Cheaper by the Dozen 2 il’( II

l)uIl_\' II 55.00. 310. 4 *0

Chicken Little II‘I

liullx IIIKIuIII. IIIIIIII. Hill. 300. 400: 400 500 000. "00 000 :\l\II lulu l'll A; \ui ll WI

The Chronicles oi Hamia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe Ii’l II

l)ull_\ ll 00.00. 3 00. 5 00. HIM .-\l\II luic l‘ll Ik Sui llliil

The Constant Gardener I I 5 I

l)ull_\ HIM

:\l\II lIIlL' l'il IK Sui Derailed I I5I Hull) ‘).50

.'\l\(i luit' l'il Ik Sui l3 30.0“ Final Destination 3 I I5I

Dull} ll 50.00. 3 35. 4 50. ‘) -l5. lll l 5

.'\l\(i luII' l‘l'l & Sui l3 l5uIlI Fun with Dick and Jane I | 2.\ I |)uIl_\: l|.45uIII. 3 I5. 455. 705. .'\l\(i lulu l'l'I & Sui IIIIIlIIIghi. Harry Potter and the Goblet oi Fire I | 2.\ I l).IIl_\: I350. 4.35.

Little Polar Bear: The Mysterious Island

|| I0

I) 40


Dull}: ||.i0;IIII. 3|5. MunichII5I

l)ull} 4.30. 7.55.

.'\l\() lulu l‘l'i Ik Suii ll 35

Humour Has it I I2.»\I

Hull}: 7.45. I005

.'\l\(i lulu l‘l'i Ik Sui: l3. 5lluill.

Walk the Line I I2.-\I

Dull}: I.l0, 4.I0. 7.10. l0.l0. Zathura II’(iI

Hull): Il.55uIII. 3.35. 5.05. 7.30. 0.55. .I\|\0 lulu l'i'l Ik Sui: l3.35uIII.

Showcase Cinema, Paisley

(li’llllll Awnuc. I’IIIIcIm liIIxIncxx l’ul‘k.

0|4l 887 (NH l. lllll). 0I4| 887’ (050. (‘(' lIIIIIkIIIg: 087l 330 I000. ||)|. Hz]. (5.50 IL'4.35 .\IIIII l'I'i III'IIII‘I‘ (IpIIII. ('lIIIIl/().-\l’. L430; SIIIIlI‘IIi: £4. luv ull lulu-Ix: £3.75.


The Adventures oi Greyiriar’s Bobby I i ' I ll.l5uIII. 3.05. 4.40. 7.10.

Big Momma’s House 2 ll’( ‘0 I l.4lluiil. 2.20. 4.45. 7.I5. 0.45.

Brokeback MountainII5I 705. i020. Cheaper by the Dozen 2 (l’( n I I.25;Im. 2.i0. 4.35.

Chicken Wlell'I ll.(l(l;lili. IIIIIIII. l.(l(), 2.00. 3.00. 4.00. 5.00. 0.00. 3.00.

The Chronicles oi Hamia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe ll’(i) I I .lllluili. 2.00. 5.00. x00.

DerailedIl5I 2.50. 5.20. 7.45. l0.l0. FinaiDestination3II5I II.5II;IIn. 2.25. 4.50. 7.20. 7.50. 0.45. l0.l5. Fun with Dick and JaneII2.I\I 2.15. 4.55. 7.25. 0.40.

Get Rich or Die'lryin’II5I l0.00.

Harry Potter and the GobletoiFire I I2.I\I ll.05uIII. 3.25.

King Kongll3:\I Il.00.Im. 700.

Little Polar Bear: The Mysterious Island Il'I ll..5ll;iiil. I30. 3.30.

March oi the Penguins II'I I l.lll;llli. Memoirs at a Geisha I l3:\I 0.. 5. MunichII5I I245. 4.20. 7.55. Rumour HasItII2.-\I 5.50. 7.50. I005. Underworld: Evolution I IsI 0.55. WaiktheLineII2.-\I III). 4.10 mm.

lathuraIi’m IIIIIIII. 3.54). 50.5. 7.30.

I l.45um.



