
Glasgow Film Theatre

I2 Ruse SIreeI. 0|4I 332 I028. ("ale/bar. All perinrmances hunlIIIhle. Il)|. Iii]. Iiwmngs: £5 I£4). Malincex IhelI)re 5pm): £4.5lll£5.5lil.l‘TiIhL‘IIIrCSPIIIII12.5.5” H.250). (il’l‘ ('Ine('ard hIIIIlerx: {I IIII illl price» (il'vl‘ saxerv £22.5III12I7.50) II) we 5 lilmx HaIIII I0r Ihree IIIIths).


Jumanll II') I 1.30am.

The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada II5) I00. 330, 0.00. 8.30. Trelew05) I45. 0.10.

Thirst (Atash) I I2.-\) 3.45. 8.20.


The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lava Birl II') I I.30ain.

Seducing Dr Lewis (La Brande Seduction) I I5) 2.30. 0.00. 8.30.

Cookies B Muscles (Crustaces B Coqulllages I I5) 300. 8.45.

Con Bame( oble Juego) I I8) 0.40.


Tarka the Otter II’(i) I 1.30am.

Dr Strangelove I I’( I) I .30.

Seducing Dr Lewis (La Brande Seduction)

I I5) 2.30. 0.00. 8.30.

Cookies B Muscles (Crustaces B ulllages) I I5) 3.00. 8.45.

To Ie In San IIllario (Morir en San

Ililario) I I2A) 0.30.

SUNDAY 102/338

Seducing Dr Lewis (La Brande Seduction)

I I5) 2.30. 8.30.

Cookies B Muscles (Crustaces B ulliages) I I5) 3.00. 8.45.

Mo tu, King of Zaire (Mobutu, roi du

la re) I I5) 5.30.

Blessed by Fire (Ilumlnados por el

Fuego) I I5) 0.I5.


These Foolish Things (Parent B Baby Screening) I I5) I0.30;Im.

Lassie II’(iI I I.30;Im.

Seducing Dr Lewis (La Brande Seduction) I I5) 2.30. 8.30.

Cookies B Muscles (Crustaoes B Coqulllages) I I5) 3.00. 8.45.

These Foolish Things I I5) 000.

El Calentito I I8) 0.45.

IUESQAX _. LELAEB These Foolish Things I I5) I245. Cookies B Muscles (Crustaces B mulllages) I I5) 3.00. 0.45.

ucing Dr Lewis (La Brande Seduction) I I5) 3.30. 0.00. 8.30. Even Dwarfs Started Small IP(;) 845.


Seducln‘g Dr Lewis (La Brande Seduction) I I5) 2.. 0. 8.30.

Cookies B Muscles (Crustaoes B Coquillages) I I5) 3.00. 0.45.

Amarcord I I8) 0.00.

The Wandering Shadows (La Sombre Del Camlnante) I I5) 845.

THURSDAY 20 APR Pucker Up: The Fine Art of Whistling I I’( i) .00. 0.45. Cookies B Muscles (Crustaoes B mulllages) I I5) 3.00. 8.45. ucing Dr Lewis (La Brande Seduction) I I5) 3.30. 0.00. 8.30.


Unknown White MaleII2.-\) |.00. 5.00. 9.00.

Iiell(L’Enfer)Il5) I45. 4.00. 0.20. 8.40.

Crossing the Bridge: The Sound of lstanbu II2.~\) 3.00. 7.00.


Lassie (PG) I 1.30am.

Crossing the Bridge: The Sound of lstanbu (l2:\) I00. 7.00. KontroIIIIS) L30.

Unknown White Male I I2.-\) 3.00. 5.00. 9.00.

Ilell(L’Enfer)II5) 4.00. 0.20. 8.40.


Crmlng the Bridge: The Sound of Istanbul (I2A) l.()(). 9.00. BldewlththeDevilII5I+Brokebaok Mountain I I5) I.I5.

56 THE LIST 13-27 Apr 2006

Payee Lackeen

SSA on Screen I I5) 3.00. Unknown White Male I I2..\) 5.00. 7.00. ilell (L’Enfer) I I5) 0.20. 840.


