Kapoor. llllmin. Karan tDcolt ix a w calthy young man w hilc Raj tKumar) ix alwayx on hix uppcrx. 'l‘hc mcn hayc nothing in common apart from thcir tricndxhip. which Icadx thcin through many cra/y. low-worn xituationx. llcartwarming 'rich man. poor man' talc of loyalty and kindticxx. (Main .4! 'I‘hr' Quay. (ll/(13.20“:

ECA Masters t 13A) t\'arioux. Britain. 2005) Varioux. 00min. 'l'hc \cry bcxt tilm documcntary xhortx to coinc out of thc .\laxtcrx courxc in Film and TV at lidinburgh ('ollcgc ol' .-\rt. Say ltcllo to thc ncxt gcncration of award winning tiluunakcrx. I’i/ni/tntm’. [Jilin/Hugh.

The Edukators 1 l5) .0. lllattx \Vcingartncr. (icrmany/:\uxtria. 200-1) l)anicl Bruhl. Julia Jcntxch. Stipc lirccg. 127mm. lntcrcxting (icrman political drama about a bunch of anarchixtx who arc l'orccd to rcthink thcir \alucx whcn thcy kidnap a libcral buxincxxman. (i/mgmr I-‘I'lm 'I‘lit'utn’. (i/uygnn:

The Eel (Unagi) i Is» 0000 (Sholtci lmamura. Japan. I‘M-ll Koii Yakuxho. Mixa Shimi/u. ll7min. lniamura'x l’almc l)'()r- winning lilm about two woundcd pcoplc: 'l’akuro. a man who murdcrcd hix adultcroux

wil‘c arid Kciko. thc woman hc dixcmcrx al‘tcr

hcr attcmptcd xuicidc. 'l‘hix ix a xtudy ol intcgrity. whoxc comcdy rcxtx in 'l‘akuro'x rcadjuxtmcnt to xocicty and itx tragcdy in thc way clcmcntx in hix prcxcnt mirror morc xcrioux clcmcntx in hix paxt, Simplicity ix itx \trcngth. It‘tIiIt/ttu'g/t I'i/m (int/(l. Edinburgh. Family t 15) tRalikumar Santoxhi. lndia. Zoom Amitabh Bachchan. l50min. 'l‘hc lamilicx of a mobxcr and a chcl liyc xidc by xidc. Much hilarity cnxucx. Bollywood l'uu. ()(lt’UIl .4! Thu Quin; (iluwnu': I'('/ Edinburgh.

The Family Stone tl’(il O

('l‘homax Bc/ucha. l'S. 2005i Sarah chxica l’arkcr. (‘Iairc I)ancx. Dianc Kcaton. Dcrmot Mulroncy. lll3min. 'l‘hc libcral Stonc lamily t.\'clxon and Kcalont try to cmbracc proxpcctiy c daughtcr in-law. thc uptight .\lcrcdith t l’arkcrt. mcr tlic ('hrixtmax pcriod


but things invariably go wrong. ()nc xocial gathcring w cll worth ayoidittg. (‘im'imrli/ Rt'lith'ii' Sma'l. (i/mgmt:

Fires Were Started tl'i COO. (llumphrcy Jcnningx. l'l'x'. 1943) (icorgc (irayctt. Philip Dickxon. l-‘rcd (iril'l'tthx. 80min. Jcnningx' only drama almoxt

ittc\ itably rctainx a documcntary l‘ccl rcal tircmcn tacklc rcal lircx amotig thc warchouxcx in London'x docklandx. lt‘x not action xpcctaclc lltL‘ dit'cctor ix aftcr. but thc cpic xcnxc ol' hcroixm that driycx thcxc mcn to lacc dangcr day after day. A wondcrl'ul tributc to thc couragc of ordinary pcoplc. Part of thc .\ladc in World War ll xcaxon. I'illiiltuttM'. l'fi/iIi/mrgli.

