dixtrihutiiig lcailctx at thc l'iii\crxity of Munich. l‘our (l;l}'x latcr Sophic. hcr hrothcr llaiix and thcir iricnd (’hrixtoph l’rohxt giiillotiiicd in thc coiiVict prixon MunichStadclliciiii. 'I'liix low kc)’ drama. haxcd almoxt L‘lilift‘l)‘ on traiixcriptx t'roiii Scholl'x intcrrogationx and trial. ix a pow'crl'til. unxcntiiiicntal and xiiiiplc im‘cxtigatioii into thc potcnc} oi idcalx and lltc cow ardicc ol' ialtcriiig pow'crhaxcx. \\'cll worth xccking out. I-ilm/iuuu'. lat/mlmrc/i.

Step into Liquid (1') (Dana Brown. 1'8. 3003) 87min. Stirling and thrill Io\ crx alikc will lap tip thix invigorating ridc through thc iici'cc ancx oi ()ahu’x North Shorc to lrclaiid and Rapa .\'tii. \'oiccx oi lcgcndx ioin cx'cryday xurl'crx iii thix lilm h)‘ thc tiiakcrx oi [furl/cu .S'imimt'r. l’art ol' llic \thcottl xcaxott oi xportx doctiiiicntaricx. I-‘i'lm/muu'. Iii/iriliuruli. The Thing t l8) 0.... (John ('arpciitct'. ('8'. 1983) Kurt Rtixxcll. \Vill'ord Briiiilc)‘. l)a\*id (‘lciiiioii l0‘)miii. Scicntixtx on an Antarctic rcxcarch xtation thaw out an alicn crcaturc that ix ahlc to changc itx xhapc and iiitirdcr htimaiix. Thix tciixc \llUCGCl' tixcx thc ccntral gimmick from thc original xhort xtor)’ in a w a_\' thc NS] \crxioii did not. Part ol‘.\1oiixtcr .\lo\‘icx xcaxoii. film/mun: lc'tlni/mruli. This is Spinal Tap t IS) 00.. (Rob Rciiicr. l'S. 1083) ('hrixtophcr (iucxt. .‘xiichacl McKcaii. Harry Shcarcr. RJ Parncll. lid Bcglcy Jr. 82min. (’crtainl} thc iiioxt ingciiiotix. acctiratc and funny of all xpool' roclx'tiiiiciitaricx. with wondcrl‘tilly xpoiitancotix dialoguc. conx'incing ll} -on thc-wall camcra work. xclt~ pciiiicd lica\_\ iiictal parodicx. and of courxc thc amp that gocx to l l. A Scrccnda/c prcxcntatioii (i/tlxguii' I'II/m T/lc’ull‘l'. (i/uxgtmi Tickets t 15) O... (Ahhax Kiaroxtaiiii. Kcn l,oach. liriiiaiiiio ()lnii. ltaly/l'k/lran. 2005) (’arlo Dcllc l’iaiic. Valcria Bruiii 'l'cdcxchi. Sihana Dc Santix Martin ('oiiipxtoii. (iary .‘xlaitland. 1 15min. ()n a train iournc)’ from ccntral litiropc to Romc an old huxiiicxxmaii coiitciiiplatcx a lo\ c. a young man tolcratcx a burdciixoiiic and tcxl} gcncral‘x wiic and thrcc ('cltic xtipportcrx gct itito a hit oi trotihlc. l‘iltiiiiiakcrx Kiaroxtaiiii. I‘oach and ()liiii work hard licrc to crcatc a colicxi\'c lilii) which ix iiiadc ol‘ thrcc comcrging \ltll‘ylilk‘x 'l'hc rcxtilt ix xoiiicthing oi' conxixtcntl} high qualit} w hilc hciiig t‘t‘llcclch 0i llicxc tiriixix' cinciiiatic xtylc and thciiiatic conccrnx. An iliiprL‘xxiVL' lllill}‘ l'rom thrcc of thc grcatcxt. l'l/Hi/HHIH'. lit/inlmrg/i.

The Tit and the Moon t l8) 0... (Bigax ltiiia. Spain. I‘M-i) Mathilda Ma}. (icrard [)ariiioii. .\1igucl l’chtlzi. 88min; 'l‘hc dtt‘cctor oi .lmmin .Iunnin atid (in/(In) Ii’ul/x complctcx liix haw'dily litimorotix trilogy with thix talc about a hoy'x lixatioii for a hrcaxt hc can call hix own. A wondcri‘til cariii\'alqutic atmoxphcrc coinhincx with hlataiit crotic imagination in an tinahaxhcd iiianncr that’x not for thc po lacctl or prudixh. Part oi ('atalan Scaxon. Scc llogiiiaiiay i'cattirc. pagc l5. l-‘tlni/muw. I'fr/t'riltttrg/i.


