
:2: L’Enfant (The Child) i t5. oooo lJean-l’ierre l)ardenne/l.m l)ardenne. Belgiurri/l-ranee. ZttttSi Jeremie Rexrer. Deborah l'raneoix 95mm. See intertieu. page ~11 and rL'\IC\‘~. page 4-1 l-r/mlrnuu Ia/inburg/r,

Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room W“: O... t:\le\ (ithrie). l'S. thttSi llllllllli l)(K‘lllllClllilr} tollouing the xtk'elaeulal eollapxe ol linron l'ootage xhottx ho“ imexlorx onl tiltlltonx. prmeiplex went out the motto“ and oril} the aetionx ll lhe \\lll\llL' hlouerx enxured lllL' lrtttttl \kax detected l’arl til the Sltt‘llield

International l)oeuriientar} l'extnal on lot”.

I-iIm/iuiiu'. Izrliirburulr.

Evil Aliens t txi oo tJake \Vexi. l'K. 2005i (’hrix .-\damxori. l'.lllll) Booth. Sam lluller ‘Hmm. See rexreu. page ~1l ()(ll'ml (ll Illt‘ Quin, (i/inwtti. [1']. Edinburgh.

:2: Exlls (Exiles) r t5» oooo i'l‘on) (iallil. liranee. 200-1) Romain l)lll'lx. l.uhria Alahal. l.etla .\lal\h|oul. llfimm. See USMC“. page 4|. I'I/Hl/ll'llu'. lit/inliure/i. Fateless (Sorstalansag) t l2:\l drum Koltai. llurigar}/(iermant/l'K. MUM .‘xlareell Nag}. Bela l)or'a. [40min .\lo\mg WWII drama about Hungarian Jeu x tranxpor'ted to eoneenlralrori eampx. 'l‘hix xtor'}. \xhieh ltK‘lle'x on a )oung ho} \\lltth‘ lather ix taken aua}. ix haxed on the Inn el h} lmre KertexI. l’art ol the Jeuixh l'ilm l't'xllHll. (il‘uxt'l'llltl‘, (i/(HQUH.

Festen t IS) oooo t'l‘hoiiiax \r'mierhcrg (ier'titart). l‘fllh‘t llitimiri. Made under the banner ol' Dogme 05. a duel dictum ol “hieh lilmie manilexto ix that the inner |i\ ex ot' the eharaeterx inuxt juxtrl'} the \x'orkingx ol the plot. in thix eaxe the xtor'_\ til at eouritr) houxe party giten to eelehrale the (illlh hirthda} ot' rieh patriareh llelge Klitlgt‘ttleltll. 'lenxtotix xttl‘l‘ace helot‘e long and a dixtur'hirig laiiiil} xeeret ix revealed. l’art ol~ lntrmluetion to liuropean (‘inema xeaxoii. I'iliii/ioiisi'. [Jilin/iiirulr.

Final Destination 3 t t5) oo

(Jamex Wong. l'S. Zttttlit Mar) lili/aheth Wiiixtead. R}an Merriman. llar‘rix .-\llari. ()(lmin. The third time out the lattil dexliriation ix at an arnuxeritent park. 'l'xxo wordx ‘diriiinixhing r'eturnx'. (ierreml I‘i'll'uu'.

Flesh t l8) C... (Paul .\lorr'ix,xe_\. l'S. l‘NiXt Joe l)allexxandro. (ieraldine Smith. l’alti l)'.-\rhan\ ille. 86min. Boaxtirig more of a xtor'y-line thari many of the pt‘odttetx ol the Warhol laetor) in the late I‘lottx. .\lorrixxL'_\ 'x lilm l'ollotx'x l)allexxandro ax. um. Joe. in hix weird and \xonderl'ul progrexx through the junk underworld. Part of (‘inema .-\i't xeaxon. l‘l/NI/IUHH'. Edinburgh.

The Fog t l5t O. tRuperl

Wain“ right. (‘anada/l'S. 2005) Selma Blair.

