
ISawYou cont.

V I Saw You in The Street abuut 3pm un Thu 2 l-eh. In a mint lltitnhug \lllrl. Yuti luuked \u. eet. Sueelte \ \ [7542/27 V I Saw You Ill} gtirgculh happ} da_\x, Miss )uti \u intieh u hen \\ e aren't tugether. l.u\ e )titi [ti hits .\ \ [7542/23

VI Saw You \iurking behind the bar in The Street. t()h in} gudi Pull up _\uur truuxerx. [7542/2‘)

V I Saw You Annie. Weird}. l.uui\e and Juanita. Haiti Sat tnurning partyng un l’ieard} l’laee. [7542/30

V I Saw You the heatitil'til \', uurking in llenderxun'x. lie in} V' V' \' Valentine. l [we _\utill [7542/3!

V I Saw You Aineriean uriter in llruuitx ('uektail liar. l)CllCltlll\ l‘uud But nut ax [lL'llL‘IUIIN as the xerxiee .\ \ .\ [7542/32

VI Saw You iii Seutinid. ’l'huttght l'd nex er \ee yuu and )‘tilll' sexy ;t\\ agaiti. Su glad _\uu'\ e gut )‘uurjuh back. but where liltVL‘ )uu been all lit} liie'.’ [7542/33

V I Saw You in Bidd)‘ Milligan'x. [9 Jan. )utt gur- gL‘tilh liaxt ('alder hahe. Me: Tall. dark liitnthilliC inale - ('an I hti} _\'uu a drink‘.’ [7542/34

U I Saw You NY(‘! We k'ixsed briefly in Times Square - ('an't wait till I'm kissing )uu there again? l,u\ e _\uu. in} hah} sweet baby [7542/35

V I Saw You this inurning. l lu\'e _\'U[l my little Arneriean. Yuu keep me in litie. \i'ell dune. [7542/3u

V I Saw You (ila/er . . . a year agu! We're liL‘VCI‘ in the \illllL‘ city at the same titne . . . even thuugh l uttl_\' li\'e aruund the eurner I'ruin yuu? l’ruin a [limp )tilltiL‘tl tne x \ [7542/37 0 I w You getting ul’t‘ tlte 26 Bus in Iidinhurgh. Always wearing an il’ud and a seuu'l - Let me put a smile un _\'uur iaee sweet girl? Lung hair. blue eyes and the “'[HilllL‘SI gt‘t‘)‘ L‘Util he ever seen. Wrap tne up in it. [7542/38

V I Saw You and I uanted tu say hellu tu _\'uu un the trainx l‘runi Leeds tu Iidinhurgh. Sun 5 l‘eh. but I was tuu \h}. Please get in tutteh. Truly intrigued - The (iirl with red glasses. [7542/3‘) VI Saw You. “C sau )utt in The Street and we IUVC _\uu Sun-tan Still}? x \ [7542/4t)

O I Saw You in the lift at Saltire (‘uurt getting uIT at I) [L W. Tall (bltl’i. dark and \\ ith lu\'el_\ blue eyes. .\Ia_\he iii _\uiir 40s \\ ith glasses and a gurgeuus grin. It “as the eyes that drew me in thuugh! [7542/4l

V I Saw You Cttsltlnch-L‘ltttl liredd} Mereur} luuk-alike ITUIII Leith. saving the spandex l'ur behind elused duurs'.’ ('an yuu du the tandangu‘.’ Yakshainashf I [7542/42

V I Saw You - Happ) Valentine's Day xieein. thin . . . eake'.’ Hinm‘.’ High in fat. qut in fat eake'.’ thin'.’ [7542/43 V I Saw You standing uut- side the Cuuneil ()l'l'iees un (ieurge Street. luuk'ing mean and muud)‘. (‘an I eusy intu yuur t'rizzle‘.’ [7542/44

V I Saw You un the Number 22 bus. Wed l l'eh. Yuu: Sn} lad} u earittg lung dark Jacket and gluxex. reading paperx trutn )tllll' lulder, Me: (i[l} \iearing iaeket \\l[ll Iurr} eullar.

lane} a date \uinetitne" [7542/45

V I Saw You \eang me in l‘upp un Sat 23 Jan. Yuti: (iii) \xith piercing. Me: (in) \Hlli lungish dark rained»un hair. Yuti huped I'd like the Jenn} l.e\\t\ ('l) and I reall} did. htit that'x _\uii in queue. tuu nerxuux tu nut all I liked . . . [7542/4u ;t\k }uti tor a eullee. [7542/48

V I Saw You hruun tank tup and tie at the .'\I‘([l( Muiike}\ / Mauinu l’ark in lidinhurgh. then un the bus atteruardx. Me: l);ti'l\ littll'Ctl [Milt tilltl lizitlg‘LN. l'll du gratlitt ll _\uu \lllf.’ tu me in l‘reneh [7542/47

V I Saw YOU til the RH\L‘ Street Sainxhtiryx. u—ixh. ‘l l‘eh. Yuu; I)ark. eiirl} hair. gre} mereual. huught iiiangu and grape\ [IIL'II [trim \L‘tI The l.l\[. Me: lillle—ltttiletl galtmi lk‘hlntl


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Fill in the free postcards available from the following venues: The Basement, City Cafe, EH1, Filmhouse, Fopp Bar, The Street, The Pear Tree, Traverse Bar (Edinburgh), or The Arches, Brel, GFT, King Tuts Wah Wah Hut, Moskito, 13th Note, Tinderbox, The Tron (Glasgow).

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- if you send several replies. send them in one large envelope.

0 Box Numbers are valid for three months. 0 Replies will be forwarded once a week.

16 Feb-2 Mar 2006 THE LIST 109