Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to comedy® Listings are compiled by Rachael Street.


Jongleurs Comedy Club Jottglt‘tHS. l'(i(' lititlditig. Renlreu Street. 03“" S7li7ti7. Spin. £7 ii. (ieott \Vhiting keep\ tlte laughx rolling tti tlte eoiiipan} ol Siiiioti li ('otter. .Mark Mater and exuberant :\llllpixlctllt Jarred ('hrixtiiiax.

The Thursday Show 'l'lie Stand. 333 \Voodlatidx Road. (LS-70 (thl (4)55. Sfilipiii £(i i£3 £5). 'l‘he Reiereiid ()hadtah Steppenwille Ill delnerx inore eoiiied} L'tlllilllitlttllllcltiS. \Hlll Support troin Stephen ('arhn. l)e\ Meleaii. John Dixon and Jane Maeka}.


Big Word Performance Poetry ’l‘lie lt'Ull. ‘) Hunter Square. High Street. 33(t (Ni 1. t)plti. £3 t£2 i. More ereatne otie~ rh}nier\ iroiii Reading poet .-\l' Harrold. loothall lo\et' .-\l;tStlttll' l’indla}. .-\tid} Merr} aiid Miehael Me(iill. Hoxted h) Jeni Rollx atid Jenn} l.llttlS;l},

The Thursday Show the Stand. 5 York l’laee. 55S 7272. 0pm. Hi t£i £5i. ('hilled- ottt ('anadian Seati (‘ollinx take\ to the limelight. plux tnore li'oiii hand} Bruniiiiie Sinait Murra). Mark lh'atehpieee. Matt} tk .Martitt and lioxt .loe lleenan.

The Snatch Social The |.iquid Rooni. 9e \'ietoria Street. 235 250-1. l lpiii .iaiii. £5. ('onied} eaperx li‘oiii lldt't‘} .-\in\\\otth and Ton} (‘arter at this eheek} eaharet— L'llltt-tliSL‘U. Bahex aitd 'l‘rend) \Veitd) litionthl} resident) \ttppl} hip ltop attd l'ttttk} tunes. ('heek Slttllt'ltSUCltll.L‘Ulll lot‘ more inl‘o.


Paddy McGuiness: The Dark Side l’axilion 'l‘heatt'e. l3l Rettlield Street. 333 lS-ih. 0.45mi]. £l-1.5ll. Solo Slit)“ lroiii tlte other Star of .llttt d” Midi/V's Road to .\'oti'/iert‘.

Jongleurs Comedy Club Jotigleltl'S. l'(i(‘ litltldittg. RL‘ltlt'L‘“ Street. ()S7ll7 S7ll7ll7. .S'pni. £l3. See Thu 3.

The Stand The Statid. 333 Woodlaiidx Road. “870 (will) 0055. 8.30pm. LS (£7 l. Hoxtexx Jane Maeka} \xeleontex quirk} ehappie Stephen ('arlin. l)e\ Mel.ean. Bethan} and a lit) xter} guext headliner.


Jongleurs Comedy Club JtillglL‘ltl'S. ()lttltt (t‘ttll‘C. (it'eettxide l’laee. (ix-7H7 .S'7ll7ll7. Spin. £l(). Kidx’ entertainer John R)an Slith oil hix more mature \ide iii the eonipan} oi .\'oel Britten atid itiee lad Neil lk‘lttlttt‘t‘e.

Patrick Kielty Queen'x Hall. ('lerk Street. (ioS 2tll‘). tS‘pni. £l-1.5ll i£l3i. 'l'he uixeeraeking ll‘tSltlttdlt. \\lio\ more at home ltoStitig tlte likeS ol~ ( ‘t'lt'ln'ili' [.UH' I.\/(1Il(/ thexe da} \. t'L‘ltlt‘ttS to Sldlttl—llp \\ ith ltix tie“ \ho“ .\'o llimttm .\'o ('r\.

The Stand The Stand. 5 York Place. 558 7272. t)pni. £.S’ t£3i. ('harnting ('anadtaii Sean (‘ollinx jtilltS loud-itiotithed Brutiiniie Suxan Murra}. Mark Bratehpieee. Matt} & Martin atid hoxt StlSdtt Mon‘ixon.

Saturday 4


The Mighty Boosh l’ax iliott 'l‘heatre. |3| Retilield Street. 332 ltS'Jo. (i.-15pni. £ltS‘5tl. Surreal (timed) \torie\ and itteattdering talex ot‘eont'uxiott t‘roin Noel Fielding and Julian Barratt. eurrentl} eauxing hame on BB('3. See teature. page l6. Jongleurs Comedy Club Jongleuix. l'(‘i(‘ Building. Renl‘re“ Street. tlS'ti" 870707. .S‘ptn. £l3. See Thu 2. Saturday Night Liver The State Bar. 148 Holland Street. 333 NW. 9pm. £6 (£5i. The lntprohabhle Coated) Pla} erx present tnore sketches arid Spontaneoux tun.

