:I= Pavee Lackeen r 1‘» oooo il’crr} Ugdcn. Ircland. :JNJSJ \ltcltacl (Volltttx.
Brian Dignam. l’add} \latrgllan Hhmrn Scc
rct 1c“, page 44 (lilt'lil'I/(l Rail/n: \llr ( I. (i/ux‘urm ,‘ (tumult/«l. la/IIi/Iu/‘g/r The Producers « IBM ooo iSuxait Stroman. l'S. llKJSr Nathan l,anc. \laltltcu. Brodcrrck. l'ma 'lhurman. \\ Ill l'ct'tcll l34mm. lt'x a tough act to lollov. \\ ildcr on top hunt and thc hilarioux /cro \loxtcl ax protlttccrx ulto dtxcin ci' iltc} can trrakc morc monc} with a ilop than a lirt muxrcal. hut Brodcrick arid l.anc xhou uh) tlrcrr mtrxical thcxprari run “ax a xcll out 'l'hc hrggcxt driicrcncc hctu cctt thc tuo \crxronx rx that thixonc rxo\cr l\xol1otltx long uhcrcax lirookx packcd ltlx llln Into 35 mmutcx. 'l'hc additional mmutcx ha\ c marrrl} hccn lillcd urth thc addition oi xcwral lackluxtrc xongx. xomc bccicd up camcox and an in along cplloguc. .\'ot qurtc xuclt a big hll. (irony/rm; (i/tlwmi Proof t llAr ... tJolitt Maddcn. 18. 2005) (i\\}ltL‘lli l’altrou. Anthon) llopkrnx. Jakc (itllcnhaal. liiiimm. Hcrcaxcd mathcmatrcran ('athcrmc tl’altrou i dcalx \xith thc \xcrght oi hcr mcntal. iarnrlral and intcllcctual rnhcrrtancc. l’altro“ hrmgx tlrc kind oi pamiul poignanc} to (‘athcrmc'x xtrugglc to rcgarn control oi hcr llic aitcr .xacr'ilicing hcr carccr to cat'c ior' hcr gritcd iatlicr‘ tllopkinxi. lloucxcr. a romantic rclationxhip mth xtudcnt llal ((i} llcnliaali rc\calx thc plot'x .\lc(iuiiirr ill thc iorm oi a prooi~ amongxt hcr iathcr'x papcrx that cotrld changc thc iacc oi modcrn mathcmaticx. l’ltimatcl} tliix ix littlc morc than L‘Ulll'xCViUl‘k. Sr'lt'r'lr't/ minor: :1: The Proposition l lSi 0000 Holt!) llillcoat. Atixtralia/l 'K. 30(5) (in) l’cat'cc. Ray Winxtonc. Darin} llutxoit. John Hurt. l)a\ id \Vcnham. limil} Watxon. Richard Vi'ilxon lii3min. Scc rc\ic\\. pagc 42. (it'm'ru/ I'(’/('(l\('. Pulse i l5) ... tKi)oxhi Ktrttnaua. Japan. 2001) llaruhiko Kato. Kumrko .-\xo. Koyuki. I l‘lmin. Scc Alxo Rclcaxcd. pagc 44. ('unrt'o. Ifrlinburg/r. The River l l Ii .... iJL‘att Rt'ttolt‘. l‘rancc/lndia/l'S. IUSI ) Nora Sxx inhurric. lixmond Knight. Arthur Shicldx. ‘Nmm. .\ coming oi agc xtor'} about thrcc \ct') dii‘icrcnt girlx li\ing h} an Indian r'ixcr. ()nc day a man arrixcx \\ ho ix to hc tlicrr iirxt lovc and a dixr'uption in thcir tranquil |i\cx. Brilliant latL' l‘cr'iod choir. l’art oi' mim- choir xcaxon. I'l/m/tuuu’. Iii/inlrmju/i. Rize (l’(ii ... tl)a\ rd l.a('hapc|lc. l'S/l'K. 2005) Lil (X 'l'omm) thc ('loun. Dragon. 86min. l)ocumcnlat'_\ i'olloxxing llic dcvclopmcnt of ‘('lo\\ ning' and ‘Kt'umping‘ radical dancc ltrt‘lttx which cmcrgcd ax a reaction to thc l..-\ riotx oi I992. .-\ Scrccnda/c prcxcntation. (ilmguu- [Vi/m ilihl'llll't'. (i/uxgmi: Robots (1') .. t('hrix \Vcdgc. (‘arlox Saldhana. l'S. 2005i Voiccx oi Robin \N'illiamx. llallc Bcr'r}. (ircg Kinncar. liu an Mc(ircgor. ‘ilmin. .\'c\\ animatcd adwnturc from thc makcrx oi Iu' ."lk't'. Rodric} (‘oppcr‘holtom t.\lc(ircgori ix a \xorking claxx robot “htth drcamx oi bccoming an invcntor arc daxhcd \\ hcn hc dixco\ crx that Bigxxclt, thc largcxt corporation in thc cit).
