
Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to jules.graham@list.co.uk. Listings are compiled by Henry Horthmore and Kenny Mathieson.

Thursday 13


I Louise Dodds and Tom Scott 'I he .lalll lliillse. 5 Queen Street. 226 4 KS”.

7 9pm l‘iec 'lalcntcd piano and \ocals tlllti

I Jayne C Wright Sygn. l5 ('harloiie lane. 22.5 6060 Spin. l-rce Weekly residency loi‘ the pianist and \ocalist playing ja/l “ith a contemporary l\\l\l. I Duke Heitger with the Scottish Jazz Allstars .la/I (‘c-iiii'e. the Lot. 4/6 (irassinaikct. 467 5200. S. ilipm. l. It). ;\n all star line up indeed as sensational \ch ()i'lcans trumpeter llcilger delncrs the second ot tuo conseculnc pcrlorinances at Jan (critic. this time alongside these leading l)i\ic|and stylists lronted h} l‘ltilllld Duncan and l-ori‘ie ('airns.

I Singers’ Night 'l‘hc .la/l liar. l ('hamheis Street. 220 4290, S. illpm. U. llosted hy ('athie Rae and Angela Jackson. this is an opportunity to hear some ol tlic latest emerging singers perlorm man intimate setting “ith the cream ol Scotland‘s ja/I musicians. llL'l‘st'lS asailahle (ill the door (it in ad\ance hy calling 0l620 H6l000.

I Beat Root Juice the Jan Bar. I ('hainhers Street. 220 4290. l0..‘~0pm. l-rcc. :\lro heat. l.alin and ska l'rom resident hand the (Boat Ste“ ()rchestra. plus l).l Barney and the odd li\c guest and spinner


I Bill Wells, Maher Shalal Hash Baz, Tenniscoats, Kama Aina and Kazumi Hikaidoh 'l‘olhooth. .lail \Vynd. 0| 73o 274000. 7.3opm. L'Io iL‘xi. ()ne ol- Scotland's most loruard thinking musicians. lialkirk ja// guru Bill Wells. dra\\s together this unconsenlioual line- up ol leltlield .lapancse players to present a unique Japanese pop and tree

iniPrm isation adxenlure. :\ 'l'( '.\'I-. ('I’ e\cnl.


* Julian Arguelles Trio .la/l ('enll‘e. The lot. 4/6 (irassmarket. 467 5200. 3.30pm. £7 iL'6i. Melodic and et‘eali\e set lrom the spirited and highly indis idual sa\ophonist. \\ ith Mario ('ai'ihe (hassi and Stuart Ritchie ldrumsi.

I Guest Bands Night the .la// Bar. I (‘hamhers Street. 220 4290. 9pm. liree. l‘eaturmg dill‘erent local guest groups each week. (ilasgou ja/Iers the Hohhy \Visharl Quartet are conlirmed tor l4 .-\pr.

I The Dias Quartet llcni'y ‘s (‘ellar liar. .S' l6a Morrison Street. 228 9393. 9.30pm. £4. l’ulsaling gromcs limit this ja/I-lunk quartet t'ronted hy lira/ilian trumpeter Reginaldo l)ias.

I Late Nite Groove The Jan Bar. l (‘hamhers Street. 220 4290.

midnight 5am. £5. Regular liriday night liinltstranigan/a \\ ith |i\ e hands and His. Blues} lunk lrom the llustlers t l4 .-\pri acid ja// lrom (iecko 5 (28 .-\pri.

Isle of Mull

I Bill Wells, Maher Shalal Hash Baz, Tenniscoats, Kama Aina and Kazumi Nikaidoh .v\n 'l'ohar. :\rg_\ ll 'l‘errace. 'lohermory. (0683 3022] l. Spin. [3 ([6). See 'l‘ltlt l3.


I The George Penman Jazzmen Montrose Central. 6/S \Vaterloo Street. 22l 0500. 2.30 5.30pm. Free. Vintage

78 THE LIST LL27 Apr 2006

New Orleans tan with a 50s tlasour tiom this staltsart ot the Scottish jal/ scene I Jim Whyte Quartet Bret. W 4‘~ \shton lane. ‘42 4966 ipm l'icc Mainstream |.t// troin the accomplished drummer and hand

I The Michael Deans Quartet liar lllnc. ll" llalli Slrect. 5‘4 6H66 5 Spin l'icc. Modern |.t// quartet led hy tenor saunan l)eans.

