I Music Rock&Pop

27th April: AWshulu

28th April: Glasgow Royal Concert Hall

tickets lrom www.ticketweb.co.uk. 08700 600 100. www.grch.com. 0t 41 353 8000




111:5 DAT‘S

‘ASGOW ABC2 - 23m‘u


Adam Green micahqp.'hinson

glasgow a.ch - 8th aprtl



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. tickets from: thttgwktttcketwelbcguk, 08700 600 100 c e for weeklvsufdgtoes 8:2”? PCTIEtghgsgzibry@?ordigarght

76 me LIST 3e Mat-- t3 Apt new:

3&1 Poets 01 Rhythm and Dice (‘atmtet \oltan'e. ‘30 3% Blatt Street. 13“ ttht Hptn 3am £5 (lIt'IIIItIKIIL'II Independent .\It\ and I‘he It‘ottI‘Ie I).I\ onee .teattt Itt\\l IIll\ \Itee ot \xlt.tt\ hot Ill tunk. htp hop .IIItI tomattl thtnktn; |.t// I’oetx ol RIt_\thtn tllt\ up roek l'lII\. poehetleha and \tttll going In e .tIonpttIe Iltee I’Ith htp hop and tttnk trotn I)_I I’t'otlueet Iioea «I5 and tltth. l.t// .IIItI hottxe ttottt I’htl IottL'\


I Anthrax ('at'hng \eatlentt (tIaxgou. III Iighnton Stteet. (LVN “I lotto

"ptn U5 ()\et*I~l\ \Iltm (iotltatheh ol the t'oek/t'ap etownet \ottntl. thatth to then eoIIaltoratton \HIII I’ttltlte Iznetn} man} tnooth ago. But thetex \IIII .t \kIllII ot (lItI \ehool metal to then pet'lot‘ntanee See eaptton. t‘tght

I Kula Shaker :\I$( '. 33H Sauehlehall Street. 333 3331mm SUII) ()I'I. Ix the \HH'ItI reatl) lot a t'e\ t\.tI ol ('t'txptn .\ItII\‘ P\\CIIC(IL‘II( Ih‘It-pop ntttxtnex’ I'he ermul \a} 'ttetnt}.t Ithetla hhetIa t.ttt\.t. taaaaattut'

I Imperial Vipers, Crasp and The Kick nut-n}. zoo (Ixtle Street. tt.\‘“tt no“ (WIN, 7pm. U. ()\et> I~Ix \hou. IIat'tI t'oek. \tratght ottt ol' Iietltot'tlxhtte

I II Divo (Ixtle :\tttIttornttn. I-tnntexton ()tttt}, (IX-III (LII) JIIIIII. (t 3(lpttt (St) L 35 See 'I‘Iltt (t.

I Protocol g3. Jtlll Sanehtehall Street. 353 3| l I, 7pm. Lo. ()\er-I»1\ \Ittm. I’oxturtng poxt-I‘ltttt/ pretendet'x

I Tom Sawyer Roekerx. I-I .\IttIIantI Street. III 073» 7pm. I‘ree. RthIl trthttte.

I Genesis in the Cage RL‘IIII'L‘\\ I'et‘t'). .’\IItIL‘I'\I(lII Qua}. 'I'he Ih'oonttelaxx. tttmx 2o5 5| I. 7. 30pm. {to tatlt I. {I} ttloot'l. (lenestx tribute band.

I I Can’t Stop Loving You Kntg\ 'I-IIL'RIII'C. :97 I‘lttlIl Street. :4“ I I I I. 7.30pm. £8 filo. See Mon 3.

I Sirkus, The Gain, Breakpoint, Good Sons and Korova Soutttlltaux. J" II)tIL‘pttl’I\ Street. 321 4(5). 7.30pm. £5. ()\et‘- l4x \hou. Anthemte tntIte t'oek (tom the (iatn.

I Paul Malcolm Ntee‘n‘Slea/t. 43! Sauehtehall Street. 333 ()‘)()(l, 8pm [the Local \ongurttet‘ Iltt\l\ IItt\ ttL‘othltL' night.

I A Rebel’s Guide, Drama Before Flight, Secta Rouge and The Black Lodge The Vale. 5 I)lllltI;l\ Street. 332 4923. Hpnt. £3. Metal and pmt—hat‘tleore \ottntlx.