Thurs 2nd Mar 7.30pm WHERE THE TRUTH LIES (18)
Mon 6th Mar 7.30pm BREAKFAST ON PLUTO (15)
Wed 8th Mar 7.30 THE SHUTKA BOOK OF RECORDS (12)
Tickets and further information from The Steeple Box office
(Tel: 01324 506850)
or on the day from the hall
52 THE LIST 2—16 Mar 2006
‘Hoiy Lola
Open your hearts to the magnificent Renault French Film Festival, which runs all this month and includes such
tasty morsels as the comedy of sexual manners Cockles & Muscles, Denis Tanovic’s Hell and Dominik Moll’s Lemming. The highlight, however, has to be the wonderful Bertrand Tavernier retrospective, and the man himself will also be around to introduce his new film Holy Lola, about adoption in south-east Asia. Both screenings of this film are
followed by Q&As.
I GF 7. Glasgow: (So/i :3 Mar (mm; Prim/roost), [ (from/rur‘ low if Mar an". r.
hax hccn o\ cr'takcn h} Ratclict tlx'mncari. a ruthlcxx capitalixt \\ ho makcx Rupcrt Murdoch look likc Karl .\lar\. ()n thix xhouing tltc (‘( il iormtrla ix dcxpcl'atcl} m nccd oi an upgradc. (Jl'r'\it'IlI’IL (i/uxumz. Rumour Has It 4 ISA» 00 «Rob Rctncr . l’S. Zillifii .lcimiicr :\tilxlon. ch in ('oxtncr. Shirlc) .\lacl.amc. \iar'k Ruiialo. ()(rmrn. Sarah t:\lil\lttlil drxco\crx that Ilu' (init/rurtt' ix haxcd on lrcr hlood t‘clatncx. In a xcarch i'or hcr rootx xlic mcctx licau t('oxtncri lhc rcal lIic doppclgangcr oi l)uxtm lloi'iman. but a ncu chaptcr ix about to hc addcd to thc iamoux hook l)ull hrgli conccpt romatrtrc contcd}, Show tl\(' ('mt'mu. ('oril/n‘it/ut'. (i/trxgon.
