Around Town

Events are listed by date, then type. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to for sport or for all other events. Listings compiled by Rachael Street.


Activities & Events

Stitch and Bitch (ilasgow Womcti's Library. lli‘) 'l'rongatc. ll|4l 553 8345. (Ht) 8.30pm. l‘tc'c. l'nwind wool and any pcnt tip gossip at this closc knit knitting group. ('all to say you'rc going along as plth‘Cs arc limitcd.

Activities & Events

Crime Walk: Victorian Murder and Mayhem ()ttakar's. l'nit (i. Buchanan (iallcrics. Buchanan Strcct. 353 I500. lllani. £5. ()ttakars' crimc scason continucs with this spccial tour through tlic city 's criminal past. linisliing with a lull thlll.


Cafe Scientifique: Laugh! I Almost Died 'l'lic Victorian Bar. 'l‘ron 'l'hcatrc. (i3 'l'ronzlatc. 552 42(i7. 7pm. l’r‘iii'csstii' Alcx (iai'dncr cnlists tlic hpr ol' top Scottish l'unny man Biticc l-timmcy in cxploring tlic physical. cmotional and psychological cl'lccts til laughtcr.

Screenwriters’ Group (ilasgow l-‘iliii 'l’licairc. l2 Rosc Strcct. 332 Xllh’.

(Lil) 8.30pm. l"rcc. A chancc to nicct up w ith otlicr budding scrccnw‘ritcrs for workshops and discussion. All arc

w clcomc. w lictlicr you'y'c w'rittcn a short sccnc or an cpic icatui'c. Visit ior dctails.

Thursday 6


Revisiting the Gold Leaf Lady - An Extraordinary Case of Paranormal Phenomena t'iiiycrsity oi‘ (ilasgow. The Boyd ()rr Building. 339 8855. 7.30pm. £3 (lircci. l)r Stcphcn Braudc rcy'isits thc othct‘ .sitlc lot‘ this talk.


Big Knit Out! North Star (‘ai'c. l()h’ Quccn i‘ylargarct l)riy'c. 57o ()l l3. 7pm. Knitting. tca and cakcs. It's thc ncw rock'n'roll.

ActIVIties & Events

Crime Walk: Square Mile of Murder ()ttakar‘s. l7nit h. Buchanan (‘iallcrics Buchanan Strcct. 353 l5()(). 9.30am. £5. llcar about spccii'ic cascs and csaniinc historical artciacts on this crirnc thcmcd walking tour.


When Libyans Ruled Ancient Egypt Burrcll (‘ollcctioiL 206i) l’ollokshaws Road. 287 2550. 2pm. £4 (£2). A lccturc by Dr Tony l.cahy iocusing on thc Libyan scttlcr's who iniiltratcd ligypt bctwccii 12007750 BC (that's thc ()sorkons. Shcslionqs and Takclothsi.


Jesus and Mohammad in Islamic Heritage St Mungo Museum of Rcligious Life and Art. 2 Castle Strcct. 553 2557. 2-lpin. Frcc. Scc llitlist.

28 TflE LIST 30 Mar—i3 Apr 2006


Scottish Rocks v Leicester Riders Brachcad .-\rcna. Kings lnch Road. 5hl llJli, 7.30pm. £8 (£5); iannly tickct £32. llopciully this w ill bc a chancc tor thc Rocks to notch up a i'cw morc points to sccurc thcir sccorid placc position In tllc BBl. ('hainpionsliip. Plus you gct to watch lots oi tall mcn lumping about

Wednesday 12

Activities & Events

Film Discussion Group (ilasgow liliii 'l‘licatrc. l3 Rtisc Strcct. 333 Hllb'. h.3(ipin. Hcc. Mcct up with iiliii w ritcr liddic Harrison and lots oi othcr' iilm bulls to swap opinions and ix-rccptions oi rcccni rclcascs. both art housc and big blockbustcr iilms. (‘hin stroking optional.

Ongoing Glasgow Activities & Events

Quiz Night liy cry Mon. Brunswick (‘cllars 23‘) Sauchicliall Strcct. 332 932‘). ts’ Itipni. £l. \Vcck‘ly Monday night qui/athon with pri/cs including l)\'l) playcrs. conccit tickcts and dinncrs otit. Tchai Ovna Games Society liy cry ch. 'l'chai ()yna. lot) l)canston l)riy c. (ll-ll 64‘) 7258. noon 5pm. l-‘rcc. chicinlx'r. throwing tlic hoard up in a had tcnipcr it. you losc is childish.