DeRa)‘ l)a\ ix. Maggie (iraee. Tom Welling. 100mm. Stilted and hoke} remake ol John (‘arpenter'x I‘lh‘t) horror elaxxie. (ieiierul release.

Innocence/A Ma Soeur

Football Like Never Before ~l illellrriuth (‘oxtartl (ierrriam. l‘t"l>

ltt‘rriiti 'l‘hix highl} L‘\[K'fllllL' tilrrr uax the tirxt ot rlx Lind l;\eluxi\el_\ tolloxxirig (ieorge llext'x moxex during a l‘t‘ttx \l.lllLllL'\lL'l l'rirted \erxux (‘o\entr} llltllxll. it oilerx unparralled irixrght into the thinking heliirid the tooluork l’art ol l’lariet

l'oolhall l'ti’Iii/roiiu, l‘a/iIr/taIe/r

Fun with Dick and Jane « I: \i

C. tl)eari l’arxrot. l"\'.21tti5i.lirri (‘ar'rey 'lea l.eorii. .-\lee lialdurri ‘Ntiiim 'l'hrouri out oi \xork and onto the hreadhrie during the doteorii eollapxe. l)l\lx t(‘ar‘r'e_\r and Jane Il,eoriri rixk the drxrriaritlirig ol their dream houxe h} ereditorx unlexx the} eati make a laxt huelt. leading them irito xueh anti-xoeial inanitiex ax doing o\ er hariltx and dr'exxirig up ax Bonn) and ('her. \iith ('arre} ax ('her l.eoni prex tottxl} dtxpla}ed a natural gilt tor eorrted} in Jamex l. llrookx‘ S/uirie/rxli. hilt \\ itli (litre) pla}iiig to the haek mm and he_\ond. xhe hax little ehoree hill to deiiieari herxell lit a gur'mrig eorripetitron Suhxtitutirig xlapxtiek lor xalire. (litre) r'ellirnx to hix ruhhetxtaeed rootx. and xadl}. that mearix rio tun at all tor aii_\orie old enough to read Se/i t in! ie/i rm Garden State « IS» ooo «/,aeti limit. [3. :le-l) Xaeh llr'all. l’eter Sar'xgaard. Natalie l’orttriari. lari llolirt llIerirn

.-\ridr'e\\ lairgemari tllratt't relurrix to hix littlllt‘ltmn lll NC“ .lL'l'xt‘) lltlltmlllg lllL' unexpected death ol hix mother Suttermg lrom drug \\lllltll’;t\\.ll x}mptomx. he hax to laee hix old trieridx arid hix \xeird. dorriineering quaek ol a lather" tllolrrit. But the poxxihrlit} ol r‘omanee \xith Rook} tree xpirit Sam tl’or'triiarit perxuadex him that ma}he there ix lllt' he}ond prexeription ptllx. lakeahle. llaued. oeeaxxronall} hr'tlhanl ehai'aeter' drama that go ex a\\a_\ itx eonxiderahle gamx in itx linal third .-\ er} trig xhatite (ilmgou I'i/m Ilii'iiire. (iliixeou, Geordie it t .0. thank launder. l'K. l‘355t Bill 'l‘i'axer'x. .-\laxtair' Sim. \oi'ah (iorxen. ‘Nmirt. launder and (iilliat'x eomie lahle tellx lit" a Seoltixh \\ eakling \\lllt xupx hix porridge to the e\terit that. one da}. he ix able to hurl the hammer at the ()l_\mpiex. l"ul| ol' old-laxhioried ehar'm. XI It’riili' '\ ('eiiire. lat/iii/riire/i.

Gie tthet tRir‘i Ri/a. lndoriexia. Ztttt5t .\'iehoIax Saputr'a. Jonathan .\lu|ta. 'l‘homax .\'a\\ilix. ('hrixlian .-\udi. Ill-’rritii. Biopre haxed on the Journal ol' (itlx Indonexiari

aeti\ ixt Soe llok (lie. The lilm l'olloux him from hix da_\x ax a hixlor) xtuderil. \xlien hix “orld xtretehed hetueen politiex and hix per'xonal lite. to hix eonxtanl hattle tor iuxtiee and truth \\ illi dielator'ial regiiiiex. through lo\ e and on to hix death. aged 2”. at the xummit ol' the highext mountain in law. (ii/iiini'e/ii/lU/I. (i/iiwim.

