Long Colin Eggleston's superb 1978 Australian eco thriller in which the forces of nature turn against a dysfunctional couple on an idyllic beach front weekend gets a very rare outing
as part of the second Cult! season. This film deserves to be filed next to Peter Weir’s equally great and
overlooked 1979 Australian new wave masterwork The Plumber (seek it out if you can).
I GFT G/asgow (Tue 25 Apr on/y).
* Performance t 18) 00000 t.\'ic Rocg & [)onald (‘ammclL (K. 1970) Jamcs Fox. Mick Jaggcr. Anita l’allcnhcrg. 105mm. ('hax (Fox ncwcr hcttcr than hcrc) is a
\ iolcnt gangster \\ ho has to go into hiding to avoid rctrihution from Harry Flowcrs' tJohnn} Shannon) moh. By chancc hc cnds
thequeenshall presents
up in thc Notting Hill houxc ol'l‘urncr tlaggcr). Turncr sc‘c‘s ('htts tts a sourcc ol- rckindlinz.y his crcatix'ity and \tart\ tormcnting him with drug-induccd mind
gallle with thc hpr of thc hcautil‘ul Phcrhcr
(Pallcnhcrg) and thc androgynoux l.uc_\ (MichL'lc Brcton). Shot in too hahcx. onc
support by Samba Sene and the Diwan
live at thequeenshall sunday 16th april 8pm
tickets: £1 3 concessions: £1 0
clerk street. edinburgh eh8 9jg
52 TEE LIST 13—27 Apr 2006
hall gangxtct lihn. onc hall a ictitiicni to p~_\chcdclic cnhanccnicnt. L‘\[\‘lttttt'tll.ti him and thc hcltcl ttt thc w“ H Ito/1mm” looio. lcclx and \ttllllti\ liLc nothing; clxc. it I\ a init‘actiloth piccc ol cinctna that \\ :ll \itllitl thc march ol timc. \lixx at )out [‘t'lli l’ait ot Donald (‘atnmcll \cawn li/m/touu. lit/Ill/llll'g'll.
Pierrepoint t 15i 0.. l.'\\il|.lll Shct'gold. l'K. SUNS» 'litnoth} Shall. .lulict Stcwnxon. Izddic .\lai\an. 35min lntct'cxting drama about onc ol thc l K\ th hattgtttcn. :Uht‘l'l i’lt'l‘l‘t'pttllll lh\ \toi} IN a griml} laxcinating onc and diicctoi Slicrgold and \ci'ccnxxi’itci~ Jcll /)lll‘. li/t/ix Low l’opc go hit a halanccd JPPH‘JVI]. ncwr dcmonixing i’ici'icpoint. not pandcrmg l’oi' ompath). 'l‘hci'c'x \xclmiiic \pacc to makc up _\out’ «out mind ahont l’ict't'cpotttl‘x \xot'k (.Hit'HUllt/ lt’t III/t n .gll't’t'l. (i/mutm.‘ I'I/m/Iotm: lat/m/Huflt Pilton Video: In the Shadow of the Castle tthci t(icot'g.'c Brown John l’hcc. l'Kil)ocumcntar} ahout tl1c\\c\l l’oit. 'l‘ollcroxx and i-titintainhi'idgc cointntmiticx ol' lidinhtti'gh madc h} tuo lotal i1l\lt‘ll.ttl\ \xith thc hpr ot l’ilton \tdco [Mm/1mm. Edinburgh,
Pilton Video: Yesterday’s News tthci t\'at'iou\. l‘Ki Htk‘lllllt'lllal} tit-tailing ho\\ a group ol .St ummm ncu \Papc‘l ptint \xorkcrx canic togcthci' to hot} thcii old \hop \tcuatd Thh lilm “I” hc xhouinf; \th l’ilton \idco \ilttl‘l\ lit/tilt \ tint/
()ul/tm \. Stu/Ill In Your Him and .iulm'mp/z Hunlt'n. I‘I/m/iuuu. [altit/ituuii
The Pink Panthertt’tii O
tShaMi LN}. 18. Ztttttn Stcxc \lai'tin. Kcun Klinc. Bc_\oncc Knmxlcx 03min Rcmakc t‘cxoh in; around thc thcll ot thc cpothmoth diamond. (‘htcl llhpc'clitt
Drc} l'tix tKhnci ll\L'\ humhhng ilhl‘t‘clttl ('lottxcau t.\1at'tini a\ a dcco). old} to hau- ('louxcau \ohc thc critnc :\ 'hctim‘ ot moltcn cxcrcincnt that lll.ti\c\ thc patch} originalx look likc lll.t\lc't\\i\li\\ (it m m/ I‘t’lt'tht.
