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GREG DULLI Amber Headlights 0...

Ir to'rrai

«/// l l \ \v‘ lorrnor Afghan ‘.«'./h.g5. and (.lllltflli I.‘.llllllilt f'Srrrryr. trorrtrrran (iror; [)ullr l', l)t’rinli)|‘,' tho iri:f.i rorkn'rrrll portorrnor in tlrt: ‘.‘.’orlrl. «,harrsrna and soul dripping from ovory

pr no, ft/rrho/ Hoar/hg/rts l‘; a colloctron ol songs from hrs transitory porrotl litrtWoorr tlrt: aliovo hands :n

j’()()l I)()t)§’_ tltt: rocordrngs drtr‘hod attor hrs host trrond, lrlrn drroctor lod [)onirno, drod suddonly. /\s such. rt roprosonts a hrrdgrng point hotwoon tho soul grungt: of tho Whigs and thr- suitn, gospol sass ot rnoro roctrnt rnatorral, and it". thrilling. Illt: sound of Dullr tontatrvoly tooling his \.‘r.'ay still horng

apt in >xrrnato|y a rnrllron trrncs rnoroongagrng than most rock acts can droarn ol.

(Doug .lohnstonor

llll’ l l( )l)


This Is My Demo {All City Dcyphal 0..

Ho's grrrno's sur‘otrro hroakthrough. Ar‘on't thoy all? Fr'ontrng London hip hop With porsonalrh tl shit you not) MOBO award wrnnor Sway rs akin to Ty rn natural talont. arnhrtron and podostr'ran outlook. Wison shying away lrorn a straight grrnro alhurn. 7hr: ls My Douro showcases hrs torrnrdahlo talont rn


wo’t .',tror‘. arr/l ‘f, ’1‘:/7‘:'rt, (zil’r‘fl. Ytl‘: .wroiw ’létl'ltii o' .rrrrar‘. ',‘,lr';';'. ytra'ldlrng .rvto'rirr, ir rt and pot '.‘:rr'.rtirirt‘r:‘.. and Tllllllllt) writ a ttarrtttr.” Ml .‘.’t:‘.t African gorns. Prorrusrrv; :nrloorl. But iii Tilt: ‘rlltt ()f Tilt: (la,'. trko ion, Blair, l onrlon Just so much «losor to Arnorrca than ilt‘: rost of tho country.

rMar’k l drrrunrlson;


INl )Il

BELLE AND SEBASTIAN The Life Pursuit rltough lradol 0...

LIFE Punsun by

Hi r r r mm til tlAZ; l lAll

Whrlo tho rost of us dohato Arctic Monkoys rnadn ass, thoso Scottish stalwarts of tho rndro scono gurotly dolryor anothor Iandrnark ottor't. Yot tor thorr sovonth opus, Bollo and Sol )astran havo optod tor' drvor‘srty. adding glarn, country and hluosy r‘ock'n'roll trngos to thorr mod and tostod classic sound; as rhythrnrc organvlod stornpors such as ‘Sukro In tho Gravoyar'd' cosy up to tho tr‘adornark chrrnrng pop of ‘Anothor‘ Sunny Day' and ‘Dr‘oss Up In You"s whimsical rnolancholy. Stuart Murdoch dolrvors tho vocal and lyrical porlor’rnanco ol hrs car'oor'. and hrs tondor'ly dolrvorod insights into ovoryt'lay Irto woavo this rnusrcal rnrx togothor. rnakrng this a r'ocord you'll r'otur'n to. over and ovor again. (Camilla Pia)

t Lt choctAsr-r IGA

Sexor lPlASl COO

Hailing from that androgynous sot of ironic proto—houso onthusrasts across tho pond but lacking tho punk aosthotrc of LCD Soundsvstorn, Trga's dohut can sound a hit flat and solt-rndulgent rn parts. Several tracks oxhrbrt a real depth and

lcl Lctch VARIOUS

Rough Trade Shops Counter Culture 05

lRough lradol 0...

Oh, to be one of those people (OK, we mean boys, as it mostly is boys, isn’t it?) who command pride of place as ruler of your musical destiny behind the counters of record shops. Those fickle men who can gift you with a new musical gem or brutally cut you down for not knowing it was

Amon Duul on the stereo.

The chaps at Rough Trade are far more egalitarian about it all and extend a hand of musical liberty through this massive 50-track collection containing the best tracks of the last year. Covering as it does every possible genre from experimental jazz metal and festive jangle pop to Tuvan throat singing, there are more obscurities in here than you could count on three pairs of hands but this music treasure hunt unearths some real crackers. Maston Jones, the

ovolutron of sound and no doubt much ot tho alhurn Wt” work on tho dancotloor hut rt all grows rathor' trrosorno in tho homostoad. lndood it's hard to fathom oxactly what tho oloctro rs clashing wrth much of tho trrno. A lot down. dosprto

contr'rhutrons trorn Scissor Sistors' .Jakr: Shoar‘s. production input from Soulwax and high oxpoctatrons ol l'rga hrrnsolt, Soxor could finally provrdo a dictionary antonyrn ot synor'gy.

(Mark Edrnundsonr

H E (illi(,‘)Nl()A COLDCUT Sound Mirrors lNllljéi Ttlllfkr .0.

Danco llltlt)‘.’£ti()fi$ Jon Moro and Matt Black tAKA Coldcut hay/o hoon rn this garno a rnrghty long trrno. and thorr sornrnal Ninja Tuno


Spinto Band, No Bra, Jack to Jack, Snow White, Smoosh, Low, Brakes and Lightning Bolt should all be your favourite bands by now and if not, here's where to find them and love them and draw their logos on your rucksack. Sure, you'd be hard pressed to like all of this. With this many tracks there‘s always gonna be some which, in reality, only appeal to people who listen to waaaaaaaay too much music than is actually healthy, so there are a couple of turkeys - stand up the Pippettes, and Scout Niblett, you musical Charlatans! You suck! But that‘s no reason not to cherry pick the gems. This is the kind of collection that could inspire a humungous spending spree at your local independent record emporium to acquire albums worthy of further listening. And even if this all sounds like weirdo toss, life is not complete until you've heard Katzenjammer, the blinding genius of a band of steel drummers covering Gary Numan‘s 'Cars’. Now that is something worth hearing. (Mark Robertson)


rs ono of a handtul r,‘ lahols that ha'. atrrw hocornt: a ’to'rrt: :r‘


‘.‘/|ttl tho lrkos (.7

Scruff [)J l (Ir/t. Hortialrsor. How: tho" strunrl olonds

hacking track for a plothora of goos‘.


distinct porsortatrt,

soorns t‘) ham rnolto'


and thou or.

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VARIOUS Lifestyles: DJ Spinna Hr:”'..‘: : .0.

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