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Traverse Theatre. Edinburgh, Wed 12—Sat 16 Apr
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1w"‘“l.t'.l“Mll‘rlf'dlr’rr” walr t‘XHJ‘kTMtlJLr1"‘\l‘f":"" "to-rlltt'ts truth". r. " to" Hutu
.t" ""rir'w‘. .tl'rt?ll thitlr‘t“ l‘ .I . l"‘ A .t‘. r. " '~ flw r'r rut*":’. rt: ; 3T: ,1|3. Y"r.t!lllrttl,t'rt,t‘lo-i1.]:I ,r'. ,t",ttr. NW" Fit-r'xarkal‘lw t'lt‘llr,l" . »- .rt t. «tam .'.rt'rr -u'_ .r 'rrr” r N .‘ It ..' lii"'l‘t‘l‘~l \ tt-H lr-r ‘!.l.'ti.l"‘r mt ,r‘mr ft‘r‘ :rr:tl‘ titt- tw‘i, ml 312' l‘t‘iit‘l I: I, 'r'tt' t"~.-rr lrl't'". lllt‘ rrr tr .trtttlru-rw» r.!trrr.rir'tttw'‘ t‘ ttTtrr- "‘7‘, |‘~.'l"ll‘ir"rl]1ibl'WWI.“ .'.r‘r’l rlmrk «WM fthtr‘. th- V. .t'ttl'rl rrrtt-rrrrrt .tll'i ‘t llri‘ltittit‘rrlilrtlt irarlrtrw". .trnl ll‘r' (lt‘lllr‘dlh’ Ill tr.r.°- trrzrirtltt f»;>l»-rtrlrttrrr. .r r .'.r-r; l‘ rw'tt‘w’l Hr... llri‘.’t‘rlif1(,‘lllttlllllli.t‘. rrrl [ltlltrliiitll trrr r”tllltf(l",. .r‘. tttrt. trrw wt ~, slit [all‘i trrrtrlur‘trrtrtfu, .rr‘ Arr/tit“ Ev.:'..rrr rirtrrrtmrt, I‘rtlttltllllMl trr l‘rt'.'. .'.'ri‘rr"'t trr>rrt ttro: ."_.*()l()ll, rr‘raktr‘,’ ltull lttr“, t‘rlur‘t: it, Muitrrlgtrl fin? rims, tlrrriurttt (,fllllt:‘i‘,' mm!
. . r’,tll)iili,‘l_illtrlllélll, rrt:urlrru'..',r-?r‘r.w All/\l’lnrlflN ‘ 1
THE WOLVES IN THE WALLS the wolves come out... tunarrl titre (grrtrrtlt‘,. tzr'rrrrtt .‘t rrm'v .rt
Tramway, Glasgow. until Sat 8 Apr. then touring | asked Gaiman about what it was about wolves that urtlrrrar‘. lrtr: r". Irarr Srrr rkrrr rrr it t" moved him to write. ‘lt‘s so primal’. he says. “That‘s why larur and l ttrtlr‘Jz. ttrr. rtrgtlr :rtrru r'rr tr".
There’s something about wolves. The beauty and it‘s almost disappointing to meet a real wolf. They‘re hurrtrrtrrr ttrr: r.rrrrrt :(l,. trr rt rt .-.rll
danger of the animal seems to have created a lovely animals. When Wolves in the Walls first came SOL-la trr tEXtrlr Nit: rrr rlltot r t ttu-
particular place for itself in the symbolic register of the out, I got a letter from someone saying, “Why couldn’t rrr.s;trr:r+.rrt m: aw Jr’ utr: with Mr. T.’
human imagination. Along with serpents, their imagery you have chosen elephants or camels or something? rLrtutttry. i'rr:;t frirlqtrt'i at ttrr: 1 ‘,rr.
seems to find a deep resonance in human psychology Wolves are so maligned.” And it's true. But elephants llatttrrtt:r'f;tttrtir, ttrr: mm: was r I ‘r-rl
that goes back into myth and fairytale for about as long and camels don’t have that same elemental place in the for rtx Httprmmx"; .rauals, arrrl rw at
as we’ve been making marks on walls. imagination - they aren’t part of Little Red Riding Hood ltutrtrtur. It rrrrrrrrrsam arr r:‘,«(,- r); mtmv :.