\taritng (‘hrix litooiiitield. l‘lal‘ttt'S lleaij.. .'\tl\lllt lam atid eonipete Bill} lit‘likt'h The Stand 'l'he Statid. 1“ \\oodland\ Rum]. ith-ll (ii Ni (ii is; ‘qim L lll {S. Sgt- l'ri i


Jongleurs Comedy Club .Iongleau. ()naii ('entre. (iieenxtde l’late. HS" '2 Vim!" Spin £l3 .See I it i

The 'l-llL' \lalttl. \Hlk l’laee. 23\

"3‘3 Uptii £lllt£Si See l‘ll


The Mighty Boosh l’ax ilion llteatie. l3l Renlield Street. :‘3 ISM («15pm USS“. See Sat 4 Michael Redmond’s Sunday Service The Stand. UR “oodlandx Rnth ii\"ii (mo N55. S3”ptii. £4 i£l £3i Mote unpolixhed genix troin lti'itttnnie .Suxan Murra}. PlllS Mark liratehpieee. Rim Baillie atid hoxt Mieliael Redtiiond


Whose Lunch is it Anyway? the Stand. 5 York l’laee. 55S "2‘3. lpiii. l‘tee Battixh that morning-alter teeltng with .i dme ol tree tlortiti laughter ttoiii llll[‘lti\ xtarx l’attl (it'aliattt attd Sttiart Murph} The Sunday Night Laugh-In lltt‘ Stand. 5 York l’laee. 55S "3‘3. Si‘ll‘iii. £-1 l£l £3i. (iregarioux hoxt Hruee l)e\ lin “L'lt'UIIlCS Stephen (’arlni and lietltan} to the Stage.

Monday 6


Jerry Springer: The Opera King\ 'l'heatre. 297 Bath Street. 34“ l l I 1. 7.30pm. U I £34. The eontro\et\ial htit itiei'edihl} popular opera \ii‘itten h} Steuai't

lee and lx’i.l:.::.i l'fioit:a~ heads Lip riotth 2:: all llS “t'Sl l Iltl g‘lt‘lk \t't' Rani l‘ag't‘ l" Words 8. Music Performance Poetry Night Satiatiei l)o'.\ 'x. h— 'l \ztttuiale Road. ~l31i'lil" \I‘Zt‘. tl tongue tastes trottt Hi; \\oid lioxx .lein Rollx l‘lth giiexts

Dance, Monkey Boy, Dance the Stand. *1: \\t‘t‘\ll.tlltl\ Road. llS‘H N W till“ S illptti £1 leaiii \lonke} thettei

ltgnex arid

ktiouti a\ Sand} \elwti. \llen (‘lialznetx l’aul l’ttte. l)e\ \ltl ean and lx’a_\ti‘.oiid \lL‘.tttt\i Spite up \lotida} ttiglit “till tiiote \i‘tiltlaltt'i‘th \keteliex. llltl\l\ and '


Red Raw llie Stand. * \oik l’late. “S “3‘3 S illptii £1 \ ladiiiiii \l. l.i‘-l\ll

llt\ itex a liatidltil ot toined} ltopeltil\ onto the \tand tip Stage

Tuesday 7


Jerry Springer: The Opera lx'ing'x lllL‘dllL'. 2"" Hall] \llt'k'l. 21H l l ll _ illpin Lll 11-1 See \lon it Red Raw llie .Staiid. i11\\oodland\ Road, tix‘ii (\lNl (loss x liipm {j igli ,Ste\eti l)iek atid .lattite \tideiwii Show a

gaggle ol llL'\\\Hlllt‘l\ the eonied} iope\


Melting Pot 'I lie Stand. 5 \oik l’Iaee. SSS "3“ S lllpni LR t£3 5“ Lb \ot quite the etilttiial inelange ptopoxed li_\ I‘Vllx popxtet‘x liltie Mink. l‘lll a ehanee tot Seotland'x l'lSlltj: \ldlS to \hou olt tlieti \lth'l theatre pieeex. \xitli the “lttltt't tlt't'ttlt'tl l‘_\ lllL' .ttltllt'ltt‘t'

Wednesday 8

Glasgow Jerry Springer: The Opera Kingk

If you feel exhausted watching Gina Yashere in

action, you should try being her. It can't be easy living life as a human juggernaut of jokes. You may have seen her on the last Celebrity Fame Academy, but chances are you weren’t at one of her most recent gigs, entertaining the troops in Iraq. One brave girl there.

aarage. 7iasgo.:. t.-. ',

liteaiie. 2W Halli Siteet. I-ltl l l l l

1HptttA S zllptti Ll l :14 See \lott ti Melting Pot lllL' Sldlkl. 2“: \\\‘\‘\Htlli\l\ Road. “V” (“Ni Ml.“ S zllpiti L5