I Trap 6, Moses, Signal and Ayrial ’I‘he .-\rehe\. 253 Arg) Ie Street. (IX?) Jill 753%. 8pm. to. Another Aeeexx night \Itoxteaxtng Ioeal hand»

I Benchmark, Captain Howdie, Dead Beat Club and Redd Up I-ttt'} .\Ittt‘t'_\\. 9o MauerI Street. 32] (t5l I. 8.30pm. £4. tneIttthng entt'} to poo-gt}: eltth. \Veekl} \Iltl\\\'£l\L' ol IoeaI IIItIIL‘ hand\.

I The Demon’s Eye Samuel l)o\t \, ()7 7| NttItxtIttIe RotttI.~133(II(l7. 3.3llptit. I‘t'ee. ('Iaxste roek L‘o\L‘t'\.

I Figure 5, St Deluxe and The Hedrons \VootIfltIe Soetal ('Itlh. 53‘) North Woodxttle Road. 337 Itt-I3. 8.30pm. £5 lath l. Retro t‘oeket‘x I-‘tgttre 5. e\-I%.\I.\ Bandit Jamie ('antet'on'x netx hand St below and 'I‘ippt'x punk) band the IIetIronx pla} the latext I’tnl'p Night» I’Ilh Super I'ttrt') :\ttttit;tI\ Mb.

I Mazarin. The Towers and Jack Butler King 'I‘ut'x \Vah Wah IIttt. 373a St Vineent Street. 22! 527‘). 8.30pm. u». I’\}ehetlelte roek \I\-pteee trotn Philadelphia.

I Chief The Hall Bar. too \Vootllantlx Road. 353 99%». ()pnt, Iiree. IIItIIL‘ roek. I Luke Eargoggle 'I‘Ite I.tquttl Lounge. ‘N \Vexl Regent Street. 5.55 05.5. . I Ipttt. £7 (£5t. I.t\e \et trotn S\\L‘(Il\ll htg heat eleetrontea produeer man.

I Dresden, Luxury Car, The Dirty Hepburns and Satellite Dub (Iltngou School of Art. 167 Renl‘ren Street. 353 453 I. £7 t£5t helore ll.3()pm; £8 (Lot alter. I.i\e llllhlL‘ eotnponent ot’ the next

I bet I\tltl\I eIttI‘ nzeht leattttttt: \etx ltotn I‘ltte eollat toe‘keh Iltextlen. I‘etth eleetto poppetx I tl\ttt_\ (all, I lI‘t‘tItl‘tt‘\\ toelx'n'toll ltotn the Ilttt\ Ileplttttrtx and one ttt.ttt heat tll.t\It'l \ttelltte Iltt“


I NU2 II.tttttetttt.ttt\_ \ttltltx \tteet. 55" 3.351 " 3(Ipnt 1-1 Ittltttte to the ttll:'IlI\ \I.I\IIIIIII I\‘\I\ ot l .3

I Black History Month .mtt Gecko 3 Ihe IIongo ('IttI‘. \Iotto IIottnt 3“ IIoI}tootI I\’o.ttI. 555 «(till Iltpttt 3.tttt t5Itetotetnttlnteht.1 .tttet t: '. lllt‘tttI‘t‘tw IlottI‘Ie I‘lII ot t.-.." tttttk .tntl htp hop etooxex .tx [‘.ttl ot IIIL“'tll Ileepet'x Ilt\l Itttthtlat \Illxt' tno\ttt;' to the Iiotteo

I Peter Michael Rowan I he \\.ttetltne I’mt .tntI Ilt\ltt'. 5\ II.e \Itote. I etth. 551 11:5 5pm I tee \eotnttt t‘lthltl.tI\ .IIItI toxetx

I The Nukes, Keith Douglas 8. the Corp of Discovery, Laid Back Ruby tllltl Jonestown Mind IIettt\ \ ('eIIat IIJI. .\ I'M \It‘lttMlH \tteet. .‘ ‘\ ‘l3‘l3 .\pttt LI \tnl totk lll\Iltl!tl\‘llItlI\ ltottt Iteatlltntne ttto. the \ttke\. \xho .tte It \tttppetl tloun \etxton ol the \tlelt‘ttlltlt'\

I Inge Mcllroy, Crevis .mtl The Usual Suspects \\Ilt\II('I‘lllI\tt‘\ 1 o South Ihttlee. 55 3 5t I L opttt I tee Itetot‘e tnttlnteltt. L-l .tltet IIItlt‘\ .mtl tttttk .tet the I'xttal SII\I\'\I\ on at lllltIIllt'IlI

