‘Nh‘, are fgir Hot; ( relilot (lilti lion iri< illllllitil'lT tor a Notiel i’eai e T’ri/e'r’ |'rri not sure it people are (lr'iillltl treat r: and [)l)‘./i'li,' llIlr-l'ti up. but l‘liill‘t way. Hilla’t‘ mar tl, l‘. the llltrlli Ill liltf‘a.‘ iii )Tlllitilillrll‘r’" ( ii-liti lT heliieil irrariiii- a .zirii-t/ ot ttrtl' o-rt‘. ltl aid of a Wt rliTl,’ raii'w. tiut were these
(Hill erts not also a 'xra‘, ol ‘,(itrTilllltl the egos ot Tili'll
yr. iitir iiiaiits’.” /\ way to It :t reletiiitie‘. help the Tliill‘ people. What angels they are llas (‘ielrlot ( orisirli-ied that it he took the ('(rlllTlllllflT wealth ot the other r‘i-lehiities who partir iiiateil in h: ith l rye Aid and l ight and out it towards third wt irlil (It :l it. [it )veity Would ‘.’llTllil“\,' lie history Surely t hairiiiagne soalxerl i‘elehrities should he doing soiiiettiiiig to help the less lortuiiate anyway. They're in an
(Milt 'llltfi‘y’ T)TI“/th:l)t'lT position
(iiit'l all. t's a sign ol our
iiiollyi oddled (,‘A’Hiiitlltiti that we no longer mark our heroes hy at ts ot hiaveiy or sarriliie hut rather reward ageing (.elehrities for taking time out of their pampered lives to help those worse otl. (‘ielilol has already iei ei\.'eil a Kllltliliiltltlli. si irely a Mr ihel l’ri/e is pushing the praise lust a little too far Stuart Scott
By email
Iliad to Write ltl ahout the massive response to I in the Park tii‘lxets VVilliZTl Went on sale a ( ouiile ol Weeks ago, A trierid and | orin managed to liin txvo Salt irda\, ilLkUit; after two hours of repeatedly phoning arid (TREK,leng on the iiiteriiet. We later heard that the tii‘kets had sold out in under an hour and they Red on etiay in case any had heen iiiit
YOU The Mighty Boosh Pavilion Theatre. Glasgow, Sat 4 Mar
2 THE LIST Tti an Mai Door:
It was amazing the way they combined both series in one show and they're definitely just as good live. I'm going to see them in Carlisle as well.
The List,
on ‘,.i|t‘ To our surprise there were ti< Fets already availahle' There are genuine laris out there who want to hi iy Tlt.I'\i:i‘, to see the hands. hut it seeriis that some people are just iillylllq tielxets to sell on at a greatly iritlated our e There appear to he tew prerautiorit. lll plat e to ensure that pimple iiurrhasirig Tlthtfi‘. genuinely intend to go (ireater riieasur‘es should he taken With regards to tirkets so that tarislikeiiiei angel theiiiat the right More instead ol uritairly paying more Jennifer Donaldson
By email
In retereriite to your revrew of our (:urreiit New Work farotland l’r'ograiiinie (:‘A’illIHilUtl (Visual Art. 5.1?) We Were somewhat shoeked to read the statement about Will Duke's work not heing <:oriii)leted in time tor the preview. We're unsure where this iiilormation (:ariie from hut it is wholly inarieurate and we feel strongly that the artist deserves an apology.
()n a happier note we would also like to take this opportunity to point out that the teehnieal problems we experieneed in the first three days ot the exhihition were lully resolved tor the rest ol the exliihition.
Kirsten Body
Programme manager (Zolleetive Gallery
We'd [IAO to apologise to the artist for the fact that the show 's tee/iririia/ proh/erris were rrirs/nterprettx/ hy our reviewer. If any readers saw the show and felt that our review was irritarr/y harsh, we'd he delighted to receive an i'i/terrratrvi.‘ revrew - and we'll puh/rsh the hest one we
14 High Street, Edinburgh EH1 ITE
or The List at the CCA
350 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow G2 3J0 or email editor@|
Iiil‘ other side of the titllllllli'lli on the tuture ol the i orth Hoarl Bridge iriuft he heard to avoid
aiiothi-i liolyroi )li hiiili ling liasr o Tllt t‘:.l‘.lll(ll\,‘ hysterii a| derriaiiils it it the iiriinediate go ahead for a new trudge
Ignore liiiaiir rat and
erivrroririierital reality Thwy also
ignore the tart that Vital lei/him al studies into the slope loi maintaining thr- exrstirig hridge have llt it yet heeii(:oiiipleted. These studies wrll rest the taxpayer millions and it would he a scandal to make a (It:(ilf§|()ll in
Murrow and his (tolleagiies,
Brian Morgan By email
filiir-d,’ - Jihad.)
