
National (iallct'). thc Mound. 034 Mon. ltlfltlam 4pm. £15 it'll). \Voi‘kxhop on \culpting \\ ith papcr and card.

Monday 1 6


* Super Cool Astronomy Ro)al ()hxcnatot') \.i\tl(it‘ ('cntrc. lilackl'ord Hill. («is 8404. 7.30 8.30pm. £3 tL'l l. SL‘L‘ llllllxl.


Tartuffe: Pre-Show Talk Rti};tl

l._\ ccum 'l'hcatrc. (irindla) Strcct. 343 48-18. (1pm. £3 tl‘i'cc lX\l. l.i/ l.oclihcad (li\L‘lt\\c\ hcr mpcricncc ol translating Molict‘c tnlo SL‘otx.

Mungo Park and the Mapping of the Niger National librar} ol' Scotland. (icorgc l\' Bridgc. 336 453 l. 7pm. l’rol‘cxxor (‘harlc\ Withci‘x gixcx an illuxti'alcd talk to mark thc hiccntcnar} ol thc Sclkirk-horn c\plorcr\ dcath. l’coplc just don’t hm c namcx likc Mango an} morc. do thc} 1’

Wednesday 18


* In the Footsteps of Lawrence Ro)a| Moxcum l.ccturc 'l‘hcatrc. 3 (‘littltthc‘h Sti‘cct. 3-17 42 l‘). 2. l 5pm. Scc llillixt.

Thursday 1 9

Activities & Events

Earth's Humid Bubbles: Turner and a New Understanding of Nature \chton link. llauthorndcn l.cctttrc 'l‘licatrc. National (iallcr). thc Mound. 63-1 (660. (Lil) 8.30pm: [8. Talk h} l)r .ltttttcx Hamilton l'rom thc l'tii\cr\it} of Birmingham. 'l’ickct pricc includcx proatc \ icu‘ of thc c\hihition.

Ongoing Edinburgh

Activities & Events

Filmhouse Movie Quiz Sun 8 Jan. l‘ilttthouxc ('alc liar. SS Lotltiatt Road. 22‘) 5032. 0pm. Tch )ottt' lilm

kilo“ lcdgc at Iliix incrcdihl} \ucccxsl'ul monthl} lilm quix. (ict thcrc call} toch a \cat.


Fabric to Fashion: Scottish Textiles and International Style l'ntil Tuc 38 lich. .\lll\L‘lllll ol' Scotland. (‘hamhcrx Strcct. 347 42W. Mon Sat l()am 5pm; Sun noon 5pm; Tuc

ltlam 3pm. .-\ii mhihition ol' picccx lrom thc hig \k‘igx in thc world ol' fashion highlighting thcir continual lo\'c al'l'air

Archaeologist, Dr Peter Pfalzner of Tijbingen University, presents his spectacular discoveries from the ancient Royal Palace at Qatna in Syria, with pieces from the time of Akhenaten and Tutankhamun.

I Roi/(ll Museum I ecu/m Theatre. 2 (Shani/>01}; Street. le/nlx/rg/i. Fri 6 Jan.

\\ ith tuccd. tartan and knit“ car.

Gifted l'ntil Sun 2‘) Jan. Roin Mascum ('ral't (iallcr). 2 ('haiiihcrx Strcct. 3-17 42W. Mon Sat lilam 5pm; Sun

noon 5pm; Tuc Illam Xltm. l‘rcc. .-\ \liouczhc of Scottish L‘UlilL‘tltpnt'ut‘} cral‘tx. \xith icncllci'). tc\ti|c\. ccramicx and gl;t\\\\;tl1‘.

Immortal Pharaoh: Tomb of Thutmose Ill l'ntil Sun 8 Jan. (’it} Art (.L‘llll'L'. 3 .\lat'l\cl Sll‘L‘L‘l. 52‘) 3993.

Mon \Vcd. l’ri & Sat ltlam 5pm; Thu I()am 7pm: Sun noon 5pm: noon 5pm. [hit-1.50). l'icttlttl'ittg an L‘\;tcl rcplica ol 'l‘liutmoxcx' hurial chamhcr in thc \allc) ol' thc Kittgx. “hich \\;t\ L‘t'ctttcd l'olloxxing hix rulc from 147‘) to I436 B(‘.

Sale of the Centuries: A Celebration of Shopping in Scotland l'ntil Sun I) lich. National librar} of Scotland. (icorgc l\' Bridgc. 226 453i. .\lon Sat Illam 5pm; Sun

3 5pm. .-\n cxhihition l'ocusxing on thc mpcricncc ol' \hopping in Scotland from thc middlc agc\ to thc modcrn da}. Through the Letterbox l'ntil Sat 4 l‘ch. Scotti\h l’octr} library. 5 ('I'iclilott‘x ('lo\c_ ('ttttongatc, 557 2876. l lam 6pm. l‘rcc. .-\n c\hihilion illtmiiiiating thc making ol a hook containing ltitikth urittcn h} latc Scottish chaixxancc poct. (icot‘gc Brucc. and lllll\lt';llctl h) lili/ahcth Blackaddcr. \Vtit‘k h} it“ cllL‘l‘ Slicana Stcphcn ix (ll\plil_\C(l aloiigxidc.

The Vaughan Bequest at Turner Watercolours l'ntil Tuc 3| .lan. National (iallcr} of Scotland. Thc Mound, (iZ-l (i200. Illam 5pm (Thu lilam 7pml. l-‘rcc. Thc annual dixpla} ol' Turncr'x magniliccnt \\'atct‘colotti‘\ lk'qucathcd in I‘)()() h) thc l,ondon art collcctor llcni‘} Vaughan.

Food & Drink

Edinburgh Farmers’ Market li\cr} Sat. ('axtlc 'lcrracc. 653 5940. 9am .3pm. l-"ill )Ulll' cupboardx u ith local. qualit). cthical pt‘odttcc


Scottish Open Fencing International Sat 7 Sun 8 Jan. \chlunmls llL‘itlIlt (‘lllll l'.L‘IlL‘\. 332 5777. 8.30am. lncrcdihl) clcgant mock \tahhing anticx \\ ith nicn'x l'oil. \xomcn‘x cpcc and \ahrc hcld on Saturda}. \\ ith mcn'x cpcc. \ahrc and \tontcHK l‘oil on Sunday. [in gardc?


Still Life, Portraits, Interiors, Landscape Tuc ll). Thu l3. Tuc l7 & Thu l‘) Jan. National (iallct) of Scotland: ('lorc liducation ('cnti‘c. Thc Mound. ()Z-l (i200. lilam lpm. L'lli (£8). l-‘our drawing and painting \L‘\\it)tt\ lcd by ttt‘llxl Damian (‘allan

Around Town

EST 1947

Winner of The List Eating and Drinking Guide Budget Restaurant of the Year Award 2005/6


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