I Howling Beus (iluxzjnn \Ll‘nnil n] All. Hi7 Rt‘llllt'V- \llt't'l. iii J‘il llpin. Ur IN; (‘luh \\ll: llllell lcliluiiny U/ hnrn. l.l'llklllll haw-«l wulhcrn fJHIllIL llllllt' tnunu} li'uin ll()\'.llll_‘,' liclh


I Chris Difford ( Mun-l \nlimc.

m H lilllll Slim-l. 33H hlVl “pin Llht' 'lhl' pt'nl lt'\l‘vllll\ll‘lt' lUl ‘( 'nnl lHl (lilx‘. ‘l 'p lhc .luntnnn' .nul 'l .ll‘t‘llt'll \\ llll l,(l\t'. pz'llulllh .lll .luillxllt \t'l Hl lt'illl'llllgt'll \Llllt't‘lt' \tlllj.'\ .llltl llt'u lllillt‘lldl

I Skin 'l llL' l.l\|lll\l Rnunl. ‘ll \ IL'lUIIJ Sllu'l. 335 I‘ll-1 "rpm Lll \u' l'll I"! I Blackjack Blues Band, The Scarecrows .lml Jojocoke \Vllhllt'l‘llllxlt'w. l (l \nulh llinljgc. R<7 5| l-l (ipln liw hclun' nullnljghl; L-l llllt‘l. .\l|\t'tl hug: nl l‘lllt'\ .iml llllllL‘

I Battlefield 'l llt' llllnjxn ( ‘luh. Mum} llllll\t'. i? llnlyuml Ix’umL 558 Willi 7pm l5 Spu'liuni pn‘wnlx llux llllel \t‘llunl lilillll' Ml lllt‘ lmmlx,

I Private Jackson \M'c Rt'tl Hui. lulhnhuiph ('nllcyc ul \i‘l. l.;lllll\lHll Plum". :3" I-l-ll 7pm. l’lt't'. Spik} pml punk linni l’mulv .lilk'llxvill unh ll lunlhnll lhcinul (.l) lgiunt‘h purl}.

I Martin Waugh and The Flavours 'lhc .lgnn llnuw. i ()uccn Slim-l. 330

-l ilx'll. TlSpin ll. illuni. £5; [7 llHlll llllll, \\;lllf_'llt'l'lulll\illllll}1 In \lunllunlx nimlt' lilllllllh h} Sumlm illltl lhc n'xl nl lhc Rulpm'lx. l'llllll\\t'tl h} lhc mullul \llllllll\ ill llHlINL' l‘illlll lllt' l"|.l\nul\.

I SBC Sunshine uml The Broken Records Sulmu} (’mxgzilc. (i‘) (impale. 335 (i'fhn 7. illpin. L5. .\lhunl launch lni' Sll(' Sunxhnlc .lml lhcn’ lnrhl ll;ll'lllUlllL‘\ :uul hnunt‘} \wv luncx.

I Indafusion, Kiddo, Jonestown Mind and Laid Back Ruby llcnl‘} \ (‘L‘llzu' llui. H Hm \lill‘l'lxllll Sln'cl. 333 93‘”. Spin (-1. l’gchmlchu inu'lx pmu'i' pop li‘nni Hunlcnnhnc haunl lmlulllxlnn. I Le Reno Amps, Daniel Patrick Quinn illltl Attic Lights (‘ulmlnnmn ltu'kpnckt'rx. i (‘lllt't‘ll\lt'l‘l'} Slim-l. -l7(l 733i Nillpin. H. l\ llllx .\lu\it".’ Inin lUl'L'L‘\ \\ uh Huh} 'I igt‘i' lHl' lhix liiplc l‘lll. I Love Bastards, Crazy Vincent uml Egg in a Tree llunncringin'x. \illlh'} Sin-cl. 550 3354. 3.45pm. H. Rod and llltllt' mumlx


I The Ordinary Boys lilll'l'll“ land. 3-H (lullmxgulc. 551mm. 7. illpin.

