RockstPOp . l? 0C k 6; P0 p

Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication for Glasgow to glasgow© and for Edinburgh to Listings are compiled by Mark Robertson, Fiona Shepherd and Henry Horthmore.

Thursday 16


I Radio Soulwax ( "ailing \eatlerrn (ilasgou. l3l nglrnton Street. llhflll 'l loot) Spin. {lo I nekluh e\ti.i\agan/a liom Belgian outlit Sonluax and their l).|ing alter egos 3 \lain Ills.

I The Parting, Hell Johnny, The Dirty Hepburns, Front Row Centre and The Detours llie ('ailiouse. l5 l'niori Street. 3-l.\‘ ()(lllll "pm. L31 l.‘ttl\.rltct‘l. Ur liltiot l. (her l-ls slum, Rock/pop l‘lll.

I Anick, Linwood Skynyrd, Always Read the Label and The Retrofrets Rockers. l-l \lltllalltl Stlt'cl. 33l H73“. 7, illprn. l'i‘ee. Rock night. Spot the trihutc hand,

I Cold Night Song 'I lie (ioal. 1237 .r\r‘g}lt‘ Street. i57 7‘7 4. Spin l'iee, the e\ .'\\llltl/l\’t'|lltlt'cl Section enseinhle continue a monthl} resnlene}.

I Futuro, Kobai and Stereo Oblivion \ice‘n'Slea/y -l3l Sauchreliall Street. iii ll‘ltlll, .S'pm. L5. l,oca| hand hill including electro rockers Kohai,

I The Kipper Family 'l‘eliar ()\ na. .12 ()lago lane. 357 4534. Spin. [3 l'l'L‘Sll sounds ll'tllll l‘rle.

I Smokescreen, Mindset and Eoscene liai'll}. Zoo (lute Street. HS?” 007 (NW). 8pm. L4 local hand triple hill.

I These Guys, Corporeal and Blacklisted liar'll} tupstair'si. 3hll ('l}dc Street. “870 007 (NW). Spin. (5. I Headstones and The Nintendos Soundhaus. 47 ll}depark Street. 33l -l(i5‘l. 8.30pm. [450. Plus more hands to he contirmcd at this Soundset night.

I Rodrigo y Gabriela King ’l‘ui's \Vali \\'ah lltlt. 373a St Vincent Street. 33l 537". .S'.3lliiiii. t"). .\le\rean act eoinhimng ia// standards \\ lllt rock. lolk. l'lainenco and latin r‘h_\tlinis.

I Quinn and Gents ()l'att .\loi'.

73l 735 (it‘eat \Vestei'n Road. 557 030”. ‘lpm. £5. The Inc music at this (‘Iuh 'l'r'omolo night is pi‘o\ ided h_\ slink}. tr'ipp_\ house hand Quinn and «\‘llsr\l-\lk‘ electro poppeis (iclll\ and the theme is ‘the l ast (iasp‘ celehi'ating the d_\ irig art ol smoking in ptihlrc.

I Sisa and Aiden & Tom Siraihelyle l'ni\ersit_\ l'nion. Utl John Street. 553 1805, ‘lpm. l'r‘ee. .'\Cttll\llc. pop. clectr‘onica and i‘ock'n‘i'oll sounds.

I Standard Lamp Sessions llte llalt liar. lot) Woodlands Road. 353 0000. 0pm. l'iee. .-\coustic singer/song“i‘iter‘ night \\ rtli acts to he continued.

I The Plimptons, Electroluvs and Pulsar l.ith Note (ale. 5” (ill King Street. 553 MRS. ‘lpm. L5. .\ night ol' analogue noise and ho}/gii'| melodies l‘r'om the lilectrolin s.


I Rage, Dick Dangerous 8. the Love Bastards and Visperas llcllt'\ ‘s (‘ellar' Bar. 5‘ lha .\lori'ison Street. 33S U303. 7.50pm. £4. l-‘undraiser' ot‘ the Hands ott~ Vene/uelal eatnpaign headed h} a Rage .-\gainst the Machine ti‘ihute tlL‘l.

