PEI-[0mm Any chance to see Donald Cammell and Nicolas Roeg's brilliant 19705 gangster film-come- head trip should be welcomed, but when it is part of a fantastic Cammell season, then it

becomes a must. Performance is the first and arguably the best film to be shown as part of an almost complete

collection of this extraordinary Edinburgh-born artist’s work, which marks the tenth anniversary of his suicide

and the publication of a new biography.

I Fl/Ill/KN/SO, Ed/nhurg/r (Mon {’4 Apr at 3pm and 8. 70mm.

Firewall t llAt O. (Riehard |.oneraine. l'S. Zoom llarrixon l-'ord. l’aul llettan)’. Virginia .‘xladxen. 07min. l-ord p|a_\x a hank'x \L‘t‘lll'll}' xpeeialixt \\ ho ix kidnapped tor hix teehnieal knou ledge hut “Ill he lead the eruninalx to the loot or not" The only hit ol‘ xuxpenxe or xurprixe here ix that thix pile of toxh ix direeted h) the tixuall} eapahle llrit du‘eetoi |.oneiauie (ii-Item! I’e/errie.

From Here to Eternity tl’(il 0000 tl‘ied liiiiieinann. l'S. IUSH Hurt l.ttllt'tt\lt‘l'. Deborah Kerr. l-rank Sinatra. llSinin. ('ineinatie xoap opera “till all the neeexxat‘) |o\ e and Jealoux). and xet in a Pearl llai’hoiu arm) haxe heloie the Japanexe hoiuhing. l-iank “on an ()xear. \xliile Burt and Debbie tangled with more than the xeaxx eed on the heaeli. Si ulwmm Ser‘eenrrte Room, Ifdrn/rme/r Glastonbury t lSi COO. tJtlltelt 'leinple. l'K. Zoom llh‘iuin. See l't‘\lL‘\\. page 43. ('rneiior/r/ Ren/Ieii Street. (i/irieuii.

Good Night, and Good Luck tl’(il 0... (George ('Ioone}. Japan/l‘ranee/ l’K/l'S. 2005i l)a\ id Strathairn. Rohert Donne) Jr. (ieorge (‘loone.\. l’ali'ieia (‘larkxoiL l-‘rank langella. Ra} \\'ixe_ 02min. Journalixt and hroadeaxtei lid R Murroxx 'x eanipaignx one man) and tau» handed but he ix xtill hext knoxxn l'oi I‘lrrx /\ [um/on. hix World War II radio \ltit“ and hix light to xtop the red xeare that gripped the [S in the I‘lfitlx eourtex} ot Senatorx Me('arth_\ and ('ohn. It ix the latter period that direetor (‘loone} ehooxex to eoneentrate on in hix inodext xeeond feature. For ('BS. Murrow l‘i'iendI) and the entire xtat‘l‘ ol' the current altairx xhoxx See I! .Vitti‘ lllt' L‘U\l \\tl\ huge. but the tll\ ltlt‘ll\l\ \\ ere greater: It' )0“ eare ‘that good llC\\x eannot eonie trorn had pi'aetiee'. then thix \xill xend tinglex do“ it _\our xpiiie ()t/t'tlll. Ifdmlmrglr.

La Grande Illusion it’( it .000

tJean Renoir. l"ranee. l‘l‘Wi Jean (iahin. Pierre l-ieutey lirieh \on Stroheun. \lai'eel Dalio. I l7inin. Renoir'x elaxxie pl‘IM‘ll eanip exeape xtor} ix more than the xtrong anti-\xar xtateinent that “on it praixe at the time of itx releaxe; it ix alxo an ironie xoeial analyxix highlighting elaxx differentiation. Part of Jean Renoir .x'eaxon. Flint/IUUH‘. Edinburgh.

