I Double or twin rnnm. (‘enIraL lull} lurinshed \Hlli enlnui 'l V. \s/In ele. £4045 per \Nt't'ls. llL'l: lll 3l 657 5555.
I DALRY- Room Available in Insel} Inndern llaI. £350 peIn line ennneil Ias/exel hills 7 lnu i .-\ll Innd- enns including eahle I\ and free parking. \Vnnld sInI snung pin- lL'Ssllilllll lL‘lllalL'.
'l'el: 077l7363891
I Large room for ten! in l’nluarlh area. l’lal shared \siIh 3 nIheI‘ I'laIInaIes includes kilehen. lixingrnnin and halh I'nnin. (ireal ennneelinns In all unnersilles. £365 p/In. 'l'el: 0l3|338509l
I Lovely double room
In rent in a heanlilul Inn hed- rnnin llal insl nll‘ l‘err} Rnad I10 inins nn has In princess sII‘eeIl RenI is £395 hul Ihis includes all hills and ennneil Ia\ and iIs delinilel) \s'nrlh Ihe Innnes‘ll \\'nIilIl he sharing Ihe l'laI him in) sell Il)a\id. 34. pl'nlt‘ssinlial) and I'm lnnking In renl Ihe rnnni nIII In a )nung prnlessinnal I30 In 35) Min is clean It Iid} and ennsiderale. ll' _\nur inIeresIed Ihen jusI give lllt‘ II call nil 0797l 634 989 nr email meal \srighis57
(Il hnInIail.enin.
I Double room for rent in 3 hed llaI. lneaIed 5 mins lI‘nIn eainei‘nn Inll Il.iherInni. all Innd enns digi I\. will. near gun and pub £385 inel IIIiliIies. nnI ("l1 'l‘L'lI 07980555773
I Room to rent £385 per innnIh. l.n\el_\ hrighI dnahle rnnin In rent In Mnrningside Hal. In share \siIh I\\n eas} gning prnlessinnals. All lhe Iisual sIuI'l'. \mutlcli llnnrs IhI'nughnIII ele. 'l‘el: 077|6 635 668
I Different Spacious double hedrnnni a\ailahle h} Ihe (irassinarkel l\'ieInria SII'eeIi l'rnin March. l'nique llaI \\ iIh gnrgenus aIIie. Inr penple \shn like music and art. MaIure slndenls nnl}. £3 l0. (iel inspired? 'l'el: 0| 3| 335 3886 I Large, bright, pine lur- nished innin a\ailahle ASAP? Sharing \\ iIh Inn eas} gning. pi'nlessinnal gll}si lixing I'nnin. linehen. halhrnnin. (i(‘ll. Sinnkers uelenine. .\'n slll- denIs/l)SS. £398 pein plus £35.00 ("l~ plus hills. l)epnsiI £365. ’l'el: \sk ()l3l3l63535 Ith107Sl7568l78
I Double room spacious \Varrender l’ark Rnad. main Ilnnr llal. :\ll mnd cnIIs. (i('ll £363/ninnIh + hills. prnlessinn- als nnl}; sharing \siIh 3 girls and 3 gu) s. sinnkers. easy gning. Available sIari nl' Inareh. Tel: 07790 (H 3 383
I Friendly n/s professional wanted In share ln\el}' lirsI llnnr l.eiIh l‘laI. nilh nngning female (30). Large dnuhle rnnm. sinarI IlL‘L‘Ul'. sneiahle living space. shared garden. £33()pem+depnsil-e\elIides hills and ("II Tel: 078] |445343 alter 6pm
I MONSTER K/S room in large 3-hedrnnin brighl perind IlaI. (‘asIle \Iexss. All Innd- enns. Bemeen ('annnnnlls/ l.eiIh l0inins nn has InIn Inun. £360 inelueise .-\l.l. hills. 07967 506354. :\\ailahle single persnns end l-eh?
