Music Rock&Pop '
1 Their singer was in Busted Selling out stadiums. earning shedloads of cash and hang milliOns of adoring female fans wasn't tullillrng enOugh tOr Charlie Simpson so he quit the group to play in a band wrth his real mates. In your face. remaining members of Busted!
2 But they don’t sound like Busted Charlie recently described the Busted experience as 'torture'. No wonder Fightstar sound like stroppy as luck. angst ridden emo then.
3 And they’ve proved it Despite initial snobbery from the press. Fightstar won over the rock fans. Naming their first EP They Liked You Better When You Were Dead might have helped. It‘s a long way from What / GO to School For.
4 Plus, they like lasers Their Video for ‘Paint Your Target‘ features kids tiring lasers from their hands. X~ Men-style. It's probably got something to do wrth new concept album. Grand Unit/cation. but we were too busy QHJOYIllg the destruction to investigate.
5 Also Charlie has big eyebrows and is posh But he‘s never waxed or toned down his accent. Which incidentally puts him in the same league as Liam Gallagher and Thom Yorke. And there aren't many people you can say that about. (Andrew Berthw‘ickl
I Barrow/and. Glasgow. Sat 78 Mar.
I Alan Tall 'l‘ehai ()\na. 43 ()tago l.ane. 35"»1534. .S’pin. L3. Siiiger. \otigxirrler. i'aeonteiii‘.
I Ladyfuzz arid Babygod Bai'l’lx. Zoo (‘litle Street. USN) iin,“ triiiiii. «Split: LS, 'l‘he headliners are a l.ondon-ha\ed art rock “in.
I Moses, The Colts, Rocketfox and The Passengers l'ui') Muir) \. ‘lh .\la\\\el| Street. 331 o5l l. S3llprii. L4. ineluding entr‘} to poxt-gig eluh. \\'eekl_\ \lio\\ (the ol illtlie l‘illltlS.
I Perfect Remedy Samuel l)o\\ K. ()7 7| \lllixtltile Road—1330“)? .S‘.3(lpin. l‘ree. l.oea| roek hand.
I The View, Dresden and Bwana Devil King 'l‘ut'x \Vah \Vah lltit. 3-3a St Vineent Street. 331 537‘). S.3”pm. L5. Seottixh indie triple hill headed h_\ ilre Zane Lone-tipped View
I Bob Cuba, David Burns, Spokers Loan and James McKay l3th .\'ote ('ale. 5” (it) King Street. 553 M38. 0pm. L'3. Melodie indie guitar sounds.
I The Early Years .\'iee'ii'S|ea/_\. JZI Sauehiehall Street. 333 (Milli. 9pm. L3. .\l_\ Blood} Valentine sole tripp} roek trio signed to Beggars Banquet.
I Ulmo 'l‘he Halt Bar. Hill \Voodlaiidx Road. 353 0000. 0pm. l‘ree. So i“ duo “hose piano-haxed material ix intlueneed h} .\'iek (‘a\ e.
76 THE LIST 'e ‘.'.t' ‘13
I The Gift \l\( lltliiiS. 1" lltgt‘. Site'e'
553 3l 3; ll’l‘ll- l tee lati. '..'.l“t;'t' “arai I Jackson Analogue B 2:13. PM (il\\h‘ \H‘K'}. Irx‘tr liir“ ll‘l‘i‘l Lil loop. 1" iLll liidie duriitel liI'TIi the l<Ie of \\:;‘lr
I BMX Bandits .17itl Jonny 8x the Debutantes lexto' l\'.~'.l. l itii ti lizixtw Stiiiaie. it‘ll 1h"; \elerati '-‘.l‘lllt\i\.:i :t (ilayjoxx heron tlie B\l\ lid'ltlllS \t'lt'l‘idllllL' 3" }e.rt~ it: the llltlSIt l‘il\illt‘\\ l’ait ol iiidie tllll‘ :ir;'lil l irkrio'ur
photo ll)
‘lprit 3.ii:. 2,1 1M
Milk Z‘i';‘\‘.\ \ .Lra.
l’lt‘.l\llli'\ iiioii students lt'iitiiTt' tor entry.
