I RSNO: Russian Gala Howl (‘oincit Hall. 3 \authichall Slit-cl. “1 Mill”

N illpni tll til \u‘ [it:

I BBC $80: The New Black . . . (it) ll.lll\. ('.itnllcti:§:~. 1*? Kllllli Upnt til 'I hc ill“~ \Sl) pcrlorrn lllL' \wrltl Plt'llllt'lt' ol mo \lllllllll\\lllllk'tl \xoth. (illlllllll \lt'l’ht'rxon'x Iln \( it [flat I. ax \M'H ax 'lanx} l).i\lt'\' \p/m/ Hum: \lxo on lllt' [lllthldllllllt‘ r\ Stu-w Rt'it‘hk Ill/u Unit/truth ('olltititlctl it} /~o|l Nag}


I Edinburgh University String Orchestra chl (‘ontt‘rt Hall. ixtltnhtit‘gh l'niwmt}. llll\ltt Squaw " illpin. to «Hi lllt' ott‘hmlra pct'loitn \lt'ntlt‘lwolttt'x \rlmu Sump/nun \u I”. lliittt-n'x Im H/(llllllltlllulh .llltl

Shimlakm It'll.\ ('lrttni/u I \mr/i/ium Ill littx iathct attiat‘tnt- proytaintnt'.


I Cappella Nova: Vocal Quintet St \ltt'hacl'x l’.ll'l\ll ('hurt'h. Kirkgalc. (ll 5W» MZINN. 7 illpin. t” it" UH lllt'

\ lllllHMl \oiu's ol (‘appclla Noxa \\lllll lllt'll (low hatinon} .lllllllltl a rtt‘h \clt't‘lton ol lllt'tllt'\.ll. tt'it.tt\\.ttru' and harotltic tntixn'.


I BBC Radio 3: Celebrity Recital (it) Ilallx. (‘antllt'riggx 35‘ Xllllll. 3pm. U «U l, 'l’hc 'It'l .‘\\ i\ l’iano rm pct'lorni llct'lltm cn'x I’Imro li'm m I) nrutur. illot'lt'x .t' .Vm lru'm'x for I’ll/nu [no and Brahth Piano 'I'riu Ill ('mmm;

I Annual Recital of the Music School of Douglas Academy RSAMD. lllll Rt‘llll't‘u Sll't‘cl. i“: 5057. Tillpin. {it it'll. .\ \artctl ru‘ital piogtatninc lot \olo and t'nwtnhlc lll\ll'lllllt‘lil;ll llL‘llh.


I Children’s Classic Concerts: Pirates Ahoy! l‘xhcr llall. l.otliian Road. 33‘ IISS. iplll. [0.5” lainil) ticket [:0 1L5 l. SL‘L' Sal »l.

Monday 6


I BBC Radio 3: Discovering Music ('il) llallx. ('antllcriggs. 353 Milli),

1 2pm. £5. liintl out \\ll;ll lll;tl\L'\ a lllll\lL';ll inaxtcrpiccc lick and iron t‘olllpowh llw lilt‘ ltllll\ lll' lliL‘ ll'mlL' lo crcalt‘ great piccm ol' intixic. lain llttrnxidc lt‘iltl\ a \\tll‘l\\lltl[l and pcrl‘ot'rnancc ol .lohn .-\tlain\' I'ln- llorunl-lln'm'r.

I West of Scotland Independent Schools Orchestras RSAMD. lllll chlrcxx Slim-t. 332 5057. ".3llptn. £7 tt'Si. \Vt‘xt ol Scotland lntlcpcndcnt St'lroolx llig Hand. String: ()rchcxtra and Wind llantlx prcwnl a mind owning ttntlcr lllt‘ thrcction ol .lolttt .\la\\\cl| (lL‘tltlL'\ and Br} an .-\|lcn.


I Paul Lewis ()uccn'x llall. ('Icrk Strcct. (ms lel‘). 7.45pm. 9.") fill» its [Mr Tim talcntcd )oting pianixt continua his llccthoxcn c} clc. \\ltic|t tonight ittcltnlcx thc (' minor Pill/It'llt/llt’ and ()p In in :\ llal tnaior. (io hear it )titi can.

I Glits Spring Concert St (‘ccilia‘x Hall. \ttltlr} Strccl. 01383 “453]. “.Rllptn. (8 mm. The litlinhurgh-lmxcd |adic§ choir pcrt‘orin claxxical leth ccnttir} north .-\incrican pieces. including \oinc \wll knomt \piritualx pith a \clcction ol \ongx ll‘tllil Karl Jcnkinx' .'\(ll('lllll\ and \ttlllt‘ lk‘dllllllll Italian picccx 'l'ltt‘ t‘illlct‘l’l i\ ill dill ol‘ l‘ihll. Scotland. :1 charit} at the l‘orcl'ronl ol' tnodcrn social “oil. \\ hich t‘cachtw \ ttlncrahlc and L'\L'llltlL‘kl l'ainilit‘x.


