Films screening this fortnight are listed below with certificate, star rating, credits, brief review and venue details. Film index compiled by Paul Dale
The Adventures of Greyfriars Bobby ( l l .0. (John llcnderson. l'K. 3(Ki5i ()liyer (iolding. Jarncs ('osnio. (iteg Wise. ('hristopher Ill-1min. In lis'Sh’. John (it‘ay died and his laithlul terrier guarded his graye in Izdinburgh‘s (irey lriars Kirk for l4 years. This is a whimsical fiction iiiyoly ing dogcatchers. cute orphans and conniy iilg councillors. It‘s elfecttye as children's entertainment. and adults will enjoy seeing the likes of Ice and ()‘llanlon being upstaged by the wee Westie iinpostor. This is charity screening in aid of Barnardos. the Dogs Trust and the Journalist ('harity. ('f 'I ('lydt'bank. ('lydt'bank.
Alien Adventure 30 (ft oooo (Ben Strassen, Japan. llllll i \tilt‘t‘ of John Boy Ic. Bouli I.anners. i7mm. An alien race looking for a planet to colonisc find earth and unfortunately enter a theme park w here they cause much amusing mayhem. IMAX Theatre. (i/itygoii.
Alien Autopsy ( IlAi 00 (Jonin ('ampbell. l’ls'. 2005i Declan Donnelly. Ant McPartlin. Bill Pullman. ()rnid Dialili. ()Smin. While \ isiting the IS an old man shows Ray (Donnelly i a liliii depicting ati estraterrestrial autopsy. Alter Ray and his friend (iat'y (McPaitlmi haye botight the liliii on behalf of a l'l-‘( )-obsessed gangster. the duo find that the celluloid is corrupted. so they fake the liliii. Based on the true story of aimless wide boy s Santilli and Shoefield. Alien Autopsy boasts a cleyer premise btit a distinctly ayci‘age execution. Si'lf't'll’t/ I‘t’lt'ttyt’. American Dreamzi IZAJ 00
(Paul Weit/. l'S. Zoom llugh (irant. Dennis Quaid. Mandy Moore. Marcia (iay Harden. l()7nim. Woefully inis_|udged farce set around an American Idol style reality 'I‘\' show from the makers of About a Boy. (it'ltt‘t‘rl/ I't'lt’il.\t’.
An American Haunting ( I5) 0 ((‘ourtney Solomon. l'S. Zoom Donald Sutherland. Sissy Spacek. Rachel Hurd- Wood. James D'Arcy. ()(lmin. lixecrable horror that tries and fails to recall the atmospheric brilliance of Robert Wise's WM yersion of 'l'he Haunting and Jack ('Iayton's seminal l‘)ol drama The Innocents. Brave but foolish. (it'neral release.
Andy Warhol’s BAD ( 18).... (Jed Johnson. l'S. l‘)7l ) (‘arroll Baker. Perry King. Susan 'I'yrell. l()()inin. linterprising New York housewife Baker supplements income from her facial hair-removal business by running a murder agency specialising in children and animals. Sicko caiiip humour with a notable scene ltiy‘oly‘ttig tossing babies out the window. Remember children: it is best to get an adtilt to hpr if .Voti want to do this at home. Part of (‘ultl (ilrlygmi‘ I'll/m 'I‘ltt'rtlt‘t'. (ilasgou‘. L’Auberge Espagnole (Pot Luck)
( l5) 0. ((‘edric Klapisch. France. 2002) Romain Duris. Jtiditli (iodreche. Audrey 'l'autou. Iltlmin. In this feelgood film Xayier exchanges student life. his girlfriend and his family for the chance to learn Spanish and liye in Barcelona and reconsiders his priorities. influenced by his new esperienees and the students he shares his new apartment with. (i‘lasgow' l-‘ilm Tht'tlll't'. (i/ttsgrm:
Billabong Odyssey (PG) ooo
Sts'nnn. Action sports documentary that follows the industry's best big w aye surfers as they travel the world searching for the largest way es nature has to offer. Part of Big Waye season. I-‘ilnihouse. Edinburgh.
