xariie time local rancher l’ete l’erkinxi Jonexi lindx the hody oI hix heloy ed ranch hand Melquradex lixtrada t('edilloi in .i xhallow graye m the deer and Norton and l’erkinx' dextrniex are xet to croxx l.c'c"x open hearted loy e letter to l’eckiiipah'x iinxurpaxxahle I974 reyenge \‘v'extern lirriie .Ur' the Hear] It] .‘l/ll'l'r/II (fun It! tiL‘llltlilSifiilL‘S l.L'c"x gill lor intelligent cinematic reference. hrey ity and emotional impact (ii‘mwnm. (i/uyeim, (imrro. Inhnburuh

TransAmerica t l5i .0. il)uiican 'l‘ucker. l'S. 3005i l-elicity llullman. Keyin legerx. l‘ionnula l'lanagaii. l03riirii l’re- operatiye traiixxexual Bree tllullmaiii lindx otit xhe hax a xoii. l’oxing ax a ('hrixtian riiixxioiiary. xlie di'iy ex the l7 year old acioxx the l'SA. At what point ix it xale to tell him ‘3he' wax a 'he'. and alxo liix lather". Sr/r'r'tr'r/ I‘r'll'tlw'.

Tristan + Isolde t IBM 000 iKt-x Ill Reyrioldx. (ierriiaiiy/l 'K/t 'S . 200m Jaiiicx l‘raiico. Sophia My lex. Rutux Sew ell. l3hiiirn. A handxoiiiely iiiotiiited production that‘x punctuated regularly with my igoi‘atiiig action xc'qtlcttcex and SL'i III the unrext til l)ark Agex liritoii. 'I'rryrun and [wide turiix like Shakcxtwarc'x Runu'u rim] ./ll/lt'!. on the mixlorttinex of \titt'-c'l'ti\\L‘tl lo\ erx. See Profile in lixtrngx. (iwir'ml re/ruu'.

TSOtSi l l5) .... ((iay ttt llootl. l'K/South Africa. 3005i l’rexley (’hweiieyagae. Motlitixi Magano. lxi'ael Makoe. l’ercy' Matxeiiiela. 94min. 'l‘xorxi t('hw eney'agaei xlealx a car and dixcoy et‘x therer a hahy' in the hack xeat. lle decidex to keep it. htit xeekx out a young mother to hreaxtfeed the infant at gunpoint. A tttoy mg tale of kidnap and lero chic. ()r/r'ltli. Iz'tliriliiugeh.

U-Carmen eKhayeIitsha t IlAi 0... (Mark l)ornfoi'd»May. South Africa. 300.5i l’auline Malefane. Andile 'l‘xhoni. l.unge|wa Blott. /.w'eiluiigile Sidloyi. l30min. See intery iew page 4 3 and rey iew'. page 4.5. l'ilni/iouu'. Iz‘tliIi/imgh. Unknown White Male t IZAi coo tRupert Murray. l'S/l'K. 3005i l)oug Bruce. 9lmin. ln Jtily 3003 e\‘pat xtockhrokcr turnedphotographer Bruce woke to find himxelf on a xuhway train with no know ledge of w ho he wax or where he wax going. llay ing xul'fered a rare caxe of retroxpectiy'e amnexia. Bruce prexented lIlltth'll to the Itc‘ttl'cxt police \tattttlt. :\\ i'L‘lilil\L‘S were traced and Bruce xltiw l} returned to the life he no longer recogiiixed. and hix old London-haxed documentary filmmaker friend Murray wax there to record may agoiiixiiig xtep. ('oiiipelling it totally unheliey'ahle portrait of a nice middle-claxx man'x xecond chance at life. (i/uygoii‘ l-‘i/m 'Htr'rlll't‘. (i/rlxgmi;

V for Vendetta I IS) 0 tJainex Mc'l'eigue. l'S/(iermany. 3005) Natalie l’oitman. llugo Weaying. Stephen Rea. John Hurt. l33min. Mexxy xtorytelling and muddled action in which a near-future Britain ix xuhiugated by an ()rwellian faxeixt government. However. grimy hackxtreetx are interctit with imagex of xhiny new London. and the political thi‘tixt ix loxt. t'tterly incoherent and y irtually unwatchahle. IJMX Theatre. (i/rtsgriii‘.

