Mark Edmundson chats to hip hop luminary Biz Markie about the history of hip hop and his up coming Triptych dates.
ip hop has come a long way. (her 20 years
since the now legendary parties at the Roxy.
liunhouse and Disco liey er. hip hop is big money and argttahly the most popular l'orm ol‘ musical expression \yorldyyide. and still artists big and small name—check its old school pioneers. This year's 'l'riptych l'estiyal is shining a light on the early moy'ement and its recent resurgence \yith shoyys l‘rom hoth Kool Keith and Kutmasta Kurt. and Bi/ Markie. Big Daddy Kane and their Juice (‘reyy huddies.
‘llip hop is healthy httt it’s made tip til a lot ol‘
l‘olloyyers instead ol’ indiyidual leaders.‘ claims
celebrity spokesman of the old school. Bi/ Markic ol‘
today‘s persisting industry lead \‘ihe. 'l’eople ain't doing it for the hue ol' hip hop. see. they‘re just trying to get Paid.‘ Duhhed the (‘loyyn l’rince ol‘ lliP HOP. Markie's story mirrors the genre's golden era. .-\ prolil’ic heathoxer and l‘reestyle rapper. he shares to some degree that tnttch lamented l'reestyle late the mind-blowing. t'loyying oral genius could neyer really he satisfactorily translated to yiny I. In his early releases he did bring a trend-bucking and highly int‘luential humour and choral discord to hip hop. along \yith quirky samples that would see him among the lirst to l’eel the \y rath ot' the copy right km.
‘The yihe with the Juice (‘reyy hack then \y as \y e \y ere
all trying to he indiyidual artists. not trying to copy ol'l
each other. we were a l'amily hut we were trying to indiyidualise at the same time] explains Biz. lingering a lack ol‘ camaraderie despite the ubiquitous collaboration in the game today. ‘You got your certain cliques but it's not family orientated. The last like that
was the \Vti'l'angf 'l'he .lttice (ten. under the \yalchlul eye ol‘ one ol' hip hop‘s l‘irst super—prtidttcers .\larlcy Marl. espoused lyrical technique and personality in their ranks and I‘I'UI’sL‘ lllL‘ likes Hi. .\I;l\l;l .'\L'L‘ ttlltl ('Httl (i Rap along \yith Bi/. Big Daddy Kane. Ro\anne Shame and (‘ool \'. noyy reunited l'or this '()ld School Reunion Tour" appearance at 'l‘riptych. '()h it‘s era/y. l alyyays see my cousin you knoyy' he enthuses. giy ing a nod to (‘ool V. the instigator and third party in this litt/ly. cross-.-\tlantic conl‘crence call. '.'\nd Rosanne Shante she's like my little sister so. \\ ell we see her too. He and Kane. \ye alyyays hcen lamilyf
Back before the days ol~ record deals. media hype and gangster myths these young. hlack .-\mericans one making music tor the sake ol‘ it and the Diaholical has carried this attitude and his trademark humour to eyerylhing he's turned his hands to. D.ling \yith preceded a return to the studio in 3t)th \\l[Il IIi’t'At'Hr/ IIil/‘I'iru'. an otheryyorldly cameo in .Ilt'll in li/m-A /l and a shock \ ictory on the ['8' (‘t'lt'ln'rly' l-rr (i/u/i show. He
jokes that his nest moye \yill he into \yrestling. and
\y ho \yould het against it'.’ So why does hip hop constantly look hack l'or approyal l'rom its roots'.’ Why this current re-interest in hip hop‘s halcyon days‘. 'l‘here's no reai my stcry in Bi/‘s eyes. 'lt‘s getting that shit hack to the party because people \y ant to haye l'ttn instead of being serious. I see my sell. as an entertainer.'
Biz Markie puts in shows with Big Daddy Kane, Roxanne Shante and Cool V at Liquid Room, Edinburgh, Thu 27 Apr; Fruitmarket, Glasgow, Fri 28 Apr.
HE: BEST oiiriCE
iii Biz Markie and Big Daddy Kane A hip or ii. 1: uni: :Litl‘stt t)? nttrt’ titer» itT:t,.":‘; it. ll'l t~.‘.t> r)? tit: quire". rt: in. titan Lllt.‘ giants, With Roxannw Sligtntr: (ital (Incl V l(,tllllfilllt} out .l tar-at pill, / :rfl/ztr' It’mx'n, lt.‘//.‘I)t,’,’t;/i, lift. (7/ Apr; tin/frtratktt4, (it’t'lIthtlt'u, tn .' ’t’s‘ fuv
=i< Pressure ‘./“-.’:tl‘. (:(ittirjttttmrat“, it/jizllt, rue." at;liir;-\.'t:r:; itir:.'i.'rlr> Vzllalpl it (prettiterl; anti Vitals: on the knit you can't up far ".‘rronq At f/lt,”;, G/{lsQOLL / // Apr,
73? Aphex TWin iitt: moat rinerse shun to lizt Tilt: Barrrwxlanris. ‘r/rsi. ever, An exclusive set from Hicltarrl D James is the int} net/rs, Willlt: ll‘-,t: appearances; try electro noise ititurtsts Vv’tili Eyes and hit: But; are further reason celebrate. Bar/tind/ant}. (3/.'i.<;uot‘t.; Sun ’it) Apr.
iii Optima Manchester post punk teqentts A Cerfau: tatm (live. plus Glasgow electro house revolutimlanes ()ptin it, equals a great wan, to see pit lnptyrat. Stl') C/t/t). Git’l.‘)‘(;f}'v‘.£ SUN BUM/‘1’. > Deepest India A admiration of lnriian muse Culture and tood. Deep house. deer-funk anri phantira all "(’ilfglllf} funds for MonrloChailange ilnrliai. Cabaret l/o/taire. Edinburgh, Hit/ 4 May it Black Rabbit Whorehouse Just because 'lrrptyeh's done and dusted. doesnt mean the eclectimsm has to stop. The glitch extravaganza returns With German producer Ao’a in tow. Sub C/ut). G/asgow. Fri :3 Mag-,4
>11 JakN With the news that the Venue is to close its doors we celebrate the last confirmed date for this esteemed techno Shindig. Get down on :t before it's too late. The Venue. Ed/nburgh, Sat 6 May.
' a. .- ' THE LIST 31