I Hundred Reasons, Brigade and Orko Bartly. 260 (‘lyde Street. 0870 907 0999. 7.30pm. £l0. Iimo stalwarts come round again.

I The Saw Doctors Barrowland. 244 Gallow'gate. 552 460l. 7.30pm. SOLD OUT. ()y'er- 14s show. (‘eltrock knees-up from one of Ireland‘s most successful bands.

I Biffy Clyro King Tut's Wah Walt lIut. 272a St Vincent Street. 22l 5279. 8.30pm. SOLD OUT. It‘s the final night of Billy's Tut‘s mega residency and it's also their last show of the year. so a rockin‘ good time is to be expected.

I Miss Atlanta, Forgotten Sound, Apathetic and Final Chapter The (‘athouse. 15 Union Street. 248 6606. 7pm. £4 advance (£6 on door). ()yer- I4s show. Metal line-up.

I Francois and Rozi Plain 'l‘chai ()vna. 42 ()tago Lane. 357 4524. 8pm. £2. French singer/songwriter who is part of the Bristol l)lY music scene. supported by t'olk‘y member of the l‘ence Collective.

I Full Metal Racket Rockers. l4 Midland Street. 22] 0726. 8pm. Free. Rock and metal covers.

I Strike the Colours and Jenny & the Debutantes Stereo. l4 Kelvinhaugh Street. 576 50l8. 8pm. £3. The l)o|ly Mixture (‘hristmas shindig. I Da Flava Boyz, Agent Orange, Calibrate Jack and Wakeover I-‘ury Murry"s. 96 Maxwell Street. 22| 651 1. 8.30pm. £4. including entry to post-gig club. Weekly showcase of indie bands. I The Down 8. Cuts, The Jarz and The Lasers Niee'n'Slea/y. 421 Sauehiehall Street. 333 0900. 9pm. £3. Infectious rock’n’roll from the headliners.

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4 - 6 South Bridge Edinburgh EH1 1LL

86 THE LIST 15 Dec 2005—5 Jan 2006

Whooda thunk it? This was a band almost certainly destined to plunge back into obscurity after their brief glow in the late 905 but a Chris Martin-scribed ditty ‘Gravity’ brought them back from the brink and into people hearts again. Spooky.

SECC. Glasgow. Sat 17 Dec.

I Red Man Walking, Eric Euan, Emer and After Christmas l3th Note Cale. 50 60 King Street. 553 I638. 9pm. £3. Stoner rock from Aberdeen supported by the triple guitar onslaught of Iiric Iiuan.

I Superunknown The Hall Bar. lot) Woodlands Road. 352 9996. 9pm. I‘ree.

new album “calabasas”

out now

I Jive Aid 2005 (ilasgow School o1 Art. 167 Renlrew Street. 35.3 453 l. l0.30pm. £5. .'\ .\li\ed Bi/ness night featuring Radiotnagnetic Sound System and beatbo\er Bigg ’l‘ai plus l)ls coming together to raise money tor leukaemia Research.

I Crazy P The .'\I’L‘llL‘\. .ill \lttlltllltl Street. 0870 240 752S. llpin. £S IUH. See 'l'httrs l5 l'or (‘ra/y 1’. playing as part of this month's l‘unk Room. See (labs for prey iew. page 47.

I Players .\B(‘2. 330 Sauchiehall Street. 332 2232. (‘.v\.\'('l{l.l.li|).


I Red Bee Society, 1,2,3 & the Fours and Five Day Hemingway ('aledonian Backpackers. 3 Queenslerry Street. 476 7224. S30ptn. £5. llottly tipped idiosyncratic indie band plus li\e alt-rock from two popular lidinburgh acts.

I The Flying Matchstick Men, Das Contras and Douglas Kay Bannertnan's. Niddry Street. 22670l0. 8.45pm. £4 £6. A l'ttsion ot rock. electro. folk. glam and pop trom the Ro\y/ I)epeche-influenced lily iltg Matchstick Men. See prey iew. page S l.

I The Magnificents and St Jude’s Infirmary'lcyiot Row l'nion. Bristo Square. 650 4673. l0pm. l-"ree. Industrial electronica and \ely'et l'nderground influences l'rom this double bill at this l'nkown l’leasures Xmas Party.

