

" II a t; (llt'dl \\t'\lL'III I<lltltI. I; (ijII‘I

A Play, a Pie 8. a Pint: The Matinee Idle \IHII ii \..i II IK'I‘

I Iiipiii LI‘I Ihe .‘Hliti \t‘.I\t‘Il iii IIlI\ piipuI.ii Iiiiithtiiiie the.iIie ilIIL‘IIIljJ \IitlI\ \kllII I)(' I.l\It\llII.\ pIa}. xxhuh \Il.IIL'\ .i ii.iiiie \‘.|III the IL‘\II‘-.II tiiiie \HIIIIL \IIIP Ilt' \H \IL‘iIIk'tI IHI IIIL‘ lift /I\l III\ (i/iixt'iisi lit/ii'i/iilix iI.i}\ Ilia} I‘e HH'I. Illll Lu Iwii I\ \IIII .i I‘lIIth‘iIIIIIIjJ .IllIIlHI \‘.IIH\L' \RHIIx I\ IlL‘It' tIIIL'kIL'tI I‘} \t'iiilhII IIIt‘.IIIt'-\ L'I.lIItI iI.iiiie I i/ I llkIlIIL'dtI

The Lenin-ad Seiqe Sanches Sinistra’s compelling and enigmatic drama. The story of two women attempting to unravel the mystery surrounding the death of a theatre director with whom both were intimate, while the old theatre itself is demolished, this is a complex allegory about the decline of

community and socialism. Starring two stalwarts of the English theatre, Rosemary McHale and Deirdra Morris, this looks a compelling night out.

.1 .\it.’.~~l .. i’ fti,

71’“ .i).i'i/:i;

A Play, a Pie 8. a Pint: Conversations in Havana \Iiill

1* \it Ihieh I Ilipm LIII IIIIItIlIIIlIL‘ theatie Iiiiiii \IiIte (iiiii/.iIe\. .i I’Illlk'\\tli iii I .itm \IIlL'Iitdll Studiex .lIItI Utilillllllt'tI .iiiti \‘..II .It‘II\I\I

I PAISLEY TOWN HALL \Nw'\ ('Iimg xx" Iiitii [\\(‘_ \\ \} Curry Tales IlIL‘ I-t I'eh " iLlli. \Iiiiith \mieiiii; Ihe.itie IIt‘IIl pei'Iiiiiiiei Ram \Iiiiii'th}. uhi» \Il.IIL'\ iIeIieiiiux \IHI'IL'\ iii UHth \he Il.I\ leltHkIl. \xhile eieiitiiig: L'llll'lt‘\ iiii \I.I_L't‘

me LN

An intriguing night of theatre, set, itself, in a theatre in this British premiere Jose


III RL‘llI-lt‘ItI \tieei. “I I\-it\ iiI. \\(‘. \\ \I

The Circus of Horrors \iiii I.‘ IeI‘ 45pm L I "‘ 13H \tep I‘.I\ k in the I‘itilix \\ itIi tIii\ It'tieuteiI Iie.iI\ \Ill‘\\ \‘lIIll Ili‘IIHI text


‘IX IllfJI‘IIll Sheet. ‘X‘ US" lI’. \\(‘. \\.\. \\ \ \l

Closer \Ii'll \.ii II Iel‘ ziipiii

U) L" M‘ L.“ Stage \ei\ii»ii iit I’.iIiiek \I.ii‘hei\ pI.i_\ th.ii \\.I\ It'xt‘IlII_\ lll.ltIL‘ IIIIH .i piipul.” IiIm \I,Illlll_‘_' ,IlIIl.I RHI‘L'I‘h .tIltI _IlItIL‘ I .t\\


353 Iliipe Street. “3 ‘NNNI III. \\(‘. \x‘,\|

Private Lives l llIII .\.ii I I‘eh

’7 1ilpiii i I'hu t\ Nut 3 illpiiii

{III [335“ \iieI ('ii\\.iitI\ \p.iiI\Iiii_«_' t'lllllt'tI} gihiiiit tuii tIi\iiieee\. \xhii hump iiitii iiiie .iiiiithei (‘Il theii \eeiiiiiI hiiiie}iiiiiiiii\ \\ ith (II\.|\IIHII\ (Ullu‘qllk‘llt't'x Slgllt‘tI [lL'IIHIIIIIIIIt't‘ Nil -i hit .it 2. iilpiii

Titanic the Musical Iiic S.“ l I I~eh. “.Ifipm iSiii um I |5piii~ [IN Ihe ()i'pheii\ (‘Iiih [lL'I'IHlIIh IIlI\ lii'iiiiiiuii} Illll\I\'.II about the IIUI‘L'\ .lIltI tIl'L‘;ll|l\ iii thiixe All‘tKlltI the Intetl \Illll George’s Marvellous Medicine Illt‘ I~I Sill IN I't'Il. St't‘ KItI~ II\lIIlf_‘\.

page 5‘).


25.4\|hei't I)i‘i\e.iii\'~153.lii “III. I II. \\‘(‘. \\'.-\l

Breathing Space Australia/Surge l'iitiI Sui -I I‘eh iiiiii \Iniii. 'I'ime\ t\ pi'ieex \ill'_\. Sliimeuxe iiI pei'Iiii‘iii.iiiee \\(lI'I\ Ii'iim :\ll\ll‘;lIl;IIl ;iiiiI Iii‘itixh iII'lI\l\. iiieluihiigg I)ehiii;ih I’iiI|;iiiI\ pieee ‘Sligipm iiI Sleep'. \ei‘eeii \xiii'k I‘i'iim \Iiiitiku 'I'ieligieek illltI .IUIlIl (iiIIiex' liliii ‘I)i\itIe‘.