The Adventures oi Greyiriar’s Bobby II‘ I Dull}: ii.|5uIII. 3.05. 4.55. 7,05. Aeon Flux I I5)

Dull): l3.05. 3.40. 5.l0. 7.55. 9.55. .-\|\0 Iulc HI I\ Sui: i3.l5uIII.

Big Momma’s House 2 ll’U)

Dull): Il.40uln. 3.30. 4.45. 7.!5. l0.00.

.-\|\0 Iulc l5rI & Sui: 13.30.00. Casanova I l3.-\I

Dull}: ll.35;IIII. 3.I0. 4.45. 7.35. l0.00.

.-\I.\0 lulc Fri & Sui: |3..‘~5;Im.

Cheaper by the Dozen 2 Il’( ’I I

l)ull_\ ll 35.00. 3 ‘5

Chicken Little Il I

l).IIl\ IIIIII.IIn. nIIIIn_ IIIII jIIII Hill: 400. 500 IIIIII ‘IIII IIIIII .'\l\li luit‘ l'll I\ Sui ll H”

The Chronicles oi Hamia: The Lion, the Witch and the WardrobeIl’I‘II I).III} IIIIII..III_ 300 5 00 x00 .\l\H lIilL' l ii I\ Sui ll ll“

The Constant Gardener I l 5 I

Hull} 005

.‘\l\ii luIL‘ l'lI I\ \ul ll “5 DerailedIl5I Hull} 5 3H. '3 45. l0 l0

.-\l\II luit' l ii I\ \ui l3 40.0”

Final Destination 3 I I5.

l)ull\ ll 50.00. 3 35. 4 50. ‘30. 7 50', I) 45. I030

.'\l\U luit' l‘il Ik Sui I3 30.00

Fun with Dick and Jane I I2 -\ I l)uI|_\. H 45.00. 315. 4 55. 5 35. ‘),~4ll.

.‘\l\() luic l‘il Ik Sui. l3 |0uIII Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire ll3.'\i

l)uIl}i l3 l5. 5 4.5

Little Polar Bear: The Mysterious Island


l)uIl_\; ll..5llIIlIi. 3 l5 MunichIl5I

Hull}: 4.30. 755

.'\l\U lulL‘ l‘l'l I\ Sui ll 3.5 Rumour Has It I l3.‘\l Hull}: 0.55.

:\l\II luiL‘ l‘I'I k Sui Walk the Line I I2.\I


l);iil_\2 I.l0. 4.|0. 7 III. IIII5 lathura il’(ii

I);II|\: I|.55;IIII. 3 i0. 505. 7 i0. 055'.

.'\l\li lulu l'I‘l Ik Sui. l3.35ul11.

UCI Clydebank

(lulu RcyIIIIIuI (’cnil'c. (‘lylchunk IIH7| 224 4007. [U]. L550 II'4.50 \IIIII l'I'i lk‘IIII'L' 5plIII. ('lIIlIl/(Ml’: L4. Sllltlt'lllV L5 1L4 .\IIIII lllll lIt‘IIII't- 5|IIIII.


The Adventures oi Greyiriar’s Bobby I I I 4.05.

Big Momma’s House 2 ll’(II 3.00. 5 I0. 3.I5.

Brokeback Mountain I W 3.00. Cheaper by the Dozen 2 (l’( I) 4.30. Chicken Little Il'I 2.00. 3.30. 4. I0. 5.50. 0.30. 3.50.

Derailed I I5I 0.50. 0.30.


Final Destination 3 I5- 450 II 20

‘I I

Fun with Dick and Jane I-‘ \. 1 :II


Little Polar Bear: The Mysterious Island Il 5 :II

MunichII5I 5:0 \ III BumourHasitII.‘\I 040 “Mil WaiktheLineII2\I 2:0 5 ;II

ZathuraIl’I'II :20 (III5 \ :0

The Adventures oi Greyiriar’s Bobby I II.IIII I 10

\lw iii.IlIii\'\‘ \ui I\ \IIII Aeon Flux I I5I I).IIl\ 55” lI_‘lI \lw lIi.Illil\‘t' \.II .\ 500 .‘II Big Momma’s House 2 Il’( .I