Greta Garbo surprised many of her fans in 1939 when she appeared in this light romantic comedy directed by the great Ernst Lubitsch and written by, among others, Charles Brackett

and Billy Wilder. As a Russian comrade staying in Paris on government business who falls for playboy Melvyn Douglas’ charms, she is an icy joy to behold. Part of Garbo season. I Film/muse, Edinburgh (Sat 78. Sun 78 and Mon 79 DOC (in/v).

The Transporter 2 t )5) 0..

(l.otiix Icicrricr. l’rancc/l'S. 2005) Jaxoii Statham. Alcxxaiidro (iaxxiiiaii. Amhcr Yallctta. 87mm. Thix timc around. chatii'l'ctir Frank Martin (Strathaiii) talxcx on kiddic kidiiappcrx and bio tcrrorixm hut. ax c\cr. tlic plot ix itixt a hoiiux. Armour}. tccliiiology. drixahilit} atid liiigci'ic arc tlic ccntral iiigrctllt‘iilx til prodticcr l.llL‘ licxxon'x prcpoxtci‘otix hi'and oi [into action thrillcrx. and Hit’ 'I'I'tuix/mrlvr 3 ix UllL‘ til. liix l‘L‘\l tlcll\t't‘lt.‘x )t‘l. ll :tittd ttl‘l. hut it docx thc ioh. ('im'ii‘ur/t/ Rt'Ii/rt'ir .Vll't't'l. (ilthgaiit. (i/(Hgnii‘; (‘IItt'tt'uI'ltl I'ft/I'It/im'u/i. Int/mlim'u/i.

UfldOl’tOWi l5) .... (David (iordon (irccnc. ['8. 200-1) Jamic Bcll. Joxh lticax. Dermot Mtilroiicy. Dcxon Alan. 107mm. lt‘x I‘)7(lx (icorgia and w idowcr John Hunt) (Mtilroiic) ) and liix two kidx ll\'L‘ on a xhit hccp farm on thc cdgc of an unruly i‘orcxt. thii \lli’l)’. chain xmoking iailhird

l'ticlc Dccl t|.ticax) turiix up in xcarch oi liiddcii trcaxurc thcir dixpoxxcxxcd. bucolic cxixtcncc xtartx falling apart. l)ircclor (irccnc'x third icatttrc ix a l'axcinatingly

w cird xlow hurn nightniarc paxtoralc that'x alix'c with t—‘lioxtx i'rom lhc work of ( ’liarlcx Buriictt Altiiiati and Don Sicgcl. An iiiiprcxxncl} w cird talc ol' rural rcdcmptioti aitd lhc xtrugglc ior thc xoulx of young cliildrcn. I'('/ l-ft/I’Ii/mru/i. lit/in/mrg/i.

Wallace 8; Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit t l ') 0... (Nick

l’at‘k/Stcu‘ B()\. l'K. 3005) \oiccx 0i l’L‘lt‘l'

Sallix. Ralph l‘iciiiicx. llclcna Boiihaiii (‘artcii 85min. 'l‘hc long awaitcd t'cattirc- lcngth dchtit tor l’arlx'x plaxticinc maxtcr and tiititt Wallacc & (iromit. ix to coiii a phraxc. a grand da} out. ’l'hix tiiiic. thc chccxc Io\ iiig \Vallacc and liix caninc chuiii ha\ c i'cim ciitcd thciiixchcx ax a huiiiaiic [tL'xtcoiitrol oiitlit ‘Anti-l’cxto’

atid tlicrc'x a iii}xtci'ioux 'w crc i‘alihit' on thc prowl at thc local ncighhotirhood (iiant \"cgctahlc compctition, Knowing fun for all tlic l'aiiiil}. .SU/(‘t'lt't/ n'lniu'.

Where the Truth Lies t )8) 0... (Atom ligo} an. ('aiiada/l‘K/I‘S. 2005) Km iii Bacon. (‘oliii l'll'lli. Alixoii l.ohiiiaii. Sonia lictinctt. l07iiiin. lii thc l‘)50x tlici‘c wax no higgcr iiitixic and coiiicd) dtio than l.aiiii_\ (Bacon) and \‘iiicc ll’ll'lll ). \thii thc bod} M a hcautiiul )oting woman ix l'otind in thc hathttili oi tltctr liotcl xttilc and nothing would hc tlic xaiiic again. l‘laxh forward to lhc l‘)70x .uid waiinahc goii/o iouriialixt Karcii ()'(‘oiinor tl.oliiiiaii) liccoiiicx coiixtiiiicd with finding otit tlic truth hchind thc loiig huricd iiicidciit. \Vondcrl'till} ciitcrtaiiiiiig drama from (‘aiiadiaii l'iliiiiitalxcr l-Zgo_\an that tixcx intcllccltial rigour aiid hcdoiiixtic

\ igotir to pla} otit a xcx}. intriguing llitclicockiaii pt’cttitxc. St/t't lt't/ I‘('/(’u\('.

Great festive fun with live stand up comedy every night of the holiday

1:") DOC 9005 5 Jan 9000 THE LIST 71