
Looking for a flat?


for a list of properties available from our accredited landlords or for more information call 0131 529 7278.






Accommodation wanted

For info call Carole Smlth/Anne Goring on 01620 810620 email: festl'

Property to let


IPI'estige otlioe desk space. [p to 360 so it in Speirx Wharf otlice. l’ort Dundax (il; \gtm. L350- L500 pcm. Softwue/“eb dexeloper preferred. 0|4| 341 0303

Property to let

I Glasgow.Southside Stunning lull} furnished Ixt floor I bed flat. Bright lotrrtge. next dining kitchen. (i('ll. secure entr'). Suit couple/protes- xional. £400pcm 07779 70(1 (1l4 /0l4l 4|S 345l

Westend Nr BBC and Botanic (iardens \uperb traditional HI I brd flats and single bedsilx for it/\ prolx. Street parking. (iar‘den l'r‘om

£335pc111 incl. ot‘ Blllx

01436 676 016

NEW 2 Bed Top Floor Flat \xith private parking - large en- .xuite room + double room. 5 minutes from Byres Road. all mod-cons. L' 550 + ("Ii

Call 07973 262441 I Glasgow West End.

Beautiful spacious llat- Montague Streetffim double bedrooms. large sunn} ba) -\1 indrm ed lounge. din- ing kitchen tdishu'aslreraxashing machine). Sanded lloorx £600 07855 (150 734.


Marchmont, Edinburgh: Sunn} 4 bed Hair 3 large double plus double bo\t'oottt 11 11h \k} lrghtt k1tchen/drnet/lounge. Wooden lloot'\. L | 300/1nonth a\arlab|e Ma} 3001. Izrnarl 1'o\_\\1el|\(d hotrnarlcorn

phone 07812 984 793

I Comelybank 2 bed- room llat \\Illt l'aroxt ck Ball colottr’x. I.i\1ng1'ooni. drnrng kitchen. \tud}.cla\1»toot hath. Beautil'ull} decorated. l'ur'nitur‘e negotiable. :\\;11l;1b|e Ito“. Bargain (U U150pcrn. 11731117311112

I 2 Flats to Rent in the ()Id Ioutt 3 Double lledt'oottt. Lounge/31d Bedroom at £7S0pc111 Beautiful 3 Double Bedroom l‘lat. I.arge lounge. Dinning Area at L'999pcm. ('all 07335079780.


GLASGOW I Cessnock gay friendly:

.\'e\t to tube share \\ ith 3 otlterx in lltit\\i\'e 3 bed flat. lounge kitchen diner bathroom etc. £340 pcm + dep tel: 07903 538 305

I Desperately seeking flatemate! double room axailable in trend} southxide llat. \unn). spaetottx high \pee llat \\ ithin battlefield area. wooden flooring throughout. broadlmnd. lull) furnished. to share with one t'riendl}. lun- |o\ing pr‘olll'emale. \\t)tlltl \ttlt pr‘ol. non-\rttoker. L350 pttt &bill.\ 07333 (198 305

I Coatbridge - Double room, new build tlat. lllilllllex l‘r'om train \titltort. \ltaring \1 ith

I other “Ito \xor‘kx 4 home/3 ;t\\tl_\. £375 inc bill\. tlL‘pt)\It and r‘elk requiredcall 0133(1 75l 939 I Double room in bright. reliurlnxhed Kel\ inbridge llat. Sharing \\ itlt one other l'entale in \er} \\ ell appointed tlat. Would \tllt clean/lid} non- smoking ternale. professional or mature student. £350 pcm. I’hone 0797l 1401171

I Room in pleasant \unn} \otttlt lacing Merchant tlat. .\'e\t to all amenities.Ii\cel|ent transport links. Suit profession- al. non smoker. £35 per \\ eek. .-\\ailable short term: 37.-\pril to mid June. :07890 544 989

I Double room to let. to Minx \1alk l'rom the cit}. .-\|| mods and cons. Kitchen. Dining. [axing room etc. (‘all Paul on 014l 439 SS3S. £390 l’/.\I 07773 7(17 973