Good Night, and Good Luck mm C... t( ieorge ('loorte}. Japaii/l‘ranee/

l'K/l'S. 2005) [Lo id Slrathair‘n. Roher't Donne) Jr. (ieorge (‘Iooney l’alr'ieia (‘larkxon l‘rank l.;lligt‘ll;l. Ra) \Vixe.

Great double bill matinee action with this thoughtful pairing of Lucile Hadzihalilovic’s bizarre and brilliant girls’ boarding school fantasy (pictued) and

“21111” Journalixt and l‘i't‘.ttl\.t~le'l l d lx‘ \lur'roxx 'x earripargux \xere man; and tan handed hut he ix xttll hext krrourr tor lint l~ Imafoii. hix \\orld \\ar ll radio xhou arid hix tight to xtop the red xeare that gripped the l S in the I‘l‘ttx tourtex} ot \errarorx \le(‘arth_\ and (‘ohn It rx the latter period

that direetor (‘loorrex ehooxex to .oriterrtrate

on in hix modext xeeorid leature loi (‘lix \liirroxx. l'rrendl) and the entire xtatt ol the eurrent atlarrx \lltm \ti 1: the eoxt xxax huge. hut the do rderidx \xeie greater It _\ou tare "that good llt‘\\x earrriol eorrie trorri l‘ad praetne‘. tlteri thix \\ ill xend trriglex dour; _\our xpirie Si [ft m if n It ii\(

Grand Hotel «M ii .0. ll dmurid (ioulding, l '5. l" l: ( irela (iatl‘o. loati ('ia\\tord. John ltarrxrriore ll‘rrirn llaxed ori \ iekr llaum'x pla} and rroxel. thrx all xrai \ehtele ix a portriiariteau tilm \\ tlll erixx L‘ltixxlllg‘ and iriterxxeaxirig lrx ex (iarho arid (‘r‘auior'd \ re lot the liriielight and l torrel li.ii'i'}tiioit' and \\all.iee lleer} put in .ippeat’atte ex Xi oiwimr \. I: l time R. um: lat/iii/tiirg/i

Heavenly Chocolate Oscars Party See \\ ho getx the xtatuettex thix teat iii the eomlor't ot the l‘lllllllttllxt' har \pet ial eoriiplirrieutar} r'eteptrori drink and thot x on .irr'nal arid rriueh more l’rotitx to

\\.i\ ell} (Kite, ll/I'I/II'HH. Ialrtr/riug/t Heroes and Villains \lote than jtttttt rrio\ iex ha\ e heeri made about iourrialrxrii .-\t thix e\eril aeaderrire and media eoiitrrierilator' llr'tan \le'\.lll prexerilx an illuxtrated rexieu ot the hext ot the hrg xer'een haekx. tolloxx ed h) a xereeriing ot (ii’i’l/Illg'lll (Ull/ (rillti/ [JUL (IithJl‘H ll/Itl I/Ii'llll'l'. (i/m L’Hll.

:1: Hidden (Cache) t t5» ooooo t.\liehae| llanelte. l‘l.lll(t‘rx\llxll'l;t,(it‘llllall} ltal}. Ztltl5i Daniel .-\uteuil. Juliette llinoehe. \laurree lleriieliou. \nnie (iirardot. l.exter' \lakedorixk} ll"rriiri (ieot‘gex t.-\uteuilt the pr'exenter ot a lllL‘'_\ re\ ie“ prograrrtrrie on l't'eueh 'l'\'. and hix piihlixher' \\ rte Anne ilimoehei reeeix e paekagex eontainirrg \ tdeox xliot outxide their niee xtthur'han houxe. '\x the tapex arid the dramrigx the} eorrie mapped in heeoriie more perxonal and alarrrimg. (leorgex hegirix to loxe hix mind llanelte hax alua} x dilluxed poleritie through the llilixl per'xorial til \Ct‘lllllh“. Hull/Ht tx .t tle\.txl.tltllg.

