Average price of property in 2005 £126,666 0/0 annual grOwth 1.84
Amenitiesl’w” 9‘ ’2' tv"'wtr'. and
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'/ rttl :“dt rt l/ ”. te'll'e
Eating '/' -i.l"'[i’)lll it ' ’ l">1ts- l"e (xi/flaw. ll’ (“r 1' titr'l‘“ ‘ l’;' l ire f" "It- dbl °rmil‘_ ‘.'.'t‘.i|e tl‘e l l'tnirt (it'll, J.i'r‘ .ind PM .r ,w- rrro'tlv hip lrenr ll liar .rtt'l twat" "‘ l ll‘~’ no .t ‘.1'.rl
Drinking ll‘re (it'dl‘ull‘, in an '2") truthful" but lberr- .1!‘- Mel”. "‘ore ‘.'.l’.ll(‘lll‘.<l l" lit-u around .‘Slrax‘xlanrl‘; (Lew. not b .r‘; lukl‘ and the Shed Shopping llw‘ faubron tails-l Play (in Kilrnar'norl lr‘rwad ‘.'./rll appeal to fashion grrnkreu. a“. '.‘./rll lllt“}l‘.’l“ boutique Nuala Aulre Downside Parking r «Ill be a nightmare Famous exports l’ep lrlr ll". Mir belle l‘/lt‘l\/lilll‘l‘_;l‘1.llt‘flltlt'lll.llltllut‘vllt‘l ‘Lt'tltllt’l lrornehere
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How much council tax will I have to pay?
‘Every penny's a prisoner and many first time buyers wander aimlessly into a sale without getting a handle on council tax bands.’ says Stephen O'Neill of Newton.
Council tax charges are not increasing this year. That's the good news. The bad news is that few people are exempt. The amount you pay depends on the value of your property and the consequent council tax band into which your property has been placed. Council tax is a major issue for many first time buyers and it's important to be fully aware of how much it's going to set you back and include it in a financial commitment checklist.
For further information on council tax bands and to find out whether you might be eligible for exemption check glasgowgov.uk/en/residents/ yourhome/counciltax/ or edinburgh.gov.uk/ cec/tinance/corpfin/ ctaxintoserv/ctaxinfoserv.html.
Brian Jones, property developer 'Due to the high demand to live in one or two
bedroom flats in Shawlands. developers: knew that thev tan turn projects around \.er\ (ltll(‘l\l\. That}: kex to making a good turnover, Shawlands is extremelv r‘epular \',llll first time buvers bet‘ause it has great amenities. bars: and restaurants Young professionals. Slutlentfl and \. \unu tarrti'les: a'! fa tow“- tetra”. a. flat the area "tat led a 'i‘ r‘. in a new :nteurateo txrtc'ten. .t l‘e‘.'. l‘. tltroovn. lard new carpets and plastered all the walls: thbtn a tew menths I'd made ex er .70 pmfrt The more buyers out there. the Quicker mull sellf
181'"! LIST 16—30MarZOOG
v'u‘olt 0"-J o..'.'
The huxtling centre of the Southxide hax reeentlx been dubbed the new Wext lind. Shawlandx hax qttiekl) heeome popular with tlroxe xeelttng ert) living but with a more affordable priee tag. .luxt three milex xouth ol' the eity eentre. it‘x a young. vibrant and eoxmopolitan plate to li\ e. The area hax henelited from xtead)‘ new development and a veritable exploxion of‘ new harx and rextaurantx liven the dwindling Shawlandx Arcade ix earmarked for a new leaxe of life. 'l‘here ix huge demand for the traditional tenementx and modern newhuildx that populate the area: the inevitable rexult ix that prieex are beginning to rixe and finding a parking xpot ix heeoming inereaxingl) dillieult.
'l'om Buehanan ol' I‘M lIomex eonlirmx that demand in the area ix high: 'We bought the xite for the Point development on Kilmarnoek Road againxt xtil‘l'eomrwtition. lt ix \er} mueh an up and eoming part (it the eitv ol’ ( ilaxgow.’
r If your pockets; are deep enough. this rnnovalrvely
.1hlllllltl. a l‘ \ W\
designed three four bedroom duplex flat (;ould be the place for you. Set in a good lortation, it’s; in what the agents; describe as; an "exclusive development he newly built. wrth resrdents' parking and SOCIHIIV
entry). Because it‘s; new. if also has; good insulation and gas central heating Offers over £159,000
V An opportunity to gel on the ladder With llll‘, two bedroom. newly relurbrnhed ground floor flat Within walking distance of the Sliawland» bu//. the property is; "in pristine (,ondrtron'. wrtlr an open plan kitchen and lounge. large double bedroom wrth Wrtlh lll storage room and a second bedroom
Offers over £85,000
A This could be a great property for the llt‘sl time buyer. Spacious and well presented. this traditional one bedroom ten-(“went flat ix; Situated on a tree lined street. t ‘W e the r)’ Shaw/lands nlglltltle. local amend-r": far‘d t'gir‘*;t‘rtr't All the rooms are a good 9l.'(‘ and freshly painted. grvrng rt a light. airy feel Offers over £89,950
Bt't'garns. Ol'lt/St M1007 To View an} of these flats contact Cit/(1e Property on O 74/ 577 3777.