Seven Swords (Qi Jian) r Iii 000 t'l'xui Hark. Kong Kong/(Jilth ZilliSr Sun llonglci. |.au Kar-lcung .\ia Jing-uu. |4ilmm. Baxcd on a nmcl h} |.rang \‘u Slicng. St'i't'lt Min/1h ix xcl allct' thc Manchurianx otrxtcd lhc ("hing d)rraxt} and altcmptcd to qucll uprixingx h} harming martial ar'tx. l’rrc—u ind (Sun llonglci i. an c\-('hing xoldrcr. ruthlcxxl} c\ccutcx tlic Ia“. but iindx himxcli conirontcd h} xc\cn hcrocx cach armcd \\ ith a \\\til'tl xpccrall} \llllk'tJ l0 iliL‘ti‘ [\L‘t'xttiittlil}. 'l'liL‘ littt'lliltlal‘lt' Pi‘L‘xcttL‘L‘ til DUIIIIIL' \Ik‘ll t/I'rrn JIM/1km. Hum i‘cgtxtcrx xtrongl} ax a tacilurn \xarrior. but at \xcll o\ cr (\xo hourx Mir n Snort/x ma} rcquirc conxidcr‘ahlc patrcncc irom non-gcnrc ianx. St It't In! I'r'/t'tl\¢. Shoot First t 15i i\‘arroux. 2005i ‘ilimm. lidinhurgh‘x lic‘\\ monthl} xhort iilm aimx to uncarth ncxx talcnt h} making it caxicr tor iilmmakcrx to ha\ c thcrr \xork xhoxxn lamarl \llill.l\lll‘llll\\l\ili\(‘1litillllilllt'iirlllx ior nrorc information. l-‘r/m/ruuu'. l‘a/lll/tlll‘u/l. Shopgirl i 15i ... t.-\nand ‘l'uckcr. l'S. ZtNJSi Stcw .\lartm. ('larrc l)ancx. Jaxon Sclmart/man. Iii.‘\mrn. \lrrahcllc 1|)ancxi. a drxcncharttcd xalcxgir'l and axprrmg ai'llxi \klttt xL'llx .tc‘c‘t‘xxol‘tc\ al a dcpartmcnt xtorc. hax t\\o mcn m hct' hic: \xcalth} di\orcc Ra} l’ortci' l Martini and xtrugglmg muxrcran Jcrcm} «Sclmai‘t/niani, Shc hax to chooxc lictxx ccn agcmg glamour or aimlcxx )outli. \xhrch \\a_\ \er1 xltc go’ liarrltx cnioyrblc adaptation oi \lartin‘x o\\ n magic t'calixt romantic tantaxj. no\ cl. (;I(I\L'(lit l-i/m Hint/rt. (i/uwoii. Sideways t 15i ..... t.-\lc\andcr l’a}tic. l'S llungar}. Zonal l’aul (iramattr. 'I‘homax lladcn ('hurch. Virginia .\ladxcn.
Sandra ()h. I: min. 'l'uo tcmpcramcntall} oppoxcd mrddlc agcd irrcndx hcad oil on a \xcck'x hr‘cak lll ('alrioiman \\ rrrc countr'). liciorc onc oi tlicm gctx marrrcd. ()rtc rx a xcli ]‘|l}llif_' doorccc and \xmc xnoh \lrlcx 1( iiamattr i. tltc othci hrx lottttct' collcgc roommatc Jack t( ‘lrurchi a \xaxhcdrup JV actor. \\ltoxc lookx arc iadmg. hut uho‘x xtrll cnthuxraxticall) chaxing aitcr ircxh romantic conqucxtx in thc \xcck oi hrx oun \xcddrng. l'nioldmg at a rc|a\cd tcmpo. and urrohtruxixcl) cditcd. Sir/mm \ ix a \xclcomc lhroxxhack to thc 1",“in :\mcrrcan cmcma oi lioh Raiclxon and Jcrr} Schat/hcrg. in part ximpl} hccauxc it rcmindx ux oi \xhat iuri it can hc to hang out \xrth gu}x ltkc .lack and \lrlcx ior a couplc oi hourx. (ir/nron/rr/lfi/J. (i/rrwou. Sisters in Law r ll.v\r oooo tlx'm longinotto tk l'lorcncc A} N. liirlam/ ('amcroon. Ziitiii lti4mm. laxcrriatirig docttttictii.rt'_\ \tlirch lookx at \\ hat ix going on hchmd tlic doon oi oltc xmall (‘amcroon courtlrouxc \tlicrc xlatc proxccutor \cra \gaxxa attd court prcxrdcnt licatrrcc \tuha arc hclpmg \mmcn m tltctr \luxlrm \illagc to tight caxcx oi ahuxc and rapc. (i/tixcun l'r/nr l/lt'tlllt. (i/(1\'\'Ilifi Ir/ni/rorm. l'a/III/tul'g/r The Soulkeeper tthcr tl)arin l'crrrola. 