utuc \xith ux llU“ nn .1 tuut'uc} tht‘uugh tune and \ptu'c.' 'l‘htx l\ thc whom. tltmtu—latlcu \ntcc \\llll gt'cctx l\ \lmwrx ml Hui/131m Ilium/i .‘\ll\l qtutc .tlt al‘l‘l‘t‘l‘t‘tatc t‘I‘L‘ttct' t‘ut‘ lltl\ mun lut tn a tbatuu‘ on them. So. \\a} hack m the late ‘ltlx. the} mac
the ultimate cult tluuhlc act. \umputg auattlx autl acclaim hit their \cuu-\ttt‘t'c.tltxtu‘ uuaguuugx. gutting cumul} \\l'|llCll almut tht'ut tlt thc \t_\lc map and hctug wlcl} t‘cxpuuxtl‘lc tut hutuutu' hciug thc ncu t‘wlt'u't'ull tagatnt. 'l‘hox were \'u‘ and Buh in thc 'l'utllght /nuc. (h' tua_\hc (lilhct't autl (lcut‘gc. hatl thc .u'tlxtx lwcu tutu glam ruck and tan luuk ut‘ lllk‘\\lll:_‘ .u‘uuutl \xuh auuualx antl \Utlkltltl. \Vc caught up \\lth Noel lacltling and Julian llarratt uu thcu’ hall \wt'ktug. ahumt-ht‘ukut utuhilc photth \xhtlc thox tattlul around the natiuu’x tuutumap nu thcu’ tuxt lull l'K tuut‘. 'l'hmc ut~ ym \xhu arc th\tut'lwtl at the
pt'mpcct ul' cutcrtug the mind ut a hallut'tuatutg:
. \\tt\ i \l nultl lnuk a\\a\ mm. The Mighty Boosh are ' l '
' ’ It looks like a tough old life being in The the CloseSt thlng tOday 8 Mighty Boosh. Have you ever had any
Comedy has to the serious injuries in the course of your comedic duties?
Of Noel Fielding: 'l'hcrc‘x a policcutan in thc \lttm. a cup called Big Lug \x'hmc lch are a giant plank
ul~ utiutl \\ ith wmc tt'uuxcrx MCI" it. In our \L'L‘llL' funny men he lll'l'L‘\IL‘kl utc and I tuixjutlgctl it \xhcu thc light
went into In} c_\c\ and thc \\(NKl hit me \u'alght
On in the chin and mail} kuuckctl tuc (HL'I'. It all
.,,§'Julian Bl‘rratt (left) and Noel
Fieldinggre the Boosh. Also appear!“ on stage are friends like Bollo and Naboo (opposite. top)
16 THE LIST LT—‘tti Mar 3006