I The T1405 llie l otz. li‘ll “‘3 3S HI 5 3.35 ‘lpiii Li ltliiil‘..t 't: L'lllllL‘t' ptiiil. hard
I Uncle John 8: Whitelock lit.- lioiigotliih \loraj. lll‘lISt'. 3‘ llolyioiul Road. 55\ Will lllprii L5 S.‘.ariipl\ltie\ irieithanh l l.\ \\ plat l|\ e .ll t luh night
l axt. \‘.llll l),l\ taking }oti llllrtllz'll lo 3.:iri I Raff, Modus and Demons Eye
\\ lllSllt'l‘llthlt‘S. 1 ti South Bridge. 55'
5| ll (tpiii lice heloie iiiitlriight. L l allei (‘laxxie arid toirleiiipoiai} rot l. .o‘.ei\ lioiii l)t'lllllll\ l _\e
I Certain Death, Argonath and Mongrel Studio 31. 31 in ( ‘altoii Ix’oad. 55S 3~5S ‘prii L1 \letal with a \t'll\\' ol liiiirioui
I Fourth in Line, Fawn .lllil Covington Case \‘ulw..o (1m. gate. till ('|l\\f_'.llk‘. (iqliti ~ 3llpir] {1 Hegnt iotk line up
I The Friday Night Motel ( ’alerloiiraii Baekpaekeix. :(‘ltlt'x'llSlt'llk Street. We “33-l S. 3llpiri L31 Shades o! lx’l \l. the (‘laxh and \e\‘. Hider \Kllll more the
I The Focus Group, Falling Theory and Arabella Harrison Baiiiierriiarik. \iddi} Street. 55!» 3351 .S.»l5piii Ll liidie triple
Saturday 25
I The Alarm (at line \eaderrn (ilasgim. l3l l.‘..‘lllllitll Street. llSHll "I 3llllll. fil‘lll. L15 l\\eiit_\ _\t'.ll\ oii. the .\laiiii are \trll not done \lllg‘llifl rousing piirik IBSPHL'tl iall_\iiig ertex. Brit the} hue run our ol lraii‘xpia}
I Broken Family Band, Our Lunar Activities and How to Swim \B( ‘3. Hit Saiiehiehall Street. 333 33 ‘3 "pin L"). ()ll»kilter' alt.eouiilr_\ li'oiri (‘ariihi‘idge'x Broken l-airiil_\ Band
I The Kooks llie \l't‘llL‘S. 35* \lfj}lt' Stick-[- llS‘ll I‘ll) "53S a 3llpm {—3 5t) Brighton indie likes \kllllSt’ ieeerrt \iiigle 'l'ddie'x (itin‘ “ax .ihout not heiirg ahle to get it up loi' Kalle .\lelua rilte lead Slllth‘t trxed to go out \\ itli her. hou \ that loi indie 'eiedeiitialx' ’t l)ehril alhuiii Irixittt lH/lh’Ht/r ()rir IS lll\l oiil.