I).I1l.\ |5II 43H ‘IIII II in \lw Ili.illllL'L‘ \ul .\ \IIII ll .‘Hull. Brokeback Mountain I 1 5I

ll lll.illi

\i lli

lIuIl} .\4II CasanovaII2\I Hull) ‘00. 55H. .\,‘II

\lw IIIIIlillt‘t' \.II I\ \IIII l.‘ I5 Cheaper by the Dozen 2 III 'II

\lulIIII'I' \.II I\ \IIII llI‘I'll Chicken Little II I lluIl} 345. *III, 500, II III 'III

.\lw IIIuIIIII‘u \.II I\ \IIII I0 50.00. 13 III. I III

Derailed I I5I

I).III_\ II :0

Final Destination 3 I I5I I).III_\ .100. 0 ill. 000 .\l\II IIIIIIIIII'I' \ul I\ 500 I 50 Fun with Dick and Jane I I3


.\l\II lllL' ‘l 5”

Little Polar Bear: The Mysterious Island Il I

Hull} 5 i0

.\l\li IIIulIIIt‘I' Sui I\ \IIII I | l0.IIII. IIII.

Munich I 15)

Hull} 5 50. I\5ll

Nanny McPhee II I

.\luIIIIt'c Sui I\ 500 I l 00.00 Pride and Prejudice II I

800: 400

l‘UL' fillll

Rumour Has It I I3 \I

l)uIl_\. ‘4 30.

Walk the Line I l2.\I

Hull): 3.30. 5 30. .\ {II lathura Il’(II

l).iil}. 200 .1 {II 050 .'\l\ti IIIuIIIII'c Sul I\ Sun I I 5lluill



*5 llIIIIIt' \llk'k'l ill ‘l 335 4l4l (I liImkIII; Ill ‘l 33h4l4l llul (‘uic 34 “will liili‘iiliuliIiiI I Inc III 5I 33.5 _‘.\IIII LII; ll \l.l|lit'\t'lliil:_‘ \tlt‘t'lllll}'\ :5 ‘NI. :4 30 \li‘ll III lu'lwlt‘ IIIIIII ('IIIII \ t 5 5” lwIIIII‘ 0pm. 1130.01“ \lI‘ll It'n't'pl Hunk lli‘lltl.l_\\' ull Iltkt‘ix t4 \IIIIIl.I\ lIIIIIlllc l‘ill\ 15%; 5III \\I~Il .lli\l \llii\\\ III I'utll \III‘I'II Ll IIII \I‘ll\\'\\|\‘ll\ lin \th'Jlll lllli t i 50

5HI lIII IxIII'IIIx \Illk'l\ .IIIIl hulm‘x IIIII} lllt‘ll\l\ t'uIIllIIIIIlI'I \IlII‘IIIt‘x .III‘ .i\.I|‘lL' .0 L35 l‘t'l )t'ul. IIIII'Ilng.) IlI\IIIIIIIII'Il lHI .Ill \\l\'t'lllll_‘.'\

A Cock and Bull Story I I5» .‘ 20. Vengeance I I.\I I IIII. W5. ’The High Cost at Low Price llllgllttt‘hglLine I I3 \I ill). 00» 0 (III


Good Night, and Good Luck I l’( ’II l)uI|\ I.‘ .‘IIIIIIII llIIII. 3 55. 4 50. " 05: 0 _‘II

.\l\H lult‘ l II I\ \.II Lady Vengeance I I.\'I ILIII} 4 00 (Hill SIIIII. (I 55. \l\ti l.llL' l ii I\ Sui ll 4‘ Old Boy I I.\'I

l .llL' Sui ll 4”

Sympathy ior Mr Vengeance I lxI lulu l II I l 40.

Sympathy ior Mr Vengeance I lHI I Old Boy I |.\I .\luIIIII'v.\'IIII I {II 13 (Tzameti) I I5I l‘ii. Sui I\ .\lIIII llili Walk the Line I l3;\l l).lil} I2 I5. ill). 005. 000


‘) III


For films showing between


A supernatural fog engulfs a harbour town in North Carolina 100 years after a ship of lepers seeking refuge was burned off the town’s shores. The last time the fog came in it was 1980 and

John Carpenter was in charge. This time out hip hop promo video director Rupert Wainwright is at the helm.

Will it be crap? Who knows? I Genera/ re/ease Ifrom F0 24 Few

‘i ;‘7I,I':./ III/1' 7);", THE LIST 55