I Brady Cole and The Rushes llcriol \Vall l'nnclxil} l'nion. RIL'LdllHll. 45l 5333 ‘lpni l'lt'c Rock \l}llll_'_'\ llHllI Brad} ('olc who Ullllll I/n I).i\ c (iiohl among lhcn lanx llc cxcn .hlkt'tl lhcni lo opcn at l'tm l'lglilclx' laxl \lzl '(' gig

I The Debonaires 'l hc .l.llll llouxc. 5 ()uccn Sllccl. 226 43x1) lllpin nndnighl L 3. St't‘ 'l lltl l3

* Pro Forma .mll Errors ( ".ilmici Vollallt'. 3“ 3X l‘llall Sllccl. 220 (il7li llpin 3am. L4 iL3i :\llt‘l .l ll‘iuniphanl \lai'l Spicx Ill llic \Vncx L‘Hllllllllt‘\ \\ llll ll\ c \cl\ liom l’lo l'olnia lxcc [ll't'\lt'\\_ pagc (i-ll and l’.lltll\ and a DJ \cl lioni l)l';\ man Juan \laclcan l’ioduccd Ill coinunclion nilh l/lt' In].


I Panic! at the Disco and Men, Women and Children (“ailing Acadcni} (ilaxgou. l2l laglinlon Sum. 0870 77| 2000. 7pm. 8( )l.l) ( )l "I ()\cl l-l\ \llll“. (illl\t'l L‘llccklmllt‘tl t'lllo tltltlllt'l ll‘oin l.;l\ \cgax.

I Blast from the Past ( ‘lidc .'\lltlll(|l'lllll|. l'uuncxlou (Jun). 0870 040 4000. 7pm. L22.5ll. Scc Thu 20.

I Mortiis and Gothminster ’I'Iic ('alhouxc. l5 l'nion Sli'ccl. 243 (ilillo

7. 30pm. Llll. ()xcr l~lx \lltl\\. .\'oi'\\cglan gohlin lllic} \a} ll'\ all donc \xilh proxlhcliuh \ulling llic llltlllxll'lttl dalknaw mlll a llicall'lcal l'lourixh. And lltm goth a namc l\ (iolhnunxlcli’

I Caragh Hugent, The Scruffs, Blitzhoney and Signals g2. WU Sauclncliall Sliccl. 35.3 3| 1 l. 7pm. L4. l)\t'l l4x \hou. Singcr/xong“l'ilcl' llll-lllk'llt‘t‘tl ll) .lolll Mllt‘llcll lllltl (‘al'olt‘ King llt'tttlllllt'\ lhix \llo\\c;l\c ol local tlL‘l\.

I Halfcut and The Shenkin Establishment .-\l&( ‘2. Hi) Sauchichall Sli'ccl. 332 2232. 7pm. L5. ()\cl' l-l\ \lltm. I Dressed to Kill chli'cxx l‘t'l‘l'). Andcrxlon Qua). 'l‘hc Hi'ooinicla“. (llollh’ 2(i5 5| I. 7.30pm. Llll adxancc lL|2 tlool‘). Kl\\ ll’llitllc.

I The Hollies |{o_\a| ('onccrl Hall. 2 Saucllicliall Sli'ccl. 353 h’llllll. 7,30plll. Ll‘).5ll £22.50. \'clcl'an lical pop combo. I Azzuri and The Statler Project MAS. 2*) l{o_\a| li\changc Squai'c. 22| 7030. 7.30pm. L4. |nno\ati\c indic rock l'rom .'\//uri. launching lhcii' ncn lil’.

I The Black Diamond Heavies and Uncle John & Whitelock Slcl'co. l4 Kc|\ inhaugh Stl'ccl. 57o 5(llh’. 3pm. lhc. Swamp} hlucx hollcrin' l'roin honic and abroad.

I Burning Star Core, Prurient and Jessica Rylan (‘(‘.-\. 35H Saucliichall Sum-1,352 4000. 8pm. L|4 lLllll; “cckcnd paxx L35 (L25). .\lcla| and punk mccl\ \ iolin \xilh Burning Star (‘orc. c\pcrimcnta| hardcorc l'l'om l’ruricnl and in\ with c L‘lL‘t‘ll'UlllC\ l'i'om chxica R) lan. l’url u/ .X‘ll/n'urn'nl 2006.

I Deadline, The Cool Cats and Zeal Street Nicc'ii'SlcaI}. 42l Saucliichall Sll‘t‘t‘l. .333 0000. 8pm. fllic. licmalc lionch London \ll't't'l punkx l)cad|inc hcatllinc.