I TWIN ROOM - newly I'In‘nished. asailahle lsI inareh. (inrgie. li\ingrnnin. new kiI/halhrnnin. \\ ireless hrnad— lilllid. ewellenl lills l‘nllles. in share \silh Iun nIhers. £340 pein inelIIsIs e. 07709 564 076 I Room in gay I'riendl} liasler Rnad llaI l 15 ininuIe l'rnin l’rinees SII‘eeIl. lins rnnm. hill with eahin hed (sleeps dnu- lilel inll plenl} nl' rnnm In sIand up plus side space. sn iIs nnIhing like a cnllinl Sharing
\\ iIh nne leinale enuple and guinea pigs. All Innds enns inlerneI aeeess. ealile 'l‘\'. Innd- ern kiIehen eIe. £300 pm. hills inelnsn e laparI li‘IHii lele- phnnei. Yer} laid hack. hut nn l)SS (still) i. Amilahle immedi- ate!) and willing In discuss shan-Ierin leIs. Tel: 07810 540 651
I Large Double room In real. share \s'iIh l nlher. suiI _\nung prnl male. 5 mins l‘rnm ('amernn 'l‘nll. exelenl has links. all Innd enns wireless hrnad— hand 385inel hills. Tel: 07980555773
I Flatmate wanted: female. l)nuhle hedrnnin nexl In Ihe Parliament - hnIInin nl' R Mile. gnnd Views £350 (includes hills) 'l’el: 0|3l 5589 976
Book your Flatshare ad ONLINE
Classified Property
I Looking for a \kiirkliig prnlessinnal dial is Iid} and clean. Is sneiahle and has a
(iS( Hi The amnunI nl £330 pen] l.\'('l.l'l)liS lileeIrIeils. (‘nuneil 'l‘a\. lelephnne line rental. h/hand InIerneI. liedrnnin linen included. Sharing \\ iIh a \snrking prnles- sinnal male and a small dng (3a) l5riendl}. Aunlahle .\'()\\'. ShnI'I nr lnng IeI'In can he dis— cussed. l’lt'ast' (all 07375 4‘)~ Ml. liinail earnm) sc‘Ulll" gmailenin I Corner Bank flat. l)nuhle rnnIn In leI in heaulilul inndern 3-hed llaI. l.nnking l'nr nnn-sinnking. lid} prnlessinnal In share \\ iIh male prnlesslnnal. £300 l’(‘.\l + liills + IlL‘pIisil. ('all l)an nn 07786 937 673
I Double room 8. own halenn)‘ ax'ailahle in great lirunIineld IlaI. l.nads nl‘ sInr— age; greal lnealinn. Avail 33 Feb huI reasnnahly llesihle. Renl 383pem + depnsiI. Tel: 077 3838 3901
I Bright, spacious, attractive IlaI needs 2 female llaIinaIes In share \s'iIh prnl'. leinale. .-\\'ailahle Mar. 30 min \Hills' In L‘Cliire. (‘lnse In Brnughlnn. £350 (£350dep) + ("l‘ax Inn sIudenIs/I)SS).
'l‘el: 0| 31 467 4956
I Respectful flatmate wanted Inr spacinus dnuhle rnnin in NewingInn llaI In share wiIh 3 n/s male sIudenIs. ()n- rnad parking and shnps elnse h}; £340 pern +hills. Avaliahle 01/04/06 - 01/09/06. Tel: 07706 I63 I93
Fiatshare cont.
I Bright room in a shared llaI h} Ihe linIaines. £375.00 pull me ("I 0| 31 553 975| nr 0|3l 558 I750
I Double room in \L‘l'} niee inndern aparIInenI lIi Slalel‘nrd. \Varin and spacinus “00 large sIIIing rnnm. kIIehen and hthrnnin. [nnlsing Inr nne eas} gning Iriendl} peisnn. £390pein ine ("l~ depnsiI required 0| 314 430313
I Small room overlook- ing garden in semi - \egeIarian NS .‘slnrningside hnIIsehnId. Suil pnslgrad nr siiniliar. ('lnse In Napier elc £60 per \\ eek including enuneil lax. gas + elt‘c. l’hnne (iail l'nr delails Tel 01314477353
I Couple accomodatlon available! l)nuhle hedrnnin in Ilal I'nr Inur a\ailah|e nnwl Rem £350/mnnIh. l’relerahl} nnI sinnkers nr Spanish speak- ing (since I'm spanish inysell' and “mild “am In praeIise III)’ linglishll. See ya? lilena.
Tel: 07953 7l8 968
I Bright double room availahle NOW in Inp llnnr 'l'nllernss Ilal. sharing \siIh l'riendly girl. (i('ll. l)(i. 'l‘elewesl TV + all Innd enns. £380 pm Ihis includes hills and enuneil lax. l)epnsiI £380. ('all Lillie nn: 07977 I46 035
I Fully furnished double rnnm In IeI I£350pem + hills). (line In ('amernn T6” with exeellenI amenIiIies 8; tree nn sIreeI ear parking. Lnnking I'nr friendly. Iid)’ persnn In share with 3 nlhers. 'l‘el: 0l 3l6305073
Got a room to rent? Then The List Flatshare service is for you. It's a reliable and successful way of advertising for a flatmate. Because The List is Scotland's best-selling entertainment and lifestyle magazine, it's the perfect place to find someone with similar interests to you. What’s more, the advert lasts for 2 weeks which maximises VOUF responses, so you can pick and choose who you really want. to live with. Even better all of Our flatshare adverts are now available to view on our website which currently receives over 60,000 unique visits per month.
You will be asked for:
. 1 Your name, address and phone number 2 Up to 30 words description about the flatshare including the room, rent. number of other occupants and type of person sought -3 A contact number for potential fiat mates to ring
Flatshare adverts must be placed using our online booking service. For administration purposes. advertisers must supply their full name and address (NOT for publication) The Flatshare service is for people seeking a flatmate. Only flatshare adverts will be accepted for publication in this section. Adverts for renting a whole flat must be placed In our
'Flats to Let' section. full instructions for booking these ads are available on our website in the Shop section.
It is company policy not to accept adverts that are deemed to be offensive or discriminatory. The List reserves the right to refuse or withdraw any advertisement at our discretion and without explanation. If you would like further information about The List flatshare service. there Is no need to call The List. please refer to our website www.llst.co.ulI Click on flatshare and then FAQ: which should tell you everything you need to know.
We advise that you do not give out personal details to those enquiring about your flat. For your personal safety, you should always have
someone with you when you are showing people your flat, or when you are going to see a room in a flat.
16 Feb—2 Mar 2006 m5 LIST 107