Architecture in Scotland 2004-2006: Defining Place 'l'hc LighthotIsc. l l Mitchcll Lanc. 32l 63(13. Sat l Apl'r Mon 5 Jun. Mon it ch Sat l(l.3()ain 5pm; 'l‘uc I laiii 5pm; Sun noon 75pm. An cxhihition oi cighi rcccnt projccts to mark tlic ptiblicatioii ol' tlic third bicnnial rcy'icw ol' arcliitccturc in Scotland. 'l'o coincidc with this thc Lighthousc will bc holding a \aricty oi dcsign sliow'cascs. including work lt'tilll Vcly‘ct Boutiquc (7 Apr 4 Jun). litlitihlii‘gli-htisctl collcctiyc (ilass Bo\ lb Apr 2| May l. plus tlic top cntrics l‘roni photography and arcliitccturc


y‘ r





coriipctitions to ;\pr lS .\layi

Wildlife Photographer of the Year Exhibition l'ntil .\lon I \lay Scotland Strcct School \ltiscum. .\liiscuiii oi liducation. :35 Scotland Sticct. 3S" ll5llll ,\lon 'l‘hu & Sat lliaiii 5pm. l‘l'l .\ Sun llani 5pm ()utstanding c\liibition oi ilic bcst natural history photographs iioiii all oycr tlic world


1|: The Ideal Home a. Garden Show \Vcd 5 Stiii 0 .-\pt' Sl-.('('. l-innicston Quay. l).\"’illuli41ititl 'l‘imcs way to iL'5i. iainily tickct L'l‘i Scc llitlist Vitality l‘t'i " Sun ‘i \pi Sl'(‘(‘. l~innicston Quay. ti.\"’tl lull tooo liiiics \ary. L"~ LES. Scc pictiii'c caption

Food & Drink

Queen’s Park Farmers’ Market Sat l Apr. ()uccn's Park. 53“ langsidc Park. 387 7373 lilam 2pm. l'orgct all about that iiiass-prmluccd rubbish iarnicis' iiiarkcts arc all about organic. quality producc dircct irom tlic cliaps and chapcltcs who makc it.

Mansfield Park Farmers’ Market Sat h’ Apr. .\lansiicld l’ai'k. oil l)unibai'ton Road. 34l USN. lilani 3pm.


Glasgow Open Fencing Competition Sat l is Sun 3 .'\|il. llutclicson‘s (ii'aiiimar School. 3| Bcatoii Road. l’tilltK'lsSlllL'ltlS. “I 334 7 l 747“, 8.30am 5.30pm. l’rcc. Sabrcs at ihc i'cady ior this mi\cd opcn coinpctiiion icatui‘ing all tlic local lt‘llt‘lllg‘ cspcrts. Not only will tlicrc bc lots oi sword sw isliing action but you'll iinally bc ahlc to lllltl out tlic dillcrcncc bch ccn an cpcc and a ioil. Ian guard?


Tchai Ovna Knitting Circle lay cry 'l'hu. 'l'chai ()y na. lh‘) l)canston |)ri\ c. ll|4l (34‘) 735K. Spin. l't'cc. 'lca and knitting. what clsc is tlici'c'.’

Tchai Ovna Craft Class l‘.\ cry 'l'iic. 'l‘chai ()yna. lh‘) |)canston l)ri\ c. (llsll M‘) 7358. 7pm. (ilass painting class w ith lull tuition.

Positive proof that the healthy yoghurt drinks are taking over the planet, here’s a whole show dedicated to it, or at least sponsored by it. But inside you’ll find more than just people preaching the delights of imbibing affable bacteria - there will be exercise classes, pampering sessions and plenty of experts on hand to give you advice on health, beauty and well being. You’ll feel virtuous just being there.