Vittorio de Seta Documentaries tt'i O... (Vittorio de Seta. ltaly. I954—59I l.3lllliill. Selection of xtunning documentariex made hy Sicilian horn filmmaker l)e Seta hetween I954 and 1959 chronicling the liyex of tixhermen larrnerx in Southern ltaly. Part of (‘ineiiia Sud xeaxon. (ihngow' I'ilni 'I'heuin'. (iltiygmi:

Walk the Line ( l3:\I COO. Mamet Marigold. LS. 3005) Joaquin Phoenix Reexe \N'itherxpoon. (iinnifer (ioodw in. Rohert Patrick. l.3hinin. Likeahle Johnin (‘axh hiopie which follow'x the man in hlack‘x quext for June (‘arter'x heart. (iolden (ilohe winners Phoeni\ and \‘i'itherxptmn ((‘arteri are hugely engaging: .xhe ax the impixh Southern lady and he ax the hrooding inappropriate .xuitor. liit/k‘ the l.in¢' e\p|ainx how the pair\ low: which went unfulfilled - ax they were .xtill married to different people - while telling of their eventual uniting and Johnny heating hix addiction to amphetamines. lire Edinburgh. [:‘tlt'nhurgh. West Side Story (Pm one (Robert Wixe & Jerome Rohhinx. l'S. I96! I Natalie

Viood. Richard lieymer. Ruxx laiiihlyn. Rita Moreno l55iliiii Rom: in tin] .luiu t icy ixited agamxt a hackground oI .\ew \oik gaiigx (ireal xoiigx oI cotirxe. hut the play iiig ot the xtylixed dancing agamxt a realixtic background coiitriycx to make it all look rather camp thexe day x (i/mgun li/m [hull/r. (i/m unit

The White Countess t I’( o 000 rJaiiiex lyory. l’K/l 'S/t ieriiiaiiy ”( 'hma. 3005) Ralph i‘lL‘ltlIL‘\. \ataxlia Richaidxoii. \'aricxxa Redgiaye. l yiin Redgiaye l 3Siiim Set iii late I9 30x Shanghai. Merchant

lyory ‘x Iaxt eyer Iiliii together e\ploiex the curioux relatioiixliip hetweeu a ieIiigee White Ruxxiaii countexx lL'tlllc ed to a xoidid life in the city 'x haix and a dixilluxioiied toriiiei' l'S diploiiial ll‘lL'Itllc‘xt. deeply hereay ed hy the tlL'dllI\ oI hix w He and children - \ ictiiiix ot \ iolent eyentx m the political turmoil oI l9 Mix ( 'hiiia that alxo i‘ohhed hiiii oI liix xight Slight hut iiiter‘cxtiiig. [hunt/iron. It/rIi/tmeh

White of the Eye t I3» 0.. ll)tirI.iltl (‘aiiimell. l'lx'. |93tii |)a\ id Keith. (‘athy Moriarty. .-\|aii Roxeiiheig ll llltllt \lttlt' xei'ial killirigx. llll\ time ot a clearly iiiixogynixt heiit 'l’hix otlheat murder myxtery iiianagex to pull III apocalyptic oyertonex with a geumely hiooding atiiioxphci’e. l)iiected hy l)oiiald ( 'amiiiell. hexl known loi‘ liix collalmi'atioii w llll \ic Roeg on l’r'r/uiniiiiit r. l’ai't ol (‘aiiiiiiell xeaxon. l‘l/llt/IUHH'. la/iIi/iuie/i

