Lower City

The Dali Dimension I l3:\l ISIIxI \lIII‘IIIII-x. SpIIIII. .‘IIIHI 57min l’I‘mInIle} IIIIIIII'I'Il IIIchIw lnnIIIgc Ix II\L'Il In cxplnic DIIlI‘x nhxcxxinn \\ IIh xcu‘nuc. II'nIII px)clInIInIIl_\xIx In IIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIL‘I‘hIIIIII‘x lhc III‘IIxI \ll'l\L'Il IhI'nIIglInIII lIIx lllL‘ In lllk'L‘l k'IIlllt‘lllpIIIIIl) \L‘lk'llllxlx Including SIgIIIIIIIIl haul and JI) \VIIIxnII. IIIIII IhIx chII'x nl cnmchIIIInIIx lwhwcn lilL‘ I‘III'x pic I'IIIIIII'III IIIlInIIIIlIxIx IIIIIl xIIIIcIIlIxIx [HU\C\ lIIxI‘IIIIIIIIIg \IcuIIIg l’IIII nl (‘IIIIIlIIII ScIIxnII SI'I‘ llngIIIIIIIII} II‘IIIIIIc. IIIIgI‘ IS I‘IIIII/IUHH’. IzI/IH/nug/I. Devil’s Miner I I 3M .00 l)II\ IlenII. RIL'llilltl l IIIlkIIIII.


l'S.r\/(iI'I‘IIIIIII). .‘llIISI 83min l'IlIIIcIl III lhc

('L‘IIn RIL‘n .\lnIIIIIIIIIIx nl linln III. lIIIIInIIx InI llIL‘ll' xIl\cI‘ (it'llleh hIII Ilen lnI IIIlnIIg IIIIllInIIx nl ll\L'\ lll lllL' liw ccnIIII'II-x III \xlIIch Ihc) \I‘ been llllllL‘Il. l.IIIlkIIIII IIIIIl l)II\ IlenII'x lilIII .IIlanx II xII'nIIg III'III IIIIIxII‘ \L'HIL' “llllL‘ lncuxing nII Ihc cxplnIIx III II l4 )I'III' nlIl hn} \xhn IIIIle gn IIIIn IhI‘ lllllIL‘x lllxl In xIII‘\ Iu' lIIIIIIIcIIIll} ()wil} chIIIIIIcnIIII IIIIIl \\I)l'lll_\ tlIk'lllllL'lllill} I)II'I'L'InI' Klt‘l l)II\ IlenII \xIll lw III Ihc xI'IchIIIIg nn l'I'IIlII} U Dcu‘IIIlII'I IX -lI)pIIII In lllllUIlllCC lhc lIlIII .IIIII .IIIxIwI IIIII-xlinnx (i/Ilwmi I'I/HI I/II'IIII'I'. (ilIHQUII

Die Hard I lh’I O... IJnlIII Me’l'IL'IIIIIII. l'S. I‘Hx’HI BlllL'L' \\ I||Ix. :\|IIII RIL‘l'xlllull. linIIIIIc BL'IlL‘llil lilIIIIII. \\ llllx plII) x II (III) \\ hn IIIII'IIle II In“ L'l hlnck IIIII'I} \Nllll lIIx cxII‘IIIIgCIl xpnIIxc 'l'hc lIIIIIIlIIIg Ix I'IIIIII‘II h} II‘I'InIIxIx. xn Il‘x lull In \VIllIx In hlllllp nll Iht' hIIIlIlch IIIIII \;l\L‘ Ihc lIanIIgI'x \IlIIlc lllL‘ pnlit‘c IIIIIl I'lll IIIIIgIIIxh Incpll} nII lhc xIIlclInI'x. l'IIthIIIIhI} Icnxc III'IInIII'I IhIII gt-Ix gnnIl IIIilCIIgc IIIII nl _\II\\IIIIIg IIlI thIlIx IIIIII l'l}IIIg lIIIlchx. “llllt‘ \\ IllIx Ix cnm IIII'Ing IIx IIII nIIlIIIIII} gII} II)IIIg In L‘npc \\IIlI II IIll \VIIII'h nIII lnI BIII RIL‘IxInIIn .Ix II \ IIIIIIII

\\ IIh II \L’II\L' nl lIIIIIInIII ()(ll’llll :ll l/Il' lei. (Ii/(l\k'lll\‘ (i/Inguu.