No surprise, then, that Vicky Featherstone, boss of or The Three Little Pigs. The great thing about wolves rtrrzrurr‘rm (lrf‘rfsr)l*.'rttrt rrrqltt rrt tlrmtrw
the National Theatre of Scotland, should make her is that, aside from anything else, they're one of the rStmr; (ilrarrrerr
directorial debut there with something that can strike most flexible metaphors available to a writer. Angela
such a resonance in children and adults alike. For the Carter can use them to do one thing, and I can use
work in which she has shown a particular interest in them for something completely different.‘
the past has often been about reaching psychological They’re meant to be frightening in the book, he
depths; fascinations, fears and desires that we have, asserts, but he finds Crouch’s wolves quite different.
but can barely comprehend in our conscious life. Here, ‘They’re yob wolves, they’re rubbish wolves as far as
she combines with Julian Crouch, the designer being scary goes, but they’re rather wonderful, too. But
responsible for the astonishing Shockheaded Peter, in as far as Vicky and Julian are concerned, the wolves
creating a theatrical version of Neil Gaiman‘s acclaimed are definitely created by the little girl, which isn’t the
childrens' book, illustrated to mighty effect by Dave case in the book, but it seems to work well. It works
McKean, The Wolves in the Walls. This is the tale of a and it’s a really valid interpretation.‘ Besides, whatever
little girl who warns of the eponymous structural you think a wolf represents, it’ll mean something on the
deficiency in her family home. In it, the adults are more night; it’s part of your deep psyche. Trust me, I’m not
inclined to believe the surveyors, as you might. Then hairy on the inside. (Steve Cramer)
T". ASST, THE CRUCIBLE Howden Park Centre, Livingston 6—8 Apr, then touring
rrttrsrglr; r3; .":r“,r '.‘./(;|r;0rrr(:.' Arthur Mrlier's classic. IllSl)ll‘:’i by tlrr; WITH! trrals 0t tr'tr'r ',(;-!rtur‘, Sarmrt. i‘AEiSSElCllLlf3f-til5. but darker
T‘tt: N.:t'.>rtzta T'u-at'ufs ilr':’i{;t‘ fr t"<,- S‘i’WTE‘.“ r, r'trmtamrts of tire McCarttr, ‘xrrtctttrurrts' takrrrrt plan,- L‘urt‘rrrtur‘rrt. "t rts *..‘t=.r'<,- ~‘t;~.;r:::1 to t».- fau. "f; shill»; when the rtla, was .vrrttert rrt the 197303.. IS 1’) be l)‘1"i’r'v'l7"i’i Stayrrxt true 1:, ts; it “18 ;; ,rw: max/'11 fire Harm; .'.rtt" a cart; professsmrral cast of rum; actors. but mttt “MN: 5tlLl"‘:fl‘ attrri't brought t'te'af'z; " r» rrrv- :::s;r:‘;. tt‘rusr; itclt, Each place .21: go to. we took up .‘Jlllt a (tr’Ml/ 0f gaitt‘ tar‘uitirt‘t 'v_;r'rt.tir. :sr-w 1. N7 ‘T :: wry/"r: mafia; l)(:0;)1‘: from that area who're been reitearSrrrg, and m: 'Ylt3lt‘rl‘(tl':i :r‘ T"?: rirrttrrg r't'x t"-;' "mat a“ ;: art/1t: SUM: ffrurrrti; .‘xor'k together from lvlortday tr; Thursday art'l otter! 0H <:“lialt:"at <3.“ 2'»: :r. t"»’; ri'ta'“: rpm: 0-? TAG Theatre Tttursria, rtrgtrt, The tollowrrtg week we rrrme to another Corrtmrtt. area arrrr use another groxrp,’ says Hollands. who
It's; arr .rttrlrat';;" t’at TAG}; a". at :7 f‘l'"-",-f:’.’;' (Bu, Hotrar‘ass .;r1<lerstart(,lsthateven mth srx mOrttttS 0f preparallof‘r. rs .l.'"f1-;‘:.'Stil"1l.it7l‘, ureast’xt tr‘. WAG can/rt". .‘.Orkrrt(; .'.'rttt a different group of up to 16‘ untrained actors C."‘l(2rtit‘l;itt= .133; pro-eat 1‘ N 5: IECSir‘: .gt TW‘: eat"t meek ml! he no easy teat. 'lt's a scar; proposnron rrr rar'tr‘e's'trrtchar/7:12am m»;- 1' -;,- NTS; tt‘ats we of "haw, .'.a,s. but it's a really good wa, of tOregrormdrrtg the .-.;::>;:pv°’.,’ 2“";le .atx ..‘. t. “a. ; .»',- a". r:r;:;<,rrt..."rlt. ti: mspect that the NTS gives to partrCrpatrrm rrr the arts.‘ Urn a. 93.1 '.'.<e rear f: .t' ‘t it. f"err fr'tar‘c a Eds/arr) Thornton
88 THE LIST Klan—'9‘ —‘«1" ‘ V