S( )l,l) ()l "l. ()wr l-lx \hmx. \lml and 4m I'cl'cicnccx limn lhc gipll} nunml ()nliuui'} Hm} \ \xhu haw i'cu'lxul u \hnl in lhv lll'lll lhunkx to haul \ingcr l’rcxlnn‘x \liul mu (1 lr/u'm Iii: li/‘uI/u'l:

I With Strings Attached l\’u_\;ll ('unu‘l'l Hull. 3 Suurlut‘hnll Sll'ccl. 353 .\‘(l(lll. 7. illpin. [In LIX. ('nlin \lt‘lnly'c l.\lul| llixlnnml Sour!) l. .luxlin ('umc ll)cl .-\nuu‘il :unl lilllh Rcmlcr 1min up \\ilh (‘t‘llic \upcrgi'nup lllu/in' liiddlcx l'm‘ u nigh! nl' lllil\l(;ll l'lixmn.

1‘1". \ t‘ (:v ‘- 'l Is} I

It’s like bloody EastEnders down the Sugababes chateau at the moment. 80 Mutya left, quite literally, carrying the baby, and she was swiftly replaced by Amelle (on the right here) but what we tend to forget amid all this Heat-style fish-wifery is that there are few pop acts around that have their consistency and quality when it comes to shiny electro-parpisms. Their cover of the Arctic Monkeys 'I Bet You Look Good on the Dancefloor‘ is both great and hilarious and will make a fine centrepiece at these scream- along live shows. (Ii/(133%)?“ l. I'( l"

. I’ll llll'.

I Arca Felix, The Makos, 1000 Desires, I Shot Nice Guy Eddie illltl The Droogs Snunlllmux. l7 ll_\llcp;u‘l\ Sliu‘l. Ill In“). 5. illpin. t5. ()u-i‘ l-l\ night lmlurin; lhc llllllt‘ clt'cli‘niucu nl lhc \lulmx.

I No. 1 Son uml Samantha Seth 'l‘lic llullci‘l'l} illlll lhc l’lfJ. l.“ Hulh Slim-l. III 77l l. 3pm, l'l‘L'L‘. l’\}L‘llt‘tlL'llL' llllh llHlll m Snail .\ll;icl\ 'ligclx ll'HlllllMH l’.|u| \lt‘l ..lllf_‘llllll ul lhix .'\L‘Hll\ll\' .-\ll;in' \L'\\lllll.

I Opal Sky Slcl‘cn. |~l Kchinhuugh Sliu‘l. 5W» SHIN. Spin. L31, ()pul 8k) nu\ clcclmnim \xilh ill/l lunk.

I The Deltas, The Fear uml Suicide Underground lilh Nulc (any: Sll (Ill Kin}; 911111.553 ln‘xh‘. ‘lpni. (3. hith i‘m‘k ll'lplt‘ hill lculunng l‘illltl\ hum (ilngnu and lullinhln'gh.


I Dialogues Music Rll}ill llnlumc (izu‘llcu llnxci‘lcuh lluuwl. lnwi'lcuh Run. 552 7|7I. l Jpn}. l’n-c. .-\ Sumln} ullcrnnnn nl L'\Pt‘l'llllt'lll.ll. haunnnic inuxit' ;l\ p;u‘l nl lhc lhulngucx l-cxlnul Juno. lrnin ('K l)c\lci‘ llmcn. \ixilni' (J. \Vuumlul Knu‘ and Pro.

I Elvis: The Vegas Years l’l;i_\hnu\c. l3 (il'cclhltlt‘ l’lllL‘L‘. “37H (illhiJlJ. 7.30pm. [USU U75”. lil\i\ lrihulc ilL'l. I Zillah, Four World Theory nml lx llcnr} \ (‘cllui' Rm. 8 Hm \lnrriwn Sli'ccl. 328 03%. 7.30pm. U. llgu'dwn' and domn—lmlcn wumlx.