I Double room available in bright. spaciottx tlat located in I)eltlti\totttt. 'l’o share \xith one other. .-\ll mod com. Would \ult e;1\_\' going prolexsional. £3901cm 07813 705 (114

I D R to-Iet in 3B/R neul) decorated llat. all mod/cons. garden. on-street parking. all blllx inc. Ideall} located in quiet Moxspark. 5mins to public transport. l0mins drixe to “end or c'ccntre. 0790 953 (1390

Classified Property


I Large Dbl room \\1llt111 beautrtul llat 111 cathcart 3 turns trorn catltcart train \Idllt‘ll Sharing \\ltll I le111aler3S1 I lat has large drrnng k1lcl1e11.g.1lle} \t}|e bathroom. large l1\1ttg 1oo1n Sk} t\. broadband and tll\lt\\.1\lt e1, looking tor \oineone ol \11111 lat age. male or 1e111aletod1are the llat \xrth preterabl} prolc\ \lottal no dxx \or'r\ L ;00 r I‘IIIS 11733.1“: 111 '

I Room in new top lloot llat.51111nute\ \xalk l1o111B_\1e\ Road. l’r‘rxate l’arkrng. all mod cons. \har'tng “all one other L 345 + ("II (‘a|1079"i 3(13 4.0 I Large En-Suite Room 111 new top llooi Hat. 5 unnutex \1alk tront B_\re\ Road. l’11\ate l’arkrng. all rrtod-cons. sharing \xrth one other. L i35 1 (‘I ('al107975 303 44 l.

I Southside double room a\;11lable 111 \unn}. \pa cloth. \\ootlctt Ilool'etl l’ollokxhieldx Hat. .\'on \rttok 111g prolexxronal to \liar‘e huge kitchen and li\1ngroor11 “10) one other. Rent tlnc. councrl t‘.t\l L300. 0778‘) 903 0(10

I Double room available no“ £335tinclt1d1ngall I‘lll\t |.ar'ge top lloor\\'e\1 Iind llat \\ 1th li\ing room nut to Ix'elxingroxe park. \\'I(i and (ilaxgou [111. all mod com. (i(‘l I. broadlxrnd. 11c“ kitchen. dixlmaxlter \ltare \\ Itlt otherx \reuing tuexda} pn1 call 0|4l 331 (>137

I Pollokshields- double room a\ailable irnmedratel} 111 spacious llat \harrng \xrth mid30s male and cat. .\'e\\ l_\ decorated kitclten and broad bartd accexx. cloxe to all tram port. £300 pcm. no depoxrt 07700 4 I 5 (130

I Old Drumchapel vil- Iage l5t111nx \xcxt l'r'orn cit} centre. beatrtilul outlook and quiet leal'_\ selling. electric \hou er, \xooden lloor‘x. dotrble gla/ing etcper‘lcctll? £75 per neck 1 paid mortlltl} + tlepoxlll 07974 333 537

I Large Room available 111 two bedroom llat Bell Street. Merchant (‘11). L370p/1n plux bills. no depoxit. (‘entral loca tion. ideal tor postgrad or yarn; prolexxiortal. 079l7 35] I7!)

I Double bedroom 111 l'r'ankl} got'geottx corner tcne rnenl. Dennixtoun. Share \111h one cax} -going gu} and too lriendl} little cats. Li501nc blllx and (HI. ltd} pr'rtlc'\\11111;1l\ ortl}? tno DSS t11‘\llltIL'llt\. \ot‘t'} I l. 07H4l (19.5 734

I Sleeper cell seeks 11c“ student member due to lor'clgn tra\el. location - underground creati\e lab nut to \te\te11tl park- beautil‘ul. prrxate ck; quiet. £3 l0pcm 079M» 479 375

I Lovely two bedroom 11.11 111 \1 ext end 111' glaxgou. 5 mm I'r‘orn B_\r‘e\ Road. lull} l'urnixhed. e\cellent students. pr‘ttlc'\\i(111;1l\ or a couple looking tor a large one bedroom flat. it interested contact (‘laire on 07870 595 .107, I Double room available 111 11 ell equipped.modern 11 est end llat.3 minx t'rorn byes road.\\ot1Id\1111 ginger tolerant. mature professinal.xrnokerx welcome (no g;1}s1....£355 p/rn + (Tl + bills (‘ontaet John on 0794-1 896 4.50