I SECC, Fi'nnieston Quay, Glasgow, Fri 7—Sun 9 Apr. i/iia/iti'


Actiniiios S [Emits Boxwars \ltltlli‘ 3‘1. .‘ht .illi‘ll Road. sss :“ss ;iipiii :3 :1 loiii ilic l\o\w.iis \.lltll‘\‘.iltl \\.il!li‘l\ iii a llt‘lll to tlic dcatli iwcll. .illlli‘sl‘ l lll.tll

iiiiky lcgicciiwiuuii l‘o‘llll.ill \i'lll to takc pail


City IDEAS l )ld (‘ollcg'in l'lay i.iii liliiai'y.l iii\cisity oi l \lllll‘tllz‘lt \oiitli Biidgc. Vi SIN“ "put 1‘ lliicc iicurcs iioiii pulilit liic \l|\\ tiss lllt‘ll i.i\oiiiii.- writings iioiii llit‘ .igc oi tlit- \ti‘lllsll cnliglitcniiicnt

Legless but Smiling llt‘lli‘l \\.ilt l'ni\ctsii_\. .laiiics \\.iti (t‘llllt' l. .‘_‘S ll55 “Pill L3 \loiiiilaiiicci and ili‘tll‘lt‘ bclow kncc aiiiputcc lti \oiiiiaii (‘iouclic'i talks about his c\pciicnt c oi cliiiiliiiig ilic si\lli liiglicsl lllHtllll.illl. ( 'lio ()yu Booking cssciiiial

Activates és‘. l\.’(}lll5§

The Guid Crack Club \\.i\t‘ll\ liai. \i .\l.ii'y 's Sticct. 55!» US '*l ' itlpiii t_‘ 5” .lanis \lackay spins a lcw yaiiis on ilic subiccts oi \\ol\cs and \\ Illl \\oiiicii. accoiiipanicd by host l’ctci Snow \ll .iic w clcoiiic to sliaic a story oi .l song


Storytelling Step by Step \‘aiidt-iiiaii llHllst‘. lltilllss ( 'liist'. ‘5 lll;.‘ll Sticct. 3.75 l I55 I -1. 30pm Ll) (LN \ii introduction ior .ill tliosi- \klslllll‘.‘ to dcyclop stoiytclling abilitics. lcd by Ruth Kirkpatrick. I’iIIi' of ( kiln/Ii ( iri'iiiii SIN”)


Forest Market l‘oicst (-itlt'. i litlslti I’lacc. 331i J5 3S \oon -lpiii lipcii niai'kci wlicrc you can bring and buy whatcycr iakcs yotii lanty (all llfi‘lSl t)lil III or cniail ctK‘lltii\\"" yahoo com ii you want to sct up a stall


Spokes Sunday Rides l \llt‘l llall. l.otliiaii Road. +15 "liq \ lliaiii l'icc l'.\p|oi‘c tlic l.Ullll.'ll|\ on two wliccls liy ioining tlicsc guidcd cyclc iidcs

The Kilt Walk Riiss llit'atlc li.llltl\l.llltl. l’iiiiccs Sticci (iaidciis. 55” ~lli5‘) llaiii L5 tUi; laiiiily tickci L lb Scc pictuic caption.


For Da Girls 'I lic Bongo ( ‘liili. \loi'ay lltitlsc. 3-7 lltilyitiiitl Road. i535 “(illl

l 3pm. L5. Scc llitlisi.

StyleTrial: Beginners’ Breakdancing Classes 'l llt' lioiigo ('lttli. Moray lltitlsc. in lliilyiiititl Rtiatl. 55S Toot: 331ipin. L3 l.c.iin all ilic tricks oi tlic B boy iiadc. ii'oiii a ir‘iciidly hunch oi yci‘y willing tcaclicrs

Wednesday 5


Cloning and Drug Discovery Royal .\lusctini l.cctui'c 'l‘licatic. 3 ('liaiiibcrs Sticct. 55" 55SS. "pin L" iL'5i ('loning cspci't Ian \\ilniut talks .ihoiit tlic \ital Ttilt' tltcw‘ L‘L‘lls play Ill tlcycliiplilgv ti'catnicnts ioi' iiilicritcd lllllL'\\c\, I’m! or lat/iii/ml'uli Iiiirniirlm/m/Stir/1w lr'\lllrl/,

Thursday 6


Why Does a Ball Bounce? Rt .‘yltiscuin. 2 ('lianibcrs Sticct. 557 7pm. L'h' tUii. Scc main piccc. City STORIES ()ltl (it illcgc. l’lay lali' Library. l'niycrsity oi lzdiiiburgli. South Bridge-173 Jill)“. 7pm. £3. 'l‘lircc iigurcs irom contcinixirary culturc rcad lroin tlicir layouritc writings about citics.

iyal 55SH.