'ii i-‘la SPENDING FRANK Paisley Arts Centre, Fri 10—Sat 11 Mar, then touring.

Women with itchy ovaries are perhaps the greatest danger the modern man faces, once he, and they, have passed a certain age. There’s a certain monomania which drives them on, the desire to have a baby, not soon, but yesterday. sometimes making a man feel of rather incidental importance to the project. From a male point of view, this need can sometimes seem so instrumental that one might as well send such women a sperm sample in the post for all the intimacy involved.

Director Tony Cownie, though, is a more sensitive man than this writer, and as he looks at me over a scatter of other people’s pints in Leith’s enchanting Boda bar, which is rapidly filling with evening punters, he puts the feminine point of view. ‘lt’ll appeal to any woman who’s ever thought, “What am I really about?",’ he says of his production of Borderline’s new play by Alistair Hewitt. “‘There’s sex, and there’s money, but what am I really about?“ This woman feels there’s something going to waste in her own body. We men don't have that, but women do.’

In it, a woman who has married years ago, expecting children, only to find her various friends who are largely uninterested in children having them all about her, receives a nasty shock from her unpleasant husband, who ironically works in the baby industry. Tracing the woman’s life from 1980 to 2002, the piece is a black comedy with a sting in the tail. ‘There’s a real kick at the end. It's about the ideal love of a partner, and the betrayal of that love,’ says Cownie. So I change the subject to the football, before he goes entirely over to the girly side. (Steve Cramer)



the: FALL Touring '.’ IN A FAR AWAY Traverse Theatre. Edinburgh. Fri 3 &

Sat 4 Mar .0.

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()thilexl 80W Irsrr rill/Sir Lid. HEID Tron Theatre, Glasgow, until Sat 25 Feb 000

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'.' :' .” v, THE LIST 89