I Ramshorn Lunchtime Concert Ratnxhorn 'I‘hcatrc. 95‘ Ingram Strcct.

80 THE LIST .f '6 My .1

onc ol lll\ tnaxtcrt'laxwx lot \tngcr'x. I Rite 'l'iatnua}. 35 Alix-rt l)l'l\L‘. HMS

552 UN). Iii 2pm L1 Solo and \Mllltl\\lll\l lllll\lt' it} RS.\.\ll) \tudcnh I Singing Masterclass: Malcolm Martineau RSAMD. lllll chlrcu SUCH. 3“: SUV. 3. illplll l‘l'L'L‘. llt‘lkL'lL'tl \lalgoltn Martincau lakcx tnnc lrorn lll\ hux} inlcrnational \t‘hcdtilc to pro\ ltlt'

[in Rift 4" .V’Illl: l\ lt'\\|‘ll\L'\l l‘) t'ltorcogtapht't l‘llt‘ lt'\\lt'l I augnc I’m! of \r t: It HUM/t \ 3W”)


Edinburgh University Lunchtime Concert: The Edinburgh Quartet Rt‘ltl (‘ont-cn Hall. lztltnhutgh l'niwrxtt}. lllhlu

Hll i*lll. h‘pin. {H (UH. Stranthlq'x Sqttarc. “‘9‘: S‘lh 5 W l lllptn l‘lt'k'

l"““"‘ "ob. l V \-

.,.,, l /

llMl;l_Y CELEBRATION PARTIAL TO PAGANINI RSAMD, City Halls, Glasgow, Wed 15—Sat 18 Mar

With the multitude of celebrations for the 250th anniversary of the birth of Mozart, and Bartok’s 125th close behind, it is easy to forget that there are other important dates in the music world worth making a bit of a fuss over. One is the 175th anniversary of the legendary virtuoso violinist and composer Nicolo Paganini’s visit to Glasgow. Performing on the world famous il Cannone violin, made in 1742 in Cremona, he stunned audiences with his playing and wild looks, further fuelling the rumours that he had made a pact with the Devil in exchange for his genius.

In commemoration of his visit and the remarkable return of Paganini’s violin to Glasgow, the RSAMD, in collaboration with Glasgow Cultural Enterprises, hosts a festival inspired by this extraordinarily gifted musician Partial to Paganini. The Academy’s Head of Strings, Peter Lissauer, says ‘Paganini was the first great travelling virtuoso and the Festival is a celebration of string playing and instrument making. It’s very important for people to realise how instruments are made.’

Twelve events covering orchestral music, chamber music, strings masterclasses and a Sally Beamish commission will be held at the RSAMD alongside a free exhibition by instrument makers and culminating in a City Halls performance by the Scottish Ensemble with ex-Artistic Director Clio Gould performing Vivaldi’s Four Seasons on Paganini's il Cannone violin. The rare outing from its Genoa home is thanks to the efforts of Glasgow Lord Provost, Liz Cameron. And thanks to Paganini himself who had pawned his previous violin to repay gambling debts and, when loaned il Cannone, liked it so much that he didn’t bother returning it to the rightful owner. If you want to have a look (but not a play, obviously), the instrument is on display at Glasgow Royal Concert Hall, 16—18 March.

(Carol Main)

\ pctlotntant.‘ to Hit lutlc thc pictnzctc ol the \titn; tittattct \t'l\l\‘ll ol lthnl‘ntglt totnpoxci lultan \\a§.‘\l.ill K In .ix null ax \\ tlltclnr \tt‘iilt.ititrti.it'\ \frrt'; (flaw .’ \n i i all or ctnatl itilian' lllil.tll\\.t_‘,‘\l.tll torn lot inott' tnlo

I Glits Spring Concert \t t'.~. tltak Hall.\nltlt}\trt'ct.ill?\1115W

Winn :5 NJ“ \t'c \lon h

I Die Fledermaus loin-K lllcauc. .‘ l L‘\t‘ll \llt‘t'l. <3" “I N M t H lht‘ \outhctn l tght llrwra (‘otnpant ptcwnt lohann \tiathV popular opt'tclta. tt'ntrtn; on .i tlt'tatlcnt \tcnncxt' pail} tlttoun in l’ttntc (monk)