50 THE LIST 13—27 Apr 2006

Hell (L’Enfer) r ISi COO tl)anix 'l‘anox ie. l5ranee/ltalx/lie|giuin/Japan. ZtMSi linunantielle Heart. Karin \'iard. Marie (iillain ltllinin. See leature. page l5 and re\ re“. page 43. Se/er Iei/ releiru:

The Hills Have Eyes i lxi COO t:\le\andre Aja. l'S. Illlloi Aaron Stanloi‘d. Kathleen Quinlan. \"inexxa Shaw ltt7inin. .‘xlutanl ltllllL‘l’\ i'ixe troin their pit xhaltx to leaxt on good-looking traxellerx “ll” ha\e heeii gnen xirong direetionx h} the e\ il gax xlalttttt tillL‘tttlaltt. ll'x blood} ll'tttll lllL' fill. and the lirxt li\e iniiiutex are lantaxtie. it on xei‘een inutilation'x )ttlll' thing. 'lenxe. e\eiting and. aho\e all elxe. good xear) tun. .-\n iinpr'exxn e reinake ol' the WW original. Show me ('urenur. ('mrlln‘ulge. (i/rrxemi .' Show me ('rnemir. I’urx/ei. I’urilei. Hobson’s Choice il'i O... tl)a\ id lean. l'lx'. 1053i ('harlex laughtort. Brenda de Ban/re. John .\lil|x. lll7lltlll. 'l'he daugltter ol a grtill' hootiuaker deeidex to niarr} hix xiniple-nunded axxixtant in thix popular adaptation ol' llarold Brighouxe'x pla). The late I‘lth eentur‘} period ix nieel) eaptui‘ed. and laughton gix ex one ol hix hext pei'lorinaneex. l'rlnr/rurrxe. larlrnlrm‘e/r. Hostel i ltx'i .00 Hit: Roth. t'S. 2(Nl5l Ja} Hernandel. Derek Rzehai‘dxon ‘Hinin. Quentin 'l‘arantino e\eeuti\ e produeex Roth. hix dii'eetoi‘ pl'tttllg‘). .-\ group ot' tourixtx hear an urban legend about a hoxtel in Slmerua \\ here the di'iigx are plentitul and the girlx eax}. lt'x brutal and deepl} unpleaxant hut ll’tll) xuxpenxel'ul aetion. (it'lle'l‘rl/ I‘i’li‘ilu‘.

Humko Deewana Kar Gaye iihei (Rat Kanxxar. India. Zoom .-\kxha_\ Ktiinar. Bipaxha Baxu. Katrina Karl. Vixek Shaqlingineer and ear enthuxiaxt .-\dit}a tKlllllal‘l thinkx hix lil'e ix xorted \xitli an engagement to a niee girl and a niox e to ('anada hut then he mm into an old triend. the daughter Ul' a l)CUUll \xlto onee \lUJL' lttx heart. Adequate Boll'nxood roniantie draina. ()(I('(’Il .‘ll ill/14' L)llti'\. (I'I(l\'\'l’ll. (rlil\L't'll. ()t/emr I-url Kmurrrr'd. I'a/rIr/turg/r.

Ice Age 2: The Meltdown it.

.0. i(’arlox Saldariha. l'S. Zoom \oieex ot Ra} Roinano. John l.egui/arno. Denix Lear). Seann William Seott. ‘Jllllllll. liiiioyihle follo“ -up to the (‘anadian 2003 animated feature. [urn- Sum/en and Slur/irons xerihe Jon \‘itti piek‘x up the writing reinx xx ith aploinh ax Manfred. Sid

and Diego laee their luggext ehalleuge to the end ol tlte lee :\ge (lent ml I'i'li'tlu'.

Ice Cold in Alex tl’(il .00. (J I et- '|‘hoinpxoii. l'lx'. WES) .lohn .\1i|lx.S_\|\ia Sxiux. Anthon} ()lt.‘l}lt‘. llJrnin 'l‘errilieall'x aeted. ieoiue WWII jarii about an ainhulanee ere“ \\ ho are xeperated li'oin their unit \\ hen e\aeuating a North \tiiean haxe. (‘hai’aeterixation ix exei‘}thing lieie and thix group ol talented aetoix iaiel_\ xurpaxxed their xxoi'k here Part ol .lolin .\ltllx xeaxon l‘lllll/litllu'. I'a/rIr/rrrre/r