Proof 1 11M... tJohtt \laddcn. l S. 2005i (i\\_\ncth I’altt'oxx. .-\nthon} Hitl‘kllh. Jakc (i_\ llcnhaal ltNtmin “CIL'J\t'\i mathcmatictan (‘athcrinc ti’allt'tm tlcah mth thc \xcight ot hci‘ mcntal. tamilial and intcllcctual inhcritancc. Palll‘tm i‘l'lltg\ lhc kind of paintul poignanc} to ('athct‘inck xtrugglc to rcgam control ol hct hlc attci sacrificing hcr carch' to carc tot hci gittcd lathcr t Hopkinxi. Houcxcr. a romantic rCitlllttlhhlP mth ~tudcnt ilal t(i}lic‘t‘.it.i.ill rmcalx thc plot\ .\lc(iuttin in lhc toi'm ot a
[\tool .ttltiill:'\l hci lathqt amp-h that toohl thattz't' tht' latc ol lll-‘tit'lll ii.atht il:.lli\
l ititiiatt'h lilh l\ httit‘ mot; Iit.tl! totitxcuoik (lIt'\..t,'.'t (, “tn
The Proposition 1:10.00 tom; Iltlltoat. \thttahal i\ ftt‘l‘ ( no; i’t'aztt Ra} \\l|l\litllt‘, Ilannx Ihitwn. lohn lhitt l)a\itl \\t'llil.tlll. I lllli_\ \\at\on.|\'1thaiti \\il\on tttitnin iill\ili.tl1:'t'l\t‘llltll‘. \tl\ll.til.t lll tht' l\\'t\ .lilti( aptain \tanlt-z i\\lt!\li‘llt‘| hax tapttttt'ti t‘.‘.o mtiatiwctl lllt'llli‘t'l\ ol a i.lllil‘ll\ hand or Httlia'fl. \ ll; l‘iik'l\ litt’ Hiilt'\l (italilt‘ Htttlh 'i’t‘altt' piopoxition that tip taiinot It‘illN' thy llm'.‘ ol onc hiothct to; anotht‘i \llt! itt‘ ‘tlt\ .2 \l\ Iott\ .tllti \ ixtt'tal itatahlt' that It'.it1\ (hith to thc taut" t'ntiant ; ol ill\ tit‘t'l‘i‘. potholiathit oltlci hiothci \tthtit tht\l-‘tl> and \t.itilc_\ and ill\ van-t itatoit'tl nt'v. itt' \lattha l\\.ll\t‘l1' to an .imioiittiticnt lutiil thctt tit‘\lllllt'\ \ in ti‘tl\. ‘.|\tt‘l.ll, [‘lllllaltlt' and ncat hihhtal lhhlo‘an \\c\tctn lli'lll thy [\cn ol \it k ( 'axt- \M'II xxotth \t‘t'itlll‘f out (“who Pucker Up: The Fine Art of Whistling Il’t t. O... .t)..'. M Ht‘llhtotlt't t\ i\.itt‘ |)a‘.i\ l \ .‘tttt‘i \t'tttttt \ott might ht' it'l‘Qth'H lot i‘.tii.ttl:' at thy
\ci} tncntton ol a tlottttiicntait ahotit \xhixtlinjx. hiit Ht'ilhiont-t .ttttl i).t‘.l\ a: itt.ti]‘. pull oll an ciitcttattiitnh ht'atttclt rhinim' into tht' t hatat lt'h ol tht' lilit'lll.tllt'il.ti \\hi\lltt1;_' ('oitipctitton ltl \oith ( .tiohna lot thoxc in \catth ol a tilkllilit'llidl'. that \ \l‘iilplk'lk'l:- .lpl'llll\.ll and illiillllhilt. Hit: tiitjglit luxt ht- it I’ait ot \ht'lticltl lntctnational l)tt\llli't'lli.ll_\ It'\ll'..li on loot (batman: III/i1 linufn (I.‘t.'\.’vt.‘.
/t/H1i1u11u lu’tH/n‘u J:
La Régle du Jeu it’t ._ 0.000 tt-an chon. i tantc. l‘ti‘h \laitt-l llaho \ota (itcgor lcati Rt’lltlll ii‘lltlll \ much-iii \hootiiij; patt} lot ti\\l'iik'\i itiitttz'fil'tflt‘ lt'\ll|l\ III a 'acitci ol lttll|.tllll\ ititiiz'tit' and a hint ol “act-ti} \lll‘l‘it'\\t'ti \illllll‘.’ thc '.‘..tl hccattw tcnwix ohlcttctl to ll\ portrayal ot i‘tcnch tnoial iit'L't'llt'lallHll ix’cnoit'x tclchiatctl \l‘il|\'\i:\ tan noun ht- \k'c'il a\ . tittttnph ot hlcai. \atiit- and litllti t ll't‘lli.t!t\ tcthtittitic I’att ol it'att Rctiott \t‘.l\~'li Iii/iiixruiw lu‘t'I/tttlsi: Rent t: \. O.
l S. 3th: \nthoiij. Ram‘. Ri|\.tltti I).:'.‘. wit \tlatti i’axtal IWHHH liatil} «iatt'tl. tsthoti~ ‘-t't\tiit1i~iJittlalilatt laixonk I’lllli/t‘l anti
'( htt\( Hitlllthth
Ion} \'~'-tll\i ‘.‘.ltllllll‘_‘ Ht '.l\l'-'u'.:- \tll.t\il
Save Money
see page 26 for details