
*TsotslII5IOOOO IIIIIIIIIIIIII. l'K/SIIIIIhAlrIIn.2005I1’II'x1I') (‘hucncngIIu \lIIIhIN \1.Ig.IIIII. l\l.iL'l

\IIIkIIc. l’L‘II} \l.ll\t'llit'l.l 04mm SI'I' lt'\IL'\\.

page 40' \I'II'I [I'll Ir/I'IIII' No tor the MoneyII5Iee IIIJ (100w.l'S.2005I.-\11’.IIIIIII.\1.III1II'\\ \h'( 'IIIIIIIIthc}. RI'III- l(11\\1i..'\liil.ili(l Assume I22IIIIII I’II'II} Ill} IIIIII.I1II} lL‘\\Iili llil‘ilh‘l .IlIIIIII lllL' IIIISLI'IIPIIlHIM II.IIIIII- III lllL' \pIII'lx 32.IIIIlI|IIIj: IIIIII t‘IISIIIL'\\ IIIII Imll} 'I \lI‘('IIIIII.IIIy1II'} 81.le II\ .III IlillIlL'Il college lIIIIIlIIIII \lIII \IhII IIlIgnx hunwll \IIIh IIIISI} lug: 1c.I}.'IIc l‘ll\llit‘\\ lI.II1I1II' l’IILIIIU ll )IIII haw \L'L'li SIIIIII-‘x liII/l \IH’l'l. )IIII II‘.I11_\ III‘I'II IIIII lIIIlhI'I (iI'III'III/ II'II'IIII' V for Vendetta I I5I o lJ.iIIiL'\ MI’II'II-IIL'. l S/(iI'IIImII). 2005i \.II.I1II' l’IiI'lIIIiill. llugn \\'I-.I\ I032. Slcphcn Rm. John “II” 132000 See HI): l’lL‘llllL‘. [IIIIII' |1..IIII1 I'm IL'“. (mix 40 (run ml II'II'IIII' The Waiting List (Lista De Espera) I1’(iI IJII.III (‘.II|II\ ‘I'IIlIIII. (‘IIlI.I. 2000i 100mm '1 lil\ IIIIIII'II} .IlIIIIII liIlIIiIIlI lllllllllli'lil Lillit‘l \l) I} L'\.lllllIiL'\ I1I;II 11mm- 0000le lllt' eqx'lu'nt‘tw III II pump 01 II.I\I-11I'I\ 0.000}: IIIlIII.III1.I IIIIIL'liIlL‘lII}L‘Il lIIIx III II hurkualu lilh \IIIIIIIII, 1’.II‘I III (‘IIlIIIII \L‘INIII. l'l/IIIIIIIHH’. I'.l/ll1”lll'L‘/I Walk the Line I 12.»\I O... lJIIIIiL'\ .\1.III3_'II1I1.1 S. 2005I Jiiilqlllll l’lIIwIIn. RL'L'SL' \VIIIII'prIIIIII. (IIIIIIIch (iIIIIIIIIIII. RIIlII'rI l’IIII‘II'k 130mm. l.|t\L't|l‘lL' JIIlIIIII} (KIxh l‘IUPIL‘ \‘Ililt‘li llllll)\\\ Ihc III;III Ili IIIIII'II‘x quul lIII' .lllliL‘ (III'ICI‘K lit‘iil'l. ('IIIIIII'II (lllilX‘ \IIIIIIL‘I‘x l’lIIIcIIn .IIIII WIIhchpnnII I( 'III'II'I‘I III‘I‘ huycl} I'IIIIIIL'IIrL': \hc II\ llIL' IIIIIIINli SIIulhI-I'II 1;II1_\ IIIIII llL' .18 my lII'IIIIIIIIIg IIIIIppI’IIpIIIIIc SIIIIUI. llII/L l/II’ IJIII' mplmnx lili“ llIc IIIIII'\ 1m c “lilL'li III-III IIIIlllllIllL'il Ii\ Ihc) \\ crc \llll IIiIiI'lIL‘Il III IIIllI-II'III people “0110 IclIIIIg III IthI I'II'IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIg: IIIIII .llilllili} III-nun; lil\ IIIIIIII'IIIIII III IIIIiPliL‘IIIIIiIIIC\. (I'I-m'rIIl I‘I'II'IIII'. The Weather Man I l2.-\ I so. VI‘I‘IIIIkaI. IS. 20051 NIL-01m ( ‘Iigc. \llL'llilL'l (Hunc. llIIpc “I0 I\. 101000. \Vcll-IIlIxcrIcIl Iiliil IIIIIIIIIIII} IIIIIIIIIIIII lliL'IlllIiliUIi IIII Ihc IIIIIIII'I' III Ihc .