Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to gay© Listings are compiled by Robin Lee.

Thursday 30


I TransAmerica ( 'incuoi‘ld Rt'llll'L‘“ Sticcl. 7 l<cnlic\\ Sticct, HH‘tl ‘)tl7 (PM) \tHllL 3pm. (rpm & S 30pm. (il.i\gti\\ llllil lhcatic. I2 Roxc Sti’cct. 332 SI2S .‘pni. liiin. n 2llpin tk N‘lllplll. l’i‘c opciatnc ll.lll\\\‘\ll;tl lhcc lilldx out \hc ll.i\ .i \on l’oxing ax a ('lu‘ixtian lt||\\litll.tl_\. \hc till\t'\ llllll aci‘oxx thc

l S \ \I what point i\ it \alc to tcll hiin

\llt" \\.t\ .t 'llt‘

l dinlitiigh

I Horse ()uccii‘x Hall. (‘lcik Sticct. («is 2tlI‘l, 7, 30pm £l5. l.o}.il|} [hlllttlllSt'tl \ingci \onguritci‘. “ho \xill no tltllll‘l hc crooning to a lull hothc.

I Time to Leave (Le Temps qui reste) l ilinhouw. NS lothian Road. 223 .TtiSS 2. 3(lpin «k 3.45pm. (l/on'x Iatcxt tlick IS thc \ccond in ltl\ ti‘ilog} on mourning Romain lutl'S hc hax .-\ll)S but it'\ cancci, llc kccpx it li'otn mctymc. cxccpt loi lllS d} ing grandinothci'. .\ \tiugglc to acccpt hunwll cnxucx.

I TransAmerica taint-o. 3X lloiiic Slim-t. 22.\' 4I-l I. l35pin. 2. ltlpin.

l (l5lilll. ti. ltlpin .\ .S'.55|iin. (‘incixoi‘ld ldinhuigh. l'otintainpai'k. I)undcc Sti'cct. ii.\"| jun jtino I.It)piii. 3.3npm. 5.50pm t\' .S' l5lun, Scc 'I hit 3t).


I Utter Gutter Rnci‘xidc ('Iuh. 33 l'o\ Sticct. 24S 3l-l-l. Midnight 3ani. £8 itm. Madainc S and lluxhpupp} hoxt llll\ liaxh toi anti lllttllhll't‘ulll qucci'x and thcn hctci'o palx. (I‘hix month it\ drcxx» up tnnc again think lantax} thllll‘il} lllt‘t‘lS lag hag. ax thc crcn i'il'l'on thc \nioking han.


I Blaze ligo. I4 l’icai‘d} l’lacc. 47X 7134. llllltl 3am, £5. l).l .ltllllL‘\

l ongxxorth ignitcx thc ga) \xcckcnd \iith .i chait and lunk} houxc \oundti‘ack.

Saturday 1


I Fever lzgo. l4 l’icai‘d} I’Iacc. 478 "1‘4. llpin 3am. £ltl (£5 to 'l‘axtc lllL‘llll‘k‘h hcloi'c l|.l5pin: £8 loi‘ lllt‘llll‘t‘l'S altci‘i. 'l‘;i\tc inainxta} \ liixhci' t\ l’ricc and Martin \‘alcntinc arc on thc main floor. “illit‘ thc \'i\itoi' and lx'aupuxx takc an aii_\thing gocx attitudc Ill thc (‘octcau loungc.

I Luvely l‘hc liquid Room. ‘lc Victoria Sticct. 225 2504. ltlpni 3am. £It) t£.\’ incnil‘cixi. .'\ \auc) \oii'c'c lcattn‘ing a inuxic polic} ot tu||~on. dining houxc. llll\ month a incdical thcinc: think naught) nui‘xcx and dirt) doctoi‘x.

I Velvet \lttl'lllk‘h. 4t) ('onunci‘cial Sticct. l cith. 555 5o22. lllpin 2am. £0 i£5i. \Voincn's night tor ga} gii‘licx and tth' \pcciall} in\ itcd ho} tricndx. hoxtcd h) D] Michcllc.


I BOOWLUSHOUS \lL‘tlllttt. 4.5 47

l othian Sti‘cct. 225 (i3l3. ltlpni 3am. £3 licl'orc midnight; £4 at‘tcr. More ol a Sunda} social than a lull-on glam itllitll‘. \\ ith l).l Dalc l llSll. Siininonc Black and

60 THE LIST 3 Mir 7 '3 AFT 2036

Hc’c'ttSItllltll gumt \upaxlm inning up Rik”. hip hop. will and tunk

I Taste 'lhc|llltl Rooin. ‘lc Victoria Sti‘cct. 225 25h4 l lpin 3am £5 hclorc ll 30pm. £S attcr i£ti incniliciw l'idicr tk l’ricc \uppl} .i progrcxxnc llll\ ot houxc and garagc lll thc niain iooin. \xhilc Martin Valcnttnc \kiiux uith tunk} l'S hou~c gcinx through thc hack,


I Passionality ('uhc. l4 ()uccn Slit-ct. 22o S‘Ntl, ll3tlpin 3am. £2 £3. l’lcaxing c‘llitl'lhll‘} li'oin I)J Shaxxn Rolici'lx. \\ ho tlllL‘S ltt\ lkNl lo t'LWthc‘lldlc' thc \kcckcnd loi' thc g;i_\/nu\cd ci'oud.