I The Drips, Girlsplayboys and The Poisoning Bar-ll} ltlpxlllll'xl. loll ('l}dc Sii‘ccl. 0870 007 000‘). 8pm. L5. 'l‘hc llt‘;|tlllllt‘l‘\ l‘calurc nicnihcrx ol lhc lll'on\. lhc |)i\lil|cl‘\ and [AK l.oho\.

I Lil Ze, Martin’s Room and Austin Bill“). 200 ('|)dc Sll't‘t‘l. 0370 007 000‘). 8pm. [4. Local rock and pop.

I Take a Worm for a Walk Week and Shelf of the Slain 'l'hc \‘alc. 5 Dundax Strccl. 332 4028. 8pm. L3. .\lcla| and grindcorc.

I Pop Levi, Hank Barrick and The Rushes King Tut's \Vah \Vah llut. 272a St \"inccnt Slrccl. 22| 527‘). 8.30pm. lhc. Nc“ Ninja 'l'uncx \igning rclcrcncing cxctylhing from (ills \otll to (‘aplain Bcclhcarl and Scrgc (iainxhotu'g.

alt Bare Lyrics “mantle Social (‘lulx 33‘) North “.0000th Rtitltl. 3.37 “$4.3. 9pm- 2am. L‘h. Hip hop hca\_\\\cighl\ Brokc N linglish l‘rom Manchcslcrjoin thc Rcmcdics. Quest and V'crxc ()nc [his month at a nc“ \cnuc.

74 THE LIST 13—27 Apt 2006

I Random Factor Soundllaux. 4“ ll}dcpaik Slrccl. 22l 405‘) llpm lhc .\K.\ l’.ilI\ l‘.l\L'tl clccllolllca .llll\l (all l‘lllltb“, p|.i_\lng a Inc \cl .il Hm;

I Justus Kohncke and Max Raskin 'l lic l.lt|llltl loungc. ‘l4 \\c\t chcnl Sllt‘t'l. 32 3 (l 5 3.3 [7 l.ltl\ l. t.” llllltlll l‘.lL'Lllt| lcchno cainagc

I Smokescreen llat'loulantl 3. 2H (ialltmgalc. 5.52 4h0l llk‘ ("incllllg lcccnl luncx lioln Slcl'coplionlcx lo Skunk :\ll.lll\lt‘


I Death of a Contemporary and Wavesvveeper \Vcc Rcd Hal. lzdlnhuigh (illllt'g'k' ill .‘\ll. l.;ltll’I\lHll I’lacc. 22‘) I442 (rpm. I'lcc. .-\cou\lic and lolk rock I Hobotalk and The Sundowns ('aliai’cl Vollallc. 3“ 3X l3|an Stlccl. 220 MM 7pm. Lo l)ouhlc lull ol )oung Scolx lalcnl including l'.dmhul'gh :\l|lt‘l'lt'ttll;l qtunlcl lllc Sundounx. \xlloxc lalcxl album ('u/u/mmx rcccncd .ul llllplt‘\\l\t‘ ninc out ol lcn llom lhc :\|l (‘ountl'_\ ol'aclc. .'\lllL'llt';lll;I UK.

I The Jackals, The Hedrons and The Common Redstarts lllt‘ llqllltl Room. ‘lc Victoria Sliccl. 225 2504. 7pm L5 .langl) guilar pop \\llll hcai'l llom lhc Jackalx.

I The Last Resort and The Flavours 'l'lic Jam lltilht‘. 5 ()uccn Sll‘ccl. 220 4380. 7.|5pm l2. 30am. L5 liclol'c lain; 7 allclz l'niquc al'i'angcmcnlx ol \xcllknoxxn co\ci'\ lroln thc l.a\l Rt'xol'l lolltm t‘tl Ii} llotl\c lizllltl lllt' l’lmotu'x.

I The View alld The System Sulma} ('tmgalc. (i‘) ('ongalc. 225 07%. 7.30pm. Lllit‘. Scollhll llltllt' lllll llt‘atlL'tl l3) lllt‘ /.anc l.o\\ c llppcd Vic“.

I Blackjack Blues Band and Brando Ilcnr} \ ('cllal‘ liar. 8 Hill Morrixon Sll'ccl. 228 0303. 3pm. L4. (itnlar rock \xilh a liluc\ \ ihc l'i'om Ilic BBB

I Eoghan Colgan 'l‘lic l.cll Bank. 37 (iullu'ic Sli'ccl. 225 0744. 3pm. Irixh \ingci‘ \ollg\\l‘llt‘l‘ nilh a lolk) cdgc.