I Big Bob’s Jazz Band liar 155. Buchanan llotel. lls'5 Buchanan Street. H2 2234. 5.30 9pm. l'rec. stingmg Saturday |a// \e\\ltllt.


I The Mellotones .sn Queen Street Bar and Restaurant. K0 Queen Street. 226 5097. 2 5pm. l'ree. Jimmy Taylor and hand play songs hy Mel ’l‘ormc and other great ja/l \ocalists.

I House Trio The Jan liar. l (’hamhers Street. 220 4290. 3pm. l'i‘ee. Re|a\ed allel'noiiti slut \\ Illi llle lltillse 'l-t‘lu till piano. hass and drums.

I Salsa Celtica Queen's llall. ('lcik Street. ‘53 S000. 7pm. U3. .\ heady llll\ ol ja/I. .v\lrican. l.atm and ('eltic rhythms li'om this e\uheranl hig hand. See

pre\ iess. page 63.

I Lucy Kendra .la// (barre. the lot. 4/6 (il'tissttltil'lsel. 467 52””. 7.5llpllt. L6 it'5i. Showing equally impressixe range. poxs er and \ersatilily. \ocalisl Kendra perlorms a selection ol' standards and original in her oun unique style.

I Sara Mitra Quintet 80 Queen Street liar and Restaurant. 80 Queen Street. 226 5097. 9pm midnight. l'ree. Sassy. l.ondon-hased. soul and ja// \ocalist

\s hose e\tensi\e repertoire includes standards. lloh Marley. the Beatles and

I The Jazz Bar Quintet The Jan Bar. | ('hamhers Street. 220 4290. 9pm. liree. Vary ing line-ups l‘or this the-piece hand ol lop musicians. put together each neck by mainstay ol' the lidinhurgh ja// scene. drummer Hill Kyle.


=l< Julian Arguelles Trio 'I'olhooth. Jail \Vynd. 0|7S6 274000. .S'pm. U0 (th9. Melodic and creati\e set l‘l'Ulll the spirited and highly indi\idual sa\ophonist. \sith Mario ('arihe (hass) and Stuart Ritchie tdruinsi.


I Jazz & Ragtime 'l‘hree Judges. l)umharton Road. 337 3055. 2pm. l-"ree. Regular Sunday ragtime and jan session in the ‘real (ilasgow real ale' puh.

I Chris Clark Trio and Friends Bar Buddha. .S' ('resss ell Lane. 337 620].

4 7pm. Free. Mellon. mainstream ja// l'rom ('larls and hand \sith \at'ious guests joining in the tun each \seek.

I Duke Heitger Quartet 'l‘ron 'l'heatre. 63 'l‘rongate. 552 4267. ts'pm. {l2 (U l i. New Orleans ja/l “ith a contemporary edge limit this hard-hitting trumpeter.


I Martin Kershaw and Friends l'jol'llt Hour Restaurant liar & lil'ussel‘le. Haney Nichols. 30 34 St Andrews Square. 524 8350. I230 3.30pm. Kershass pt'tHides the perleel musical accompaniment to a line Sunday lunch

\\ ith his soaring sa\ sounds.

I Liz MacEwan and Jack Finlay (’entotre. l05 (ieorge Street. I 4pm. l-‘ree. Sssinging sounds trom \ocalist Macliss an accompanied h) tine pianist Jack l'inlay.

I Al Hughes Borders Books. [hit 26. liort Kinnaird Retail Park. 657 404l. 2pm. Free. l.i\ e hlues t‘roin Lights Out By Nine man Hughes. promoting his new alhum chrl (Illil Soul.

I House Trio The Jan Bar. l ('hamhers Street. :2“ 42‘)“. iplli. liree. See Sat l5. I Live Jazz ('ale (irande. Its'4 Bruntstield Place. 22\‘ HRS“. 7pm. l.i\e jan \shile you dine. This ueek “ith Suhie ('oleman and Kex in MacKen/ie.



I The Great Jazz Jam Session The Jan liar. I ('hainhers Street. 220 4290. 9pm. l-‘ree. li\pect a rich mi\ture ol' styles as laces old and neu drop in to perlorm

\\ ith the House 'l‘rio each week.