grdd) trig e\arriinalron ol middle elaxx xmugrtexx. the burden ol the paxt and the tlL‘L‘pl} Ul‘JL‘CllUlllll \Cll Ulixt'xxltttlx til llit' llllk‘llL‘k‘llltll, llL‘dlllllllll) tlL'lL‘tl. [‘tlL‘Ctl. Ctlllt'tl and directed. ll “1” leat e _\ou gaxpmg and perple\ed ax all great eiriema xhould. ll )ou \\ ant to kno“ \xh} RH l-r'eneh ltt\\llx and eittex burned in ()etoher arid \owrnher' ol IONS. the anxxx er ix here. .S'e/u red re/em. The Hills Have Eyes r t.xi ooo t.-\|e\aridre .-\‘|a. l'S. Ztlttlii .-\arori Staiiloi'd. Kathleen ()umlari. \iriexxa Shaxx Ill-mm. SCL‘ l'L‘\ it“. [‘ilfJL‘ -l l. (Ii/ll I'il/ I'l’/l'i1\l

:31 Holy Lola t ISI tliertrand laxernier. l'il'llllL'C. 3Uth lxttlk'llt' (iill'l‘k'. .l.’l\'t]llt‘\

Catherine Breillat's provocative portrayal of teenage female sexuality. Highly recommended.

I Cameo. Edinburgh (Sun 72 Mar only).

48 THE LIST 2—16 Mar 2006

tiarrrl‘lirr lll‘tll‘a‘ l‘t:'..'i;'.t. \l.:::.-. l‘:t.;:rex lf‘rr‘ar‘. lleaitl‘roker‘. l‘:e::e

it i.:llll‘lttl arid lx.~.l\'lte t a::e are iara'fVie written: arid trawl to \xza rr‘. arr attempt to adopt Hut hetore tltex ear' \er\ ta:

tlret 'te toritrorrted \\ rtl‘. torr‘apl .ztitfioirtiex arid dtaholrtal t rtltl llallleixill,‘ arr-x “hair harrrper their ettortx tr: Il‘izx eitrotwrra}

drattra l’art ot the Renault l zezr. l‘ l :Ezr: lextr\al luau. r / /r-i ti [Mir/L 4H

Humko Turnse Pyaar Hai rtx lit;t‘.l\ \oorriia lrrdra It'll" llohlm lleol \rriii: Rallil‘al. \rrrixha l’atel liltll\‘.\in‘\l prexerrlatrorr Mfr .rv: t: In (At .,.. r, (rungi'e.

Intermezzo rl‘tir ooo \lolarider. \uetlerr lttm (.oxta l l.i:..e:i lliga lull‘latl. ltig'tttl lletfttrat‘. "ltrriri (irlted \rolitrrxt l kittair errrlrarkx or: a

paxxioriate. adultetoux .ittarr \\ itir lrrx lalettred attotttparirxt lit‘l.'2ll.tll \\ hrle tlre\ etrro} the itltllit rapturex ol xlre xoorr tealrxex the ltitilit_\ ol their lrarxoit arid .lllt‘\\\ him to retttrrr to lrrx torso ‘llz‘ mute aiid thtldrerr \\ell .ittetl, rriixerrtirzrerrtal rrielodrarria. \krrtteir arid tlrret ted '.\ rtlr xorrre xerrxiti\ ll}. three tearx hetore th.~ radrarrt llt‘lj.‘|ll.tl1\t'lttlllitlllirl\‘.\tmtl \‘ Hana \ (ii If.'/( /.."it."':ii.'r':

