EEQAJ. 1Z-ILILJB§DA/ 2'1 Capote I I5I

Daily: 11.20am. 1.45. 9.20.

Chicken Little Il'I Daily: 11.30am. 1 30, 330. :\1\(IIIIIIIIIIL‘L‘ SIII (k Sill) 13.311. 3 511 Date Movie I 15»

Dan}. I220. 240. 5.00. TII». II15 George Michaei:A Different Story I I5» Mun: (I30.

Good Night, and Good Luck Il’( Daily: nIII»n. 2.00. 4.10. 15. 530 GoodFeIIas I IXI


The Hills Have Eyes I III»

Daily: 11.20am. 1.50. 4.15. 040. 0.10.

4111. (i

.’\l\(I late III A; Sat: 1135. Inside Man I I5» Sat & Sun: 3.30. 9.00. 1130 Mini SnnI.

Lucky Number Slevin I Ix»

Daily: 12.50 (k 310 Mini Sat Ik StInI. 5.55. 8.40. 11.20.

The Pink Panther Il’(iI

Daily: 0000. 2.05. 4.111. 0.211. S35. Alw laIL' l'ri Ik Sat: 11.00.

The Proposition I I5»

Daily: 11.25am. 1.45. 4.05. 0,30. 9.00.


Daily: 11.50am. 2.30. 5,30. 3.30,

.‘\l\() liIIL' l'i‘I IV SIIII 11.15. Tsotsl I |5I

Daily: 12.10. 2.15. 4.20. 0.30. Alw lalc 1'ri IQ Sat: 11.10.

lino for the Money I I5»

Daily: 5.50. 83501015100). VforVendetta I I5»

Daily: 12.15. 3.00. 5.45. 3.40. Walk the Une I I2.-\»

Daily: 11.40am. 2.40. 5.35. Alw laic Hi I& Sat: 11.20. The Wodd’s Fastest Indian I I2.\» Daily: 12.50. 3.30 mm Sal & SunI. 0.20010! .\l0n I& \Vch. 0.05 Inut Sat Ik Sun).

18 NC\\lIIIII1C'lt‘i'I'IIL‘L‘. (11.31 447 4771. 1111020131 447 26011 and 447 S450. (‘(' hunking: 0131 447 4771. Rexiaurant. Bar. |D|. Adult: Standard £5.70. Superinr £6.00. (‘incma 3/4 £(».(»0. Beltirc 0pm. Mun-Hi: Standard £4.70. Stipcrinr £4.90. (‘incrna 3/4 £5.00. (‘Iincmsinnx/(‘hildrcn: Standard £4.20. StipcriIir £5.00. (‘incma 3/4 £4.20. l’ullnianx: :\I'tcrnI»0n £0.00. liwning

£1 1.50. SUltlS/RL‘CllIICINZ :\I'tcrnI»0n: £7.50.1i\cning £12.50. (‘incnia 2 801th .-\I'icrnI»0n £7.50. liwning £8.50. Students ISun-ThnI £4.00 IIIL‘liItlL‘x a drink. Family tickcis I'rtim £3.40 per pursuit.



Brokeback Mountain I I5» 735.

Good Night, and Good Luck Il’(iI 1.30, 3.51). (1.10. 8.30.

Lucky Number Slevin I I8» 2.40. 5.20, 7.55.

Walkthe UneII2.\» 2.00. 5.00. 3.00.

1.35. 4.25.


The Adventures of Greyfrlar’s Bobby I i‘ » Sat & Sun: 1.10. 3.20.

Good Night, and Good Luck II’(I»

Daily: 4.30.

Lucky Number Slevin I 18»

Daily: 1.50 (not Sat & SunI. 5.40. 8.15. Syriana I IS)

Daily: 2.30. 8.20.

V for Vendetta I I5I

Daily: 2.00. 5.00. 8.00.

Walk the Une I I2.»\»

Daily: 5.25.

The Wodd’s Fastest lndian I I2.-\»

Daily: 1.30. 7.20.