Blow Up ( l5) 0... (Michelangelo Antonioni. l’K/Italy. loom Day id llemmings. \‘anessa Redgraye. Sarah Miles. Jane Birkin. l l lmin. Fashion photographer Thomas (Day id llemmingst becomes bored of his life of 00's excess. Frustrated with the superficial nature of the fashion world. he takes clandestine photographs of the meeting between two anonymoUs people in a park. A woman (Redgraye) and an older man. Thomas initially thinks he has merely snapped evidence of an embarrassing affair. But. as he is tracked down for the photographs. he realises that he could
possess proot ol murder Seminal -\iitonioni Part ol l‘dsllltlli l‘licks l'ilnihouit. [altnburgh
Brokeback Mountain ( (5i oooo (Ang Ice. l'S. ZUHSI Heath Ledger. Jake (iyllenhaal. Michelle Williams. Anne Hathaway l Uinin Ices intimate epic poignantly charts a lurtiye relationship between two ranch hands oyer the course of scycral decades III a slliilig east It‘tlg‘c’t is truly outstanding. iiiibtiiiig his marticulate character with an aching humanity less a gay Western than a uniyersally resonant loy c story. [fruition Theatre. lidtnbtu‘gh, C.R.A.Z.Y. ( l5) 0... (Jean-Marc \allce. ('anada. 2005) Michel (Tile. Marc- Andre (irondin. Danielle Prouls. liznnle Vallee. l37mm. 'I‘orinented youth [ac was born on (‘hristmas Day Woo he is the tourth out of the the boys. Papa ((‘otei is a rolling stone with a penchant for belting out A/nayour tracks when drunk. 'l‘lie grow mg pains of Zak start aged sey en when to the disgust of his father he starts show mg signs that he may prefer boy s to girls. The family polities play ed out here will be familiar to anyone born into a large clan but what makes ('./\’..Il./. )' special is the way director Vallee borrow s from all the right places (Sirk. ('apra and Hughes mostly t. A fabulous guilty pleasure. ('inewin'ld Rentrew Sll't’t'l. (iltlylgrm'fi ('lltt’ii itl'lr/ lidtttburg/t. Iidtnlnufig/i.
The Cat Returns it") 000
(lliroyuki .Morita. Japan. 2()()2i Voices of Anne Hathaway. 'I‘im (‘urry 75mm. Morita's enchanting animation from Sttidio (ihibli (released in both subtitled and dubbed \crsionsi. It lacks the epic quality of SpiritedAway or l’rini‘eis .llononnke. but is worth cherishmg for its energy. imagination and good humour. (irmi'enur. (ilaygmi. Charles Mingus: Triumph of the Underdog ( I5) 0.. (Don Mc(ily'nn. l'S. NUS) 78min. A film. which sensitiyely portray s the life atid work of legendary ~(an iiiislit (‘harles Mingus. It touches on Mingus‘ troubled personal life and his ciin rights actiy istii. There is a wealth of archiye footage alongside (x-rformances from jail greats Duke lillington. Di/Iie (iillespie and (ierry Mulligan. Part of 'l‘riptych. (i/rtygmi I'ilnt Theatre. Glasgow; l'fllH/IUILW‘. lz'dinbiu‘gh.
Cheaper by the Dozen 2 (PG)
.0 (Adam Shankman. IS. 2005) Steye Martin. Bonnie Hunt. Piper Perabo. Tom Welling. 93mm. The Baker family are back and they are going on holiday but they hadn't expected Jimmy Munaugh (I.ey y) and his big brood. Pathetic sequel to a bewilderingly successful family comedy. (illUH’UF/(l I’ttt‘k/tt'ud. (i/ttygon‘; (if/ll'H'Ul'ld Ifdinbiu'gh. lz‘dinlnujgh.
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (PG) 0 (Andrew Adanison. I'S. 2005i (ieorgie llenlcy. William Moseley. Skandar Key nes. James McAy‘oy', Ray Winstone. Dawn French. Tilda Swiriton. l35min. This. the first of seven proposed children fantasy blockbusters based on (‘S l.ew'is' much loy'ed allegorical noyels. is an absolute stinker. and one made all the more unpalatable by the fact that the yery unchristian greed of its producers is so utterly palpable over its seemingly endless running time. Proof that great books can make truly appalling films. Selected release. The Constant Gardener (Senior Screening) ( l5! 0.. (l‘ernando Meirelles. l'S/I'K. 2005) Ralph I'lCllliL‘s. Rachel Weisl. Hubert Kounde. Danny Huston. llts‘min. When Nairobi-based diplomat Justin Quay Ie‘s (l‘iL‘llllel outspoken actiyist wife 'I‘ess (Weis/i is found murdered in a remote region of Northern Kenya. he begins to uncoycr a whole load of dirty secrets. Beautifully structured and shot. Mereilles' film succeeds as both a polemical thriller and a retrospectiy'e loy e story. with Hermes outstanding iii the role of a man gradually opening up to the depth of his feelings for his wife only after her death. ()deon At The Quay. Glasgow. Glasgow;
Darling ( IS) C... (John Schlesinger. L'K. 1965) Dirk Bogarde. Laurence llary ey. Julie Christie. Jose Luis de Villalonga. Roland Durram. 127mm. Diana Scott
An excellent Buster Keaton season kicks off this fortnight with The General but it is this the second
film on the bill, seen by many as his finest. which will bring the true Keaton connoisseurs out of the woodwork. In this 1924 gem Keaton and his sweetheart (Kathryn McGuire) are cast adrift on a ship and guess what? They end up in a whole lot of hot water, or is that hot sand? The Navigator is showing with two superb shorts, The Scarecrow and One
I Fi'lnihOt/se. Edinburgh {Sat (5 and Sun 7 Mar on/t't
((‘hristiet is young model looking to sleep her way to the top in this story of se\ual manocuy ring. After her marriage tails. she begins a series of affairs with iiilluential men in order to satisfy her ambition. ()ne ol British filmmaker Sclilesingcr's may best l'K films. Part of liashion lilicks. I‘il/nhouu'. l'k/irilnirglt.