I The Barking Spiders Rilelxt'lS. l-l Midland Street. 33l llfi3li. h Spin liee liidie and punk eo\ei\
I Frightened Rabbit, The One who Flew and Injuns Haill}. jriii ( 'lttle Street. llSHll ‘lll- ll‘l‘l‘l Spin L-l. 'l he ( )iie \Vho l'leu promote their lieu alhiirir ol
\\ iiimiiie .ieouxtrea. eiitilled A'rireirorr lint/er. lll|llll\ are .Sk}e lads l eightoii .loriex arid lleetoi \laelriiiex throtlrei ol \l_\le\. \K \ .\l_\loi \ilime di\ei\e \ottltil eiieoiiip.i\\e~ ra//. lolk. reggae and l.atiii \t}lL‘\
I The Corb Lund Band and Roger Dean Young King liitk \\ali \\ah Hut. 3‘3a St \ iiieeirt Street. 33l 53“) S. 3llprn, LS. :\ll.t‘iltlllll'_\ \xirh \kittle and r'oekahrll} i'elei'eiiee\ li‘oiii toui'th gerieiatioii eouho} ('or'h hunt
I Volts 'l'he llali Bar. ltiii \\i\ittllalltl\ Ritatl. .353 ‘N‘Ni. ‘lt‘tll. l'l't‘L‘. .\(' l)(~ tiihute.
I Forgotten Sons Roekeix. t1 Midland Street. 33l ll‘3h. ‘l. 3llprn. l'iee \lai‘illioii tr‘ihule. plus .\lai'rii altei'xhou part}.
I Dresden .\le('htiill\. 4“ High Street. 553 3l35 lllpiri. l‘ree. ltleetio punk lo he eoiilii'iiied
I Sabrepulse liai‘ll}. loll (‘litle Street. ris‘ri on" own to Sop,“ i5 lleathkillJlNlll night
I Robots in the Skies (ila\:_'o\\
Seltili'i of \rt. lti‘ Reiilrexx Street. 353 S ;l l l;"l. il“L;' \li‘lt‘ lt\L‘ ltltllt' ri;.:d:ie\\ .it (‘liil‘ \\H I Heatwave \ zeroiiak. "S Saiieliiehall Street. 3331,111 Ll~1"5_ ineltidrng txxo e hiitfe'. \eteiaii ttiiik oiittit. :cxporzxthie to: iotktire e\ei} retro \llSu‘ ‘il:.~ land to the \llttlZIS ot ‘Boogie
l rift."
I The Belgranos, Mr Nice and Dakota \\ ltlSllt'l‘tlllxlt‘S. -l o Sotltlt Bzrtlee. 55” 5ll-1 tiprii l‘iee hetoie ria.tiiz-_-ltt.L1.ittei Bliieei.i\\ \ll‘t‘S lioiii lltihi‘ltl I Jo Mango arid Strike the Colours ( .iharet \ollaiie. 3" 3S Blair Street. 33ll til ‘ti “pit. to \etoiirplixhed loeal \l'l‘.'\'l songwriter \\llll .iii .ietewihle.
ll cloth. \t\ le t‘li'ltliilt‘S her next alhurii. will: support tiorri .leiiii} l(ee\e\ llt'\\ l‘.rllil Strike the (‘oloirix
I Are you Experienced [lie
I \tliaiige, 55 (iroxe Street. »l~l3ll-1ll-l ‘piii L" liihiite to the irirght_\ .liiiir lleiidii\
I Max Romeo llre l itiiird Rooiii. ‘le
\ it‘toiia Street. 335 350-1 ~Plll. [l5 .See lit 33 and pie\ ieu. ('liihx. page 3‘.
I Found arid Sanna I’lie Bongo ('luh. \lill.t} lll'll\\'. {q lltllMHiitl Rikltl. ~hill Spin L5 l.\ eateli} pop lorrri a iiiiitpie .tt'illISIIt'. \aiiiplerx and laptop \et up ol l oiirid and the lo-li Spiiiriili/ed Sitlllttlx ot Sarina at llll\ llt'.til\[\llt hands \houeaxe
I Delta Mainline, The Rites and Fourteenhours (‘aledoriiaii Baekpaekeis. 3(‘)iieen\lei'i’_\ .Sti'eet. ~17h "33-1 .S 3llpiir L~l Biaxh l‘ltlt‘S pop. indie .llltl lilt'lx
I The Kays Lavelle, Slowjet and Gatsby Baiirrer'iiian\. \iddi} Street. 556 3351. S 15pm Ll. \eouxtie ludinhiirgh lieadliiieix.