I Charles Woods \\'liist|ebiiikies. -t 6 South Bridge. 557 5| l4. 6pm. l‘rec bel‘ore midnight; £4 alter. ('lassic co\ers t9pm and midnight bands still the).

I Michael Hargan ('abai'et Voltaire. 36 38 Blair Street. 220 6l76. 7pm. £6. Local singer/songw riter who diy ides his time between (ilasgow. London and Dublin promotes his debut album (‘mti't'rmltons lie/ween ('y.

I New Model Army lllc liquid

Room. 9c Victoria Street. 225 2564. .7pm.

£l5. Old school political punks.

I No Children, Chucky No Stars and Leftwideopen Subway ('owgate. 6‘) (‘ow gate. 225 (i766. and rock night.

I Richard Klein, Paul Taylor, Danny Ker and Speedboat 'l'he (‘alcy Sample Room. 5S .-\ngle l’ark ’l‘errace. 337 7204. Split. liree. Night ol 'boot stoinpin' rhythinkickin' raising t'unds tor (iaryald's new arts and cralts centre Ill Dalry. rattle and real ale a bonus. Stirling

I The Common Redstarts, Fused

and Hoax 'l‘olbooth. .Iail \Vy nd. tll7S6 274000. Spin. £4 £6. l'resh. raw rock

7.30pm. [5. indie

lrotn the ('otninon ls’edstarts. as showcased on their new single ‘Saye ll l'or Your l‘riends'.


I El Presidente attd Flying Matchstick Men Barrowland. 244 (iallowgate. 552 460]. “.30pin. £l0.

()\ er |4s show. Prior to their lidinbtn'gh‘s llognianay try hard spaneg glam pop combo Iil l’residente play their biggest headline show yet in their hotnetow n.

I Embrace and The Bees Sli(‘('. l’innieston Quay. t).\"0 040 4000. 7.30pm. £20. \Voi'kinanlike Britpop act back on the scene w llll a bit ol' help l'rotn ('hris .\lartin. Support lrotn the Ne ot \\ilf_'llli\ llltllt‘ lll;t\t‘l'lL‘k\ lltt‘ lit‘t‘s.

I The Barking Spiders Rockers. I4 \lidland Street. 22! 0‘26. 5 "pin. l’ree. Indie and punk co\ers.

I Michael Hargan .v\B('2. 3 30 Sauchiehall Street. 332 2232. "pm. £6. SL‘L‘ l'il'l Hi.

I Yellowcard 'l'lie (iarage. 490 Sauchiehall Street. 332 ll20, "pin. (‘.r\.\‘(‘lil.l.l‘.l).

I Southpaw ( hand (He ()pry. l’aisley Road loll. 429 5396. ".30pm. ('ountry t‘ttt‘lst‘t's.

I Mr David Viner 8: the Holy Redeemers and Raising Kain Barlly. 261) (‘lyde Street. (ISTtl 907 0900. Split. £5. .\'u blues l'rotn .\lr l)a\ id \incr. a layotii'ite ol the White Stripes and other lh‘lt'otl sottl brothers and sisters. Supported by (ilaswegian kindred spirits. I Red Strike and the Glam Bangers Stereo. l4 Kelyinhaugh Street. 576501S. Spin.

I Itchycoo Park Samuel How is.

6" “I \ithsdalc Road. 42.3 till)". S.5(lbttt. lirec. ('lasstc co\ers with a 60s slillll.

I Terra Diablo, Your Scarecrow and All my Logic King 'l'ut‘s \Valt \\ah llttl. 252a St Vincent Street. 221 52“). S30pin. £5. (ilaswegian post rockers

w ho base also constructed a website dedicated lit local bcyerage lillcklasl. llandy sideline ll the bottom Ialls out the post rock Inarkct. eh.’

I Odeon Beat Club, Viva Stereo and Jackie O \ice‘n‘Slca/y. 42l Sanchichall Street. 33309011913111. £3. Melodic pow er popsters ()deon Beat ('1th headline. supported by \‘iya Stereo who are promoting their second album l’ttllrrns u/ lie/tin lrtIlI otit on l'cnce Records.

I Roost ls’ttc‘kt‘lx l-l \lltllttlttl .Sll‘t‘t‘l. 22! (V26. 9pm. l-tec, See l'hu l5.