I Double Room with dtexsrne room to let 1n 3 bed \\.1tertront tlat \xrth parknrz' \\ould \tlll non onokrng protes \ional L :(111 pc 111 me lndrng.‘ counc1|1a\ 0 "IS" 90" .‘ il

I Newly decorated flat and l\1.\l.1_\,brll\1nt e\tept phone I 1ee patkrttj.‘.1111l;'.11de11 5\l1n\ \\.1lk to box 11.1111 11111er to c centre. Itellaltothtott park and Sl‘ortxcentre 0 "’0 95.‘ 0390

I South Side rnear \lta\\l.1111l\tIloul‘lctoollt111l.1l\ 3 bedroom llat o\e1|ook1n;' ()11eenx I’ark l \celle11111an\ port l1nk\. large l1\111§.' room and kitchen S1111 ptrilt‘\\lr\tt.1l .‘5~ L3S0ptrn111t|ud1n;'(‘l pl11\ ltlll\ 117110111“ 11111

I Double room 111 11th c lean ll‘l1\\ ll.tI ltll lt‘lll [‘Idt t‘tl lot local ttartxpotl llltI\\ lo \ltareurtltprolcxxionalle111a|e \ottttte\\.1\lct\ttle.1\e 0 'S H 0.1% 0.1]

I One non-smoking pro- fessional lernale\\.1111edto \ltate.t\\obetltoottt.111ode111. brrgl11.11e\l1l} decorated tlat

\\ 101 one other le111ale ()n \ortl1\\ood\1e Road near Kelunbrrdgcl nderground .v\1nplcpark1ngL350pt1n 9 ('l leIHIII‘Iuth5h5


I Friendly, n/s female prol \\.111letlto\l1.11e tull'x 1111 111\l1edc1t_\ centre llat 111 tluret location Irorn \l.1_\ 7th

Brrght dorrble bedroorn \111h \lotage and ltreplace I'lec \l]tl\\k'l. ti(‘ll_ oII \lreel park mg and connnnnal garden

L i ‘0 pcrn 1 ('I . brllx 0"" *9 I73 355

I New Town: Double 11111111 tor non \111ok1ngprotexxronal L450 pc111 Include ol ga\. elet 111c11_\ and ('l. L-l501lepoxrt lull} Illl'lthlletl. all 1nod \()Il\ ('entral locat1on ('all 0| il 55S i5t1l.

I Gay friendly flatmate \kanted lor large lull} Illltll\lletl double room 111 l'dtnburglt tttodetrt trend} 3 bedroom llat share \kllll outlet 11l attguxt 30 turns lrorn centre t- ;35 111ottllll} all the call 0770?‘ (1| 1 0.19

I Double room available 111 cort\e1'ted \\.1tel1ott\c llal. \harrng \klllt one other protex \ronal I’tclltte\a\.11l;tltle upon request.i00pcrn [tll1\l1lll\. l'..1\} going pctxott prelcrred 07Hl5 l0? I77

I Large double room axatlablc111gorgcoux 3 bed toornllat111Ncul1a\en Beautrlul \ea \ 1e\1\ trorn the I1\1ngrooin.\1oodentloorx.tire place. garden. lree parking. a\arlablc 311d ol .\la_\ .or earl1 er, 07747 59l 715

I Howe Street, Stunning location. Dbl rooina\.’11lab|e lrorn lxt Ma}, i00pcin. (‘ouncrl tax L55pc1 month. .'\ll mod c‘o11\.\\’ooden lloormelemtor111 building. Sociable. 11d} protes- \1onal required. (17SII 9M 7X9 I Spacious double bed- room on next I1a\e11 road ()n .\latn I‘lltx Route.‘ge lixrng room. hall. kitchen. bathroom. \1/c. Looking tor pt'ollextotlttl 111alcorte1nale tlatrnate. 07795 I80 33‘)

I 31:1“ ’.‘::, L/r’i. THE LIST 107