I Cannonball Jane and My Tiny Robots ('alcdonian Backpackcl‘x. 3 ()uccnxlci‘r} Sli‘cct. 470 7224. 8.30pm. £5. Scc caption. aho\c I'ighl.

I The Last Band, The Set-Up and Missing Cat llanncrman'x Niddi'} Slrccl. 55o 3254. 8.45pm. L4. Ska lunk l'rom lhc l.a\l Band.

I Dropkick, Latonic and Theme 'I‘lic l.oll. l3‘) ('o\\galc. 07738 0| 5325. 9pm. L3. lndic and acotlxllc \oundx.

I The Low Miffs 'l'hc Bongo ('luh. Mora} llouxc. 37 llol)l'ood Road. 558 7(lll-l. lllpm 3am. L'5. 'l'uo L'lllllx l'oi' lhc pl‘icc ol' onc ax liaxl I‘clurm. 'l'hc lk‘xl in high cncrg} rock'n'roll. gal'agc and ptmk \\illl lixc gtlcslx lllc lam Mill-x. “hilc Ridc 'l'liix 'l‘rain gocx all rchcl L‘Ullllll'} on yuu' axx.


I Cannibal Corpse 'l'hc (iat'agc. 4*)l) Saucliichall Sll‘ccl. 332 I I2”. 7pm. Ll5. ()\ cr— l4\ \ho“. \'clcran goi'c-hound llu'axh mclallcl‘x. ohxcxxcd \\ ith all thingx blood) and cadmcroux.

I Jeff Wayne’s Musical Version of the War of the Worlds ('|_\dc .-\udilorium. l-innicxlon Qua}. 0870 U40 4000. Split. £30.50 £39.50. 'l'akc L‘tiu‘l‘ il'x lhc original lprog-l‘ockl \corc lor lhc ll(i \Vcllx no\ cl adaptation. pcrl'onncd llu‘.

I Danko Jones, Tokyo Dragons and Voicst King 'l'ul'x \Vah Wall lltll. 272a St \‘inccnl Slrccl. 22| 527‘). 3.30pm. £7. Danko Jonc\ arc a \ ixccral 'l‘oronlo lrio lapping up lhc likcx ol .-\(‘/l)('. Soundgal‘dcn and Jon Spcnccr Blucx l{\p|o\ion. Willi unrcciinxlruclcd rock \upport l'rom lhc manc-xhaking 'l‘ok}o Dragonx.

I Maple Thieves, Wakeover and Frequency .-\B(‘2. 330 Sauchichall Slrccl. 332 2232. 7pm. L'o. 'l‘hc hcadlincrx arc a l'our-piccc inllucnccd h) all thc hig uns thc Who/ Bcallcx/ Stoncx/ l))lan/ Marlc} land ()ccan (‘olour Sccncl.

m Everyone should have a secret life. The sub here

at The List is actually a secret arms importer from the Middle East but you‘d never know from looking at her. Cannonball Jane spends her days shaping tiny. malleable minds as a school teacher. Her songs are breathless beatbox-meets-bubblegum pop anthems. lo-ii hip hop from someone who was clearly chewing on Beastie Boys and Shangri-Las records from an early age. Now her secret life is out. I C(l/(X/(l/l/il/l [3(1CA/Xltjhiflt‘). [dinning/i, Bl Apr.

I Smegma, Joe McPhee 8. Chris Corsano Duo, Mouthus, Aaron Dilloway and Hive Mind (’(‘.-\. 350 Sauchichall Sli'ccl. 352 4000. Hpm. L'l-l lfl0l1 \H'L'kt‘lltl p;l\\ [35 (L25). Noixc/ja/I/rock Inhrid Smcgma. imprm \a\ophoni\l and drummcr McI’hcc and ('orxano. guitarx. tll'llllh. \ocal\ and clcclronicx l'rom .\loulhu\. narpcd \ocal\ li‘om |)i||o\\a) and industrial llt)I\C ll'oni llixc Mind. l’lth allcrnoon \cl‘ccningx ol .lli .Vuml' l\ .l/ln'rl and a punk l)lY documcnlal') l'i'om Smcgma. I’m! 0/ .S'uln'm'n'nl 3000.

I The Spinto Band, Jody Wildgoose and Oppenheimer Ilal'll}. 2m ('l}dc Sim-i. 0370 007 (mm). Split. L'7. 'loulcd )oung llltllL‘ rock \haxci‘x ll'tllll lhc Slalcx. Scc caption. pagc 73.