The World’s Fastest Indian (Parent 8. Baby Screening) I 12A)

Matinee Wed: I 1.00am.

Edinburgh Film Guild

.II'I'liclilinliutixtam IIII1IIanRIIaI1. 11131 223 2055 \lt'llll‘t'1\1111‘ t 35 (lllk'Sl llg 1\L'1\ per urn-Inn; £5 20 1’1I-.I\I‘IIIIII: that Ilicrc .III- III» 1I.IIlCI\ HI .l\1\L'll\.Illt1 urn-nuns \I.III .II 0pm pram-1y 11m \L'IlMIlI111t'llll‘k'1\.IlL'.Il\IIt'111111\'I11H .IitI-IIII Iinc III the lllIII\l‘t'111_L' \III'I-III'II Iiy llIL‘ l‘IlIIIlIIIIhL' CIlLll Sunday .I: apprnurnait‘ly 0pm 1'0I ItiIilIcI \1'x'1.111\ \I-I- \kyuy I'dinliurgliliIIIIQIIIIII .I»III

f)’. 11341;!" '1. “'5

49th Parallel II » II III» 17.5 1/ X' . iii/.311

Ballad of a Soldier (Baliada o Soldate) II‘ I II 00.

HISl.IIIlII.IiI1(II.II1.11131 :35 .3055 11.0 1<I'\I;IIIIIIIII Ill. [1)] .\1.IIII I‘yt'nin; \I‘II'I‘Iiingx £5.I\0I£4 20» 1.01y Ian-Inn; \L‘It't'ntnyx 4pm "pin £5 20 I £3 "III Mailncm £4.00IL250I;1'III1.Iy l‘.ilj_'.tlil niaiint'm £ 3.00 I £1,510


1. The World’s Fastest Indian I I2 \I 2.15. 5.45. x. 30

2. L’Eniant (The Child) I I5» 3 I5. 10. 3.25.

3. ManderlayII5I 230. 5.30

The Waiting List (Lista De Espera) Il’( 3.45.


1. To Paint or Make Love (Peindre ou iairel’amour) I IS» 1.45. x35.

Zaina: Rider of the Atlas (Zaina: cavaliere de l’Atlas) I l’( 4.00.

When the Sea Rises (Duand la mer monte) I I2.\» (».15.

2. The World’s Fastest lndian I I2.\» 3.00. 5.45. x30.

3. L’Entant (The Child) I I5» 2.00. 405. 0.00.

Manderlay I I5» (I. III.


1. Changing Times (Les Temps qui changent) I I5» 230.

Strayed (Les Egares) I Ix» 5.45.

The Perfume of the Lady in Black (Le Parfum de la dame en noir) I I2.\» 500. 2. The World’s Fastest lndian I I2.\» 3.00. 5.45. 3.30.

3. L’Enfant (The Child) I 15» 2.00. 405. 0.00.

Manderlay I I5» (I. I0.


1. "All Starts Today I I2» 2.30.

The Perfume oi the Lady in Black (Le Parium de la dame en noir) I |2.-\» II. I 5. Strayed (Les Egares) I I.\'» 3.45.

2. One Day in Europe II’( I. 30.

Nada I I5» 3.45.

The World’s Fastest lndian I I2.\» 5.45. 3.30.

3. L’Enfant (The Child) I I5» 2.00. 4.05. (3.111.

ManderlayII5» .\.I5.


1. Changing Times (Les Temps qui changent) I I5» 2.30.

They Came Back (Les Revenants) I I.\» (i. 1 5.

La Petite Charteuse I I5» .\ 45.

2. The World’s Fastest lndian (Parent 8. Baby Screening) I I2.-\» III30.II»I.

The World’s Fastest Indian I I2.\I 3.I II I. 5.45. 8.30.

3. L’Eniant (The Child) I I5» 200. 4.05. 0.00.

Manderlay I I5» (1.111.


1. They Came Back (Les Revenants) I Is» 2.30.

An Adventure (Une aventure) I I .x» II. I 5. Le Souffle (Deep Breath) I I5» 545.