Calamity Jane i'iiiil Sui i I-eh. 7.3ilpm. £7 i5). (Simeon Sehiiiiix' Youth ‘I'heuli'e pt'l'Iill'lll\ iIll\ eliixxie \Vexiei‘ii llllI\IL';II about :i tiiiiihii} Ill ii man'x \xiii'ItI.

The National Review of Live Art “ed 3 Sun I2 I‘eh. 'I‘iiiiex \iil'} LII! iiLM. 'I'he Itllllllill \Rl ..’\ i‘elui‘iix in

Check out the


(iI.i\;i~\\ \\llIl M e tI.i}\ \‘I llllli\\.lll\t‘. e\peiiiiieiit.iI .lIltI international Il\ e .iit I’eitiiiiiiei\ iiielutIe \I.iiiiieI \.I\i\Il. .li IIi‘i‘Il Iluiii. I’eimIIe \'peiiee .IlltI \IltIlt'“ III.I\'I\\\UH\I. It‘IIi‘“ CtI eiiteit.iiiiiiieiii Iiiim Ill I i.iiiki\ It .it the I e\Ii\.iI (‘Iiil‘ uiilil :Jlll


h1 Iiiiii;_',ite.*‘3~1_‘t\w

X Factor Dance Company In 1

I eh .\pm {I i iUH \ \Il‘lII‘IL‘ hill “I new unik eliiiieiigthIteiI I‘} \I.iti (iiei; .iiiiI e\ Ix’.iiiil\eii iI.iiieei ('iiliii I’iNtIt' \t't‘ [‘ILW It‘\\

Here's What I Did with my Body One Day \VL'tI \ 3.” II It'l‘ Spill La {I ; it.R Uii I igItl\\iiik\ iiiiiItiiiieiIm iIeieetne thiiIIei \et IIl I).lll\ Iiillmu Iiiitixli \eieiitixi I).l\ltI Ix’ee Hll Ill\ \Illt'\l Iii IiiiiI Ill\ llll\\|llj_‘ I.ithei

The Leningrad Siege I‘Iiii It» \Jl I.\ I-eh .\'piii i8.” lpiiii {ii it.‘ UH (liil iii the Hm I‘t‘l'IHlllh the I,Ilj_‘Il\Il I.iii}:ii.i_«.!e \t‘l\ltlll iii .Ime S.iiiehi\ Siiiixteim'x \llllt‘dI .liltI eiiiiiie PM



I..l\I_\\\k'II \\;i_\. \Ill\\t'IIllll'_‘_'Il. N6 23-“) II’. II. I I. \\'('. \\'.\l

The Curve Foundation: Meet the Choreographer Ihii It» I'eh. 7. liipiii I‘iee hut tieketeiI .\ii e\eeipi iii llt‘\\ \xiii'k h_\ ('ui'xe I‘illllltItlIlHll ehiiieiigi‘iiphei. .ItillilIIldll \Viilkiiix.


I I 3‘) \It‘iiIxitll Sll't‘t‘l. 53‘) (illlltl III. M '_ \\‘.\|

Edward Scissorhands Inc 7 S.” I I I'eh. ". illpiii 1 Min ik Siit llltll 2, lellli. {3.5” [375”, .\I;iltIie\\ Iiiitiiiie Iiiiiixpiii'tx Illll Iiiii'tiiii'x \‘I;I\\It' him in the stage iii IIll\ Illllll_\. tiiiiehiiigg ;iiiiI \|\ll;III_\ e\eiliii§_' iieu \Ilt)\\. See Ieuliiie. page H.

The Vagina Monologues Sun I2 ik \Iiiii I3 I'eh. 7, illpiii. {I350 l; I 25”, ('zii'iil SiiiiIIie \tiiix III I:\ e Iziixlei'\ I;iiiiiiii\ eelehi'utiiiii iii It'lllitIL' \L'\ll;tIlI} Scottish Dance Theatre \M-tl I5 I'UI‘, 7.3IIPIII. {III LI“. .'\Il t'L‘It't‘IIL‘ tIiiithe hill II'HIII the Dundee I‘il\k'\I eiiiiteiiipiii'ui'} tIilllL‘L' eiiiiipiiii}. lllL‘IlltIllljJ ii men pieee It} .Iilll |)e SL‘IIMIIM'I. SL‘C [lILW It“.

Kodo 'I'hu It) I'eh. 7.30pm.

HUSH L: I. :\ll L'\L‘lllllf._' iii tIie;iti'ie;iI .Iiipiiiiexe tIl'llllllIlIlljJ. hiith ti';iiIitiiiii;iI illltI eiiiiieiiipiii'ui'}.

Theatre Guide

Theatre Royal

Private Lives

Private Lives

Private Lives

Sunday 5 Monday 6

Matinee IdIe

Thursday 2 Friday 3 Saturday 4 Arches 800 Rock a Pop On/Oii omon Citizens Gilmorehill Sl'aG Nights STaG Nights STaG Nights King's Oran Mor See Rock a Pop Ramshorn

Tuesday 7 Wedi’iesday 8

Matinee Idle Matinee Idle

Titanic the Musical Titanic the Musical


86 THE LIST .‘

Lyceum ' -~

Tramway , TI'OI‘I X FactOr Dance see Jag ; Hem-S WM, , DIG : Brunton i. 0 Festival Theatre See Classical See Classical :Edward SossorhandsI Edward g King's .. , ' .. , .. _ .. g Playhouse See Rock a Pop séedmeoy See COmedy ‘s'v‘ian Lake i as. E Ill