18'. Still] i Rodnc} Roxiland. Kcnn l’atrrck \\allx. Rohcrt |)a\r lii5mrn. ‘l‘hix corticd} ad\cnlur‘c lollo\\ x No do“ n-orr-thcrr-luck tltrc\cx ax thc_\ attcmpt to xtcal thc lcgciid.rr_\ Rock oi |.a/ar'ux. an ancicnt rcltc capahlc oi rcturnmg cx ll xoulx to cartlr l’art itl Jc‘\\lxlt l‘tlllt J'L'xll\.'tl. (innit/till; (i/thQrHt. Stay t l5r ... t.\lar'c l'ot‘xict'. l'S. IHHFi lzxxan .\lc(ircgor. R}an (ioxlrng. Katc liurton. \aomr \Vattx. 98min Scc t'c\ rcu. pagc 42. (it [If I'tl/ It /( (IH'. Strawberry and Chocolate r t5» r’l‘omax (iutrct't'c/ .-\lcarJuan (‘arlox 'l‘ahro. (‘uhax’chucoSpam. l‘Nii Jorgc l’crugorrra. \ Iadrmrr (‘r'u/. .\lrrta lharra. l liimrn. .-\ xtrarght (‘uhan xociolog} xtudcnt hccomcx [ltc ohicct Ul aiicctron lot’ a oldcr' ga_\ man. .'\x thcrr platonic iricndxlirp dc\ clopx. thc_\ iind thcmxclwx undct‘ prcxxur'c iroin tlic attrtudcx oi othcr irrcndx and irom thc political rcgrinc. \Vhat bcgrnx dclrhcratcl} in xtcrcot}prcal iaxhron xoon tranxccndx xc\ual and xocral boundarrcx and axxumptionx. l’art oi (‘uhan xcaxon. I'l/Hl/H’HH'. lat/inlturglr.
The Sun (Solntse) it‘tii oooo
-\lc\andct Sokurox. Ruxxra Ital} ’l~rancc \uit/ciland. .‘tILii lxxci Ugata. Rohcrt l).t\\xi‘ll. Kaorr \lomoi. Shrro Sarto ll5min lt‘x latc \uguxt l"4*. llrroxhrma and \agaxakr ha\ c bccn nukcd oii thc iacc oi tlic caith and Japan‘x do inc l-mpctor llrrohito It )gatat hut \xhcn (icncral
\lat \ithur nRohcrt liaxxxoni iorccx him to rcnouncc hrx do inc xtatux lltrolirto hcgmx to iccl thc \xcrglrt oi liix lcg.ic_\ l'hc third part oi \lc\andcr Sokurox 'x grcat Icadcrx tctralog} hoaxtx both a \xrdcr drxtrihutton than itx prcdcccxxorx and an almoxt ornatc hcauo \xluch hciitx itx \h-lllll‘k'l piccc gcnrc \ ixuall). Sokurox nodx to lx’cnihtandt. llcrculcx chthx and Ruhcnx. but hc allo\\x thc iilin'x x|o\\. trurct l’mtci quuc ih_\thm to hc drctatcd h) tlic minimalixt clcctionrca xoundtrack \xlirch
c lickx. \xhrrx and \l.lll\ x itx \\.i_\ to thc occaxronal outhurxt oi \\agncr or liach :\ umquc. mcxmcrr/rng. mad and l‘rillianll) mturtn c xtudx oi thc mundamtt oi hrxtot'}'x tttatcli (tum o. lt/m/rmg/r
:lr Sunday in the Country (Un dimanche a la campagne) tl’(ii tlicrtrand lawrnrcr. l‘rancc. l".\-1ilitlll\ l)trctcu\, Sahmc -\/cma. \lrchcl .'\tliiit\iil. (icttc\ rc\c \lrircli ‘Hmrn In rural I'rancc at thc ltlttt oi thc ccnlur}. an agcmg pamth rn\ itcx lirx iamrl_\ to hrx lrotixc. and in thc courxc oi onc xummcr day. thcrr iclatronxlirpx. grrcix and ilcctmg momcntx oi happmcxx atc c\plolcd in tcndcr dctarl. .t\ I\ [lit' litial'} qtlt'\llttil til lllt"\ rclatronxliip to art :\ lilting. contcmplattxc mo\ rc \xluch rc\ca|x a good dcal about la\crnicr‘x ouri outlook on hix Iric and “tillx. l’art oi thc chault l'rciiclr l‘lllll l'cxti\a|. (i/mgou Ill/n I/rt'rrln'. (i/muou. I’lllll/lrtllu'. Int/m/rurg/r
Syriana t lSi ... tStcphcn (iaghan. l'S. SUNS) Ka'uan .\o\ak. (icorgc ('Ioonc}. ('hrrxtophcr l’lummcr. Jclitc} \Vrrght. Matt Damon l27mm. Scc t'c\ ic\x. pagc 4i (it‘llr‘l'tl/ H'lf'tlH'.