I Stuart Nisbet 8- Richie Henderson and Amanda Lyon IIte .Iatn IItlll\t'. 5 Queen Stteet. .‘.‘(t 33“)

" I5pnt I: Want t5 ltont Ittptn ('ottntt}. \UttI. eoxpel .lIItI pop ttottt .tII \tnetng: _L'ttll;tt tlno \hIlt‘I .IIItI IIt'lltIt't\ttll. IoIIo\\etI It} entx} \tte.tIl\I I ton pet‘lot‘tntng \\ III! the home l‘.IIItI

I Mistakes in Animation ( Ltlettotttatt Ilaekpaeketx. 3(‘ltteen\tett_\ \tteet. ("o "33-1. 8 3llptn til I Ieelto .teottxttt pop I Stepdads, Lebowski, Citrus Pink and Pigeons are Bastards Ihe t olt. I 3‘) (‘ougatta Ila" 3X (II 5 3.75 ‘lptn t3 I)arI\ tntellteenl toek Ittte up

Saturday 8


I Bonnie Raitt ( ‘I_\tIe \ttthtotnntt I-tnnte\ton ()ttd}. HHW (l-Io (lotto ‘pttt £35.50 'I he tttne ttttte (itantntx unmet rexpeetetl letllttthI. t‘\lltt'\\l\ e \lllt't'l .mtl aeeotnphxhetl \tttlj_‘\\t'llt'l ttltl\ IIlttttlz'It Itet Itaek pagex

I Killing Joke \Il( '. {to \attehtehall Street. “I 32 *3 "pm t_I5 ()\et I l\ \hou. (Iothte punk ptIe (III\\'I\ ltontetl I\_\ the \hatnaltlxtte .Ia/ (‘oletttan .tntI Ilttthllltj.’ lIte \ktlIIII-\ eooIext tItItIe (ieortlte on letllttt I);t‘. e ( itohI tI oo I'thIlIt‘l'H ha\ been IIIIttlL' tn on (IIIIIII\ ott thett' reeent album 'I he) \e \IIII got H, .:\ thetr t‘eeettt .\ItttIe} ('ttte \llltlltttl \Iot IL‘\IIIIL‘(I. SL'L' 5 Rt'.t\llll\. [MtL't‘ “N I We are Scientists II.tI'ltt\\I.tIltI. £ (iaIIougate. 553 ~I(t(ll fipllt V )I I) ()I I “or IR \how 'Ienxe. eateh} pop \onx'~ trotn IIll\ 'tt'the ntoltauk' IIIHHLIUI otttttt uho are a lot more tnlet‘exttne when the} talk thatt \then the} p|.t_\

I Candi Staton Renltext I-ett}, .-\tttIet‘\lolt ()tta}. 'I lit" IltootttteILtu. Illlt‘IN 35 5I It 7 30pm {Io 5t) (.ltI\ I. LIX ((Ittttt‘t. Soul ttlltI (leeo (It\.t \Itou \ .tII IIttMC karaoke qtteetn Ittm \otme IIeatlx Run I't'ee' \Illlllltl he \tlllL'

I Gene Pitney Rotal (“oneet't Halt. _‘ Sauehtehall Street. 353 moo " 3(lptn £13.50 £22 5”, Part et'oonet‘. pat't t‘oek‘n’roll \etet'an I’ttne} PL‘I'Itlltth ItII\ trotn htx haek eataloggtte ttteltttltn: ‘Sotnethtng'x (iolten Illlltl ol ill} Heart and '24 Illltth I‘l'oltl 'Ittlxa‘ \ee \lt\'.‘.L't Maelnne. page I I2

I Nightmares on Wax Ihe .\tL'IlL'\. 253 .-\rg_'}Ie Street. (Mall 34‘! "53% "pm L‘l Soul and hip hop t'etetenetn: eIeetrontea lll;t\Il-llp It'ttltt \ISIlIltl.ttL'\ on Wax I’Itlx the Iratton Steppet‘x

Soundx) \IL‘lllt

I Sikth, Exit 10 and Take a Worm for a Walk Week Bat-ti}. 2m (lute Street. (two on“ owu, Hptn, L" Ruck \t\-pteee trotn Wallortl “till a Ite.’t\} httt