Northern Sinfonia: A Viennese Concert for New Year’s Day Sunday ist January, 3pm

Sir Willard White, Carl Davis and Northern Sinfonia

Saturday 7th January, 7.30pm Sunday 8th January, 3pm

The Taka’cs Quartet and Muzsikas with Marta Sebestyén Sunday 15th January, 7.30pm

Eddi Reader Sings the Songs of Robert Burns with Northern Sinfonia Wednesday 18th January, 8pm

Northern All Star Brass Sunday 22nd January, 2pm

The Waterboys ‘Karma To Burn’ Tour Friday 27th January, 7.30pm

John Cale and Band Sunday 29th January, 7.30pm

Eddi Reader Sir Willard White

Tickets 0191 443 4661


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92m: LIST

I The Pit 'I'hc .-\rchc\. 3|) Midland Sir-cot, 0870 340 753S, 9pm. U). chx rock and mctal \hindig “Hit a |i\'c \ct ll'ttlll Stitch.


I Big Tuna and The Shine \Vhixtlchinkicx. 4 () South Bridgc. 557 5| l»|. (rpm. l’rcc hcl‘orc midnight; £4 al'tcr. |.i\c lttllxlt‘ douhlc hill \\ itli morc ll‘t'.

I Firebrand Super Rock, Elephantine and Creepor Banncrman'x. \iddi‘} Stt'cct. 556 3354. 8.45pm. [-1. Big i‘il'l'x and poucr chords.


I Voulez Vous I’aidc} ’l‘onn Hall. .v\hhc_\ (‘|o\c. SST llllll. Spin. L'll H39). lltc Iottgcxl running :\hha Irihutc hand continuc to i'cct'catc thc \oundx ol‘ lhc 7(lx \upci' S“ cdc\.

Saturday 24


I Laker, Lucerna, Redlines and Sinister Flynn King 'l‘ut'x \Vah \Vali llut. 373a St \‘inccnl Strccl. 33| 5379. S3Hpm. £5. \lclodic indic rock lroni l.;tl\L'l‘.

I TWO Bob Rocket Samucl l)o\\ 'x, ()7 7| \illtxtlalc Road. 433 (HUT. 8.30pm. l'Il'L'L'. Rock co\cl‘\.

I Pinup Nights \icc‘n‘SIca/y 43! Sauchichall Strcct. 333 0900. 9pm. £3. Scc lit 33.


I The Rab Howat Band Bannct‘tnan\. \iddr} Slrccl. 550 335-1. 3pm. l'lL‘L‘. SL‘L‘ Sal l7.

I Blackjack Blues Band \Vhixtlchinkicx -l (w South Bridgc. 557 5| l-l. (rpm. l'i'cc. lndic guitar action “Hit a ltlllL‘S} |\\i\| lll‘ttltl Blackjack lilllL‘N

I Barry Vista Social Club Thu la“. lltgii Slt't‘cl. 5.50 (i333. 9pm. l'hl-L‘L‘. SCL‘ Sal I7.

I The Mighty Howard lglu. 2h .Iatnaica Sll't‘t‘l. 470 9pm. l'il'L‘L‘. SL‘L‘ Sat 17.

Monday 26


I The Silencers cht'rt-u liar). .-\ndcr\ton Qua). 'l‘lic Broomiclau. “HMS 3(i5 5| |. 7.30pm. L'l-l ad\ancc it|(i on dooi'i. 'l'raditional Bo\ing l)a_\ haxh li‘om tlic \ctcran Scolrockcrx.

I Independence Samucl l)ti\\ \,

()7 "I \itltxdalc Road. ~133 (H07. S3llpm. l‘rcc. Scc l'l'l lo.

I Repeat to Fade, The Towers and The Sleepwalkers King 'l‘ui'\ \Valt \Vali lllll. 373a SI Vinccnt Sll'L‘L‘l. 33| 5379. H.3ltpm. £5. l.oca| hand \hoxxcaxc.


I Open Mic \Vhixtlchinkicx. -l (v South Bridgc. 55," 5| l-l. 9pm. l’i'cc. Scc .\lon l9.

Tuesday 27


I AB/CD 'liltc ('alliouxc. l5 l'nion Sll'L‘L‘l. 343 (moo. 7.3(lplll. [3. :\(./l)(. li‘ihutc out to \hakc )titi all night long. I A Few Good Men ()rau .\lor.

,"3l 735 (ircal \chtcrn Road. 357 (3300. 3.30pm. [l3 l’rightcning \upcrgroup lcaturing lltL‘lttlk‘l‘x ol H30. Simplc .\|ind\. Big ('ountt‘) and |)cacon liluc. I The Front, Ahzaekris, My Actions Your Exit, Dida, ATP and WTN hot} Black. 50 ()\\\a|d Slrccl. 3-13 «ill-1.7.3tlpm. (5.

I Alfonzo and Ludovico Bar-ll}. loo (‘1)th Sum-i, oxTo on." 0999. Split. {5. Blixtcring rock'n'roll li'om Alton/o.

I Mud and Butter 'lt‘lttll ()\ na. ~13 ()lago |.anc. 357 .1534. 8pm. £3.

S“ ing/hlucx trio.

I The Grim Northern Social, Bwana Devil and Joe Gallagher King 'l‘ut‘x Wait Wait Hut. 373a St Vinccnt Sli'ccl. 33| 5379. S3llpm. £7. 'l‘ippcd Scottixlt rock/pop outlil “hm hm c

got onl in tlic tramplc to \cc l-i‘an/ l‘ct'dinand. hut \till command a strong homc lollouing.