* The Devil and Daniel Johnston (l5) 0... (Jeff letter/erg. I'S. 2on5»
l l()inin. See rey iew. page 43. Glasgow l-ilm III/lt’tlll't‘. (i/aygoii’.
Don’t Come Knocking ( (Si ooo (Wiiii Weiiders. l"rance/(ierinany/l 'S . Zoom Sam Shepard. Jessica I.ange. 'I'ini Roll].
1 ltlmin. See res iew. page 45. (limit-nor: (ilrtygmr.
Donald Cammell’s Wild Side ( (to 0.. (Donald ('amincll. IS. 2000) Anne lleclie. ('hristopher Walken. Joan (‘hen l 12min. In 1995 Il'ildSide‘s producers re-cut the film against (’aminell's wishes. In April two he shot himself. Now the I’t'l'lot'ntitttt‘t‘ co-director's last tlioy ic sees the light of day in the form he intended. This psy cliosesual thriller. m w Inch four players - banker. racketeer. estranged w ile and bodyguard f' ' k each other in er both metaphorically and literally. is an uneyen affair. Ney crtheless. the cast are thoroughly entertaining. and (’aininell say s some interesting things about the
sex/pow er/money nexus. Part of ('aminell season. l‘l/Hl/ltllnt'. lidtnburgh.
The Double Life of Veronique ( IS» 0... (Kr/y stof Kiesltiys ski. Poland/France. I‘Nl ) lrerie Jacob. Ilalma (iryglas/ew ska. Kalina JedrUsik. Aleksandcr Bardirii. l 10min. Two girls - one Polish. the other French — are born at the same time on the same day and come to discoy er that their fates are bound up together. An cerin fascinating and disturbing erotic dance ol low and death from the director of Dela/Hg.” (The Ten (‘ommandmentst. with an extraordinary twin performance by (‘annes aw ard-w inner Jacob. Film/muse. Edinburgh.
Duffy ( IIA) 0... (Donald ('amrnell. l'K/I'S. 1968) James ( oburn. James Mason. James Fox. SUsannah York. ltll inin. Star studded heist drama set in Tangiers w ith (‘oburn playing the eliptical criminal at the film's centre. With a script by Donald ('amniell and a twisty. offbeat rhythyrn to the whole enterprise this is a serioust cool gem from the cinematic vault. Pan of
(‘atntncll season /t/nthuu\t. ldtnbiugh Eight Below I P( it 0.. thank Marshall. I'S. .‘(Nloi Patil Walker. llitice (ii‘eenwood. Moon Iiloodgood. Jason liiggs llllniin When an Antartic espeditioii lalls lotil ol cracks iii the ice. the bray e huskies saye both ol the humans liycs by transporting them to a nearby base. but with an emergency eyaciiation underway. poor Maya. Shadow. Shorty. \Ia\. 'lrtiman. and Dewey are left to tough otit the w inter alone l.ikeably old lashioiied .lLIlHll c teature lealtit'e. (ft'llt'ltl/ n b an:
L'Enfant (The Child) u (it oooo (Jean—Pierre l)aideiiiie/l.uc Daidcnne. Belgium/Ii.iiice. ZINISJ Jeremie Rey ier. Deborah l'rancois 05min I'.llelIL‘t‘ll-yt'.tl*Hltl Sonia il't‘aiicoisi returns lioin hospital with her new -born son Jiiiiiny. only to find that her flat has been sub-let by her petty tliiel boy lt‘iend lirtino (Renter l W hen a 'letice' tells him that people pay good money for babies to be illegally adopted. he iinpulsiyely decides to sell his own offspring. triggering a latcltil chain ol cyents. Another iinpressiycly tinsentiniental yet compassionate account by the Ilardenne brothers ol lite amongst young liaye-iiots ill the anonymous Belgian industrial town of Scraing (ilasgmi li/ni [heat/i, (i/aygou. ('anu'o. Izdtnbur glt
Mon 8th May, 7 30pm TSOTSI (15)
Tues 9th May 70.30am, 7 30pm <3 7 30pm
Tickets and further information from The Steeple Box office
(Tel: 01324 506850)
or on the day from the hall
27 Apr—1 1 Ma; 29% THE LIST 49