Films are listed by city, then alphabetically by cinema. Listings are compiled by Jules Graham.
Glasgow _
3508uui'l11cl1ull Sirci‘i. 0l-ll 352 401 )0 Spam] 0llc1 Ulllll ihc L'lltl ill .I\[111l L'IILll l1l111 £2.1l11I-c 011113101 £5
ArgumentIIhi-I 7 30
Schadenfreude 10m 7. 30.
Cineworld Parkhead
'I’hc l'Ul‘fJL'. Inn-101cm. 0371 200 2000. Ill].Ailiili£5l£4.50lwli11c(1 30pm .\lI111 ll111. ('l11IIl/SIi1Ilc11i/():\l’ £ 3 (10 l'.11111l} 11L‘kci £l-l. :\ll ili'kcix lwlnic 110011' £3
THURSDAY 1511 Chicken Little I 1 ‘I
2.35. 4.30. The Hills Have EyesI131 0.30. 3.55.
l|00.1111. I2 45.
"OStOlIIHI 11111111. 2 l5. 4 30. 04.5. ‘).ll(l. Inside ManI15I 110011. 2.45. 535. 8.35.
The Pink PantherII’iiI l|.45;1111. 2.00. 4.l5. 0.30. 845.
The RingerI12.-\I 00011. 2.15. 4.30. 0.45. 0.00.
SyrianaI151 11 30u111. 2.40. 540. 3.35.
VforVendettaI15I ililiill. 2.50. 3.35.
Alien AutopsyI12.-\I
\\'cil&'l‘l1u: 8.45.
Basic Instinct 2: Risk Addiction I 131 Hull}: 7.00. 0.35.
.v\|30l'1'i 8011: 4.30.
Chicken UttieIi'I
Muiincc l'i'i 8011: 11001111101 8.111. 2.30. Failure to Launch I 12.-\1
l)ui|_\: 110011. 2.20. 4.40. 7.00. 0.20. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire 112A) Muilncc Sui: Hostel1131 Hull}: 0.00. Ice Age 2: The Meltdown 01
Hull}: l0.30.1111. ll.30uili. I245. I45. 300. 4.00. 5.15. 0.15. 7.30. 825. Inside Man I 151
l)ui|): (1.30. 0.20.
The Pink PantherIl’UI
Hull): ll.45;1111. 2.00. 4.|5. (1.30.
The RingerI12.-\1
l-‘1'1 'I’uc: 8.45.
\Vcd I\ 'l'hu: 0.35.
The Shaggy Dog 04
Dull}: ll.40uni. 2.00, 4.20. 0.40. She’s the ManI12.-\1
Mun 'l'hu: 2.00. 4.30.
Yours, Mine and OUTSII’UI
0.111): ll.45um. 2.115. 4.20.
Cineworld Renfrew Street
7 chi'rc“ 80ch 11110 unil (’(‘ honking: 087i 200 2000. .-\Ilul1 £5.801£4.80 hcl’nrc (1.300111 .\lIm 'l‘hu1. ('lillil/xlililciilx/i‘iilii‘i‘3310113L £3.00. 15.1.1111} iickci £l5.(10 18011 Thu: £l41. Sunilu) ull iickcixz £3.50. l'nlimilcil ('uril: £10.00 pcr 11101101.
ll 30:011.
Big Momma’s House ZIP(1) ll.00um. 1.30.
BigWhiteI151 12.30. 3.00. 0.00. 3.40. CapoteI151 Il.30um. 2.20. 5.20. 3.10. WON.) 110011. 2.20. 4.50. Date MovieIISI 3.30. 5.50. 3.20. Good Night, and Good Luck (PU) 1.30. 4.00. 0.30. 9.10.
One of the highlights of this year’s Sheffield International Documentary Festival on Tour is Mariana Arruto's documentary feature about Argentina’s maximum security prison Trelew which, in the
19705, housed mostly political prisoners. In 1972 these collected union leaders, revolutionaries and intellectuals planned the mother of all breakouts and this is their story. Highly recommended. I / 110200030. I.I/I/IIIII/gn Ill/I20 51AM ()Il/H (if 1. 04130011. 1011/ If? A;)/ 00/11.
The Hills Have Eyes I 131 l0.40u111. 1.15. 3.50. 0.45. 11.30. Hostel I 131 1 l.00u111. 130. 0.25.
Inside ManI15I 3.50.
Last HolidayI12.-\I 10.40.1111. 1011. Lucky Number Slevin I 131 I0.50um. 1.30. 4.00. 0.40. «1.20. ManderlayI15I ll.00um. 2.00. 5.10. 3.30.
The Pink PantherII’m 3.30. 0.10. 8.40.
The PropositionI151 0.211. 11.00.
4.00. (1.40.
|l.20um. 2,30_ 5.40.
The RingerI12AI l0.50um. 1.20. 4.00.
(1.40. 045. Romance and Cigarettes I 151 I l.50um. 2.411. 5.40. 3.511.
SyrianaI151 ll.l0uin. 2.10. 5.20. 3.20.
TiansAmericaI15I lltiiill. 3.00. 0.00 3.30.
TsotsiI151 3.50. 0.211. 11.00
V for Vendetta I 151 ll.20um. 2.30. 5.411. 0.10.
Walk the LineI12.-\1
4.50. 7.50.
I050um. l.50.
Alien Autopsy I 12.-\1 \VL'II Ik 'l'hu: l0.40um. 0.20. 8.40.