I FUN ('ltllc‘. 34 ()ttct‘ll Strcct. 220 twill). II 3llpin 3am. £2 £3. l).l Shal/a llallmcll nn\c\ oldci' clavicx and tan tuncx. chucxtx \xclcoinc.


I Vibe ligo. l4 l’ic.ii‘d_\ l’lacc. 478 7434. Ilpin 3ain. £3. (la) night \Kllll JillllL'S\\oi‘llt on thc dcckx. plus thc Dancing Stud Mullinx. thc Singing Hair} Blokc and thc Miniing Nun.

Wednesday 5


I Allure ’l'hc 'l'unncl. S4 Mitchcll Strcct. 204 ltltltl. |l.3tlpin 3ain. £3. llapp}. c‘llL‘L'S} pop lroin l).l l)ari'cn and thc gll}\ lichind l’axxionalit}.

I Gossip Strathc|_\dc l'nixcrxit} l'nion. Hi) John Sti'cct. 552 lh“)5. Spin lain. £2 altci' lllpin; li‘cc loi‘ Sl‘ \ludcntx up to tour gucxtx allimcd. 'l'hc lirxt ga) night in a Scottixh \tudcntx’ union. \Vith ini\cd-up pop. clccti‘o and chart tuncx l'i'oin I)J Ricci.


I Disko Bloodbath ligo. I4 l’icai'd} l’lacc. 478 7434. llpni 3am. £3. lidinliurgh’x lirxt qucci‘ altcrnatii c night is an cclcctic llll\ ol' clcctro. indic. punk and rock. l'oi‘ thoxc \ci'caining out Mr \oincthing dil‘l’ci'cnt on thc \ccnc.

Thursday 6


I Nowhere ligo. l4 l’icai‘d} l’lacc. 478 7434. l lpni 3am. £3. Baxcd on thc c\cr- changing chi York L‘lllh \ccnc. “llll a cm“ d ax cclcctic ax lltc itittxic.


I Burly 'l‘hc .-\i'chc\. 30 Midland Slt'CL‘l. ()7030 3574(ll. lt).3t)pin 3am. £lt) t£Si. l-‘ricndh. cruix}. llltt\L‘llllllL‘ club for ga} and hi nicn. l.cathci‘. llldtlxll‘lttl. jockxti'apx. kiltx. ruhhci‘ cncoui'agcd. Mtixic l‘roin llil-‘i Scan and Ra_xino.

I First Impressions I’ll-\(‘li Scotland. I34 Douglax Slt’cct. 332 3838. o ‘lpin. Booking cxxcntial; o\ cr- 1 .S’s onl}. \Vorkxhop ll\lllg \ ixualixation. llttHL‘lllClll. artnork and rcllcctivc timing to cncout‘agc c\plot'ation ol' l'cclings. lltc‘llttll'lL‘S or painliil upcricnccx.

I Uberkunst (ilaxgou School ol .-\i‘t. l(i7 chl‘i‘cii Sum. 35.3 453l.

ltlpin 3ani. £7 hcl‘oi'c l l.3(lpin; £8 altcr t£5 U»). \c‘\\ night l‘catui'ing UL and mm handx. lltl\lL‘tl it} Dan id l’L‘sL‘th‘k’ and .\'iino (ion/alcl. Prince“ Julia tthc Cock. London) and MRI l‘) gucxt. “lllt liandx l)rc~dcn. l.u\ur} (’ar. the Dirt) llcpliurnx and Satcllitc l)uli.

Edinburgh I Blaze ligo. l4 l’icard} Place. 478 7434. l lpin 3am. £5. Scc l"ri 3l.


I First Impressions PllACli Scotland. I34 Douglas Street. 332 3838. Want 4pm. Scc Fri 7.

Visits 4TH BIRTHDAY Ego. Edinburgh. Tue 11 Apr

Vibe, the weekly Edinburgh club night that mixes cheesy chart sounds with R&B, celebrates its fourth birthday this month with a gala birthday bash on

April 11.

