Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Listings are compiled by Jules Graham.
* David Cunningham littl'tlL‘l'\ Books. 93 Buchanan Strcct. 222 7700. It), Warn. I‘rcc. 'I IIL' (ilaxut-gian author lL‘iltl\ troni lll\ llL'\\ t‘hiltlrcnK lantax} noch (‘Iuiu/ Hill/(l in “high a ho} \L‘ilI'L'llL'\ tor lll\ latht'r llL‘l’t)\\ a magical L'lHlltI\L'ilPC.
Through the Letterbox SL'tillhll l’octr} |.ihrar_\. 5 ('rit'hton'x ('loxc. ('ariongalt‘. 557 2870. I lain 0pm, l'i't‘c. :\n t'xhihition illuminating IIIL‘ making ot a hook containing lllllklh \H'lllL‘ll h) latc Scottixh Runaixxancc poct. (it'orgc Bruce. and illuxtratcd h} lili/ahcth Blackatltlcr. \Vork h_\ icu t'llt'r Silvana Stephen is tlixpl;i}¢tl alongxitlc. Poetry Review: Meet the Editor Scottixh l’oclr} l.ihrar'\. 5 ('r'it'hton‘x (low. ('ariongatc. 557 2370. 0pm. l’r‘cc. llL'hL‘IL'kI. 'l‘hc ltrlcxl l\\llL‘ ol' the l'KK tlltlL‘\I and rnoxt \\ltlt‘l) rcatl poctr} journal is lllllIlL'llL‘tl. NC“ L‘kllltll' l'iona Sampson ttht' llr‘\l l't'tnalc L‘tlilor' \incc Muriel Spark in thc l‘)-l(l\) \xill hc tlixcuxxing hcr \ ixion lor thc journal'x tuturc.
Big Word Performance Poetry ('it} (Kilt. l‘) Blair Strcct. 22H ()l25. 9pm. £3 (£2). Scarhorough‘x 'l'irn 'I‘urnhull joins “URI t“ ixtcr Rohin ('airnx. JcnnilL'r Williams and l-‘alkirk latl l’t'lcl‘ x\lL‘.\alltlL't' liol‘ Iiitil‘t‘ hilarioux pot-tr) antics. lloxtcd h) Jcni Roll\ and Jenn} l.llltl\;l}.
Through the Letterbox St-ortixli l’octr} l.ihrar_\'. 5 ('richton's ('lmc. ('anongatc. 557 2870. 1 Iain 0pm. l‘rcc. Sec Thu 2.
Saturday 4
Through the Letterbox Scottish l’ocll'} Library. 5 (‘r‘iclllonix (low. ('anongatc. 557 2870. l 5pm. lircc. Soc Thu 2.
Monday 6
Poetry Book Group: Love and Desire Scottish l’octr} l.ihrar}. 5 (‘l‘lchlon'x (low. (itltioiigttlc. 557 2870. 0.30 8.30pm. £5 (£3). \\'li_\ do no gct poctic \x'hcn l‘ccling rornantic'.’ And just \\ hat arc thc kc} ingrctlicntx tor a good |o\ c pocm'.’ Jtrxt a couplc of thc qucxtionx hcing poth at this month\ poctr'} group lcd h} thc Sl’l.\ Julic Johnstonc.
Katie Price Bortlcrx Bonkx, ()8 Buchanan Strcct. 222 7700. l 2pm. Free. The nation\ l‘a\ouritc halloon- hrcaxtcd glamour-girl. l.a Jordan. tlropx in to \iin CtlplC\ of her llL‘“ hook .‘l
ll'IIU/t' .Vt’li' “Dr/(l.
Katie Price \Vooluorthx. I42 l.othian Road. 22‘) 40-14. 5 0pm. Free. Scc Tue 7
Malcolm Cant National l.ihrar_\ ol‘ Scotland. (icorgc IV Br'itlgc. 220 453 l. 7pm. l‘rcc. tickctcd. Join the atrthor for an illustrated journC) through our capital til} '5 most memorable retail outlets as he talks about his hook Edinburgh Slur/ix Pm! and I’n'wm.
Thursday 9
Poets, Portraits and Landscapes of Modern Scotland: Part One “Non l.rnk. llauthorntlcn In‘turc lhcatrc. National (iallcr). thc Mound. 024 050i) () 7pm. l‘l‘L‘C. 'l‘llh. lllL' lll'\l II] a \L'l'lt‘\ ill thrcc Illihllfllt‘tl talkx h} .-\lc\antlcr \lotlat and .\|an Riat'h. look\ at lllHtlL'lll Scottixh poctx \ut'h ax lltigh Mat'lhariintl.