The Immortal (El lnmortal) l Iii tMei'eedex Moneada Rodi'igtiel. Spain Menu». 3005) Stlnun. lnliixed \\llll metaphor aiid xliek inixe en xeene. thix doeuinent.ii'_\ piekx up the pieeex ol the Niearaguan ('i\ ll \Vai ol the earl) Sllx. highlighting itx de\axtating elteet upon one lainin Although Rodrigue/ xliould he praixed tor purxiung an tllt|tlxll_\ negleeied hixtoi'ieal e\ent. her xt_\lixh direetion a la Ton) Seott doex leel tneongiuoiix with the grim l't'dlll} on xlttm. l’art ol \'i\a' touring progranune ol higlilightx lioin the Spanixh and latin .-\ineriean l'lllll J'L‘\ll\.ll (i/memi l'l/m Hti‘illl‘i’. (r/rl\g'iiii.

Inside Man t IM 0... «Spike lee. ['8_ zoom l)eii/e| \\'.ixliiiigtoii. ('Ine (men. Jodie l'oxtei llSinin. Dalton Ruxxell

it New ix planning the perleet rohher} Deleetixe l'i'a/iei i\\'axlungtoni inuxt xtop hiin. .-\nd the hank'x proprietor hirex l.i\\}t‘l Matlelllte \Vlttle tl‘inxtel't to proteet htx intei'ext. Sleek. intelligent and eonxuininatel} inade thriller that eoinex to an unexpeeted eoneltixion (iem ru/ n/i an It’s Not You, it’s Me (No Sos Vos, Soy Yo) i l5i iJiiaii littaluo. Argentina/Spain. IlNHi Diego l’ei'etti. Soledad Villanul. ('eeilia l)opa/o. lletuan JllltL‘llL‘l. lll5inin :\x he‘x preparing to your hix hride tor a next lite in .'\ineriea. Argentinean Jax ier'x lite lallx apart around llllll The perennial loxer. Jaxrei'x plight iuakex tor an ainuxing hlaek eouied}. although tlux liliii ploughx little nexx ground. Part of Vixa' touring prograinnie ot highlightx troin the Spanixh and l..tllll .-\inerieaii l‘iliii l'extixal. I'r/m/tuuu'. Edinburgh.

Jumanji tl'i 0.. iJoe Johnxton. IS. 1995) Robin Williamx. Jonathan Hyde. Kirxten [)unxt. llllrnin. Trapped for 26


\latt l‘arttxh \\ tll!.tll.\‘ rx teleaxed ti::l\ alien tun

'P.. i.

\earx u: .1 itr11;iel\~a:d satire

ruudert‘. dax krtlx thrwa e theinxelxex lltrl tlte\ .‘.l\i'1.l‘.l\'.l\ll .2 x!.::rrpetle ml triunkexx \J‘K‘NJlit“ eleptx.:ritx rhmnx arid other untauulrat heaxtx lllli‘ xlll.tll twat: \rtrettea lhe xtoix manacex to .‘et l‘\'\uilil rtx tepetrlt‘. e ltttltlx \Kllll a l‘lllll.2l‘.'tl\ i‘ttz'lllal eetitial rdea and poxt luau: \t‘llll‘lllt‘l \‘lltKl‘ that make It xtate «it the art \ Inertia xpet tat le on»; I: a" I“. .."t (rangrm

* Junebug I 1" ~ 00.. [Ht]! \lotrixon.l S .‘HH‘I l iiiheth llaxrdt:

|)a\id lxuhn. \lexxandro \nola ( eha “extort, \tott \\i|xoii \iux \dainx

See analx xix. page 1.‘

llll‘llllll and iexieu pare 1‘ (rm uni/tr" /\'1 Nu a: \fri .' (I ..\.;.'a

(/m tin/[J I “JIM/K'th /.fI""‘.iI. i.‘

King Kong t t.‘ \i .0. il’eler laekxon. \exx /ea|andl S ,‘Htl‘i \aouii \\attx. latk lllaek \drien lliodx \ndx \eikix. lauue Hell lat kxon x |.i\ixli remake ol ('oopei and \\ hoedxat k x l" W