Taxi No 921 1 ll:.'\ll.\1ll.lillilllll'ld. India. Zillim John Abraham. Nana l’atckar l25mm. ,-\ l.t\l dmcr il’atckari and a liuxmcxxman i:\l\t’;tli.ttlii both oi \tliom arc in nccd oi big hrcak. conxprrc \xrth unc\pcctcd iurm} and adwnturoux i'cxttllx (l '/ Ia/IIt/mrg/r. I'a/iIr/tlug/r.
Thelma & Louise r 15» oooo lthJlL'} Scott. 1'8. I‘Nl i Strxan ~Sarandon. (iccna l)a\rx. Ilar\c_\ Kcllcl. \ltchacl Madxcn ll‘lmm. 'l‘hc huddVroad mo\ rc gcnrcx arc turncd on thcrr' hcadx ax Sarandon and
HM ix gr'axp thc xtccr'mg \\ lich and licad oii lca\ mg a trail oi murdcr and ma}hcm m thcrr' \xakc ()ri ottc |c\ cl. tlic iilm ix thc critical catal}xt that had thc icmmrxtx cliccrrng and put thc xtarx on tlic coxcr oi Imu' riiaga/Inc; |li\l ax importantl}. rt‘x an acccxxrhlc piccc oi cnlct'tatntltcnt \Hlll c\cc|lcnt ccntral pcriormanccx. l‘rlmlrmm'. l'.l/lll/’lll""/I.
:3: These Foolish Things tl’( tr .... ilicrtrand 'lawrmcr. l'rancc. I‘M“) |)rrk Bogardc. Janc liir‘km. ()dcttc |.aui'ci lll7lttlit. SL’L’ :\lxo Rt'lcaxctl. pagc ~14 l’at'l til thc chault l'rcnclr l'lllli l'cxtnal. (i/mqmi l'l/Hl llmrm', (i/tiiumr .' lr/m/romr'. Ia/iIr/mru/r.
These Foolish Things ijoom r 15»
. lJtllta 'l'.r_\lor-Stan|c_\. l'K. Zoom Joxx ;\ckland. l.aurcn Bacall. /,oc ’l'appcr'. .-\ndrc\x I.rncoln 105mm Scc .-\lxo Rclcaxcd. pagc 44. ("Humor/d, lu/iIr/ruru/i. 13 (Tzameti) r 1M 0000 t(icla Bahluant. l‘rancc/(icorgia. 2005i (icorgc Hahluanr. l’axcal Bongard. Augm l.cgrand. l’hrlrppc l’axxori. ‘) imm. \thn poor rnrrmgrant Schaxtran iliahluanri ix lured to iix thc rooi oi an agcmg morphrnc addict (iodou tl’axxoni and hc chanccx upon a lcttcr oi rnxtructiorrx uhrch proimxcx lttl'lliiicx ll ll 1x olk‘} L'tl Schaxitan xtmli r‘calixcx hc ix m \xa} o\ cr lirx hcad. Structurcd to look and ich lrkc thc liltixl pcncrxc nightmarc. liahluam'x (Jt'hlll Ix a brilliant xhort iilm which hax hccn xtrctchcd into a xtrll mctmg icaturci Shot in thc blcakcxt oi monotoncx. it conjurcx onc oi thc moxt xadrxlrc. hi/arrc \rxionx oi an undcrground xocrct} in rcccnt crncmatic mcmory 'l'hix alxo hoaxtx an uni'orgcttahlc killcr txxixti Rccorittncndcd (i/usgmi I‘r'lm Thrill/1. (Huston.