The Travelling Gallery -

Not Me, Not You: Neither Us Nor Them

Belinda Guidi, Mandy McIntosh and Jim Ewen show new collaborative works with non-artists working with PixelCurious, Saltcoats. For more information on where to catch the show visit

I [fro lair/o’frrrr; (Li/Mr: Mil/(HIS Meat/(Mrs. Fri 76 Jun.


l‘lat I. SS IilllL‘llC\tilllU\\ll ('ourt. (iorhalx. “No” 55020]. 1 Iain (rpin. There’s a New Kind of Beauty Afoot Sat »l .\lon (i Mar \Vork h} eiiierging iii‘ti\t\ Itllll .‘\. Sarah l’oi'rext and And} Slater at thix ire“

galler} /pro_ieet \paee. Ni \‘L Si l0“;



2 Market Street. 52‘) .i‘l‘li. Mon Sat lllarn 5pm; Sun noon Spin.

Face a Faces l'iiiil Sun 23 .-\pl'. l'ree. ('onteinporar} portrait photograph} troin l‘i'eneh. Seottixh and international ttl‘li\l\. ineluding ()rlaii. Kiinoko Yoxhida arid \Vt‘tld} \lL‘XItlt'dU.


32 2S (‘oekhurii Street. 320 IZot).

'l'ue Sat noon Spin.

New Work Scotland Programme 0. l'iitil Sat 4 Mar. Reeetit \xork h} up and eoiiiing (ilaxgon -ha\ed artixtx \Vill Duke and :\|e\ander Stalinann. lASl CHANUY TO 8? E.


73 Behind Road. (£4 030”. Nail}

Illain 5pm.

Echoes of Antiquity: Eduardo Paolozzi and Traditional Sources l'ntil Sun I: .\lar. l’i'ee. Studiex. \ketehex and arehix e material highlighting l’;io|o//i\ interext in iii}tliiiliig) and hiSlUl'}. LAST CHANCE TO SEE.

Artists and Camouflage t'ntil Sat I .-\pr. .-\rehi\ e dixpla) looking at the einplo) inent ot‘ line tll’ll\l\ during WWI. Paolozzi of the Month l{\er) Thu. l2.45 r l..‘~(lpin. l‘ree. liaeh \\ eek Daniel

llerrrnarrn. the l’aoloI/i eurator. \\i|| gi\ e a talk on a different uork ill)!” the eolleelioir.

After the War: Art from 1945-1955 Sat ll Mar Sun J Jun. \Vork h} Balthus. Leger. Baeon and l-reud than n l'roin the permanent eolleetion to highlight the di\ ixitili hetneen Realixin and Ahxtraetion. NH". SHOW.

I EDINBURGH PRINTMAKERS 33 l‘nion Street. 557 347‘). Tue Sat Illain (ipni.

Sarah Sanford 8. Robert Crozier l'iitil Sat 35 Mar. Still lie/ii. Sarah Sanl‘ord'x e\hihition ol ahxtraet iiiulti- |a_\ei'ed \ereen print\ and dran ingx ix paired \\ ith from Iirlr'Ii/iure/i In Haule- liemii' h} Rohei‘l (‘i'o/iei'. a displa} ol pttL‘llh and linoeutx.


The Mound. til-l (TZUU. Mon \Ved tk l"i'i Sun Illain Spiiiz'l‘hu Illain Tpin. An Allegory (Fabula) I'll It) Mar. I145 l.|5piii. Free. Dr (‘latidia Heide

\llldlL‘\ lil (ireeo'x latttolix work in depth.


"5 Behind Road. (C4 (illlll. Hail} ltlain Spin.

Jon Schueler: The Sound of Sleat

l'titil Stilt 5 Mar. .-\ dixpla} ol \xork celebrating the .-\ineriean .~\h\traet

li\pre\\ioiiixt painter \\ ho \et up a \lltdio in Mallaig. on the Sound ol Sleat. LAST


Selective Memory: Scotland and Venice .00. Seleeted highlights from Seottixh artixtx e\hihiting at the SN \eniee Biennale. ineluding ('ath} \Vilkex. .-\le\ Pollard. Joanne 'l'athain and Toni ()‘Sullixan. LAST CHANCE TO SEE.

l'ntil Sun 5 Mar. liree.