Unknown White Male I I2.-\) I00. 5.00. 9.00.

Iiell (L’Enfer) I I5) I45. 8.40.

Pavee Laokeen: The Traveller Biri I I 5) 3.00. 7.00.

The New World I I2.»\) 5.45.


The New World I I2.«\) I245.

Pavee Laokeen: The naveller Girl I I5) I00. 5.00.

Unknown White Male I I2.-\) 300. 7.00. Iiell (L’Enfer) I I5) 4.00. 0.20. 840. Long Weekend I I5) 9.00.


Unknown White Male I I2.I\) I .00. Hell (L’Enfer) I I5) I45. 4.00. 0.20. 8.40.

Pavee Laokeen: The Traveller Blrl I I5) 3.00. 9.00.

Metal: A Headbanger’s Journey I I 5 I 0.00.


Unknown White Male I I2..\) Inn. 5.00. 9.00.

iiell (L’Enfer) I I5) 1.45. 8.40.

The Immortal (El lnmortai) I I5) 3.l )0. 7.00.

FestivalIII5) 0.00.

Blasgow Women’s Library

TIII\ \I-Iimen-Iml) \creening is part ul‘ (‘hulnex Pupcurn. a short series 0i I3I)II)\\I)I)d lilmx spanning Ihree rich decades I)I~ Indian film making. All lilllix are free and “ill be \UhilllL'Ll. (‘aII 0I4| 552 8345 I'm more inl'0rmaIi0n 0r II) hunk a place.


MughaI-E-Azam (Women Only Screening)I PU) Thu: (5.00.

Ashton Lane. Hillhead. OH] 339 8444. Fri-Sun: £5.50 before 6pm: £6.50 aI'Ier;

Second chance to see this multi award-winning docudrama. After a ridiculously brief release in early March (one day at one of the multiplexes), photographer Perry Ogden’s unsentimentai and powerful portrait of Ireland’s marginalised traveller community finally gets a decent showing at our city’s art houses. I Film/70030. E(///)l)0rg/) from Tue I 8 IO Thu 20Apr onlv. GFT. G/asgow from Mon 24—W0Ii 26 Apr only.

Mun: £3.50: Tue Thu: £4.50 heinre ()pu): £5.50 aI'IeI'. SIuIIenlx/(MI’: [3.500101 axailahle aI‘Ier 0pm I‘ri Sun I: ('IIIIII: £3.50: KiIIx' ('Iuh Sal Mnrning: £2.50.


Capote I I5) 8.50.

Ice Age 2: The Meltdown II') I00. 3.20. 5.30. 7.40.

Proof (Parent B Baby Screening) I | 2.3 I l0.30aIII.

The Squid and the Whale I I5) I .20. 3.45. 0.20. 9.40.


Bee Season (Parent B Baby Screening) I I2.-\)

Malinee Thu: |0.30anI.

Bee Season (Senior Screening) I I 2.3) Malinee Wed: l0.30ani.

Capote I I5)

I)ai|_\: 3). II).

Ice Age 2: The Meltdown I I')

l)ai|}: I245. 2.50. 4.50. 7.00.

.'\l\ti Inalinee I-‘ri .\II)n: I0.30am. Matilda II’(I)

Malinee Iiri: I0.30am.

Bugrats Bo Wild! Il‘) MaIinee Sal & Sun: Shrek II')

Malinee Mun: I0.30am.

The Squid and the Whale I I5)

Hail}: 1.20. (1.40.

The Three Burials of Melqulades Estrada I I5)

Dali}: 3.45. 3.50.

IMAX Theatre

(ilaxgmx Science (’enIre. 50 Pacific Qua). 0|4I 420 5000. £7.95 “5.95). 10’} discuum 00 parties 0I' mure than l'0ur.


Allen Adventure 3D II') I00. Magnificent Desolation: Walking on the Moon 30 Il') nIiIm. 2.00. 3.00. Vforllendetta I I5) 4.00. 7.30.



Allen Adventure 3D IL') Fri—Tue: 1.00. Wed ac Thu: L30.