I Baby Tiger Open Mic Night Northern Bar. l llonar'd l’lace. 55h I558. .S‘pm. l5ree. .-\lter'nati\ e open mic session. I Fat Ben 8. the Looters, The Klopeks and Stem Bannerrnan's. .\'iddr_\ Street. 550 3354. 8.45pm. £4. Local punk. rock and indie.

I Born to Be Wide The Street. 2

70 THE LIST 1'5 Mar 3931*


The Queen's Hall. Edinburgh, Sun 5 Mar 0000

For the opening evening of its Vox Femina season. the Queen‘s Hall welcomed the controversial rising star of crossover world music, Yasmin Levy. From this performance she seemed more than deserving of her numerous BBC World Music Award nominations, a natural performer with an enchanting voice that draws together 15th century Ladino/Judeo- Spanish and Andalusian flamenco disciplines. while affording a little glamour. Levy’s at once sweeping. powerful and controlled singing voice is coupled with a rich, haunting quality and a gentle humour that tonight held

the audience utterly entranced.

Her stellar accompaniment, an international quintet of percussion. wind and string virtuosi. possess complementary traits and complete a sound full of atmosphere and overflowing with emotion. Indeed, to hear her soft. lilting spoken voice might be worth the entrance fee alone, for this was at least part lecture in the history and significance of traditional Jewish song. Levy's own compositions sat alongside Sephardi standards. a beguiling set of love and longing, from beautiful strangers to mean mothers-in-law that even inspired a delicate choral moment from the hushed crowd.

This series of concerts celebrating the female voice has since taken in the undisputed Celtic talents of Karen Matheson and jazz luminary Carol Kidd. promising us six more eminent songbirds before the legendary Eliza Gilkyson’s modern, storyteller-folk in May. The far-reaching festival will hear from the haunting eccentric Jane Siberry (29 Mar), the genre-hopping Horse, more Gaelic delights by way of Julie Fowlis and the legendary folk- soul of Janis Ian. Up next. however, is the populists' pick Corrine Bailey Rae (27 Mar), by all accounts able to fill the Albert Hall. From her current media interest she‘ll be out to prove herself as the real soul deal and more than just another fleeting Radio 2 fancy. She will be hard pressed to out- perform tonight’s extraordinary opening act. (Mark Edmundson)

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l’icaid} Place. 550 43"3 ‘lpm lam. liree,

.\liisic industr} social eluh that aims to hi‘ing inusos. journalists. promoters. record shop \xoi‘ker‘s and musicians together. With a soundtrack lrom \ar‘ious industr) hods including l’ippa Burnett

l lo Man.

I Kubrick and The Jack \Vhistlehrnkics. 4 h South Bridge. 55" 5| l4. 9pm. l'ice. (iuitar' sounds

I Kim Edgar lhe Star liar. l .\'or‘thumher‘land Place. 53‘) Sift).

9.30 l l.3llPrn. l‘i‘ce. Acoustic PUP. ,la// and original compositions on piano.

guitar and mice lrom local musician Kim lidgar‘.

I Spies in the Wires ('ahar‘ct \‘oltaii‘e. 5f) 53 Blair Street. 33” (il7(i.

l lprn 3am. £4 tUi. .A\l'ter a triumphant start last month Spies in the Wires return with a lixe set the and a DJ set from Sons ck Daughter's. Produced in coniunetion \sitli 'I‘lie l.i\r.

Glasgow I Stiff Little Fingers Barron land. 344

(iallo\\ gate. 553 4hol 5pm I I4

()\ er l4s shim Ireland's l.i\our'ite delinquent ptitik sons peitorm their annual St l’ati‘rck‘s Ha} set .it

Hallo“ land

I Skin King lut‘s \\ah \\ah lltit. 3‘3a St Vincent Street. 33l 53“) .S' \tlpm {ll .5“ Solo silo“ llHlll lllt‘ lollllt‘t trontuoman ol lliitish rock outlit Skunk -\n.insie. promoting her soulltil neu alhiini Itilr- ( llt'l/llt (1/ .\It1[('