Wild Soccer Bunch ll (Die Wilden Kerle II) t l3x\i 0.. tJoacliiiii Maxannek. (iei'iiiany. 3005i .liiiii ()chxenkiieclit. Sarah Kim (iriex. Rahaii liieliiig. 95min. l)oii't worry ll you didn‘t catch part one oI thix likeahle ( iermaii kiddie lilm xeriex. hecauxe thix time the motley gang ol prepuhexcent grilx and hoy x are wilder than eyer ax they plot to w m a local loothall tournament which will allow them to lace the ( iei'man national xide lll iinkx. capei'y and good old Iaxhioiied teaiii xpirit ener in tliix lilm haxed on .loacliiiii Maxattltck'x \ery \ttc‘ccxxlttl hookx. :\ (ioethe liixtrtut (ilaxgow prexeiitatioii ('im'u rtl'lr/ l’rrl‘h/ir'rtrl. (i/rtyuiiii.

The Women t t ' I O... l( it‘til'fJL‘ ('ukor. l'S. I939) Joan (‘rawtoid \or‘ltta Shearer. Roxalmd Riixxell. l3 3min. \Vealthy Mary llaincx tSheareri ix unaware that her huxhand ix hay ing an atlaii' with xliopgii‘l (‘r'y xtal t('raw lord). litit when Syly ia l-ow ler thixxelIi and l‘.tlltll l’otter‘ tl’mahi dixeoyei what lie'x tip to they arrange Ioi' Mary to hear the goxxip. St) hc‘gitix lltix wotttlet'lttl. multilayered. claxxic cat tight oI a mm ie. l’oxxihly the gi‘eatext hitch xlap lext American cinema eyei‘ produced hax got itxellt' a hi'and new print. llooi'ahl. l’art oI liixliiort l‘lickx. I-i/m/roim'. Iii/iii/iirre/i. You’re Gonna Miss Me i Iii 0.00 (Keyen .\lc‘:\lL‘\tCI'. l'S. 3005i 91mm. Really iiiterextiiig documentary feature about the hi/arre and infamoux lite and timex of Roger Ky nard ‘Roky' lirickxori. the hrainx and mice heliind the greatext

pxy chedelic garage hand there ey er wax or will he - llte l3tli l‘iloot' lileyatorx. (i/irwnii I'ilm Hiram: (ihrwoii _' I-ilm/ioim'. Ifrliii/tiug/i.

Yours, Mine and Ours (I’m 00 (Rain (iUSIIL‘ll. l'S. 300.5I l)c‘ttltix ()ltttltl. Rene Rtl\\t). Sean l‘arix. Katiia l’ey cc. 90min. Somehody. xomew here helicy ex that

what the world needx right now ix a (heir/m:

hi the I)u:¢'ii rip-oil and. right on cue. comex l’oury. Mine and (him. a remake of a much older Iilm tw hicli itxelf wax haxed on an improhahle hut true xtory i. with l)eiiiiix Qtlttitl and Renee Rttxxo taking (in tltc‘ rolex formerly play ed hack in 19M hy lienry lionda and l.ucille Ball. ax a widower w ith eight kidx who Iallx for a widow with ten children of her own. .-\ 90 minute argument for blltll c‘ttltll'ttl. .Sr'lt't It'r/ I‘t'ft'uu'.

Films are listed by city, then alphabetically by cinema. Listings are compiled by Jules Graham.


lhe l‘orge. l’aikhead. 0S"l 300 3000 “H H] .\dult L5 044 50 hetoie h 30pm Mon llItt ('hildetudeiit/t).\l’ i; 3 o0. l'.tllt|l_\ ticket L l4 .\ll ticketx heIore IIUHII Li

ll ll.lly‘fél )A‘i'

American Dreasz I2.\i I45. 4.I5. 0-15. 9 I5 Eight BBIOth’(iI l0.50aiii. l.30. 4.00. (r30. 000.