-\IIII'I‘II‘;III 1)I'I';IIII. 1);I\ III SpI'II/ I('II3:cI 1\ II III-IIIIII}. \IIL‘IIIilh III-zIIhI-I'IIIIIII \IIII‘kIIIg ill '.I (‘hIIngII lL‘lL‘\l\1(ill \lillliili. howl \\ Ilh Iili\lt‘lit'\ IlllUlIl lIIS L‘llllllI'L‘Ii. llIS cx-u Il'c NIII‘I'I‘II Il);I\ I\1 I\ 00 lliL' IIIIIIII III It‘- IIIIII'I'} IIIg. Illiil li|\ l’IIIII/cr l’I'I/c~\\ IIIIIIIIg lilllit‘l' RIIlIcI‘I I('IIIIIcI Ix lL‘I'IIiIIIIIll) Ill. ()\ I'I'IIIIIIII'II Illiil‘lllit' I'I'lex mm It‘ IIIII Ihc 10010001) 8000;: [X‘I‘IIII'IIIIIIIL‘L‘S help make Ilil\ ii IIIII'kl} liIIIIIUI'UlIS PIIL'IIII III II l'IIllcn IliL‘IlIII IIlIIl. (I'I'III'I‘III I‘I'II'IIII'. When the Sea Rises (Ouand la mer monte) l l2x\i ((01168 l’IIl‘IC/YUIIIIIIh‘ \IIII'I'IIII. l'l'IllIL'L‘. 2004 I YIIIIIIIIlc Mort-nu. WIIII \VIIIII‘I‘I. ()|I\ IL‘I' ( IUIII'IIIL‘I. 03min. II'L‘III' II'IIx clx IIL'I'II\\ IIIII'IlIcI‘II l’I'IIIII'c. [K‘I'llil‘liillig hcr IIIIc-IIIIIIIIIII \lIU\\. SlIc lIiL‘L‘l\ l)l'IC\. II IIIIIII III lii\ 308 MM liL‘lPS cIII‘r} IIiIililiCqulIi\ ili 10ml PIII'iIIlL‘S. IIIIII lliL‘II' I‘I'IIIIIIIIIthp LlL‘\ L‘lli|\\. .-\ pIII'II'.III IIl lllt' \IIII'III III~ IIIIII-IIIIIg IlIcIIII'c IS 1110 lIIIclIIII‘IIp. I’III'I III Ihc RI'IIIIIIII l'lL'llL‘ll l‘IlIII I‘C\II\;I1. (ilmquu I'I/m 'I/II’IIII'I'. (iIIIIgIIII .‘ IVI'lnI/IIIIIII'. [LI/IIII’IH‘g’II. The World’s Fastest Indian I l2:\l 0 (Roger 000010qu. New [CIIIIIIIIl/l'S. 2005i :\IIIhIIII} lllipkllh. (‘hI‘leIIphcr |.;I\\ 1001. Bruce (iI‘I'I'IIIIIIIIIl. I’IIIII RIIIII'IgIICI. DIIIIIIIL‘ 1.;IIIIl 27mm. RcIIrcII Nu“ XI'IIIIIIIIICI‘ Burl .\1IIIII'II IllIkaIIN II‘;I\ clx “1011118 1020‘ IIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII'I'}I‘|I' III l'lIIlI SPL‘L'il \Vcck Iiiitl. \\ IIlIIIIII II [cum III‘ l’unIIIIIg. hc sch Ihc lillikl \pml rchII‘II U\ cr Iilitl III I'I' IIgIIIII. Dull Iiiitl Ilrcur) l'IIIIIII} lIIIII. SI-II‘I'II'II rI'II'IIII'. Zaina: Rider of the Atlas (Zaina: cavaliere de i’AtIas) II’(II IIIIIIIrIcm ('IIIcrIleIu. Huncc. 2005i SIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIII. SIIIIIIII .-\hk;II‘IIIII. .-\/I/;I NIIIIII. 100mm. MIIrIIchI'x IIIIIIIIIIIImx spark IIII Iitl\L‘IilllrL‘ IIIIII lair-\Iulc. ScIIIIII poses as ii IIIIIII IIIIII \\ III\ .I lIIIrxc rucc. .-\i‘IcI‘ her death. hcr I‘xlrIInchl hIthIIIII I8 I‘IIIII‘I'IIIIICII \\ Ilh Ihc IIIIughlcr hc Lll\(i\\ IiCIl. and LlL'L'lLlL'S llL' liil\ I0 lighl I'III' CINle} III~ hcr. Purl III th‘ RCIIIIIIII lircnch l‘QIlIII l‘LNliHIl. (i/IIII'IIII I'I/m I‘lll'illl‘t'. (I'IIIII'IIII': I‘IIIIIIIIIIIII'. liIII'nlmrglI. Zathura (PG) 0. I100 15m rcuu. 1S. 2000) JIIIIIIh BIIIIII. JUSll llulchcrwn. 'I'IIII RUhl‘lIIS. 1 13min. '1'\\II hrIIIhcrx cmhIIrlI on an IIIIICIIIIIrc ux Ithr \cI-II lIIIIIrIIganIc L'UIIIL'S III 1111'. l'nInxpircd childrcn'x l'unqu) along Ihc mmc linc~ III~ JIIquIjI. SI'II'I‘II‘II I't’lt’IIH'.