A FITTING TRIBUTE Re: Good Night, and Good Luck (542)
[enjoyed reading Paul [)ale's pereeotiye revrevy ot this
(‘zeorge Clooney's tilm is an appropriate trihute to the man. What would Murrow make of the efforts of the spin doctors and their intluenee over i(:|(,"/|Til()ll news and reporting today? We can only guess.
I')III/'I'l, lily /A"""!l r1} f‘rllrlrfr‘ilr'
.t Tuttlr t‘ilT iilr‘ll t \iTTT‘lIl'il ~ri TT‘.‘T.‘I‘\I‘TQ‘t1|ET‘T\TTTLETtillliiiT]:\ roulil Lie squanderin in ,-;hat (oulil tie a white i‘lr'lliirtl‘ri. addinr; to i diriliuriih's tiattir ihaos. while (Tl‘,’t‘ti'llll TTlt illi away tioin urgently Tit‘t‘(il‘li ouhlii tiaiisiimt lll‘.t“-illli'lli This is why a r oalitir in of N(}()s ( ariiiiaidninii a ; thi- lorth Right Alliani e haw
ietitioried T’arliarrieiit to a» llT l
a hasty. ill iritorrried (Tl‘t isiori We hr )tlt‘ Mffii )‘L y'all i illl‘di li -r :t (art-lull; ariil iili'll the tar ts orir e the‘,‘ are axailahlw Stuart Hay
l’rieiids ot the E arth fir tlildilti
By email
exrellent Illlll. He rightly hririgs out the extraordinary integrity ol Edward R Murrow's approaih to I)l()£i(T(‘;if;itll(_] iouriialisiii. Miirr'ow's wartirrie radio hroadeasts to the USA (‘()llit|i)tlt(?ti in a riialor way to (:ieating an awareness in isolationist Aiiieriia of the agoriies heing (}X[)(?tlt,‘ll(‘(}(T as a result ot the l ondon hlit/. Some ol hrs radio hr'oadrtasts must have made uneoiiilortahle listening lor those iii the USA who argued that the ‘iruropean' war against lasrtism was nothing to do With
Murrow's televrsion (:rusade against the anti Ariierii an hearings headed hy Senator MrtCarthy was also :1 light against laseisrii heing legitiriiised through the apparatus of Capitol l till. MeCarthy set out to destroy the lives and rareers of people. many of whom. in reality. had nothing more to admit to other than leftist nolitir,a| leanings. That he did not suiteeed in any riiaior way was largely due to the ellorts ot
T d Murrow was a reiriarkahle hroadr asting l()lltll:t|lfii arid
IT worker
Ace — it 's a great expansion on the actual DVDs. Howard is my favourite character but I think the best bit of the show was Bob Fossil's dance at the very start.
Alt Student
Great. everything I expected — it was like an adult pantomime. It's really unbelievable what they can do on such a small stage and the way they bring it all together.
fit? T cusooiir AND EDINBURGH cvms euro:
CONTRIBUTORS Publisher 8 General Editor
R [‘Iii " hit)“
EdIIOT ‘iiih all“,
Deputy Editor Brian [‘on l ilwn Assistant Editors
Mit'lh Tlr'lt\iltl pill,” it 1‘" Subeditor Axtili'y LLINHN Research Manager liiii. (ililildlll
Research llv-ti', Neittiriioiv lliliii Rodin lri.'.'l RiTli‘iI“l \iir‘t‘i iVisiial Art Theatre Dani or (‘oirivily i. Snort» Miltdtl tiiiii t‘ lAroiinil TIMll (lawr .il Folk 8 I\I(1\i
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