:3 i” sit See lite 3


Dance, Monkey Boy, Dance the Stand. \otk l’laee, “S ~323 .S ‘sllpttt 1‘

e- ‘H t ii See Mott it

Thursday 9

Glasgoe. Stand Up, Drink Up liluu. 5H ltotigate. \lettltant (in. SIS l :ill 2 illptii 1" Neil \lan \lttlt'lSt'lt .itid latte} (iodlex lead HHS totn aiotiitd the \leitliant (‘it_\ \ l\.it\. \xlieie toii'll tind a dttleient tontedian peitottiiing at eaeli Stop l'ttrf or (tang In}: Matti. Una ( tutti .[i lt'\i'1l .tz' Jerry Springer: The Opera KIIigK lheatie. 2"" Bath .Stteet. Jill I I ll 2 illptti Lll L ;»1 See Mott M Vladimir McTavish: 60 Things Scotland Gave the World Ilte Stand. :::\\.i..,11.m,l\ Road, tiS‘ti (\llll no“ ‘3 illptti Ut it‘ll llie lilonde lN‘lltl‘SltL‘ll look\ at the hotiie tiation\ titlllltl‘llllHHS to glol‘al tlllllllt‘ tilt I Elaine C Smith llieatie l\’o\.il. 3S3 Hope Street. “3 Will“ Spin ' Ll i 5” 9.155“ \ elidltt \' [H gel tip \‘litSt‘ atid [‘L'lStiliJl “Hit the Seotttxli queen ot eoiited} (i/t ‘/ Jongleurs Comedy Club .liittg‘lt‘tllS. l'( i(' Building. Retilieu Street. “Sill” .S“ll“ll“, .S'pni. £2 \lagieal lll.t}ltt'llt liotii l).tltlt} Hueklei. \\ith eoitieth \tipport ttoiii eto\\ d pleaxer Stew ll.tlt|\. Mteliael Meliit}ie atid Heanden liaiitet lllL‘ISIt‘l \t'tl \lel ailatie (i/( ‘/ Paul Pirie 8. Keir McAllister: Dare you Seesaw? the Hall Hat. ltio \\'oodl.itid\ Road. 1*3‘N‘Hi. Sptit U) i£>1 i, \Vltdl do )ott get ll )0” etoxx t\\o l)lllttl\tlil.tlt\ aitd a elaxxte pla}gtotnid ride :\ eotiied} \ltti\\ u itlt a \xaek) title. ol eotn'xe. (i/( ’l. Sex, Chips and Ouzo St x\lltltt'\\ \ in the Sqtiaie. St .\iidie\\ \ Square. 55‘) 50ll3. Spin. Lll t£‘)i. .lotti Moira arid Sadie on then littlltld} to ( '_\prtt\ tti \eaieh oi Sltll. \tiogx attd Sparkl} litiiil‘ ltlltt‘S. “S the "(ix all met again, (il( ‘I You Owe Me Glue ltlaekliiatx. to Bell Street. “hall “I i Sift-1 Spin. £(i i£5i 'loni Ht‘ogatt aitd l‘ltISL‘l (‘atiipliell'S \tirreal \ketelt \liou t'eturiix. (//( 'l-. The Big Bluu Comedy Gong Show lilllll. SH ’l'iotigate. \lereliant (at). MS l ‘5”. “pin. l't'ee. Seott .-\giie\\ hmtx lltlS 'liixt paxt the goiig‘ e\tr.'i\agaii/a tti \ihteh burgeoning eotiied} ldlt'lllS It} to mm the eroud. \\'tth \tlltpttl'l lroiit Sit\an (‘altiiatL l)e\ Melean. Ra}itiotid Mearnx atid .latie} (iodley (il( 'I. Boothby Graffoe llte Stand. iii \\tititll;i|itl\ Road, “8‘” (till) (i055, ‘l. illpni. £S i£"i. More loxeahIe uhniix} atid tiixetittxe eotiiie \oiigx lrotti the lllllSlt'ttl lilttL'SllU. (i/( 'l'.


The Thursday Show 'I lie Stand. 5 York l’laee. 555 "3'2. ‘lpiii. £(i t£z £5i. Sean l’erenal |Hllt\ eoitied} loreex \xitli \ktil‘tl- tu ixter Stephen (‘arlin. (illS "limxe and lIHSL‘lilL'MillS litixl .loe Heetiait.

The Snatch Social the Liquid Room. We \‘ietoria Street. 225 3504. I lpiii .iaiii. L5. SL‘L‘ 'l‘lttl 2.

Glasgow Watson’s Wind-up (iltthtnk l'llllt 'l'lieatre. l2 RHSC Street. 333 .SI3S lpiii. l’ree hut tieketed. 'l‘opieal eoined} tun at the reeordnig ot Bli(' Seotlaitd'x popular Sketeh Shim \tarriiig Jonathan Watxon. (il( 'I. Them with Tails '1 lie Stand. U3 \Vtitidlantk Rtiud. UPS-til) ()lil) “USS, 4.3llpni.£(H£Ji;£15l;iiiiil}.Sill} tale\ and lar~tetehed lt'i\tilll_\ lHr ztgeS 5+. (il( ‘l-.

Jerry Springer: The Opera King‘s 'l‘heatre. 3‘)" Bath Street. 240 l l l l. “.Sllptn. £ll £34. See .Moii (i.

'4 " ’.'::' 2 THE LIST 37