I Maiden Scotland Rockets. l-t \lidland Street. 33| ll‘3h. "' illl‘ltl the lion .\laiden trrhute

I The Romance Harris. loo ('lxtle Street. ns‘n no“ own "lupin L5 at. l l\ e music at the l-unhouse

I Special Entrepreneurs, lnvain, Soviet, Raspberry Badger and The Fourth Parallel Remit-u l'eii_\. .\nderston ()uas. lilie lir‘oomiela“. lllh‘lh’ 35 5| I ~ illpni L5 l ocal hand shimcasc

I Glasvegas arid Miss the Occupier Stereo. l4 Kel\ inhaugh Street. 57h 5lllS .S'prn Doll) .\li\ttiie night leatur‘ing the \'el\et l'ndei‘giound/Ma/I} Star inllnenced sounds ol (ilasxegas and the Sonic Youth meets girl groups \ihe ol .\liss the ()ecupier.

I Good Shoes, Brinkman and Figure 5 liai'll}. 3h” ( ilktlt' Street. llS7tl ‘)(l7 own, Spin [5 Mod and retro sounds lr'om l-igure 5. I Miyagi The .\li\ing Rooms. 33-1 \Vest Regent Street. 33l 7 it)” .S'pin l'i‘ee. :\ctltl\llc set li‘om sun dipped conho} surl Innkers \li}agi.

I Superstate, The Priory, Straddler and Spindrift l'tll')

\liir'r} 's. ()(i .\la\\\ ell Street. 33| (i5! l. .S'. illprn. {4. including L‘llll'} to post gig cltih. \Veekl} shim case ol local itidie hands.

I The Cellers, Amber Souls and TWisted Melons .\'iee‘ri‘Sle.Vy ~12l Sauchiehall Street. “3 (Will). H, illpin. £5. The (‘ellers are a _\oung tools) outlit pla} mg southern hltiegr‘ass to indie rock.

I Tronic and Jeye ch Note (hire. 5() (it) King Street. 55‘ lfiits'. ‘lpni, L' i. Next monthl} electronica night at the Note.

I Adam Beattie, Pip Dylan and Team Swan 'l‘rori 'l‘lieaire. (it 'l'r'ongate. 553 4307, l). illpm. LS. 'I'oin Waits-inlluericed hliies/lolk linger st}le guitarist supported h} l-ence ('ollectee at this Acoustic Altair night.

I Tekel, Phonique and Union of Knives (ilasgou School ol .-\rt. |(i7 Renli‘exi Street. 353 453i. Illpm. [Ill l.i\c electronica and laptop sets at the Mind the (lap eluh rirglit.

I YoungBlood Brass Band and Joe Driscoll The Arches. 30 Midland sue-ciaimn3.107523. l lpm. L'H (Uri. 'l'he monthl} '.’ cltih night hosts a perl'ormanee h} this Wisconsin ensemhle. “ho comprise lixe horn pla}ers. l\\() drummers. a sousaphonrst and an .\l('. \iith a sound spanning exer}thing l'r‘om hip hop to chamber music. .lust the Usual. then.

I The Smyths Bastille 'l'a\ei‘ne. (i3 .:\rg.\le Arcade. 33| 8017. the. Accurate Smiths soundalike Ullllll pla} at this l’int’p Nights exent uhich will also encompass a pla_\haek ol the neu Moi‘i‘isse} alhtltii tor rahid deuitccs.


I Charles Wood, Saturn Return and The Usual Suspects Whistlehinkies. 4 () South Bridge. 557 5] I4. (rpm. l-ree before midnight; £4 alter. Funk} hlues l'rom the l'sual Suspects.

I Randan Discotheque Wee Red Bar. lidinhurgh ('ollege ol Art. Lauriston Place. 22‘) I442. (rpm. l-‘ree. Solo project liroiti Scottish artist ('raig ('oulthard with a folk). mixture of mtimhling and humbling.

I Ben Reynolds, Lied Music, Wounded Knee and Linwood Flats Henry‘s (‘ellar Bar. 87 Ina Morrison Street. 228 9393. 7.30pm. £4. Haley