The best dining deals in town


for this week's unmissable offers

72 THE LIST ‘1; SC Mir .X‘x‘t‘

I Good Shoes, Brinkman, Fiction/Action unll Thee Comrades ('.ih.in'l \Ulluuc. in ‘5 lllan \ln'cl. 33‘) M7» Spin Run. {5. lhv Lucxl hw hnu up ill llltllt' t‘luh nith l l'l_\ Spillutw

I The Jack Daniel’s Sound Check Wulkulmul. Unini lyixun' ( 'cnln'. (nu-nxnlt' l’luu'. ‘11 ‘l illll Hpui l'n't'. l'nxijgnml lurk lellll unnp linni llu' inluniuux hnui'hnn. liw luml lxuulx tuit'h pci‘lni‘in liw wnp lui :i t'lmncc ln ycl inlu lhc lt'leHllJl llll.ll.

I Pixelmechanic, Xahdrez, Lachlan MacColl Jr XXIII, vloop .lllll Hannes Raffaseder .\tl.llll llnuxc. * (‘hgunhci‘x Sliccl. Ml) SUSS. Hpin L.‘ U. \llll't‘ upci‘uncnlal clu‘unnim .I\ [kill ul l)I;i|ug_'uc~ lellh. lllL‘llllllll}! hw n'nuu-x ll'Hlll Rullaxnlm' u luilhng plum nn lhv \it-nnu L‘lihflt'ill/L‘lk‘t‘ll'lllllk‘ lllll\lt' \u'nc I Chocy Amo, Cry Over Billionaires giml Sad Colossus Bunnci'inun'x. \ixllli‘} Slit-cl. 55h Bil. 5.45pm. H. llltllk‘.

I Prime Suspect uml Oatbeanie \Vluxllt'hinkim. .l (i Snulh lii'nlyc. 55" 5| l-l. ‘lpin. l‘lL‘L‘, l’rnnu Suxpu'l .uc .1 «luu lculunng l);l\c l)u\l;_'c«~n ul lllt' l'xulil Suxpcclx

I l-lobo 'l llL' linngn (‘lulx \lnm} llnuw. 3" llnl_\mml anl. 553 ‘(Ml lllpin Run l’n'c hclnn‘ llpni; (i ullci 'liw mum and ullcrnginw «lixm lm‘ Ill\llllk'tl \innuix' .\cl\ llux lni‘lnighl lllk'llltlt' the Sn l'p .nnl Kltl (Xumu'l'ul l l‘) \l.n l lullmwtl l\_\ l .l\l (innit \Villlt'i'ncxx and MW l).i} llcnuningxm} l3!» \lgul

Monday 20


I Sugababes Sl:(‘( ’. l-uuucxlnn {Juli}. 0370 (Mu .lnnn (yillplll. 8( HI) ()l "l. l'ii'xl chunu' In \L'L' lhc ncu hnc up llUlll lhc pup mu Scc (.lpllllll. nppmllc

I Billy Boyd 'lL‘h.n ()\ “.1. 43 ()ldjfll l.;inc. 357 4524. hpni. £3. Siligci/mngurncr pl;i_\nig_' lnlk luck

I Lorraine, Mobile and Lizzies Arcade King 'l'ul'x \\;ih \Vgih llul. Till St \inccnl Sli'ccl. Ill 537‘). 5.10an {7.50. Nurucgmn lriu llixing l)cpcchc Mmlc L‘lL‘L‘ll'Ulllt‘il. .'\-ll;I-\ pup Hum and lhc ruck xxuuggcr nl Snulugn. \uppnrlcd l‘} Mnnlrcul'x l’runul Scream/Stunt R()\C\-lll\lll:_‘ Mnhilc.

I Bert is Evil lilh \ulc (km. in M King Slrccl. 553 lnih. Upni. £3. l’lu\ [\w more punk humlx ln he wnlirniul.