I Band Showcase \\'|ti\t|chittkic\.

4 (a South Bridgc. 557 5| H. 9pm. l‘rcc. SL‘L‘ .l.llL‘ 3|).

I William Douglas, Alister and Paul lglu. 3h Jamaica Strcct. 470 5333. 9pm. l'il'L‘C. SL‘L‘ lllL‘ 3|).

Wednesday 28


I AB/CD 'l'lic ('athouxc. l5 l‘nion Sti'cct. 348 (i000. 7.30pm. £8. Scc inc 3/.

I Acoustic Open Stage The Hall Bar. l()l) \Voodlattdx Road. 353 9990. 3pm. l'l‘L‘L‘. St‘c \Vcd 3|.

I Black Robinson, Regular Joe, Remnant Kings and Landslide Barll} lllp\lilll‘\l. 3N) (‘l}dc Strcct. (JSTU 907 0999. 8pm. [5.

I Lou Hickey Brcl. 3‘) 43 Axhton |.anc. 3J3 49(io. Spin. l‘rcc. Bittcrxuccl \Hllg\ “till a \uhtlc ia// inllucncc li‘om thix _\oung \ingcr/xongnritcr.

I Michael Simons 'l‘cliai ()\na. |(i9 |)can\ton |)ri\c. ()Hl 049 7358. 3pm. £3. SL‘L‘ \Vcd 3|.

I The Sluts of Trust and We Rock Like Girls Don’t Barl‘l}. 3N) (‘l}dt‘ Sti'cct, 0870 907 0999, 8pm. £4. llol rocking douhlc hill. litccndiat‘} (ilamcgian duo So'l' coinhinc \lcax} guttci‘ti‘auling t'oclt'n'i'oll \xilh liddic Van llalcn-inxpit‘cd \\ iddl} guitar hrcakx. \\ hilc \\‘Rl.( il) ol‘l'cr up a punkcd-up l’J llar\c_\c\quc onxlaught.

I The Grim Northern Social, Mydas and The Beggars Lake King 'l‘ut'x \Vah \Vali lltit. 373a St \‘inccnt Sti'cct. 33| 5379. 8.30pm. l3". Scc 'l'uc 37. I Live Music .\lacSoi‘|c) 'x. 43 Jamaica Sum. 34.\‘ 85M. 9pm. l‘i‘cc. Scc 'l'hu I5. I Stevie Walker .\lonlt'o\c ('cntral, (i/S \Valt‘t'lttti Sll't‘cl. 331 0500. 9pm. SL‘L‘ \VL‘tl 3 l.

I The Bottleneckers 'lhltc Scotia Bat“. l|3 Stockncll Strch 553 SoSl. 9.30pm. l'll'L‘L‘. SL‘L‘ \Vt‘tl 3|.


I The Pit Christmas Bash Suhua} (‘ougattx ()9 (‘ougattx 335 (For).

opm 5am. £4 hcl'orc l lpm; lrcc altcr. Rock'n'roll nia_\|icm “illl lix c pcrl'ormanccx l'rotn l’x} clio Dalck. Sillltll‘lihlt‘tl. 8“ cc! |.ilt|c Bullcl. Ki\\ thc 'li‘aitoi‘ atid ()l ()Ith‘ Mind lolloucd h_\ thc I’it Mix and a hcaltli} tlnxt‘ ol' random ('hrixx) prcxcntx to hc \hai'cd ainongxt thc c\cning\ i‘ockcrx.

I The Rab Howat Band Bannci'inan'x .\'iddr} Strcct. 550 3354. 8.45pm. l'i'cc. (‘lu‘ixtniax and .\'c\\ Ycai' part} li‘otlt llti\ popular co\ct'\ hand.

I Sunshine Delay \Vhixilchinlxicx. J (1 South Bridgc. 55" 5| l4. 9pm. l‘i'cc. .\|c|odic countr} -inl'|ucnccd .-\mct‘icana. I Yea No Totally lglu. 3h Jamaica Slt'L‘L‘l. 476 .5333. 9pm. l'il-L‘C. SL‘L‘ \Vt‘tl 3 l.

Thursday 29


I The Apple Scruffs and The Zips litll’l'l), 260(1)th Sll‘L‘L‘l. ()NTU 9|)? 0999. 8pm. £4. (iimmc gimmc indic rock.

I For Your Sins, The Frequency, The Long Walk Home, The Perrys and Phelix Culpa |\oi‘) Black» 50 ()mald Stt‘cct. 3-18 4| l-l. Spin. £5. ()\ct'- l-lx \ho“.

I Graduation Day Rockcix. 14 Midland Sti'cct. 33| ()"36. Spm. l’rcc. Rock night.

I Karina 'I‘cliai ()\ na. ~13 ()tago |.anc. 35“ 453-1. Spin. [3. .v\cou\lic \ingcr/xong“i‘itcr in a Joni .\|itc|ic|| win. I The Ronelles, Green Door Clinic and The Merchants King ‘l'ui'x \Valr \Vah llut. 373a SI \inccnl Sti'ccl. 33| 5379. S3Upm. £5, (’ountry’hlucx} rock t'rom thc Roncllcx.

I Tender Mercies \icc‘n‘Slcal}. 42l Sauclticltall Sum. 33.3 (Milt). 9pm. £3.

SL‘L‘ lit“ 33.