The lpcress File it’th oooo man.» ,| ltirre.l l\. l‘Ni‘u \lithael ('airre. \l:'t'l (ireert. ( iu_\ llolerriari. \ue l loxd, ( .ortlori .l.l\l\\l‘ll l‘lfillllll lhe 11er and hext ot the Hair} l’altiret tliirllerx xttll teelx ltexlt alter all tliexe )eah .ix l eii llerghtort x lead eharaeler ix led itito a hinterland ot \ roxx. doithle troxx arid hrairi \\.ixl|lll‘.' iii tit ix loiidort \x tool ax .i riiod'x lapelx tharikx rii part to xorrie great .ltlllli'. lxeii \darii'x .lllll llorrd xel dengrr arid duet tor ltirie'x hip trixptred diretliori. thix ix a 5 ~\ noth

re\ txitirig on a llt‘\\ prrrit \ .u'wiizi:

.\i In Irina: ["1 min, It.’ir:/r.‘ir;;/:

It All Starts Today 1.?» ooo illertrarid la\eirrrer. l rarite. I‘M": l’hilrppe 'lotreloti ll\riiiu llte xtoit ot .I llltlxt'l\ xthool leather ll}lllL‘ to tope lll a northern l'tetieh lt\\\ll ol hrgli ltrierriplottiierit arid dexpaitrng pom-rt} ix told here h} llertrarrd 'l.t\etttter \kith hix ltxual e}e lot detail lhere'x a leeliiig. houe\er. that |.i\ertiter helle\ex he‘x tellrtig ux \ttlllt'llllllt' rieu llI laet. lilrriiiiakerx ha\e retenth heeri llll‘l‘lll‘.’ o\er theirixehex to tell ux hon proxtrate the region hax heeorrie l’art ot the Renault l'terieh l'lllll l exti\a| (ii'mwr: him

[/11 (NH (ii’i.'\;'ii'.t

It’s Nice Up North IN Iohri Sltltltleuorth. l K. :llll-ll ‘Nllltlll (orrtrt litlll‘ Shuttleuotth xetx oltt to pro\ e the theor_\ that people are lrreridh the turther riorth tori :‘o m thix doeurrieutar} xet ill the \hetlarid lxlex (i/liwuu Iii’IiI //r:ii.'ii (iii/van:

Keeping Mum I<r oo I\tall .lohtixoii.l K. Stilt“ Rouari \tkiiixori Krtxtiii Stotl 'l‘horiiax. \l.t‘..‘:'lt' \rrrith. l).llll\l\ S\\a_\/e llttriiiri \ deranged laller iSmithi. the philaudeirrtz' \kllt' r\tolt

'l homaxi ol a par'ixh ‘. l\-ll \ll.lll\ttllt and a \t‘}t'tlllxllt g'lill [\llt lttllldllti .tll :‘t'l lltl‘u'tl tip lll xorrie triatahre hut lllllll\ e\ettlx lir‘exotiie xuh lzalirig toured} liu Ia/iir/tiii'u/i ()l um, /.i/l/!/’Ill'.j/.’ Kidulthoodi 15.000 t\letihat lltida. :llllht -\llll \lllt‘k'll. Rt'tl \lmllt‘ll. \Ht'l ('lat'lte. Jarriie \\ rrixlorie ‘llriiiri \ee

mter‘\ text. page Mt. and to text. page ~12

hi ll 1 It i/ It [If iiu

III ["627 i l‘t O... l'r‘attee. l‘NIi lhdter lie/ate. (harlotte Kad}. lara (iutrao liliriiiri lawrrrrerk tough ehlotitele ol a l’arrxrart drug xiiitatlx dogged tight agairixt the tide ol ll.tll|\l.lll‘.‘

tliertrarid l.t\t'llllt'l.

alxo hilx out at the pelt} hureaueratj. ‘-‘.illllll the ll‘lLC that xtopx the topx trorri properlx dorrig their ioh (hill) and lt'.tllxlle. rt'x not a million kilorrietrex .t\‘..t_\ trorri a xort ot (iallu Hill Slim 1 liliu \ l’art ol the Renault lrerieh l-rlm l'extnal (r/il\L’IIl‘. /r/nr Ilium. (i/iixgiirz. Ir/Iri/iuiixe /,i/l/1/)lll;'/I

Check out the

on paqet3