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Influential f

wtn'e 'r :y’ ’Llrr, «179‘

the art‘. ‘.'~.’rlltar'i I‘Er/ died last .‘rr-ek ,:°. the rte," f ("ll‘r‘thllt'l at ( ria‘ ';' Museums and f tatterre

committee during the 4‘» H

and fills. and l)e;lut. I ord

Provost of the (Lit; of ()Iaf,(tr:\.‘.r loget'ner ‘.‘.’|II‘. III“ the". -'IIH:(LI(>I the Glasgow lvlrr‘wmrns. he was instrumental in lttrrtrrilililflllft to hung the Hurrelr (Zollectron to the city prr t\_I(Il.'I(l illr: t:£lI£lny§l tor (tlasgoxx's suhsertuent cultural renarst‘tance. I dually rrnportantln. Brown helped negotiate the purchase of the Salvador [)aIr parntrng '(lhrrst of St John of the (Iross'. which now resides at the St Mungo Museum of Religious l rte and Art (though Brown passionater hoped that the painting will he returned to the newa restored Kelvrngrove Art Gallery when rt reopenst. Wrth rts purchase prrce of S‘tii’lX). the acgursrtron of an atheist painting was a radical move for a city with such strong religious \.'rews. accounting for no less than ten years' worth of the city's art acgursrtron hudget. l-lowever. rt has proved to he a gesture every hrt as significant as any of lrrnothy Clifford’s purchases for the National Galleries. Brown rs survived hy hrs wde. Catherine. and hrs daughter. Katrina. After a funeral service rn ()ardonald. Catherine Brown said ‘l'm delighted that so many young people came to see Bill off. There can't he many folk who haye recened the condolences

of the lurner Prise wrnners!‘


Re: Eating & Drinking

Guide 2005

| see In your rexrew of Delr.'rgtre rn Glasgow you mention the

The List,

-’"‘T’i"/]I rwa' e r- 'e.~-' ‘r’

15"""I‘:fli">l‘f'iwI'r T’."Jr’. W's all. gtavhes f'te r‘c'qe'e" cakes entrctngl, near Iter'r‘m~ ‘rr,m snuffl‘, HMO" an“; len'l \"Jl‘, Me I, 'II s it ert places gnc'e fast“ t‘,'_tl‘:ll(' III\(,‘ tnrs'7 Martin McNee (llasrtov;

[he .“(Irlh‘ edrfrorr pub/racer.) on I.'./ednesdat' {’(c‘ Apr/L and

we'll hear this if? rnrnd.’

BAGS OF ENERGY Re: Letters (540) Regarding the I)|II on a proposed tax on plastzc hags. I think some of Mark Huskell's comments need to he challenged. lle dismisses the possrhle increase in use of paper hags as not herng an ssue. lhey can he recycled and reused. hut rt takes more energy to manufacture paper hags and they are not as reusahle as plastic hags in a generally wet Scotland. Plastic hags represent less than 1% of household waste. So it's not hard to see why some people thrnk thrs hrll rs a sledgehammer trying to crack a very small nut. Let's hope the parlrarnent make the necessary changes to get this legislation right. so they can move on to looking at the other 99“ of waste generated. Alan Tocher Edrnhurgh


I wasted up of hargarn hunting at the sales and sick of the alcoholic mernment which rs synonymous with the cornrng Of the New Year. So. I immersed myself in a different sort of Scottish tradition when I attended the annual Turner \"\.’ater'<:o|0trr's exhrhrtron at the National Gallery of Scotland. In previous years I ha\. e steered

14 High Street, Edinburgh EH1 1TE

or The List at the CCA

350 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow 62 3JD or email

,,.\t~‘{ 0 [\I I‘i{~.y‘~ {xyyrg:‘y Ty\.-“"‘V\}“vt ’Hr,.

f'ar‘tsnttent sea ar‘d ‘ra'r‘es .1 an '.‘ s uses ".,'rt the Mid IEItl‘. The; .tl"'.i".\:‘~. 1"»; s. are "entry are pantry "atnr‘g with“ ;‘<‘.'.»_"Ytil. f'te c l ‘r’vt on at the \taller‘. .e‘. II‘r' use :“ trues