58 THE LIST 16—30 Mar 2006


Films are listed by city, then alphabetically by cinema. Listings are compiled by Jules Graham.


The l'III'gc. l’IIIkhcuIl. 0371 200 2000 11)]. 0:1. .-\IlII|I L5 (£4.501K‘1III‘U 0.30pm .\1IIII Thu. (‘liIlIl/Sllillt'lil/l)I\l), L' 3 00 l'IIIIIII} llL'le‘l L14. .-\1| llL'hL'lS lk‘lIIIL‘ IIIIIIIIL L3.


Big Momma’s HOUSBZIHII II 3000. I50. 4.10. 030. 8.45.

Chicken Little Il'I II.00;IIII. 0000. I00. 200 3.00. 5.00. 7,00 DateMovleII5I I0.50;IIII. I250. 250. 4.50. 7.I0. 0.15.

Final DestinationBII5I 0.05.

The Hills Have Eyes I I8I II.IIII;IIII. I30. 4.00. 0.30. 000.

Last HolidayII2.-\I II.00;IIII. I I5. 3.45. 0.15. S40.

Lucky HumberSievinII8I I45. 8.55 WaiktheLineII2AI 11.00IIIII. 1.50.

4.45. 8.05. The Weather Man I I2.-\I 1100.00. 1.20. 0.15.

FRIDAY 1 I'r«'1'_HURSDAY '23

Big Momma’s House 2 ll’( II

Hull}: 1.50. 4 10. 0.30 IIIIII SIII Ik SIIIII.

Chicken Little II'I

I);III_\: 1100.00. 1.00. 3.00. 5,00. 700.

Date MovieIl5I

Dull}: 11.00;IIII. 1.05. 3.05. 5.05. 7.05. 0.10.

The Hills Have Eyes I I8I

Dull}: 11.00100. 1.30. 4.00. 0.30. 0.00.

Inside Man I 15)

S;Il IQ Sun: 0.00. I8.45.

Last Holiday I I2.-\I

Dull): 1|.00IIIII. 8.40 (001 S.II & SIIIII. Lucky Number Slevin I IIS’I

Dull): 8.55.

The Pink Panther ll’(Il

l);IIl_\: 11.45IIIII. 2.00. 4.15. 0.30. 8.45.

Shrek 2 Il'I

Muiincc SIII: 1 1.3000.

Viorilendetta I I5I

0011): 0000. 2.50. 5.50. 8.45.

Walk the Line I I2.-\I

1);Iil_\: 11.0(1;IIII IIIIII SIIII. 1.50. 4,45. 8.05.

Cineworld Benirew Street

7 chl'rcu Sirccl. IIIl‘II Illiil ('(’ 000100;: 0871 200 2000. .-\I1IIll L530 (L4S0 hcl‘III'c 0.30pm .\IIIII ’I‘hIII. ('hilIl/slIIIlcms/I'IIIII'CxinInxz £3.00. l'kIIIIil} lickcl £15.00 ISIIII 'l'hII: L141. SIIIIIIII} Ii” Iickclsz 123.50. l'IIlIIIIIIcII (‘III‘Ilz £10.00 pcI' IIIIIIIIh.

DiJBSD/Rj’. l_f.§

Big Momma’s House 2 ll’(Ii I I.00;Im. 1.30. 4.00. 0.30. 0.00.