I Titus Gein, Cycle of Zen and Colour Chain 'l'hc Valc. 5 I)unda\ Sti'ccl. 332 4023. 8pm. L3. l'.lccll‘o prog mclal combo punt lhcu' .‘(ll'llllt ml 'It't'llllltllltW [or IItlIll/\ um! [~va album. I Futuro, The Hype and The Front .\'icc’n'S|ca/_\. 42l Sauchichall Slrccl. 3 (Mill. 3.30pm. £5. Val'icd rock and pop hill.

I The Fortunate Sons and Andy Craig 8. Band (llaxglm l'imcrxu} chcarch (‘lulx l3 l'nixcrxil) (iardcnx. 330 4503. 9pm. L5. lllllt‘x} lt'\llll'c\ lrom lno (ilaxgou aclx.

I The Aphrodisiacs and Satellite Dub Soundhaux. 47 ll}dcpark Sli'ccl. 22l 405‘). lllpm 4am. L") lL‘Ni. l)ancc_\. clcclro rock ll‘io l'rom Molhcrncll pla) lhix Sinc night.

I Lapsus Linguae Barll}. loll ('|_\dc Slrccl, 0370 007 099‘). “lpm. £5 ([4 l. Local cra/icx gi\c it \omc prog noiw \xcll) on lhc guitar and kc)hoard\ at lhix l)cathkill4ll()() night.

I Good Books (ilaxgon School ol Art. |(i7 chlrcn Slrcct. 353 453l. l lpm. Lo 05). 'l'oulctl lingiixh indic acl pla} (‘luh XML.

I The Drifters \'icloria\. 9x Sauchichall Slrccl. 332 I444. L'l4.‘)5. 'l‘hc l)ril'lcr\. rolling on for morc than 50 )L‘Llh old. pla) an act lcaluring classic hll\ such

ax 'Saltutla) Night at llic .\lo\ic\‘ and 'Stoc llic l.a\l |)ancc lol \lc'


I Miss Black America, Private Jackson and The Set-Up ( 'alcdonian Backpackcix. 3“)llt't‘ll\lt'll) Sllccl. 1"!) 7224. 3_ 30pm L5. Rock and llt‘.l\k \l.ll\\ ol Inclodlc Iltll\t' llom \llH

I Fopp Unsigned Band Showcase ('ahal'cl \‘ollanc. 3h 3H lllan Sllccl. .320 M70. 7pm. Lllic. ('hcck lopp co nk lol moic mlo.

I No End, Obsidian, Hosemox, Pregnant Man and 3K Oranges lllt‘ Bongo ('luli. Mora} lllllht‘. 37 lllllkllltitl Road. 558 7llll-l 7pm L4 (icl l'lt'ak} pi'cxcnl llnx night ol no nonxcnxc lockni I The Athens Trio and The Flavours 'l'hc .lam llouxc. 5 ()uccn Slit-cl. 22h 4330. 7.l5pln nudnighl L5 hcloic Iain. L7 allcl Hand ol lilollicix playing populal co\cr\ on guilarx and haw lolloucd h} Jam llouxc houxcliand lhc l‘l.l\tilll\. Ionicd lonlglil h} \pcclal gut-\l \ocalixl. l)c.ui lil'idgcx.

I Amplifico and Gecko 3 Ill-m} '\ (‘cllai liar. H Ilia Moll'ixon Sllccl. 225 0393. Spin. L5. 'l lic Illllhhxllflt' lo L‘lllt‘jJHl'ht' |a//. acouxllc alllolk pop ol :\lllplllico.

I The New Age Jam (“unix Hill».

40 42 (irindlln Sll'ccl. 022 705!) Hpin L7. Jam ll'llitllc acl.

I Love Bastards, I Catch Fire and Nine Circles ltuincrnlan'x. \Iddi} Slrccl. 550 32.54 3.45pm. L4 Rock and indic \oundx

I Death Star 4 'l'lic 'l lu'cc lunx \Vlnc \itlllllx 7 ll llalllncl‘ Sllt't'l. 0| 3| 225 54l2. |0pln l'l‘cc. Ran poncl will a Scottish hcarl \Hlll mcmhch lioni (ioodh) c Mr McKcn/ic and Blucx'it"l‘rotihlc.


I The Datsuns .-\l£('2. 330 Sauchichall Slrcct. 332 2232. 7pm. L"). ()xcr l4\ \hou. 'l‘hcir ampx go up to | I and lhc} \xcar