Sucking the blood of popular entertainment

Although the original Innovations catalogue disappeared from our Sunday supplements back in 2003. its legacy of one-size-fits-all galoshes. barrel shaped potato growers and nasal hair trimmers lives on in a variety of print and web tomis. Somehow it seemed to come from a quainter. more innocent age of hucksterism. chin gyms. pocket Chainsaws and radio controlled door bells.


Is it us or is this whole Relocation. Relocation/Grand DeSIgns thing starting to wear a bit thin? ‘Portia and Ollie have CSOOm for an urban crash pad in London. and have enough spare change for a warehouse apartment in New York.‘ Enough of your glass walls, underfloor heating

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It’s a mystery

I f} T'Vt‘ [It 13'" rt): urn 'rir w i; foal, I \‘Juat t [)iariior‘rr l'? |f tit/f: riot and mood lighting. the rest of us are

at, Aftr-r a ’r:r:t:tr‘., ' :rirr’. ’irl‘ri' arr: 'irtirtd vtrrrr; the l (:('(Ill153 Coco Porn; oxen; still scraping together the depOSIt for n rirur Mm , tlw :', n; ':" "ft war". "mum; orr Xtrri, all that var; (:ur'rtirrio a one-bed in Tranent.

firm .i.: twat tam" .'.r’." a llli’:v\‘.‘l rt ftir: f"‘.():/(;ltlt(3,’ riirlk, rim; t.‘.(}(;l)ll‘~,

fuir‘r, rill/tru'it'i", acrrrf‘iii tilt‘ gt: {4' T‘iil‘ t(?t'it?(;iri<_; OH (1 littitttrfx: to t)(: (:ttrtirfitktl.

t'.(i.‘.’ iri!." tr rowt’w iri .‘ttiiq-r‘ti.~- 4'liilrllrll“., Streaking; atttar carrying a cross through 5

nr‘ntti‘li T‘é'ilftfl a1. ow tit") '\.'.w’>'l(tt:r .vhat thr: streets of Parriperiga. j.r<:t refusarwg to '

.i’u ttrw tam m .2: uri.‘ 3;», t'ir: ( :athoirtt hi: nailed up by a burly Filipino. Ce'ebrlty Chl'drefli Only “OW do YOU reallse Apple and M0583 PalerW-Mam”

()rirrr'ti r nrnirrrtu the or r aurorrar tht: iitirrtlirt: lx’flllttfllt rrrt’or‘rrieo a l l‘.’(;' got 0” lightly Peter Stanton nom'nates the we'rdGSt Of them 3”

'Tlri'tlt‘.’ lf‘rt", goo“: rurrrlii, <tr,r~r»;:rr:r: rt tl(‘rfltillitfllizlf‘.’ crew that Cor hao toio

Sage Moonblood Stallone The son of Rocky star Sylvester Stallone. Sage starred alongsrde his father in Rocky V. Sage is. of course. the name of a herb and a term used to denote someone who is especially wise. Moonblood is the name of an epic power metal band from Poland.

Lilit'fk.) fur}. 'rr‘ trim: it "oairt tiriix'.> iiirri not to bother. the noruhrm Al arghty liél‘.’lll(_} sturrrhleo across; lives

I Nrr'.'." though '..'li,‘ "word tor‘wrrt ‘or'thr:o'r‘.rrrri schedule ‘.‘./tlll() looking; for

"t‘.t¢(:ttirittli:lf; :rr the .lw:;r.:; tarr t‘hlli. Champion's league highlights,

(tints tier, taint: '<;<irit:uti:tl 8o”,

lir‘frrrem .ittarft‘ a tlt~<‘itt'l‘.it7t to the [)ari

lir.>.‘.'i atairtatrort. utatriir; that ‘thif; it; a

in It trori rt'lil at". retnéir‘tiia'irtr: .o

Banjo Griffiths Son of Six Feet Under star Rachel Griffiths and partner Andrew Taylor (sadly not the bloke from Duran Duran), Banjo Will probably have to bear the burden of a life peppered with Deliverance related humiliation. Kids humming the theme tune behind his back while pulling disturbing Appalachian faces. Poor kid.