Selective Memory: Guided Tours Sat-1A Sun 5 \lat.: I ‘Hpiir lree i‘\illi‘lllt'll tour gixeri h} a eharigrng rota ol .illl\l\. galler} \tatr and other e\perr\ Selective Memory: Jason Bowman Sat ~1 Hat. 3 .‘l‘prri liee ‘l‘he e\hil\ition\ etiratoi talkx ahorit the \hou \\llil Hr my}! art \llIlk \loiia .lt‘iilt‘}

Lasting Impressions: How Pop Art

Changed Printmaking \loii rr \ 13 ~15 l»15prii l‘ree l’aolo//i elllaliil l)anrel llerrrnanii look\ at ehangrng attitridex to \ereeir printing

Signed Tour: Women Artists \rirr I: \iai'. llarii noon l'iee \lan

Klil‘dllleh leadx thrx tour tor the deal lo

hook a plaee la\ lll il til-l til-lit or re\t o".le "Shiv


1 Queen Street. (ill trltiti \lori \\erl \\ in Sun Illain Spin. l‘hu Illaili "pin Cut and Dried l iitil Sriii 3h .\lai l'i'ee. 'l\\o eoiiipleiiieiit.ii_\ til\]‘l.l} \ leattiiing the \ilhonettex ol \iigiixtiii Izdoiiart and \xatereolonix tiorii Hair} \itil‘e (iiit'tliilt.

Celebrating the Scotsman l irril Sun 13 Mar. l:\hihitioii to iiiaik I‘ll wan \iiiee the ladinhtirgh haxed paper “L‘lll dail_\. ixlisl E ' MES

BP Portrait Award l’iitil Sun I: \lai l'l‘L‘L'. ()tll} Settllhll \liim inf; ol llth annual e\hihition. “illell t‘lletltll.tj_‘t'\ _\oung tll'll\l\ to loeux on the theme ol portraiture. 1A8? ~' I Poets, Portraits and Landscapes of Modern Scotland: Part Three Illll ‘) Mar. (i 7pm. l‘ree. .\lt‘\.tlltiL‘l

Iii,\\‘\: ».

.\lol'lat and i’l'UlLNVll \lan Riaeli dixeuxx

Seottixh poet\ and the err}. irreliiding \\l‘llL‘l\ \lleil ;t\ I.i/ loehhead. Roheit (iarioeh and i'.ti\\lll Morgan.

Wendy Wood, 1892-1981 \Ved IS Mar. l3.»15 l.l5pin. I'ree. Snminnah Kerr talkx ahotit lill\ portrait ol the Seottixh l’atriot h} l-‘Ioreiiee St John (‘adell

Iceblink: An Antarctic Essay 'l lrii Io .\lar. (Lit) Spin. l'ree. Speeial talk to highlight the tipeoiiiing e\hihitroii h} Siiiion l‘aithlull at Stillx (iallei'). “illeil lllL‘llidL‘\ nork ereated during ill\ l‘t'SltiL‘llC} “ith the lli'itrxh ,\ritar'etn Sur\e_\.

I THE QUEEN’S GALLERY l’alaee til Hiil) t‘titidltttthe. 550 5 lllll Hail} ‘lfitlain 4.30pm.

Unfolding Pictures l'iiiil in SI .\lai £5 4H). li\hihition or o\et‘ St) laiix il'tilll the Ro}a| (‘olleetioii dating hour the liillllx up until the I‘Hllx. iiieliiding \ttlllL‘ pieeex h} ltiherge,


l5 Rutland Square. 33‘) "5-15. \lon lii ‘laiii Spin.

Building Wales: Adeiladu Cymru l'iitil l’ri 31 Mar. l'.\hihition h} the Ro}a| Soeiel} ol .-\i‘ehiteet\ in \Valex eurated h) .\loiiiea (‘herr'_\ ol (’ai'dill l'nixerxit}.

I: Hi l.:\.\'.\ “AUDI E S

I ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Irr‘.e:le'.tl‘. Home ‘5‘ ii ‘T lize \iiir i".:ll‘ : it'pt'.