I Rocketfox, Friday First, 12 Pointless Days, The Young Offenders and The Ivories 'l'lie ('atlioii\e. l5 l'nioir Street. 3-lS (ihllh. “pin Lil iad\aiieel. L'tr ltlltill'l. ()\ei'- l—lx \hou lx’oek and pop liiie tip.
ra—T; i.N ‘ (-5.” r r (-
ll :PWL l: n.t_ :4 ‘ l. 3 'r”
I Shri l‘he .-\rehe\. 353 .-\rg_\le Street. tlS‘tl 34“ "538 .pm {Ill Boiiiha) »hred Shri tot Badiiiarxh & Shri laurel returm \\ ith lllS eoirreinimrar) take on :\Sl.ill inuxie adding elements or drum & ha“. tranee and deep gromex,
I The Megamen and The System Souiidhaux. J" Hylepark Street. 331 4h5lt " 30pm L5 ()\er- l4\ \l]o\\ Pllh t\\o more aetx to he eont'ii‘iiied
I Steve Steinman‘s Vampires Rock Ro).il (‘oneert Hall. 3 Sauehiehall Street. 353 Still” ‘ 3llprii Llh L'lS Steiiiriiari and llIS hand. the Hell Bound l-‘\pi'e\\. hlaxr their \ia} through \Ulilt‘ ol the \xorld'x hext knomi ioek anthems
I 99 Confessions, Meekleion, Some Kind 0! Victory and Emergency Pound Barth ltlt‘Slalt'Sl. jrio (‘l_\de Street, ox‘n on" own 3pm
I Live Music Roekeix. 14 Midland Street. 331 ll‘3h .S‘prii LIhe Seeret gig hour a \eteraii Bi'itroeker'
I Make Good Your Escape, After Christmas and Ladder Coins Barllx. :rin (tore Street, ns‘u 0t)" norm. spur L5. l’urxe}oi\ ol euphorie roek troin “VillelleSlel
I Starsky 'l‘he Buttertl} and the Pig. I53 Bath Street. 331 “I I .S'prir. l-ree .-\eou~tie .-\t'taii St‘SSlUli leaturirrg a llll\ ot lolk and eoirteinporar) sounds.
I Sam Brown and Michael Rattray Allstars King 'l‘ut's \Vah \Vah Hut. 37'3a St Vineeiit Street. 33l 537‘). .S’ 3llpiii.
L l 3.50. li\er_\thrng l‘ronr i'll}llilil and hluex to aeouxtie and piano traekx from this \tililt'lllilt‘ Joolx Holland and l)a\e (iilrnour eollahorator.
I Ulmo l3th Note ('ate. 50 (ill King Street. 553 M38, 9pm. L3. See l'Tl 34.
I Mark Boombastlk 'l‘lie Suh (lab. 22 Jarnaiea Street. 348 Jth). llpm. L7 Berlin heathmer pla'u ()ptiiiio.
I The Bays ('aharet \"oltaire. 3r» 3S Blair Street. 33H hl7ti. 7pm. L'S. 'l'he l‘L‘L‘lllSl\ e Bil}S put in a li\ e set ol lunked up danee heats.
I Tyrant Lizard Kings, Jackie Treehorn and Flat Iron Studio 2-1.
34 3h (‘alton Road. 553 3758. 7pm. £4. Snapping snarling roek lrorii lidinhurgh‘x l} rant l.i/ard Kings.
Jeez man, the Buzzcocks are the cockroaches of ‘— punk. We don’t mean they have hard shells and an ability to eat toxic waste but that they have survived longer in their current form than most of their contemporaries. New album Flat-Pack Philosophy is still remarkably fresh, and reminds us that the Mancunian quartet were always the most amiable, approachable and tuneful of the class of 77.
.wH .Gmi' - essaaar