bath Strcct. 574 6060. 0pm. lircc.
I Hue 8- Cry 'i‘hc Jain liousc. 5 ()iiccn Strcct. 220 4380, 7pm. U5. Soulliii pop, ~ia/l. grcat lllL‘itKliL‘\ and urban grooxcs l‘i'oin Scott‘ock \ctcrans Pat and (ircg Kanc.
I Rick Buckler 8. the Gift 'l‘hc Liquid Room. 9c Victoria Strcct. 225 2504. 7pm. £12. Jam tribute band mm icattiring original Jam drtiinincr Bucklcr.
I Elana James Trio (Zilxnct \oitaitc. 1o Islll.iii,\‘tn-ct.220121-1 " :llplll {Ill lhc intcinattonalh .it‘t launcd 1'5 \li‘illil\l. \tngci and loinici dti\ iiig loicc hchind hot ia/z \xcxtcin mnig trio. ilot ('hili ol (‘oxxtoun lilli\ into l\‘\\li
I The lso Bar Open Mic lw l’iai. ‘ iici‘iiaid \ticct. in“ \‘N L1 .5 10pm l‘tcc \l_\ lL‘\ \\ t‘icillllk‘
I Mr McFall's Chamber, Tam White with Brian Kellock and Welsh & Cruickshank i'hc iloitgo (lili‘. \iotax lll‘li\k'. 1qlli‘ikli‘iltiRithi.225 “Ni-l
.\ ‘ilpin {5 iUii \oiic ol thc \liow icttii'iix lot .i \ia} iiali ol lilitl.l\\lll.ll‘ik' lllll\lt.ll \l_\lt‘\ ttoiii tiaditionai and “odd to tan and \ laxsicai punk ‘ilicxx posh.
I The Coviets, Flatliner .iliti Daybreak\. \idtiiy \tth. 550 {25—1 0pm {.1 liidictiipit'
I Vivamelodica, The Rebel 208 and Laki Mera lollmoili. \\}iitl. 0| “M 271000 2 ~15pin to Pop hooks .iiid gtiitai ilck\ lioiii \ l\.tlllt'iiliil\'.l. iiilhicnccd li_\ i’.i\ciiicitt .iiid iiullalo ioiii
Thursday 4
I The Kooks ()ticcn .\i.ttg.iict l‘iiioii. 22 l lll\t‘l'\ll_\ (idl'tit'lh. ii" ‘)".\-1 .\'pin
5( )l I) ( )l "i iii‘ighton indic t_\ kcx \\litl\t' icccnt xiiigic ',\'.ii\c' has ltiithci liooxtcd \aicx ol thcii dcliiit .iilitiiii lilHt/i Iii. lllHt/l (hit
I Body Experience Review 'l‘lit- ('athotm'. i5 l'iiion Sii'cct. 243 (itillti
"pin £5. ()\t‘lritl\ \hoxx local hand \\ilti nah \xhat thc) iikc thc \tllllitl ol il'illll piiiik. iock'n'i'oll and ltiiik
I Todd Snider .\ii( ‘2. H0 Satichichali Sll‘L‘L'l. “2 2252. “pill. [3.5” \.l\il\liit' liascd altcounti) dtidc
I Geoff Muldaur Rt'lillt'“ it'll}. .-\ndci\toii ()iia}. 'l'hc lii'tioniiclaxi. 100% 205 5| i 2 illpiii, {l2 lilticx \lllL‘t‘l and gllllill‘hl.
I Michael English l’a\ ilion ‘l'licaiic. i2l chl'icld Sti‘cct. u2 i840. 2 illpiii {Ill U250. ()nc ol tlic l'ix' and iit'laiid\ iiiaioi‘ cits} ll\lt'lllllj_‘ \lal'\ .ippcaix tonight \\llil lll\ hand.
I Bombskare and Dick Dangerous 8. the Love Bastards Nicc'n'Slca/y ~12| Satichichali Sti‘cct. ‘i‘ii 0000, Hpiii L11 liigii ciici'g} ska action li'oin lioinhxkaic I Dick Valentine, Freddie Stevenson and Kobai iiarli}. Itiiit'litlt- Sti'cct. (ix—'0 007 (NW). Xpiii. Ui iait'cti'ic Sn li'ontinan \ll'lkc\ otit aloiic. \llmlill'lcti h} ncn Scottish \ingcr/xonguritt'i
I The Plimptons 'l'cliai ()\ na. .12 lilagii lanc. ‘5" 4524 Spin. i't'cc. i’op. pi'og. i'agtiiiic and thc kitthcn \Illk.
I lnjuns, Repeat to Fade, Rivals and Smokescreen King itth \Vali Walt llui. 2'72a St \‘iiicciit Sti‘cct. 22| 527‘). H illpiii £5. llllllll\ arc Sky i;tti\ l.cightoii Jillit'\ and iicctoi~ Macliincx throthcr ol \i} In. \K.-\ .\i_\ ioi \ihosc diwrsc sound L'llL‘tllllll.’I\\C\ iii/x. loik. i'cggac and |.atiii st} lcx but has also di‘au n t’tllllllttflvllh
\\ ith Tom Watts and Stcci} l)an.
I The Dischargers and Runt Studio 21. 24-20 ('aiton Road. 553 3753. 7pm Ui. l'ctittii'iiig lorinci' iiarachc Rccordx rccording lll'li\lL' Malcolm 'Scrull" imit}. brainchild ol ri’tlx thrash metal. grindcorc klllgx iiciiiiaxtard.
I Ugly Duckling and Giant Panda 'l‘hc l.lqtlid RlHHII. UL“ Vicltirla Strcct. 22.5 2504. 7pm. L“). Old school ltiiik} hip hop inxcxtcd \xith humour and inlcliigcticc irtllll l'gi} Duckling and his ltirr} lricnd (iiant i’anda.
I Dresden Dolls, Devotchka and William Douglas and the Wheel The lixchangc. .55 (irtnc Strcct. 4430-10-1. 7,30pin. l; l 2. Boston duo pla} ing an Ulliikci} hicnd oi ailcrnatiw pop-rock. riot grrri and (icrnian caharct.
I Hell is for Heroes The \‘cnuc. l7-2l ('alton Road. 557 3073. 7.30pm. £10. 'i‘hc 2i\l ccniur} altcrnaiixc to hit). Hell is [in Heroes arc a catcrwziuling cmo rock combo.