Ice Age 2: The Meltdown it'i to main.

ll l5aitt.

|l.30aiii. I345. I45. 400 o l5_ 3.35.

ScaryMoviediIM H0. SIS. 7.30. 9.35.

The Shaggy Dogit'i ll,40aiit. I55. She’sthe M8l‘hl3:\t ll,00am. l.‘~0. 4.00. 030. 0.00.

Silent liilliISi MS. 4.00. (MS. MS. Take the Leaditlm 4.I0. (r40. 0 I5. Yours, Mine and Ours tl’( it I I .05aiii.

l Hll)/\Y 98 ll lUliSl)/\Y 4

American Dreamz t l3:\I

l)aily: ll.l5aiii triot SatI. l.45. 0.4.5. ‘).l5.

Cheaper by the Dozen 2 il’( iI Matinee Sat: l0.00aiii.

The Chronicles oi Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe tl’( it

Matinee Sat: l0.00am.

Eight Below il’( iI

l-‘ri \Ved: l0.50aiii. l.30. 4.00. (v.30. Ice Age 2: The Meltdown t t ' I

l)aily: |l.30aiii. l.45. 4.00. (\.l5. 3.25.

MI:3 Mission Impossible Ill 1 13M

'l’hti: ll.45aiii. Hit), «.40. 3. t S. 9.20. Scary Movie4 l l5I I-‘ri \Vett: MS. 5.25. 9.30.

The Shaggy Dog it‘i

l)aily: ll.00am.

She’s the Man I I2.-\»

l‘ri Wed: Il.00aiii tiiot Sari. 3.I5. 7.20.

Silent Hill i |5i


3.35. 3.50. 5.35.

Daily: l.05. 3.45. o.30. 905.

16 Blocks t l3.-\i

l)aily: ll.40aininot Sari. 3.I0. 4.35. 7.00. 9.30,

Sky Iilghimii

Matinee Sat: l0.00am.


l)aily: 13.35. 3.4 4.55. 7.10. 9.35.

Take the Lead t I 2.-\ I Hi Wed: 9.05.

Wild Soccer Bunch It (Die Wilden Kerle II) t l3.-\I Matinee Sat:

Dineworld Renfrew Street

7 Renfrew Street. into arid (‘(' hooking: 0S7l 300 3000. .-\dttlt £5.30 (£4.30 hefoi'e (x30piri Mon 'l‘hui. ('hild/xtudentx/ctiiicexxioiix: £3.90. l‘atnily ticket £l5.(i0 (Sun 'l'hu: £l4i. Sunday all ticketx: £3.50. l'nlirnited ('ard: U099 per month.



Alien Autopsy t i2.-\i ll.00am. 3.50. 3.20.

American Dreamz t 12m 3.00. 5.00. 3.00. AnAmerlcan Haunting t ISI 4.20. 6.50. 0.30. c.II.A.Z.Y. l | S I 3.45.

Eight Below il’(}i |l.30ain. 3.30. 5.10. 3.00.

Failure to Launch 1 l3:\I (x30.

Firewall t l3.-\i ll.l0am. Iiostel r I3i 4.00. 9.10.


ll.30arii. 3.30. 5.30.

l.l0. 3.4.5.

l.40. (r40.


IceAge 2:The Meltdown it'i 10.10am.

ll 30am. noon. Hill. 440. to. ‘00. 3 ‘6 Inside ManiISi Il 30am. 3 10. s :0. S40

JunebugiISi 4 to. 000

Paradise Ilowiifii :00. ti-itI Pienepointitfii USU

The Pink Panther it’( it I I 30am Theliingertljki I IS. <50

Rollin’ withthelllnesttm I40. =50. ti Ill. .S 3t)

ScaryMoviediiM ll 00am. I ‘0. 320. 400. 545. ii :0. 3 IS. 905 TheShaggy Dogit‘i |l00ani. I10 She’sthe Manil3.-\i l030aiit. Hit). 340 030. 35% Silent Hillil5i noon. 168locksiI3.-\i 3 I5 Take the L88dtl3:\t ll 30am. 3 30. ~3:0. 3&0

Tristan+ Isoldettjm 5:0. 3.I5

Yours, Mine and Ours «I’m Il.00.an

I 40, 3 30. 3 40

3|ll_ (i Ill. 0 IS

ll 30am. 3 30.