ROI‘Ii Horn 0... l i122. San ftr \l..:

l lac tr:\t e\.‘r:!‘rtroir :.i \totiarrti "\

illl\‘.\ltit‘i\..\\i.11!ll\‘ti.tfl2\i "axed 17‘ \e‘.\ \ozk and lteiarrti \it‘o torrrh‘ircx \tiaia‘x of :1.:'i::.:l ':o"r“.“:' \\ 21?". 'r"~'\e :r‘.\}‘1reti"\ ',‘\‘et l llrt kiriw" \ee ;“I‘_‘\. "\

I ROYAL SCOTTISH ACADEMY llie \loizrni. .‘.“ "'Vl \loi: \.'.i

IHarri *prn Srirr :1oo': ‘pzi.

George Wylie: Breaking the Mould lrr ltl \lai ii.:lll :toort to llre

\e aiptor l‘t‘Iii'lIll..I‘.\t' .ilil\i a: \\ \ g‘texiileril \ii\\ ii\\t'\ l“.\ lzleX \toik

rrl torrire:

liooi.ii:.' mwrrtrar RSA Annual Student Exhibition \irri l.‘ llr': .‘* \la! \l‘nu: xlro‘e. «‘l‘eri

tolriial \eai aridpoxt1'i.a1i..:te \tritleirtx troiir all the \olrtxh .rrt .rrw.‘l art littet trire

\\ ili‘i‘i\

I SCOTTISH POETRY LIBRARY *( iielitoii'xt lime. l .tllt‘ll".li\‘ ‘h‘ :V‘h \lorr ltl ii.llll hltttr \al

iiooii lprii

Site Specific l iitil Ihii \lai lieu \ii e\lrrl\itioii ol pit-“x l\\ trnal \gar I’iililit \rt degree \llltit'lli\ fiorii loitlr \allei ('ollez'e. .reaterl lll inporrxe the SH i‘llliiilll‘.’

I TALBOT RICE GALLERY Illl\t‘l\|l} ol l iillll‘lllt'l], Sorth llirilce. (Ni .‘Illl lire Sat ll'arn ‘l‘lll

Katy Dove O... l iitil Sat \ \pi \ I\ and aiidio .riirriraiion \‘.itli\ iiieoipoiatiii}; \xateitolotii p.iiiitiri:'\. liliii and l‘llii\i‘llt' See iiiarn prete, page " l. and Hitlixt

Private Galleries


“4 "‘l ( 'iriiiheilaiirl Street. *‘N ii‘.‘ \\ed Sat llaiii lrpiii

JO Milne Ihii .‘ \lai \\oik t".l‘lrtllll‘.' the \i.oikiii_;'\ ol tet illli'li|:'_\ and toiled eoiriiiiiiiiitationthioirghpainr '

David Julian Leonard Ihii ‘i

\lai Ihii (r \pr Solo t‘\illl‘lllitll lo lll|\ \iiieiieaii [lilitlrtL'lal‘ilt'r \r‘lllt‘ ol uhit h tittelllllt'llh ill\ ll.i\t'l\ to poxt l\atiiii.i \en (lilt'.tl1\ '5 ' ~'


Ill: \\e\t lion. :3” “(will \loii Sat Illaiii * *Hpiii

Tom Gauld 8r Simone Lia l iiiil \ii ll \lai \en rli.r\i.iii;.i\. l‘.tllll|llf.'\. [‘lllll\ and \t‘lllk hookx ' '

I CORN EXCHANGE GALLERY (\thlllllliill Street. Rtil _ it"! \\ed Sat Ham 1 Hlplll liee

Florencia Durante .00 l iirrl Hill In \lar lhe lll.tllL'lll.ti e\hilritioii loi lll|\ next gallei} kiekx oil \‘.llil photoeiaphit \\Hli\\ h} lill\ \igentinean horn. l oiidoii

lunedarlnl I ,3:

11 - 23 March 2006

RSA Student Exhibition

Royal Scottish Academy The Mound Edinburgh T0131 225 6671

‘.‘ :' . .' THE LIST 97