Wednesday 8


I RSAMD Wind Orchestra

|\’\ \\l|l. lllll lx’t'nlimx \trcr't. ii.‘ ‘15“ Winn t; \rfgt‘l llotlthu' t'ontltit'tx [its oil llt'\ll.l Ill .l l‘lilz‘lallllllt' ol \xoth it} l’t'tt't (il.lll.llll. l’aul llllltlt‘lllllll. kcnnt'th llt'\l\\'lll .llltl \l.tlllll l llt'll"\ lllt' pioytaintnc \klii .rlxo tnt'ltrtlt' lht‘ lll\l [\t'tlointantt' ol .1 nth \xoik it} |\'\ \\l|) \l‘llll‘ll\k'i l\a\ \l.n Kt'ii/it'

I Mass for Peace llaionx ll.lil. ('axtlt- Sin-ct. 5% \tlltll mi. 1W2; L5l Sltallnlylcl tii\t't\tl§ ( llHlll\ .lllll (linllllk‘l (hon. \ttatln l_\\l\‘ \rnlonia l'.ll\t‘llll‘lt' .llltl t'otitltn'toi \lan l.i\\'llt'l [‘lt'\t‘lll l’.tlt'\tiin.i\ \t'tting' ol tht‘ \l.l\\ hith on I ‘liunmrr mm.

' illl‘lll :\


I Die Fledermaus Killj."\ llrt-atn: l.t'\t*n Slim-l. ‘3" lillllll " illlllll ix SUV Vlllt' a

I Edinburgh University Singers ()ltl St I’atil\ ( 'htnt'h. hi .lk'llltW \tit-ct. 550 Hi: ". illprn. to r t ll John Kitt'ht'n pontlut‘tx .l pt‘tloiinanu- ot Vaughan \\ tlhainV \Itin m U Hl/‘lwl gltttl l'.ttlt‘t"\ /\’r t/rm‘nr.

Thursday 9


I Norma Greig French Song Prize l<.\‘.v\.\ll). llltl lx’ctllit'u \tn-t-t. H3 5057. Want. l lt'k'. tit‘kt'lt-tl \ pit/v lot lllt' ht'xl pcrlorntant’c ol lit-in h lllt'llllllL'\ that lllll\l tnt'lutlt' a! hunt llllt' \ong: h} .‘\lllll.k' ('aplt'l. ()ln n‘t \lt"~\lt‘.lll Hl' s\llk‘l’l Rtttl\\t'l.

I Music in the University: Karen Cargill and Simon Lepper ( ii.r\‘.'i“~\ l'niu'rxil} ('onu-it Hall. l'ntwtxitj. .anuc. HHill”: l Ill 3"!” lim- Killlllk't‘ll | t'lllt'l \\\.lltl \Klllllt'l lllt’//H \opt‘ano Karon (‘argill Pt‘lllllllh a pt‘ograinntt‘ including only h_\ \ l.ll\l"l. Hahn and llarlwr. \Kllll lll.llll\l \iinon l.cppct.

I Masterclass: Marimba Rx \\ll t. llll) chlicu Slit-cl. ii.“ *HV 3 illprn l'rcc. llt‘kt'lt'tl. lirit \atninnl lk'.lll\ llll\ titaxlct't'laxx

I Opera School Workshop RSNXH). lllll Rt'llllt‘u Sllt't‘l. H: 5H5". Tlfiptn. LIZ IL'M lhc \k'kl'llll wt ol \t‘cnm' lt’otn lhc rim llll.ll\t' ol l’li llPL‘l'tl \llltlL‘lll\. piano au'otnpann-«l .tllti \xtth inininial wt and t'tl\llllllt'\

I Marimba Time l<\.-\.\ll). ltlll chlrt'u Strct'l. H2 Sllsfi. illptn L" «U l. 'lll t‘L‘lL'lHtllL' lllt' l<5.\\ll ).\ tlL'tlllhlllHll ol a nut (ontt-tt piantl \lallatcch tnarnnha. [‘l’lllt'lllal lllllll.llll\l “llll thc ()rdrmtra \lL' l’aih lin Saininut :,_'l\L‘\ a rouxinj: purlotinant'c


I Die Fledermaus King;\ 'I limitc. 3 [.mcn Slit-ct. 53‘) (Milli. “. illpin th Ll-l. Sec 'l llt' "

St Andrews

I Scottish Chamber Orchestra Mozart 250: Mozart’s Mentor Youngcr Hall. North Slit-cl. ill “4 462230. 5.30pm, 'l'hc l‘rcnt'h poinlut'tor l.Hll|\ Langley inaktw lll\ 8(‘0 tlk'lllll Ill a progratnrnc lcaturing tuo ol the great Vicnncw llitl\lL’l'\. \lo/art and Hayln.