2. The World’s Fastest lndian I I 2.-\ I 3.00. 5.45. .5130.

3. L’Eniant (The Child) I I5» 2.00. 4.05. 9.00.

Manderlay I I5I (I. II».

1. Russian Dolls (Les Poupees msses) 1 5 3 3II

The 10th District Court: Moments of Trials (1012 chamber, instants d’audiences) I I5» I5

Cold Showers (Douches Froides) I I5»

\ 15

2. The World’s Fastest lndian I2 RIII»_ 5.15. \311

3. L’Enfant (The Child) I I5» 200. 4 05.

Manderlay I5» 0 I0 1. Filman (Ie Filmeur) I2 \I 2 30 Havana Suite (Suite Habana) I1’( I5 Russian Dolls (Les Poupees russes) I I 5 I


2. The World’s Fastest Indian I I2 {IIII 5.I5_ x II»

3. L’Enlant (The Child) I I5» 200. I 05.

Manderlay 15» III

1. Cold Showers (Douches Froides) I 1.5 I _2_ {11

La Marseillaise ll’( II 00

Changing Times (Les Temps qui changent) I I5» .\ 45

2. The World’s Fastest Indian I I2 \I 300. .\ III

3. Crossing the Bridge: The Sound of Istanbul I 12 \I 215. 4 3II_ ‘IIIII Double Indemnity I 1’( I I. I0


1. My Angel (Mon ange) I IS» 2 30

Grey Souls (Les Ames grises) I I5» 545 Bad Spelling (Les Fautes d’orthographe) I 15I \ 15

2. The World’s Fastest lndian I I2 \I

300. 5,15. .\ 3II

3. Double Indemnity III» 2 I5 Crossing the Bridge: The Sound of Istanbul I I2 5 00. 00. 000 f)1/1\:MI\I .I 3.3114 1. The flgger Movie I l I.0I»

Filman (Ie Filmeur) I I2.\» 2 30 Housewarming (Travaux, on sait quand ca commence) I I2 0.00

My Father Is an Engineer (Mon Pere est Ingenieur) I I5» .\ I5.

2. La Marseillaise I Hi» 3.00

The World’s Fastest Indian I I2.\» 5.45. S. {I I.

3. Crossing the Bridge: The Sound of Istanbul I I2.\» 2. I 5. 4. 30. 000. Double Indemnity I 1’( II.4I I.

1:11 ,'1\‘11r.\r/ 1.12313

1. The Tigger Movie It I I0. 30am, My Father is an Engineer (Mon Pere est Ingenieur) I I5» 230.

My Angel (Mon ange) I IxI 000. The Light (L’Equipier) I I5» .\ I5.

2. The World’s Fastest Indian I I2.\» 300. 5.45. .\‘. 30.

3. Double Indemnity I 1’( 2. I 5. Crossing the Bridge: The Sound of Istanbul I I2.\» 5.00, "00. 000. WAR

1. The Last Trapper (Le Demier Trappeaur) Il’(iI 2. 30.

La Béte Humaine I1’( 0.00 Camping on the Farm (Camping a la Ferme) I 15I S45.

2. The World’s Fastest lndian I I2.\» 3.00. 5 45. .\. 30.

3. Crossing the Bridge: The Sound of Istanbul I I2.\» 2.I5. 4.I5. 015. Double Indemnity I 1’( I I .\ I5.


t..):\': f .m: .1 1 v3“

1. Hidden (Cache) I I5» 2. 30. .315. The Last Trapper (Le Demier Trappeaur) II’(I» (I III»

2. La Béte Humaine Il’( II 3.00.

For films showing between



The World’s Fastest lndian I I2-\» 5 45. \ 3|)

3. Double Indemnity Il)(i' 2 I5 Crossing the Bridge: The Sound of Istanbul 12 \I 5 00. 00 000

1. Time to Leave (Le Temps qui reste) I]\» _‘ III. \ .15

Hidden (Cache) I I5» II 00

2. The World’s Fastest Indian I2 3IIII_ 5.15310

3. Crossing the Bridge: The Sound of Istanbul I I2 2I5. 000

Double Indemnity III» II»