Brokeback MountaInII5I 1.00. 0.20. CapoteII5I II.30-.Im. 2.30. 5.30. 8.30.

ChickenLittieII'I IIUUII. 2.20. 4.30. 0.40.

Cl‘aSllll5l 3.50. 0.10. Date Movie I I5I III.40.Im. 0.I0. 8.30. FinaiDestination3II5I II.20.Im. I.50. 4.00. 0.30. 9.00. GoodHightandGoodLuckIPUI ll.()0;illi. I30. 4.00. 0.30. 0.10.

The Hills Have Eyes I I8I I I.30;Im.

2.30. 5.30. 8.30.

KlduithoodII5I 8.45.

Last Holiday I 12A) 11.300111. 2.30. 5.40. 8.20.

Luckyiiumber SievinII8I I20. 400. 0.40. 0.20.

1.00. 5.40.

TheMatadorI12\I 1100.00. 1 10. 400. II III. 0 III

MirrormaskII’III IIIIIIII merpositionIl5I 1100.00. 130. .I 10. 040. 025

SyrianaII5I II =0.IIII. 240. 540. 850

These Foolish ThingsII5I 2 30. 820

MoiortheMoneyIl5I II I000. 200. 500_ 800

Walk the LineII2\I 1120.00. 2 30. 541LS511

< III.

TheWeatherManIIIM I050.Im. I 30.

4.10. 0 5H. 0. 35 The World’s Fastest Indian I I2 \I

1110.00. 210. ‘20. S20 l lI‘fl‘JAY '

The Adventures oi Greyiriar’s Bobby I1 I

I).II|_\; 11.40;IIII. 2 00.

Big Momma’s House 2 (1’( II

l);II|_\: I2. 30. I00_ 5 50_ 8 30 Brokeback Mountain I I5. 1.;III'1'IIIK SIII: 1045.

Capote I I5I

Hull}: 11 30.00. 2.20. 5.20. 515 .‘\l\li IIIIL‘ l“ K Sill. 11 11”

Chicken Little II'I

1);II|_\' 0000. 2.20. 4. 30. 0.40 (001 'l'III-I

.‘\l\il IIIIIlIIlL‘L' S.II & SIIII: 1.50.

Crash I I5I

1)III|_\: S40.

.-\|\II IIIII' 1’I'I Ik SIII: Date Movie I I5I l)IlIl_\I 10.40;IIII. 8.20.

.'\l\ii lillL‘ l'I'I Ik SIII: 1045.

Final Destination 3 I I5I

l'I'I .\1IIII.\\'CI1I\ llilli 11.20.00. 1.40 (001 SIII Ik SIIIII. 4.00. 0.30 IIIIII SIII Ik Sun). 0.10.

.'\l\(i lIIlL‘ l‘li X Still 11.40.

Good Night, and Good Luck l|’( II 1);II|_\: 1100001. 1.30. 4.00. 0.30. 0.10.

The Hills Have Eyes I I8I

1111. 313811AY .‘

I 130.00.


1.00, 3.30. (I 00.

l'I'IIk SIII: 12.15. 3.00. 5.40. S140. 11.50.

SIIII lhII: I0.40;IIII. 1.15. 4.00. 0.40. 0.30.

inside Man I I5I

SIII IL SIIII: 1.30. 0.20.

Last Holiday I I2.-\I

1);II1_\: 11.30001. 2.30. 5.40. 8.10. .'\l\(i 100‘ Hi IQ SIII: 10.50.

Lucky Number Slevin I I8I

Hull}: 1.30 mm SIII Ik SIIIII. 4.00. 0.40. 0.20.

The Matador I l2.-\I

l);IIl_\: 3.40. S50.

The Pink Panther (1’( II

D401}: 1030001. 12.50. 3.30. 0.10. 8.45.

A180 lulu l‘I‘I IL Sui: 11.20.

The Proposition I I5I

I);II|\: 1100001. 1.30. 3.50. 0.20. 855'.

:\1\II1IIIL‘ l‘i'l Ik Suit 11.55. Sin City I |.\’I

100: 12.30. 3.20. 0.20. 0.10.


l-I‘I & SIII: 1030;00. 1.40. 4.45. 7.40. 10.50.

Sun: 10.30;IIII. 2.40. 5.45. 3.50.

.\lIIII 'l‘hu: 11.30;IIII. 240 5.45. IS 50 Tsotsi I I5I

Dull): 12.30. 3.00. 5.30. 8.20. .'\l\(i 100' HI I& SIII: 10.40. Tino tor the Money I I5I 1);Iil): 11.30IIIII. 2.30. 5.30. Vtor Vendetta I I5I

15ri IL SIII: 10.20001. 1.30. 11.15.