Flightplan 1 12m 00 tRobcrl Schwcntkc. IS. 3005) Jodic lioxtcr. l’ctcr Sarxgaard. Scan Bcan. lirilx‘a ('lirixtcnxctt. ()Smin. l’lanc dcxigncr Kylc tl-'o.xtcrt ix flying thc body of hcr dcad huxband back homc. .-\t 37.000 l‘cct .xhc xuddcnly rcalixcx that hcr daughtcr ix mixxing but nobody rcmcmbcrx xccing thc girl. Anothcr hyxtcrical ‘woman and child in dangcr' thrillcr front l-‘oxtcr'x undcrwhclming middlc carccr. (io .xcc ()tto l’rcmingcr'x brilliant l‘)(i5 lilm Iimmv [air it Mining inxtcad; it hax thc xamc plot and ix loadx bcttcr. ('I'Iit'imrltl Rt'Il/l’t'tt' SHIT]. (i/usgnti‘.

From Russia with Love tl’(it 00.0 t'l‘crcncc Young. l'K. Whit Scan (‘onncry Danicla Bianchi. l’cdro .-\rmcndari/. Lottc l.cnya. Robcrt Shaw. 1 Ioniin. Thc xccond and among thc bcxt of thc Bond llickx. with thc uxual (‘old War .xhcnaniganx powcrcd by atmoxphcric xct-picccx. a gcnuincly witty .xcript and truly inxpircd pcrl‘ormanccx all round. St‘nlmtmt .S‘t‘rrcning Rmmt. lz’rliIt/mrg/i. Frozen t IS) 0. tJuIict McKocn. l'K/Dcnmark. 300-1) Shirlcy llcndcrxon. Roxhan Scth. 90min. .-\nnic (llcndcrxon) ix a ncttrotic lixh factory workcr from l’lcctwood in Lancaxhirc. llauiitcd by thc dixappcarancc ol' licr xixtcr a l‘cw ycarx ago. xhc bccomcx obxcxxcd with thc idca that xhc hax t‘ound a portal to an altcrnatiyc rcality whcrc hcr xixtcr may xtill bc aliy c. So xo mctaphyxical thrillcr

or visit


The Dick and Jane storybook characters were disrespectfully

appropriated for Ted Kotcheff’s semi-satirical 1977 comedy vehicle for George Segal and Jane Fonda. Now Jim Carrey and Téa Leoni have dragged their good names further into the mire of Iowbrow comedy for Dean Galaxy Quest Parisot’s unwarranted remake.

I General release from Fri 20 Jan.

baxcd thc rcal caxcx oi thoxc who hay-c tliuippcarcd. ('irtctrm‘ltl Rt'ti/re'tt' Stt‘c’t'l. (iluwmi'. ('im'wor/(l. Edinburgh.

Fun with Dick and Jane 1 13m

.0 (Dcan l’arxiot. IS. 3005) Jim ('arrcy. 'l‘ca l.coni. Alcc Baldwin. 90min. 'I'hrown out of work and onto thc brcadlinc during thc dotcom collapxc. Dick ((‘arrcyt and Janc (l.conit risk thc dixmantling ol‘ thcir drcam houxc by crcditorx unlcxx thcy can

makc a faxt buck. lcading thcm into such anti-

.xocial inaniticx ax doing oy'cr bankx and derxtttg up ax Sonny and (’hcr. with (‘arrcy as (’hcr. l.coni prcy'iouxly dixplaycd a natural gilt for comcdy in Jamcx l. Brookx‘ Spanglish. but with ('arrcy playing to thc back row and bcyond. xhc hax littlc choicc but to dcmcan hcrxcli in a gaming competition. Subxtituting .xlapxtick for xatirc. (‘arrcy rcturnx to hix rubber-laced rootx. and xadly. that mcanx no fun at all for anyonc old cnough to rcad. (it'm'm/ I'l’ll’llM’.

,s/ :2 gateway

19 Jan—2 F00 2006 THE LIST 43