I Harmonica Lewinsky Sludm ()nc. (inlxxcnnr 'lL'i'mgc. 34! (35 In. ‘lpin l'rcc.

ll.uul ll.llllk' nl lhc lllllllllell Lilw un lhc Slnini} .\lnn«l.l} lllucx \\'\\lUll

I Ross Clark .uul You Take the Bigger Half ll.” lilm'. ll“ lmh Sum-l. <71 (illhh Up”) I-lu' .\t'nll\llt' llllell. lmluinig Khullnnmn .ipl Ynu 'l.il\c lhc lllgzgci ll.lll


I Acoustica (Xilxut‘l \ullnm'. V) W lll.ul Slit-cl. 32H (ulqh "pin L-l ll ii. -\ llllell nl ucuuxut' \(llllltl\ HllL'llll}! .'l mun-«l hnc up llHlll lxlhnhurgh'x linvxl \inggci/wugv.i'ilt'ix.

I Humcrush, Alog .lml Dan Williams lllk' linllg'n (.llllI. MUM} llUllu'. i7 lllllHUlMl anl. ‘53 7(lll’i Hpni L“ 1L5 l, \nnwgmn clu ll'Hlllt'il lmni Rum- (nanunnlluh lllllllt'llhll. PlL'\L'lllL'tl ll} l)l;llnj_'llt'\ :01)”

I Refuse Boy, Another Volt uml The Fatalists liuiuu‘inmn'x. \nllll'} Slit-cl. 5*!» i231 8.45pm H \llllk' llllllL' and luck llmxn llnnncnimn‘x \xli}

Tuesday 21

G asgow I Sugababes SH ‘( '. l‘llllllL'xlUll (jun). (Ml nlu inuu, (y illpnl. Lllflu L25, Su- Mn!) 30 illltl mpnnn. uhmc I Pitchshil‘ter (Jun-n \lgugguicl l'ninn. I: l'nncixn} (iunlcnx. ii‘) UTXJ, 7pm, ‘4 l 3.5”. ()xci l-l\ \hnw .'\j.'le‘L'\\l\t'. punk} himkhml ilk'llllll will :i hunlrhnc wcml and [Mlllllt'ill ugcnllu inllucnt‘ul h} lhc hkcx nl llk' Haul Kunnnlp.

The Raconteurs .\ll( ‘. Wl Suut'hlchull Sll'ccl. ‘33 33 ‘3. 7pm. S( )l .l) (N "If l)clnul gurugc \upvrgrnup luinml h} laughin' luck \Vhilc unll i'ninpin' llicmlun lit-hum. plllx \nlllt' guyx li‘nin lhc (in-cnlini'nL-x. Scc cuplmn. pugc 74. I Thin Lizzy ( Ruling: .M‘mlcin} (ilgixglm. lll l'.j_'lllllnn Slrccl. llH7ll 77l 300”. 7pm £3 1. 'l‘hc \lll‘\l\lllj_’ Incinle nl «inc «ll li‘clginllK grcgilml lllllle‘éll upnnx rcuxxcnihlc In pcrlnrin hcml hungnngl} gmul lunu nl lhc L'illlhrL' nl "l hc Bu} \ Arc Huck Ill ’limn' and ‘Duncuij: lll lhc Mnnnhghl‘. I Soze Snumlhum. 47 llylcpgirk Slrccl. El 40“). 7, illpin. £5. ()wr-Hx \llllv. \I. nh lnur inan hands In hc gunlirincd. I Things in Herds ()mn Mur. 73l 735 (ircul \thcrn Rnud. 357 6200. 7.30pm. U). \lL‘llllk‘l‘x nl lllL' ln—ll l()\L'llllL'\\ lllul Ix lhc l'cncc ('HllL'ClHL‘. I The Kiteflying Club lchui Hum. 42 ()lugn Lunc. 357 4534. Xpm. £2.