Basic Instinct 2: Risk Addiction I 131 in K Sui: 110011. 3.00. 5.40. 8.20. I HI). 81111 lhu; 0.30. Batman Begins I 12.I\1
'l'uc: ll.30um. 2.30. 5.30. Chicken Little 0‘»
Hull): ll.50um. 2.00. Failure to Launch I l2:\l
l.|0. 3.40.
l0.40um. l.20. 4.01. (1.50.
Dull); l0.30uiil. l.l0. 3.45. (I.I5. 845.
.-\|30 luic l-1‘1 & Sui: ll.20. Firewall I 12.-\I Dull}: 110011. 3.00. 5.50. 8.40.
.-\l30 luic Hi & Sui: l I20
The Hills Have Eyes I 131
Dull}: 9.35.
Hostel I I81
Dull}; 4.00. (1.3011101'l'uc1. 900.
Mm luic l-‘ri & Sui: l 1.30.
Ice Age 2: The Meltdown I {'1
Dull): 10.30.1111. ll.00um. 110011. l.00. l.30. 2.40. 5.40. 4.|0. 5.20. ().l0. (1.40. 8.00. 8.40. .-\l30 luic Fri é; Sui:
10.30. ll.l5.
l0.30um. I250.
Inside Man I 151
in Ik Sui: ll.00um. 2.|0. 5.|0. 8.]5. l I30.
Sun Thu: ll.20um. 2.30. 5.30. Lucky Number Slevin I 131
Lulu l'1'1 & Sui: l0.40. The Pink Panther ll’( 0 Hull}: l0.20uii1. I250. 8.20.
The Ringer I l2:\1 Duil): l0.30um. 8.20.
.'\l\i) luic l'1'1 & Sui: l0.50.
Romance and Cigarettes I 151
0.01}: 8.30.
The Shaggy Dog Il‘1
Dull}: l0.50um. ll.30um. l.40. 2H). 4.30. 5.00. 7.l0. 8.00.
.-\l\I1 luic l‘i'i (& Sui: l0.30.
She’s the Man I 12.-\1
Mun 'l‘lm: ll.00um. 2.00. 500. Shooting Dogs I 151
Du“): ll.30un1. 2.30. 5.30. 8.25. Alw luii‘ l‘il Ik Sui: ll.l0.
Syriana I 151
Dull}: ‘).l0.
TiansAmerica I 151
Hi Ik Sui: 110011. 2.40. 5.20. 8.l0. l0.40.
Sun 'l‘hu: l.00. 3.40. (1.20, ‘).|().
V for Vendetta I 151
.20. (1.00.
I00. 3.30. 000.
l‘riik Sui: I30. 4.40. 7.45. ll.00. Sun A 31011: ll.20um. 2.3)11101811111. 5.40. ‘).l0.
Walk the LineIl2.»\1
Hull): 8.00.
.-\l3(1 l5r1 Sun: ll.00um. 2.00. 5.00.
The White CountessIPm
l‘riik Sui: l2.30. 4.00. 7.20. l0.20. Sun 'l‘hu: ll.00um. 2.00. 5.00. 8.30. Yours, Mine and OursIPi 11
Hull): l0.40um. l.00. 3.30. (100.
3) l'Iiixcr‘\ii) Awnuc. 330 5522. £4 I£31.
THURSDAY 30 MAR Coffee and Cigarettes I 151 3.00.
Wallace 8. Cromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit 01 7.00.
THURSDAY 13 APR The Passion of the Christ I 131 7.30.
Glasgow Film Theatre
l2 Rinc Sir‘cci. 0l4l 332 8l28. (‘ulc/hur. All pci'lurniuliccx hnukuhlc. ll)|. ll'.l. l:\cniiig3i £5 1£41. MuimI-cx Ilwlmc 501111: £4.501£3.501. l‘1‘11hcl01‘c 501111: £3.50 1£2.501.(il’l‘('111c(‘urilhulilcrx: U 00 ull pl‘li‘i‘5 (il‘vl‘ \;1\L'i\i £22.50l£l7.501II13L'C .5 llllll\l\tllltl lI11'il11‘L‘i‘ 1110110131.
Avenge But One of my Mo Eyes I 12m 1.15. 3.30.
hansAmerlcaI151 2.00. 4.00. 0.20. 3.40.
Famllla RodanteI151 3.15
FateII51 0.00.
The Three Burials of Melqulades EstradaI151 1.00. 3.30. 0.00. 3.30. TsotslI151 2.00. 0.30. TransAmericaI151 4.00. 3.40.
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Il2.-\1 ll.30u111.
Bellevllle Rendez-Vous I 12.-\1 I .30 The Three Burials of Melqulades Estrada I15, 3.30. 0.00. 3.30. TransAmerlca I 151 4.00. 3.40 1503' 1 l5) 0.50.
Crash I 151 + RlzeIP(i1 I45. Ti’ansAmericaII51 2.00. 0.211. TsotsiI151 4.15. 8.40.
The Three Burials of Melqulades EstradaI151 0.10. 3.30.
Proof (Parent 8. Baby Screening) I 12m |0.30um.
Chltty Chm Bang Bang (l'I ll.30um. The Three Burials of Melqulades Estrada 1151 1.00. 0.00. 3.30. Tsotsi1151 2.00. 0.30.
Proof I 12m 3.30.
TransAmerlca I 151 4.00. 3.40.
’Jfi‘e.‘ '--" '- ~ ~ 9 {-2 —- : ,-,- k
30 Mar—13 Apr 2006 THE LIST 55