Sun 1110: 11.20;IIII. 2.30. Walk the Line I 12:\)

15rIIk SuI: 10.5000. 200. 5.00. 7.50. 11.10.

Sun "110: 11.20;IIII. 2.30. 5.30. The Weather Man I I2.\I

1);II|}: 4.10. 0.50IIIIII'1‘IIc & \Vch. 0.50.

The World’s Fastest Indian I l2:\l 1);III_\: 1.00. 0.00. Zathura I1’(iI Mullncc Sul 84; Sun:

S20. 4.40. S00.

5.40. 0.00.


11.10001. 1.30.

01 IIIII‘IxII) \wIIIIc. 330 5522 {4 If” HI: I:::;;5.\\ ‘I: MAI: Sideways I I5I IIII

i4 'i2\;'\‘2‘\ .2 t‘tl,\;:

The Big LebowskiII8I =0 5.035358 . MM:

Coffee and Cigarettes I I5I 800

Glasgow Film Theatre

1: RINI‘ \III'I'I. 11141 5;: 51:5 ('.I1I'1‘III \11 (\L‘IIIIIIIIJIIL’IW lIINIle‘h‘ llll [1'] l\I‘ll|li_L'\ L5IL4I \I.IIIIII‘I'\ IlII'lIIII' 5IIIIII [450023510 l'll IlII‘lIIII‘ 5PM“ L 3 51111.: .5111 (I151 (.lllL'(-.ll\l 1III1IlI'I\ L1 IIll.I11IIIII'I‘\ (il'l \‘l\L'1\ L22 50Ill" 50I III \I'I‘ 5 Illlih I\.I|II1 lIII IlIII‘I' IIIIIIIlli\l

lllllll‘IllAN TI MIMI The Three Rooms at Meiancholia I 15I 215. 0 I0.

13(Tzameti)II5I I I0. 845 FRIDAY 'II' MAII‘

An Adventure (Une aventure) I I8I I III The World’s Fastest Indian I I2 \I I 00. 5.45. 8.20.

Filman (le Filmeur) I I2.\I 000

The Perfume oi the Lady in Black (Le Parium de la dame en noir) I 12 \l

8 30


Shrek 2'1 I 11.30;IIII Delicatessen I I5I I 30.

The World’s Fastest Indian I l 2 -\ I 5.45. 8.20

Zaina: Hider oi the Atlas (Zaina: cavaliere de I’Atlas) (1’( II I 31) An Adventure (Une aventure) I I8I 000 To Paint or Make Love (Pelndre ou iaire I’amour) I IM 8. I0.

8| lND/W 1") MAR

The World’s Fastest Indian I I20 2 30. 5.00.

My Angel (Mon ange) I I8I 3.00.

To Paint or Make Love (Pelndre ou taire I’amour) I I8I 0.00.

Munich I I5I 7 40,

When the Sea Rises (Guand la mer monte) I 12x\l 8. 30.


The World’s Fastest Indian (Parent 8. Baby Screening) I 12:\l III.30;IIII.

The World’s Fastest Indian I I20 2. 30. 8.20.

Camping on the Farm (Camping a la Ferme) I I5I I00.

Munich I I5I 510

Grey Souls (Les Ames grises) I I5I 0.00 Time to Leave (Le Temps qul reste) I I8I 8.30.


Munich I I5I 12.45.

Grey Souls (Les Ames grises) I I5I 3.00 The World's Fastest Indian I I20 5 45. 8.20.

Camping on the Farm (Camping a la Ferme) I I5I 0.00.

Changing Times (Les Temps qul changent) I I5I 8. 30.


Changing Times (Les Temps qul changent) I I5I 3.00.

The World’s Fastest Indian I I2..\I 300. 5.45. 8.20.

Cockles 8. Muscles (Crustaces 8. Coquillages) I I5I 0.00.

Strayed (Les Egares) I 00 8. 30.


The Armvvrestierirom Solitude ll’(il 1.00. 6.15.

Cookies 8. Muscles (Crustaces 8. Goquiiiages) I I5I 3.00.

The World's Fastest Indian I I2.»\I 3.00. 8.20.

The Ught (L’Equipier) I I5I 0.00.

My Father is an Engineer (Mon Pere est Ingenieur) I I5I 8.30.