Ddeon Fort Ninnaird

l'\IIIII.III\111.111\.\t'\\\1.ll§11.lll“0.0101131 NI" 115“ lllll‘ .\ 130010032 0551 22‘ 41 1111‘ 1 12 TllIL-l all l‘k'llllk' 2I‘IIII ('IIIIIIII‘II \111tlk'lll\ ( )\1’\ £120

The Adventures of Greyfriar’s Bobby It I 3 III. hill)

Big Momma's House 2 I1’(iI 300. 5 W.

Brokeback Mountain I I5» .\ :0

Chicken Little I1 I I 50. I. 30

Date MovieII5» III». I0. I) I5

Evil AliensII.\I .120. 040. *I I0

Final Destination 3 I I5» .I I0. 30 The Hills Have Eyes I I5» 4 30. " 00.


Last HolidayII2 I30. 000

Lucky Number Slevin I I.\» .I 00. 50. ‘I :11

Memoirs of a Geisha I I2.\I .\ :0 Syriana I 15» 2.50, 5 50. .\ 50

Motor the Money I I5» 320. 010. ‘IIIII

Walk the Line I I2.\» 2 40. 5 41) The Weather Man I I2\» .\ 20

111111‘11I1'/\1 .

The Adventures of Greyiriar’s Bobby I l » \\t‘t‘1\I1.ty\. 5:11. (11111

l‘I‘I Sun. 1.00. 320

Big Momma’s House 2 Il’(

I).IIIy- 300. _5 30. x00

.'\1\ll IIIIIlIIIL‘t' Sat Ik Sun 12 30 Brokeback Mountain I I5»

3 40

Ffi-If .‘II

Daily. 5.10

Chicken Little Ii »

Daily. 3.30_ 000

.‘\1\II IIIaIInI'I' l-I'i Sun, 11,1l1.lllIIIIIIl SIIIII. 1. 30.

Date Movie I I5»

Dally 4.20. 040 I001 \\(-III. 550

:\1x0 IIIIIllllk't' 1‘I’l Sun: 0000 mm SIIIII. 2 10,

Fantastic Four I 1’( II .\1aIInI'cSai IK Sun: 11.00am

Final Destination 3 I I5»

l).Ill_\. 4.00 IIIHI S001. 050 Mini .\1I»n 3 law. ‘I III

\lSII 10.10an In Sun. 1 40

Good Night, and Good Luck Il’(

1).:11} 4111. (I. 311. S511

.\l\lilllI11111L'L' l‘l'I Sun: 150

The Hills Have Eyes I Ix»

Italy. 3.40, (I311. 000

.\l\(l matinee 1‘” Sun: I 10

Inside Man I I5»

Sat .\ Sun: 000. .540 Last Holiday I 12.\ I

Daily 3.10. 5 50.

.'\l\iI Inaiincc Sal Ik Sun The Libertine I III»

Sun: 400

luv ".00

Lucky Number Slevin I IN» Daily. 3.50. 0.3IIIn0I'1’1IiiI. 0.00 mm 'l'tII‘I

.‘\1\Il IIIalIncc 1‘11 Sun. 120.

Memoirs of a Geisha I 1::\I

Daily: H20.

The Pink Panther Il’(

Daily: 4.30. 7.00. 0.20.

.'\1\1I niaiincc l‘I‘I Sun: 11.40aIIIII10I Suni. 2.00.

No for the Money I I5» Weekdays: 3.30.

V for Vendetta I I5» Daily: 2.30. 5.30. «5.30. .3140, niaiincc Sat Ik Stin' Walk the Une I 12.'\I Daily: 2.40. 5.40. 3.40, .'\1\(I rnatincc Sat I’x' Sun: Zathura I1’(iI Matinee Sat 6; Sun:



11.20am. 11.00am.

' , :C 1.1! 2 THE LIST 61