Diary of a Mother Under Siege \or'lh lathnhurgh :\r1\ ('t'ntrt'. |5a l’L'llll}\\t'll (‘onrt. H5 2|5l. 7 illprn L5 lLl { i l. :\x ('ar'olinc lluntortl lountl otit. lning \Hlll a l\\tl*}k'tll7llltl rxn'l L'il\_\ Shc tlL'L'lle'tl In hL'L'P a that} “I llL‘l‘ \oll\ plan to hcntl thc knouri unncrxc to lll\ “Ill. l't‘\llll|lI:2 Ill hcr hook Hun In .Xuri'nc III" lt'l'l'!/)/(’ 'liim. lllx a rcal lilc account rt‘axxuring othcr' parcntx that the} ‘rt‘ not alont'. .»\ t‘r‘ct‘hc l\ anrilahlc lot‘ )our littlt' tlar‘lingx rl )ou hook in athant'c.
Ronald Reng and Lars Leese (iocthc lnxtitut. 3 Park ('ircus. 332 2555. 0pm. l'lL‘L‘. 'l‘hc tlixtinguixhcd \portx lttlll'lltlll\l and \xrilcr chg'x auartl-
\\ inning hook. Kt'r/rt'r u] Ih‘nmn lot I)” Ii‘urmrlmrt'ri tlm‘unicntx lhc rixc and tall Ul- ( it'l‘lllttll L‘\-Ii;ll'll\lt‘) gnallt‘ I.L'L'\L'.\ carccr. Join them hoth ax the} (ll\k'll\\ IllL' hook \\ ith rncdia gu} and St Jtllllhltillt‘ tan Stuart (’oxgroxc.
Monday Reading Group Scottixh l’octr} l.ihrar_\. 5 ('r'it'hton‘x (low. ('anongatc. 557 2‘70. 0 8pm. {I contrihution timartl rclrulirncritx. Morilhl) meeting at “high the hook\ up l‘or (ll\L'll\\lUli arc chown on arriVal. .'\ll ill't' \\ L'lt‘olllt‘.
Tuesday 14
Valentine's Book Party: Fall in Love with Poetry Scottish l’oclr') Lihrar'). 5 ('richton'x ('onc. (‘anongatu 557 2870. 0 8pm. £5 (£3). l’crtor'mancc poct Iilxpcth .\lurra_\ leads the \i'a} at lllix al‘tcr-hotrr'x poctr‘y-t'cxt. 'l‘hcrc \\ ill be plcnt} ol' matchmaking going on. with )otl and your tamuritc no“ pocrnx ol~
Wednesday 15
* Jenni Calder National l.ihrar'_\ ol~ SL‘ollantl. (icorgc l\' Bl'itlgc. 025 5345. 7pm. l’rcc. IlL‘kL‘ICtl. Hcar how the lcgat') of our \rnall nation has at‘l‘cctcd and continues to al'l'cct thc tlcwloprncnt ol' onc ol~ thc \xorltl'x largcxt countricx. ax ('altlcr launchcx hcr' lit“ hook. St'UIA in [/I(' l '51. The John Masefield Lecture: Robyn Marsack Scollixh l’octr) l.ihrar}‘. 5 ('richton'x ('onc. (‘anongatu 557 2870. 7.30pm. £3 l£2l. 'l'hc l’octr} .-\\\t)cl&lllt)ll ol~ Scotland's annual lccturc. Marxack will he dixt‘usxing ‘lirorn (ilaxgou to .\'inc\ch: pcoplc and places in thc poctr} ol‘ lithxin Morgan. Scotlanth poct laurcatc'.
* Selected Works: Pat Kane Scottish l’octr} Lihrar). 5 (‘rit‘hton'x ('loxc. ('anongatc. 557 2870. 7.30pm. £5 (U l. 'l’hc cx-Huc and (‘r_\ rncnihcr and proponcnt ol‘ the I’ltn' lir/rr‘t‘ talk\ to Rotnn Marxack ahout lll\ tcn taxouritc [Xl‘lll\. Booking ath ixahlc.
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his intelligent storytelling to hear on this; covert operation led by Nick Fun; (also featuring Sl)l(l(3l*l\/l£lli. Wolverine. Luke Cage. Black Widov.’ and Captain Airier'it:al.
C(NHICS excel x.'.'hen real world issues and tears are transposed to a world of the super powered. and here pan global l(}l'l()llf;lll If; given a superhero tu-rist. Gabriele Dell'otto‘a lull, painted art If; ll(,‘ll and sumptuous. ‘.'.’ll|l(3 transcripts from Nick Fun/s computer files add yet more depth to an already engaging action storm (Henry Northmore
Don't let the fact that l‘i/atchmeri artist and er,- Creator Dave Gibbons rathEr strangel, chose to SCript the mini-series coHected here — Or that
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‘r’, '33:, .723", THE LIST 31