The irrepressible DJ and promoter James Longworth will have his hands on the decks while the Vibe dancers and singers and a few planned surprises - are guaranteed to draw a crowd that surpasses the regular 450 coming through the doors. Says Longworth: ‘I think Vibe's success can be put down to the balance of a good variety of music, fair door charge, and

super-cheap pound-a-drink deals.‘

Vibe has welcomed 77,000 customers through its doors since opening. and in the first year outgrew the top floor of Ego, where Longworth plays a mix of chart-based party tunes to a mainly young. male crowd. R&B was added on the club’s first birthday, downstairs in the Cocteau Lounge. and has boosted numbers with those looking for a less cheesy alternative. James launched Vibe’s successful sister club night, Blaze, three years ago.

It runs most Fridays, also at Ego.

Longworth studied at Edinburgh University, leaving with a psychology degree in 1998. He planned to work in radio, but decided to stay in Scotland and accepted a job as a DJ when Bar 02 launched. Outside of the clubs, James’ lifestyle is pretty infamous. He has an airline pilot's licence - ‘a back-up in case people stop coming to my clubs‘ - and is a flight instructor at Cumbernauld airport, ‘when I can get out of bed early enough’. He even has his own aeroplane.

His passion for motors extends to a collection of classic cars and a superbike - no wonder the guy was voted the 30th most eligible bachelor in Scotland last year. (Brian McGeachan)


I Joy 'l‘hc \‘cnuc. l7 2| ('alton Road. 557 3073. l lpin 3am. £8 liclorc midnight: £ll) al'tci‘. l'pl'i'ont. dirt} lltltISL‘ grooch l‘roin Alan & Maggic Jo) and llrctt King to uork _\ou up into a lathcr. l’lth 'l'rcnd} \\'ciitl_\ and Sall} l-"s chcck} llll\ ol‘ \oul. l'unk and chart.


I BootyLUSHous Mcdina. 45 47 Lothian Sticct. 225 (i313. lllpni 3am. £3 licl'orc midnight; £4 al'tcr. Scc Sun 2.

I Taste 'l‘hc Liquid Room. ()c \‘ictoria Strcct. 225 2564. l lpin 3am. £5 hcl‘orc

l l.3llpin; £3 al'tcr i£(i lllL‘llllk‘rSl. Scc Sun 2.

Monday 10


I Passionality (‘ulic. 34 ()uccn Strcct. 226 8990. | l.3l)pin 3am. £2 £3. Scc .Mon 3.

Glasgow I FUN (‘uhcn 34 Quccn Strcct. 226 8000. I |.3(lpin 3am. £2 £3. Scc 'l'uc 4.


I Vibe ligo. l4 l’icard} l’lacc. 478 7434. llpni ~3ani. £3. Scc Tuc 4. It's Vith t'ourth hirtlida) ~ \cc pancl.

Wednesday 1 2

Glasgow I Allure The Tunncl. 84 Mitchell Street. 204 lt)()(). ll..3(lpm—r3itllt. £3. Scc Wed 5.

I Gossip Strathclulc linncmt} l'nion. Hi) John Sti‘ccl. 552 lS‘)5 Spin lain. ‘2

al'lci‘ Illpin; li‘cc toi Sl' \lllllt'li‘IS up

litltll‘ g‘llt'SlS illltm L'd \t‘c' “it'd 3


I Fur Burger ligo. I4 l’icartl} l’lacc. 478 7434. llpni 3am. £3 Night toi '.'lll\ \iho likc gii'lx. dirt} |okc\. innucndo .ind an c\ct' cclcctic lllllxlc‘ pohc} Hop plcaxc i'cincinhcr _\ou nccd a lcinalc cxcoi't loi' Cltll'}.


I Bennets Sit-UH (il;i\\liit'tl Such 552 57(il. \Vcd 'l‘hu tk Sun ll.3tlpin 3.iin. l’ri Sat ll.3llpin 3.3tlaiii. l‘l'lc‘ltdl}. dimn to cai‘th Iatc-night thxco \cnuc rcccntl) rclui'hixhcd and i'ixing tioin thc axhcx altcr a major lii‘c.

I The 6000 Club tH .lttlllttlca Sti'cct. 847 0320. Thu Sun llpin 3am. £l £4 ()l'lcring lun coininci'cial tuncx and lunk} pop. (ilaxgim \ ncucxt ga} \cnuc opcnx itx \‘cgax Slit)“gll‘l-ltlxpircd door»

I The Polo Lounge 34 Wilson Sircci. 553 l22l. Mon 'l‘liu 5pm lain. l'ri Sun 5pm 3am. Spacioux. mank}. flit}/llll\c'd Mcrchant ('it} cluh. \tith \L‘\Cl';tl “with and a dim nstairs dancclloiir iipctt at tlic \icck‘cnd i£5 altci‘ l lpini.


I CC Blooms ('(' lilimtttx. 2.5 24 (irccnxidc l’lacc. 556 933 I. Mon. l'ri Sal ()plll-rjlitltll Sun. 'l‘ucr Thu Spin 3am. The cast L‘Uilxl \ccnc quccn pumps out dancc and chccw dcliglitx c\cr_\ night.