For some peculiar reason Destiny’s Child, despite having had nothing more traumatic than a chipped nail to deal with in their long-legged lives, felt it appropriate to sing songs about being ‘survivors’. Pah! Duglas T Stewart, the brainiac svengali behind the Bandits, has survived more indie rock movements than anyone (well except maybe Stephen Pastel) we know. He assembles his crack team to celebrate the first birthday of club night Dolly Mixtures with the wondrous Popup in tow. I Mono, Glasgow. Sun I6 Apr
70 THE LIST 13—27 Apr 2006
I Santa Dog, Attic Lights and Little Kicks l3th .\'otc (late. 50 oil King Strcct. 55.3 M38. 0pm £4 Scc l5ri l4 tor Santa Dog. Suppon from thc .'\mcricana- tingcd :\lllt' I.ight~ and indic pop\lcr\
l.|lllL‘ Klt‘lu
I Marlena Shaw and Raff 'l'hc liquid Room. ‘lc Victoria Strcct. 335 35M. '7pm. £l4. Scc Sat l5. Local lidinhurgh lunl. rackctccr Rail in most crcdthlc \upport. I 96 Tears chtar. 353 (‘ougalu 557 3780. 7.30pm. l5rcc. Slix-iiixpircd clcclro rock.
I The Dohl Foundation ()uccn'x Hall. ('lcrk Sti'cct, («is 3(ll‘). 3pm. £13 i£ltli .-\n inlcnxc mi\ of hhangra. dancc and clcctronica.
I Retrospective, Ultra Violet Pilot and Skyless Banncrman'x. Niddi') Strcct. 556 3354. 3.45pm. £4. lndic triplc.
I Hobo 'l'hc Bongo (‘luh. Mora) llouxc. 37 llol_\rood Road. 558 7604. lllpm 3am. l'rcc hcl'orc £l le; £3 al‘tcr. ‘|.i\c music and altcrnatn c disco tor Vilhlll-lt‘tl \inncrx'. Acts this lortnighl includc a triplc hill ol' thc l)amn Shamcx. thc Ruxhcx and Your Bo} Blair t It» Apr).
I Bleed From Within, Passion Beyond Reason, Avaricesco, Shelf of the Slain and Today it Ends Soundhaus. 47 llydcpark Strccl. 33l 465‘). 7pm. £5. ()xcr- l4\ show. (‘I) launch for local mctallcrx Blccd From Within. with kindrcd supports.
I Host, Little Panic, This July and School of Assassins Mtttlncsx. 3t) Botlmcll Strcct. 7pm. £4. (irungc. altrock and mclodic mctal hill.
I This is Seb Clarke, Flying Matchstick Men, Kessler and The Frequency (ilasgou~ School of Art. l(i7 chl'rcw Strcct. 353 453i. 7.30pm. £5 (£4 with flycri. Local indic hill. including lhc
sch-\l} lcd clcctro-dtxco “out. pop ot l’l_\ing Matchstick Hm
I Acoustic Jam .\'icc‘n'.\‘lc.i/_\. 42| Sauchichall Strcct. 333 (Will Spin l‘i‘cc \Vccld} \houcasc for local \ongnritcrx pcrtormmg original matcrial
I Ana Egge and Fran Schoppler 'l‘hc Statc Bar. 148 Holland Strcct. 333 3l5‘) 8pm £h. ('anadran \lllg't‘l?’ \ongxuitcr \\ ho .ttlth .t \ltlttkt') HULK t‘tlgt' in hcr toIL/countr}. \upportcd h) local \ingcr/wngxxrilcr
I Betty Curse, Darkwater and Mangara King 'l‘ut'x Walt \Vah llut. 333a St \‘mccnt Strcct. 33| 537‘) N 30pm. ()\cr- 14‘ \hou. .-\K:\ actrcxs Mcgan Burns. \\ ho tcaturcd in lomhic flick 3‘ Ilm \ lute-r. liugcnc Kcll_\ pop up on lici dchut alhum,
I Lower Forty Eight, The Ocean Fracture and Hate Becomes the Hero Bar Bloc. I [7 Bath Sin-ct. 574 hum». 0pm. l-"rcc. San l'rancixcan hca\}\\cight\ l.4.\' makc thcir l'K dchut.
I Polytechnic ('aharct \‘oliairc. to is Blair Strccl. 330 M70. 7pm. £5, Sonic Youtli—quuc mathcx ol t‘ccdhack and lL'l‘ll-lt'ltl rock action.
I Indafusion and Spacial Entrepreneurs 'l‘hc Bongo (‘luh. Mora} llouxc. 37 llol_\rood Rlliltl. 5.53 7004. 7.3(lplll. £3. l’\} Cllt‘tlt‘ilil lllt't‘l\ pmk t't‘ pop trom Duntcrmlinc hand lndaluxion. marking lhc launch ol~ lllL‘ll’ nc“ lil’ Rmm o/‘Ihu'n'in.
I Stepping Stones 'l'hc Jam llottxc. 5 Quccn Strcct. 33h 43th. 7pm midnight. l5rcc. 'l‘akc this opportunit} to gi‘acc thc Jam llouxc \lztgc and \lltm thctn \\ hat you'rc madc of. and poxxihl) hc \nappcd tip to play l‘ulurc gigs. (‘ontact ('alaix Brown on 070.“ I40 083 il‘ _\ou'd likc to gi\c it ago.
I Little Amber, 0009 and Fat Ben & the Looters ltanncrman'x. Niddr) Slrcct. 556 3354. 8.45pm. £4. 'l‘riplc hill of cncrgctic and cnigmatic local acts.
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