I tmind asselt artfuatea h. a transpire-r“. feel to t'n- ‘er

Suzanne Hart I'Lr‘rwcrtth

Inner artrlrt, t’ create

‘IhthlIV S’Ifl‘ll'ij



Thanks for your honest response to my letter in the Last rssrtefrf

has at it‘rde/lta/n affrrhafed fc Swan/2e I fart. whose real Setter puh/rshed ahove. ed /. The / rst does more than rts fair share to support gay Irfe and causes. and I don't get on my nomo IIIllI‘ horse xery often. honestly? But Brakehack flit tuntarr: presents such an honest and accurate portrayal of the feelings hetyzet-n the two protagonists. The suhtect rs not durnhed down or yened Itf;IIII‘.(I humour and stereotype. and for that reason. rt '.‘.’III he far harder for many to stomach.

lhat's why I feel the film rs significant: stripped of PVC. pot lpers and package. the hottorn Irne lso to speakl rs that the (‘III()II()I‘.‘;

I nrs and Jack share are rndrstrngutshal)Ie front those experienced in a heterosexual relationship. Sure. the dynamic may he different. hut the raw feelings are the same. Unfortunately. I suspect that many of those who gurte cornfortahly laugh along with [)atfyd and Mffanwy would choke on therr popcorn hetore muttering somethrng along the lines of ‘Ayeeee. It makes ma skin crawl. how can you fancy a hloke'?‘ If they were to he confronted hy the honesty of Br'okehack Mountain.

While we may he far more cornfortahle With the concept of homosexuality. wrthout rts sweet coating. there rs still a lot of work to he done hefore rt rs accepted as a reality. I know many people who would argue that we really don't need mainstream acceptance. and shouldn't waste our energy trying to acltreye rt. which may he fair enough. I don't actually rnrnd herng gawped at on a date in a 'strarght har'. or listening to gay Jokes herng cracked hy work colleagues before they realise that the new guy rs a hit frurty. But then. I am fortunate enough to live rn the city centre and work in a relatively open minded field. Sadly. there are people in more vulnerable positions. without the preregursrte geographical. soCIaI. er commercial advantages that make for successful gay Irving. who would he suhtect to far more than a double take II they Were to admit to themselves and others that they were gay.

John Robinson Lidrnhurgh




What you Escapology Tramway. Glasgow. Tue 17 Jan


2 THE LIST 2—16 Feb 2006

ASSIStant store manager

It's the first time I've been to the Tramway. and if I could describe the show in one word I'd say it was confusing . . . but interesting.


Front of Muse staff

I liked the set des:gn. I thought there was an imaginative use of multimedia projections. I also found the Crossover and layering of the dialogue really interesting.


Medical student

It was an insightful depiction of the loneliness and detachment involved in the life of a psychiatrist. I found rt quite powerful.

CONTRIBUTORS Publisher 8 General Editor


Editor ‘u i 513/

Deputy Editor E" an I‘ "‘anm‘l‘ Assistant Editors

‘r‘a'h Rot‘o'fw" i‘tL. Z‘a Subeditor Earn». 1mm Research Manager Inn.-

liralr trn

Research llpnr, ‘tnr tttrnorn Illrt‘. Rm k S. .lassr k‘ar had Show: .Imal Art lltmltre

[Ian a farrwrt. & St‘ortr Nlnratt lint »* wlr't‘lllltI lawn I‘laxxnal ItlIIl h h I\

SALES & MARKETING Advertising Sales Manager Rat Ilei Shields

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krrsta Robertson Production Manager Srrnon Arrnrn Designer l or y Fromm Production Assistant Russvll Steedrnan

ADMINISTRATION Accounts Manager Georgette Rr'nmd’ Accounts Assistant Manager Donna Iaylor


Irate; IlSIlfrl

Edinburgh Office Manager KdIl‘? Srott

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SECTION EDITORS Around Town Moran Brnrr: Books Brian Donaldson Clubs Henry llorthmorr‘ rmth Sandra Marronl Comedy Brian Donaldson Comics Paul Dale

Dance Kelly Apter

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