Yt'tt‘li‘. .3 Port! (ithllt‘fttt'l‘it <7. llrrrrrr. Txt‘t.".l§\ 'tl"llr‘i{ir' lt only hlgtttt‘rt‘v‘.’. Mark. l .tt‘ril Hir‘tto 'rtii: l‘lt‘ilkt'fl the Hittiti :fl rrmar ‘liiv folir‘vx'rrr; is, a rut, ' t .i. Ar“, 't'fit‘ll‘l‘iltt'tt‘t' to Jail {Tt'l‘lt‘liTL ri‘.'r‘.t;. ririart :,r lé-fxtilftit‘Tirtl it; purely in the interests of founding a religion No rr‘.tr‘t‘.ri; ".5 a 9"."

" f~l\"l'it";l : r' ‘iaxt‘ut :turir‘r;

Elijah Bob Patricius Guggi 0 Stewart- Hewson U2 singer Bono took the religious route

rxv; tractrw‘ . t" :. :rt‘rrt‘ tfirrktvrrstm. \‘t’r' I It‘s; easy for the l eech to mock , ..

\ With his son 3 name. Elljah was a 9th Century rrtt‘r‘. Kr'ni'ho" Hera: '1 tar.- initiates rho-ugh. safe in an uriuergrouno banker. Hebrew prophet earned to heaven m a new Charm. i-w- woo ' .t‘t")'\‘.‘,l‘i>l‘§’ 1' t; ‘t lt't \ 1 wt r trrt' . . .4 l r .. r .. .i.. . i i t... xxx. t, tllllwl itir. or la. to (ruler, thr, hi 1 GUQQI '8 one of Bonos friends from his school days . u. r. A. r. K n t .a. [mu tilt: txr, .i t,.,.itror tram.» truncated 0, our tildltt who ‘8 now a pamter “Vlng m New York. Bob IS Short ottzcr' anti Mair: traw .ixorriuri the liraro‘ L)‘.’(3r'l0r(18 :rr Biirtkirigharr‘. Palace for Robert and Q is the 17th letter in the alphabet. .rerxaq r. imp- lies: o‘ the (,‘rtrrszr Around the same time as Katie llolrrres \‘t'txit'u "may. [tum n l\ [itir‘ro'xi "Irot‘t mas; (T'Ultt) hrr‘th to Sur‘r Cruise hr:

\ l Gulliver Oldman Gary Oldman is

a." '. we 'er'wr‘t‘mvo as Ev l’at'icrx tirtrgz; rt‘r‘.'()l‘.€:} l‘iétILll'éill‘,. because these famous for portraying psychopaths with Moon’s wit" slitl‘tz‘ rlit‘tif‘t‘r l‘C‘Vr are the ‘.'.ork of the (M! extratt:'r~;353tr'iai

an unnerving degree of convrction. Whether or not his son Will grow up to display the same conviction in the field of global travel and general adventuring remains to be seen.

lltéiatrohtrs dictatorship. the rot/«La was gator; Tom Cruse absolutely. no bereft: the uouht Surrounding t‘nS orr‘t", t‘t; sac r‘ cheek wan to consume little Suri’s placenta. OK. so s'teeriag at

Sawtooth 1:: i‘ke L‘tr'T‘r’YTQ at trsn .r‘r a

Ireland Baldwin The oldest of the Baldwin Clan, Alec Baldwin and ex—spouse. actress Kim Basinger. decided it w0uld be a good idea to name their child after the fair Emerald Isle. Just for the craic, obviously.

rarre: \.-.:tt‘ a t‘a.'oo»<a. ar (1 the Leech 'tas rttre uteri}, .o' any) rrg e se 1' ese

\At‘lch E)“. t.) t tut, “K \a th I‘ (id-TL L id.

‘t, A U\l{.\\\ Vex \ .x,‘v S.(l i L .-U L;

\\ y\0 " t. .) H \‘,;\‘/. ,\. ;\ 'V‘,\ ' / Nr\ it} t g1~L (l J", :‘K V J «It! V.

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