Tuesday 18


I Jason Faichney Sygn. 15 (‘harloite Lane. 225 6060. 6pm. Free. Weekly residency tor the singer and pianist playing ja/I injected hlues. hoogie and soul.

I Bill Kyle’s Sh“ Hot Jazz Quartet The Jan Bar. l ('hamhers Street. 220 4290. 9pm. l-‘ree. l'pheal group l'eaturing llill Kyle (drums). l)oug 'l'iplady tsaxesi. l’aul Kirhy lpianoi and Kenn (ilasgtm (hassl.

Wednesday 19


I Michael Simons 'l'chai Us na. I69 l)eanston l)ri\c. 649 7253. Spin. £2. (ilasgoss-hased guitarist playing tolls. hlues and heyond.


I Tiger the Lion The Jam Home. 5 Queen Street. 226 4330. 7.30pm. liree. Extraordinary and tinusual ensemhle.

I Brian Kellock 8. Jay Clayton Jan ('entre. The [.61. 4/6 (irassmarket. 467 5200. 3.30pm. £9 (KM. The pianist is joined by one ot' the ‘most adwnturous singers in ja/l'.

I Jazz Jam and Open Mic Session Si) Queen Street Bar and Restaurant. 30 Queen Street. 226 5097. 9pm midnight. l-‘ree. l-‘our years on 80‘s. nou midueek. trusty open mic session is still going strong. All are \selcome to join in the fun. I New Bands Night The Jan Bar. l (‘hamhers Street. 220 4290. 9pm. l-‘ree. l)illerent up and coming hands shou case their ja// talents each week. l7-piece hig hand. Multiple ()rgasm (26 Apri. are the only act confirmed so far this t‘ortnight. I Blue Zinc The Jam House. 5 Queen Street. 226 4380. lllpm. l-‘ree. Authentic three-piece hlues hand.

Lincolnshire-born jazz singer Sue McCreeth has won a lot of admirers since releasing her debut album back in 2002, and teams up here with the Paul Harrison Trio in a repertoire that includes her own songs alongside standards and music by Herbie Hancock and Wayne Shorter.

I The J(i// Bar, Edinburgh, Thu 20 Apr.


I Sound at Seventeen Ja/l ('enire. lite l.ol. 4/6 (irassinarkel. 467 5200. 7.30pm. £6 tL'5i. Big hand lormerly knoun as the RlilS Big Band. led hy Nick (iould and lealuring Vocalist Sue Mcllugh.

I Tiger the Lion The Jam llousc. 5 Queen Street. 226 4180. 7.30pm. liree. See \Vetl l9.

I Jayne C Wright Sygn. l5 ('harlolle Lane. 225 6060. Xpm. l‘ree. See Tho I i. I Sue McCreeth with Paul Harrison Trio The Jan Bar. l ('hamhcrs Street. 220 4290. 8.30pm. £5. The l.olidon>htise(l ja/I singer joins the cream ol local players lot' a lyso-sel concert.

I Beat Root Juice The Jan liar. l ('hamhers Street. 220 4290. I0..t0pin. l-‘ree. See 'l‘liu l3.


I Joe Longthorne l’milion 'l'heaire. l2l chlield Street. 552 lX46. 6.45pm. U7 US. Legend hailing lrom the days ot MW at the Palladium. mm perlorrning

\\ itlt his orchestra.


I Bachue Jan ('entre. The Lot. 4/6 (irassinarkel. 478 8446. 7.30pm. {it (Hi. This pairing ol tuo musicians renowned t'or their crealiyity and commitment (‘orrina lie“ at on harp/vocals and David Milligan on piano results in an innovatiye selection of original pieces. I Guest Bands Night The Jam Bar. I ('hamhers Street. 220 4290. 9pm. Free. See liri I4.

I Late Hite Groove The Jan Bar. 1 (‘hamhers Street. 220 4290. midnight~3am. £5. See Fri 14.


I Dundee Jazz Festival 2006 Apex ('ity Quay Hotel & Spa. l West Victoria Dock Road. ('ity Quay. 0| 3X2 434 940. Times \ary. Prices vary. This year's l‘estiyal features an eclectic line-up covering a huge range ol‘ja/l styles. reaching out to Latin jazz and rhythm and blues too. Highlights include Scottish hlues legend Maggie Bell: the guitar wizard Martin Taylor playing with French