PHIDAY .‘3 Hit littp‘tim .1

Alien Autopsy l I3,-\i

|)ai|y. |040am

American Dreasz ISM

l)aily: ll.00am. 300. 500. S00. :\lxo late l'l'l ck Sat: I040

An American Haunting l ISi

Daily: l.30. 4.00. 030 000.

.‘\l\ti lttlt‘ l'I‘l (K Sat. ll .30 C.H.A.2.Y. t l5I l.ale l'i'i tk Sat: Ill-10.

Eight Below tl’( iI

l)aily: ll30am. 3.30. 5 l0. S001not 'l'uei.

Failure to Launch t l3:\t

Iii Wed: I330. 300. 5.50. 3.40. Freedomland 1 ISI l)aily: noon. 3.50. 5.50. 3.30.

.-\lxo late l't'i & Sat: ll.l0.

Grizzly Man I ISi

'l‘iie: |l.30aiii. 3.30. 530. S30 Hostel ( I3i

l‘t't Motttk \Vc'di 4.30, 930,

Ice Age 2: The Meltdown it'i

l)aily: l0.30aiii. Hit). 3.40. (i It). H40. Inside Man 1 IS»

l'ri & Sat: l0.50aiii. l0.~l0.

Sun 'l'liti: |l.30am. 3.30. 5.30, 3.40. Junebugrlfii

l-‘r‘i Motth Wed: 3.00, 0.50. Lemmingriii

l‘ri& Sat: ll.00arii. 3.00. 5.00. S35. ll.l5.

Stiii 'l'hu: noon. 3.00. (r00, 900. Metal: A Headbanger’s Journey t I 5i l)aily: I330. 3.00. 5.30. S00.

.'\l\ti littL‘ l'it't tfi Sttti “l.30.

M|:3 Mission Impossible III 1 mm

'l’hu: l0.00aiii. l0.30ain. ll.00am. rioott. trio. 1.40. 3.30. 3.I0. 4.I0. 4.50. 5.30. (i.l0. 7.30. S00, 8.40. 9.l5.

The Mogulsiifii

l)aily: ll.00ain. l.30. 4.00. (r30tnot ’l‘UL'l. 9.00.

.-\lxo late l‘ri & Sat: Scary Moviedrtfii Daily: ll.00aiit. l.30. 3.40. 000. Sill. Alxo late to «K: Sat: l0.30.

She’s the Man i I2.-\i l-ri \Ved: 10.30am. 3.55.

Alxo late Hi It Sat: Silent Hill t l5i

l"r‘i& Sat: ll.00aiii. 3|”. 5|“. Sill. ll.ltI.

Sun 'l‘hu: noon. 3.I0. (rlti. 9.l5. 16 Blocks t l2:\l

l,~i0. 4.40. 7.40.


l.00. 3.40, 6.30.


l'ritk Sat: |l.30am. 3.I0. 5.00. 8.00. l0.~10.

Sun 'l'hu: ll.00am. |.40. 4.l0. 050. 9.30.


i‘ildt Sat: l3.|0. 3.50. 5.30. 3.30. ||.00.

Sun 'l‘hti: l0.40aru. l.l0. 3.50. 6.30. 9.30.

Take the Lead r I2Ai

liri Wed: |l.30arn. 3.30. 5.30. 8.30. .-\lxo late liri & Sat: ll.l0.

Tristan + Isolde t IZAi

Daily: |l.30am. 3.30. 5.30. X.l5. Also late Fri & Sat: ll.l0.

27 Apr~l I May 200‘) THE LIST 57