With a life of drug addiction, prison visits and songs of
redemption, Johnny Cash was perfect biopic fodder. But a love story? Mark Robertson debunks some myths about the man.
‘ ello. I'm Johnny ('ash.‘ These are three \yords \xhieh prelaeed eyery li\e pert'ornianee by the
sell-styled ‘man in black l'roni his debut in
the mid-50s to his death in 2003. Ironically.
none was more distinctive than (‘ashz he rarely needed such an intrtxluetion.
it is also \yilh these words that director
James Marigold takes tip the story ol
('ash’s life in his biopic Hit/k I/N‘ Lima It
is WM. ('ash ~ played by Joaquin Phoenix.
who is deserying ol his recent (iolden (ilohe
award e has beads ol syyeat dripping from his
broyy as he prepares to go on stage. He is about to
perl'orm at l‘tdsttlll Penitentiary. ('alit'ornia. lle
gathers his thoughts. heads onstage. goes up to the
mic and “uh those four words. one singer. six
inLisieians and 200i) inmates become part ol one ol~ music's truly sublime recordings.
‘He really spoke from the bean.‘ says Phoenix.
‘l-le had a leyel of honesty that l don’t think you
find in a lot of popular artists nowadays.‘