\l.l\\l\ ptilx the Mother ol .ill iiioiixterx in hix o\\n \ lixt \llt‘\\ laekxou piexentx lux \(‘lllI‘lllt'l generated lxonc .ix a xpet tat |e tor llte liliii lakex oll during the .llll\.ll at Skull leaiid hut in the tinal third it ieallx loxex

audieneex to ogle ur dixheliel

lhe endure ix ax rt xliould lie on top ol the l inpue State ltuildine, .ix Kong e liiiihx tip the top to do hattle \\ itli hr \llt'l tluee hoiiix. not to he turned l\\ the liiiale ix a pit} \ru Ir/IIr/vru-g/r (I. . .rrr lit/.WI/HI’L'II KontrolltIRiOOO i\iiuiod \iital lluiigat}. IlNHi Sandor ('xanxi. /oltan \lll\\l llfiinin Heep underground on the Hungarian tiihe xx xteni llulxt It i( 'xanx It ll.|x

planex llut ll .ill teelx xo iiiaukixli

lalleii on liaid Iiinex ("M e .i top doth he uo\\ leadx .i iahhle ol niixlit tit ket inxpeetoix againxt a ma! eane ot tit ket inxpeeloix \\ liat'x more. there ix a killer and .i \xonian in .i iahhit'x xiiit on the looxe Helightlullx deranged and xiuieal lioiioi touted} thriller lioin tiixt tune liliii xtudent \ntal (i/trxguu li/nr I/rurtn Lassie tl’t it C. t( 'hailex Stiiiiidz'e. l'S/lieland. .‘llllSi Sauiantha \loiton. lohii lxneh. Ste\ e l’eiuheiton. (iieeoi lixliei ‘l‘liuin 'l'he iinplaiixihlx rexilient (‘ollie houndx hilt k onto the l‘l}? \\ ieen lhoxe latiiiliai \\|lll the xtoix \xill liiid little to _\.ip ahout in Stturidge'x liliii lhe ll \l |\ “inning \xiitei tlllt'tlt'l xeeinx tllteax\ \\tlll

(I/ii'\ '._'i‘\\

the xouiee niateiial. turning \\ltal xlioiild he .i xliaiglittoixxaid eliildien'x xaiii into a letttiie on elaxx and inoialitx (I/u‘\'.ft'tt III”: [In ill/i, (l/l[\'\'l'll

Live and Become « t.‘ \u .000

iRadu \lihaileanu. l tam e Ileleiiuii lxlael’llal}. :lllfil \ael \llt'\.t\\l\. Ruxtliilx /ein. \loxhe \j_'.t.’.il. \loxhe \hehe

llSiiuu lJlltll.tlt‘\l horn liliiiiiiakei \lihaileanu again tellx a xtoi_\ ot \xliat lie eallx ‘poxitixe inipoxtuie'. in tlux \.I\t' the ieiiiaikahle tale ol .i lilaek (‘lirixtian ltliiopian \lllltl \xho ix lll\llll\lt'tl h} liix mother to paxx hiiuxeli otl ax .i Jt'\\I\ll orphan inuiiigiantx t'\|‘t'llt'll\t'\.xt'll\t'}ll|1.‘ a xllttlltf

\ peixuaxixe .ltklllllll ot .iii

xenxe ol the religioux and politieal tenxionx and t'l'llllltlx \xithiii \xider Ixiaeli xot iel_\ ll/Hl/ll'llH. Ia/Irr/rrug/r

Long Weekend c 1*: COO. ligglexton. \iixtialia. I‘VM lolin llargteaxex. lliion} llelietx. \like \lel uen. Ro} Ha} ‘L‘uuu 'lhix "tk ‘.\lltlt'lllt'\\ \ liillei ietuinx to the lug \tlt't'll alter hein: largely


loigotten in reeent _\earx (‘itx \llllplt' Peter and \lareia'x relationxhip hangx in the halanee lolloxxing the latlei‘x altair and textilting ahoition \ hondin: \xeekeud aua} at .i reiiiote hk'tlkll doex little to help utatteix. ax xornetlung \xie ked ix their ‘aax touting l’art ot (‘iilt‘ (l/(l\'._'f’i'. II/m Hutu/i. Magnificent Desolation: Walking on the Moon 3!) rt .00 l\latl.

('oueirl S. 31"”: Join llankx ‘ll.tll.iltil i.

Check out the

