Averoge price of property in 2005 £184,000
“0 onnuol growth 7.5
Amenities ll'i' r M. ri'w 't nu- «i run ll l)th Portotwllrr .ii' a ‘ui‘ ,i 'tvll it 'ri'rirnrirt't, lhwvt'x «'l ‘(irttr'iu‘i' n.'.wrnrniltrt lv‘“ :1”’l ‘Jillrvt ’lpxxo ll, Tll"l)‘:/1"l
Transport l l;i.vrt'; .i / (ll lll l» wilt mllr, mt. m trr- ;: trim-rt ttlrrmino Ildffl’ l3. tlzioirtth ill" (1410" dl'll’)" ‘1 il", (litrirv; ill" ‘.llllflll‘fr 'nontl‘iu il'tTlltrlli.‘.’l1li"’ ’ "J". llw' 'r‘util‘ (,tlllllllll for lrl'nltntty-r', on tlw To l Mir him llll'lllfll unfit Eating lhw ol'l Hull/rd HHIJ‘J' l lotvl httu howl r oouwrtwl Into Tllt' [Mln'i’ltr ill‘. |'l(l|(.tllll)ll "lhr' l’ortolwllo (Mild (to Apart from
Kitr hi‘ni'r [lwli thou: iun't lllll' h (elm.- wit Shopping llit; lt H ,il ( o'nrnrtnil; HWI’lll", loll (i Blll,‘ ‘7‘.‘,flll ( ,trrizrtiqrt to fund oft lllt: lttrtltlinr; (it it 'rlllfl‘lllltllht'l nuir tht: tox'xn ( “llllt: lht‘, rnmtna that ‘Jtlllt' oriutt my. shops; with glfl Vu’illigirnuon'f, llHl‘lllltlllltfl‘; and l inrllttys' tht: litltrltr-r \‘Jlll l:nrl it (:tt‘ritir to IllllW‘
Downside Apart from tho rtlori:rnontionod [Ltlttttdtt thorn"; not (i drmt (lonl of «homo ol [)lll)‘; or T5()(llttl spots
Famous exports Sir Harry l illldfll no loss,
Storicx dill-Cf i|\ to him 'I’or‘tuc‘ got tlx n.1mc: it t'clit'ul mulor'. ( icot‘gc Hilllllllttll. built it cottiigc nuttth I’ucr'to Hcllu uhow thc hutch, ()l' cwn giltci‘ thc llil\ill
What kind of . . . a mom would . Victory ol Admiral l‘.(|\\ill'd \t‘l‘llttll \xho utpttttul l’or'tolwllo. on tho [\llllllll\ ol suit m. m (1) Panama in I730. Although it ix knimn il\ liilinltur‘gh'x \k'.l\ltlk'. gt port it unit and There are plenty of thc \czrlt‘ortl has won more Itcziutiltrl tlil}\. 'I'hc lllillll \tt‘cct. houmct‘. protcctnl lr'otn thc chill \\lll(l\ mortgage providers oil the \L‘il h} rims ol‘ tcncmcnts. |l£l\ :r hustling ltcl. 'l'hc cit} plrinncrx “Hlllt' low I’oi'tohcllo to In- that will lend you the easterly point in u mitcrxidc dcwloptncnt [hill \tt‘clchcx to (ll'dlllttll in thc not. But it i\ winirutcil moneY- SOit'S UDtO trom litlinhurgh |t_\' :t ntilc ol‘ cur t'ctuilctx and it smutgc ll'L‘illlllt'lll work though thcr't' arc [tlitllx to You“) Shop around to mow it. l’ot‘tohcllo‘x housing stock ix thtllllllillctl It} \nmc cnot'ntonx Luv-Victorian \ lllih 'I‘how \xho finda p’QdUCt that xchiccd them hild to lch \ontmxhci‘c. 'l'hc pt‘opcrtim ltrrilt lttl' thc pt'olcx urn pt‘ox ttlc \itllk' hit!'}_‘illll\ . . suns yogi C'rgumStanceS' zilthouuh uwruuc prices in l’ortohcllo arc thc higltt‘xl ol' thc ciuht ill‘L‘ih (“\L‘I'L‘d hct'c. Thanks to changing interest rates. its difficult to be ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘
sure how much your mortgage will eventually cost. WI LSON,S p A RK
but Sue Anderson of the Council of Mortgage '. .
Lenders argues that for first time buyers it can be > lllt? oxtor'tor Won t he to (vixen/one}; Malta with ll‘»
heipful to becenain about eany repayments. rmere grey rondur and bright rod pgiinl. Insrdo lit)‘.‘.’(r‘.’(?t, thzi,
are some exceflent fixed-rate deals around. These “(it lltlf; NOON “WHY/(HUM l0 ( HMIO (l [)lthlf‘n'tlll ll‘t’llltl
allow you to budget your monthly repayments for a space With two double hodroonts; and .l hit; living;
certain period.‘ she says. room. And tt'f; only (1 low metres from tho homh
If you’d like a reduced monthly payment for the first Offers over £95,000 tew Yearsv 9an YOU a bit 0f e’dra 035” me” You To wow. (:ontt'lrit /‘v7<:/ntwo / (PW/8. 0 In)? (rm: ’ lJ-l
might opt for a discounted rate mortgage.
If you foresee changes in your lifestyle. you might want to consider an offset or flexible mortgage that will adapt as your needs change.
PORTOBELLO HIGH STREET ‘ ll'x ‘c'iiti‘t' f it ;til w! l‘ wll'g't ()..'““. .7er i'. airfilttl, tr; , {,ll‘y,’ far i mrrilwl H t? ‘tw' (illil’ll'l’; lT’.“‘f
iriutl‘t 'llrlk~"1llt"l' 'tti-u’ii,itl’,'l. .‘."”’”ll‘ l’i'lll‘”
'l‘u.rr,lt lull/Jul"; '7 I wiw’uwl, aptik '{i’llllt f'timit'r ' ltl‘, with/ t t'w lit-(l'o’w '. rt 'l’rtlili' Offers over £129,000
Tony McPartlan, deputy hotel manager. r) ,i,,._.,. rm,“ - (it 1,: r 1,, l,‘ i
'lho first time I put in an offer I took the solicitor}; tidwo (lltd ottor'od inst over 20' ot
tho (lflhlllg prttto The flat was on otter for
$08,000 and tho SOIICIIOY said I should go for
$100000 and sornothino I didn't get It It was; > It may he on the “.‘xrono' srdo ot the Hon Straw. the same the second time. A one hodr‘oorn hot this donhlt‘: nppor a still orin (t (,(r;l;)|(‘: of intimith tonornont flat in post worth the right part of walk from tho l‘mvh Betti-r than that it mt'ly, rtu» Portohollo tlmt | \xxintod Thou:- (tron't main of look full or :‘lmutr‘twv tt'iii to»; Ll’ltl of t)‘ 2' (I w ' wilrl thont thoro .tnti thoro soorns; to lo a soil tnr'o ll‘iO (t propw faintly hontr: l.'v.'Ith thww: lmdrrorou dorrmnd. \Vlllk h | didn t oxport I'm going) to and a really irnpr(;-ssi~.o lounge. this i orld hr: ,otir waut another month to see it a place comes up dream house. it {totr mo $5000.30 to S‘Rlljtllll"; or
and it it doesn't -— well. I'm going to ham to more. Offers over £190,000
come up With a plan B." To View. contact tile/mm? l ems. 0 7&7 ot'w’i‘ 7.1%