Averoge price of property in 2005 £184,000

“0 onnuol growth 7.5

Amenities ll'i' r M. ri'w 't nu- «i run ll l)th Portotwllrr .ii' a ‘ui‘ ,i 'tvll it 'ri'rirnrirt't, lhwvt'x «'l ‘(irttr'iu‘i' n.'.wrnrniltrt lv‘“ :1”’l ‘Jillrvt ’lpxxo ll, Tll"l)‘:/1"l

Transport l l;i.vrt'; .i / (ll lll wilt mllr, mt. m trr- ;: trim-rt ttlrrmino Ildffl’ l3. tlzioirtth ill" (1410" dl'll’)" ‘1 il", (litrirv; ill" ‘.llllflll‘fr 'nontl‘iu il'tTlltrlli.‘.’l1li"’ "J". llw' 'r‘util‘ (,tlllllllll for lrl'nltntty-r', on tlw To l Mir him llll'lllfll unfit Eating lhw ol'l Hull/rd HHIJ‘J' l lotvl httu howl r oouwrtwl Into Tllt' [Mln'i’ltr ill‘. |'l(l|(.tllll)ll "lhr' l’ortolwllo (Mild (to Apart from

Kitr hi‘ni'r [lwli thou: iun't lllll' h (elm.- wit Shopping llit; lt H ,il ( o'nrnrtnil; HWI’lll", loll (i Blll,‘ ‘7‘.‘,flll ( ,trrizrtiqrt to fund oft lllt: lttrtltlinr; (it it 'rlllfl‘lllltllht'l nuir tht: tox'xn ( “llllt: lht‘, rnmtna that ‘Jtlllt' oriutt my. shops; with glfl Vu’illigirnuon'f, llHl‘lllltlllltfl‘; and l inrllttys' tht: litltrltr-r \‘Jlll l:nrl it (:tt‘ritir to IllllW‘

Downside Apart from tho rtlori:rnontionod [Ltlttttdtt thorn"; not (i drmt (lonl of «homo ol [)lll)‘; or T5()(llttl spots

Famous exports Sir Harry l illldfll no loss,

Storicx dill-Cf i|\ to him 'I’or‘tuc‘ got tlx n.1mc: it t'clit'ul mulor'. ( icot‘gc Hilllllllttll. built it cottiigc nuttth I’ucr'to Hcllu uhow thc hutch, ()l' cwn giltci‘ thc llil\ill

What kind of . . . a mom would . Victory ol Admiral l‘.(|\\ill'd \t‘l‘llttll \xho utpttttul l’or'tolwllo. on tho [\llllllll\ ol suit m. m (1) Panama in I730. Although it ix knimn il\ liilinltur‘gh'x \k'.l\ltlk'. gt port it unit and There are plenty of thc \czrlt‘ortl has won more Itcziutiltrl tlil}\. 'I'hc lllillll \tt‘cct. houmct‘. protcctnl lr'otn thc chill \\lll(l\ mortgage providers oil the \L‘il h} rims ol‘ tcncmcnts. |l£l\ :r hustling ltcl. 'l'hc cit} plrinncrx “Hlllt' low I’oi'tohcllo to In- that will lend you the easterly point in u mitcrxidc dcwloptncnt [hill \tt‘clchcx to (ll'dlllttll in thc not. But it i\ winirutcil moneY- SOit'S UDtO trom litlinhurgh |t_\' :t ntilc ol‘ cur t'ctuilctx and it smutgc ll'L‘illlllt'lll work though thcr't' arc [tlitllx to You“) Shop around to mow it. l’ot‘tohcllo‘x housing stock ix thtllllllillctl It} \nmc cnot'ntonx Luv-Victorian \ lllih 'I‘how \xho finda p’QdUCt that xchiccd them hild to lch \ontmxhci‘c. 'l'hc pt‘opcrtim ltrrilt lttl' thc pt'olcx urn pt‘ox ttlc \itllk' hit!'}_‘illll\ . . suns yogi C'rgumStanceS' zilthouuh uwruuc prices in l’ortohcllo arc thc higltt‘xl ol' thc ciuht ill‘L‘ih (“\L‘I'L‘d hct'c. Thanks to changing interest rates. its difficult to be

sure how much your mortgage will eventually cost. WI LSON,S p A RK

but Sue Anderson of the Council of Mortgage '. .

Lenders argues that for first time buyers it can be > lllt? oxtor'tor Won t he to (vixen/one}; Malta with ll‘»

heipful to becenain about eany repayments. rmere grey rondur and bright rod pgiinl. Insrdo lit)‘.‘.’(r‘.’(?t, thzi,

are some exceflent fixed-rate deals around. These “(it lltlf; NOON “WHY/(HUM l0 ( HMIO (l [)lthlf‘n'tlll ll‘t’llltl

allow you to budget your monthly repayments for a space With two double hodroonts; and .l hit; living;

certain period.‘ she says. room. And tt'f; only (1 low metres from tho homh

If you’d like a reduced monthly payment for the first Offers over £95,000 tew Yearsv 9an YOU a bit 0f e’dra 035” me” You To wow. (:ontt'lrit /‘v7<:/ntwo / (PW/8. 0 In)? (rm: lJ-l

might opt for a discounted rate mortgage.

If you foresee changes in your lifestyle. you might want to consider an offset or flexible mortgage that will adapt as your needs change.

PORTOBELLO HIGH STREET ll'x ‘c'iiti‘t' f it ;til w! l‘ wll'g't ()..'““. .7er i'. airfilttl, tr; , {,ll‘y,’ far i mrrilwl H t? ‘tw' (illil’ll'l’; lT’.“‘f

iriutl‘t 'llrlk~"1llt"l' 'tti-u’ii,itl’,'l. .‘."”’”ll‘ l’i'lll‘”

'l‘u.rr,lt lull/Jul"; '7 I wiw’uwl, aptik '{i’llllt f'timit'r ' ltl‘, with/ t t'w lit-(l'o’w '. rt 'l’rtlili' Offers over £129,000

Tony McPartlan, deputy hotel manager. r) ,i,,._.,. rm,“ - (it 1,: r 1,, l,‘ i

'lho first time I put in an offer I took the solicitor}; tidwo (lltd ottor'od inst over 20' ot

tho (lflhlllg prttto The flat was on otter for

$08,000 and tho SOIICIIOY said I should go for

$100000 and sornothino I didn't get It It was; > It may he on the “.‘xrono' srdo ot the Hon Straw. the same the second time. A one hodr‘oorn hot this donhlt‘: nppor a still orin (t (,(r;l;)|(‘: of intimith tonornont flat in post worth the right part of walk from tho l‘mvh Betti-r than that it mt'ly, rtu» Portohollo tlmt | \xxintod Thou:- (tron't main of look full or :‘lmutr‘twv tt'iii to»; Ll’ltl of t)‘ 2' (I w ' wilrl thont thoro .tnti thoro soorns; to lo a soil tnr'o ll‘iO (t propw faintly hontr: l.'v.'Ith thww: lmdrrorou dorrmnd. \Vlllk h | didn t oxport I'm going) to and a really irnpr(;-ssi~.o lounge. this i orld hr: ,otir waut another month to see it a place comes up dream house. it {totr mo $5000.30 to S‘Rlljtllll"; or

and it it doesn't -— well. I'm going to ham to more. Offers over £190,000

come up With a plan B." To View. contact tile/mm? l ems. 0 7&7 ot'w’i‘ 7.1%