Magnificent Desolation: Walking on the Moon 30 II'»

in Tue 0000. 200. 300

\\eII .\ Hm I: 30. .‘ 50 IllorVendetta I I5)

l'I'I l‘ue 400. ~.30

Ddeon at the Quay

()0 Panic} Rnad. 0|4I 42" "022 Min and (1‘ honking II.\"| 22 4400” [III [ii] \Llllll\ U) Ipieiniei \eah L"). (‘UIIL'L'\\IUII\ {J l Ic‘L‘IhL‘Il I‘JI

31.425;va '

AilenAutopsyIIZM III45.III). II5. 345. 0I5. 845

Chicken LittleII') I2 =0 TheDarkIl5) 4 45. ‘I)I)_ I) :0 Failure to Launch I l2.-\I I 00. 000, 8' 30

HosielII8I 910

ilumko Deewana Kar BayeII’Iii .x :0 Ice Age 2: The Meltdown II") III 30.0)). |I.30.mi. I2 I5. I00. 200. 245. 5‘0. 4 30. 5 I5. 000 ‘00. ‘45 Inside ManII5) 245. 545. 845 The Pink PantherII’III II) 30.00. 3 I5. 5.45.

SoaryMovieAII5I I45. 4 I5. 0 45. 8.30. ‘I.I5.

ShaadISePehleII2.\. I) I5. 9 I5 The Shaggy 0090'. 000.00. I I5. 3.45.

She’s the ManII2»\) 0mm. 2 30. 8.l5.

Yours, Mine and DursII’IiI mum. 2I5

1 II)‘

I2 45.

5 30.


Allen Autopsy I I2.-\)

l'Il'l \VeII: 3.45. 8.45. Malinee Thu: I30.

An American Haunting I I5) Hail): 4.30. 7.00. II.I5. .'\l\U Iale l'TI Ik Sal: l I 30. The Dark I I5)

I’I‘I Mun Ik \VeII: Eight Below I I’( i I TIIII: 2.00. 5.00. 845.

Failure to Launch I I2..\)

I50 Mun 8 “ea: 0.00 8‘30, Tue: I30 000.

Thu: ‘).|5.

liumko Deewana liar Baye (N i) H) Tue & Thu: 4.45. 8|5. Wed: I.IIII. 8.45.

Ice Age 2: The Meltdown II‘) l)ilil_\2 I230. I00. 2.00. 2.45. 4.30. 5.00_ 0.00. 7.00. 3.30. .’\l\i) matinee I’ri Mun: I030aiu. I I.30aui.

Inside Man I I5)

|)ail_\: 2.45. 5.45. 8.45. Millions (Senior Screening) I I 2.-\) Malinee Tue: |0.30ain.

The Pink Panther Il’( i)

Malinee l'l‘l \VL‘III I245.

Scary Movled I I5)

Dail}: I45. 4.I5. 0.45. 7.I5. 9.00. 0.30.

.‘\l\II Iale Hi I\; Sal: I I.I5. IIIIIIIIIgIII. Shaadi Se Pehle I I2.\)

I‘ri Wed: II.I5.

The Shaggy Dog Il')

Dail}: I.I5. 3.45 mm Tue II: Thu). :\|\I) IIIaIIIIee liri MIMI: I I.00;IIII. She’s the Man I I2A)

Dail}: 0000. 2.30. 5.30& 8.I5 (lilii Tue).

Take the Lead I I2A)

I)ai|_\: 0000. 3.00. 0.00. 0.00 Yours, Mine and Durs Ii’(i)

Dail}: 0000. 2.I5.

Showcase Cinema, Coatbridge

ShImcaw Leisure Park. Langmuir RIIaII. (‘Iuilhridge Inl‘I) line: 0I23() 434434. ('(' hnuking: 0I23() 438000. [D]. [Ii]. £5 50 024.50 heiure ()pm). ('hiId/(MI’: £4.20: SIuIIenI: £4. Tue all licker £4.20: SIuIIenI £4.

I30. ().I5.

3. 3i I.


Alien AutopsyII2A) I225. 2.50. 5.20. 7.45. I0.05. Basiolnstlnot2:BiskAddIotionle)