Doom I 15) O. l.'\lllll'/C| liIII‘IlInVIIIIlI. l‘S/("A'L'h RI'IIIIIIIIL‘. ZIIIISI KIII'l l‘IhIIII. RanIIIIIIIIIl l’Ikc. lllL' Rne‘k. Dcxlu l'lt‘lt'llt'l. ‘HIIIIII. I)IIle IIIIIl hlnnIl} cwnlx IIIc IIIkIIIg PlilL‘k' nII .\lIIIx. xn II

lIcIn II) III'IIII'Il I'IIpiIl II'xpnIIxc II'IIIII III'c \L‘lll

In ImcxIIgIIIc Sn xn L‘IIIxxIc gIIIIIL' IIIlIIpIIIIInII \IhII'h. Ilcxpilc IIx illllllk'llllL'll) In lllL' nIIgIIIIIl IIIII‘I) lll\IIl\L‘\ lllL' \ It‘\\k'l. .Sl/(I II'I/ II'II'IHIC

Dosti Il’(iI ISIIIII‘cI l)IIIthIII. lIIIlIII. ZIIIISI Aloha} KIIIIIIII'. linhh) l)I-nl. Kéll'L‘L‘llél KIIpnnI. IIIIIIIIII. KIII'IIII I|)cnlI Ix II \\L';lllll_\ _\nIIIIg IIIIIII “llllL‘ RIII IKIIIIIIII I Ix IIIIIII}x nn lIIx IIppcI'x 'l'lIc lllL‘ll lIIIw nnIlIIIIg III (UllllllUll IIIIIIII IInIII lllCll lI'IcIIlelIIp. which lL'.l(l\ IthII IlIInIIgh IIIIIII} LII”) Inn~ \xnIII xIIIIIIIInIIx lchII'IuIIIIIIIIIg 'IIe'lI IIIIIII. pnni IIIIIII' IIIlc nl In}II|l_\ IIIIII kIIIIlIICxx, (h/I'nn sll I/II' (Jinn. (i/Iiwmi, (i/uwun _' l (‘l III/III/uu'g/L l.I/III/’IllL’/l.

Dropstitch I l I IJIIxIL’ ('l}(lC. l ’K. llllNl SSIIIIII l)II(lllllL‘lllIll_\ L'clI'III‘IIIIIIg Ihu lInle) IIIII\I'x nl xnIlIL‘ nl llII' \\Ul'ltl.\ gII'IIIL'xl lcnIIIlc xIIImlInIIIIlI'Ix 'l “C lilIII \IIIx xlInl an II )cIII III lL't'lilllIl. \cu lI‘IIlIIIIIl. Ihc ['5 and Ihc l'.IIIIIpcIIII .v\lpx llIIIIg lL‘ll. \l\lL'l. l’III‘I nl IlII' \\ IpI-nIII \L‘.l\llll nl xpnI'Ix IlUL'lllllt'lllilllL‘x l'I/Hl/IIIHH'. lleIn/IIIIg/I

Ek Ajnabee llhk'l I.-\[InnI\II l.IlelIIII. lIIIlIII. ZIIIIi I .-\IIIIIIIhlI Hilt‘llL‘llilll. .'\l|llll RIIIIIpIIl. l’cI'I/IIIIIl /.nI'IIlIIIIn. lx'cll} l)nI]c l"III‘IIIIIIII'II‘I'IxIIL‘IIll} \InIcIII IIIIIIIIII Icwngc IlI'IIIIIII lIIIchl nn I\In llnll} \InnIl IIIn\ lL'\. sl .l/II/I .l/nul IIIIIl .lIIm IlII I‘III' ()III'UH .-\I l/l(' Qum. (i/Inumr (i/Iiwmi

EIfIl’(iI... I.lnII l'InII‘IIII. [8.

SIM) ii “I” l'I'II‘L'll. .lIIIIch ('IIIIII. liIl\\III’Il .'\\IIL‘I' ‘NIIIIIII liIIIlIl) Il-I-I’II'III Ix II hl‘.‘ lull “llu. llInIIglI III'I‘I'IIII'Il Ill lIIx l'.l\ Ixh t'nIIIIIIIIIIII} III lhc \nI‘Ih l’nlc. IIIIIIIIIgI'x In \\ ICIle lIII\nL~ nII II IlIII|_\ lIIIxIx l‘I‘Il Ill) IIIIIl I‘nIIlIIxI-Il II} lIIx chulgc. l’IIpII l'.ll Illnh NI‘xxlIIII'II \Clltl\ lIIIII In Ihc ['8 III xI-IIIL‘II nl IIIx llllL‘ IIchIIII). llIIIIIInIIx IIIIIl IIIII'IIlc YIIIL‘IIIlc cnIIII'Il} lInIII llIL‘ xIIII nl XII/nun \. (i/uwun I’ll/II l/II'Il/H'. (i/uxumi.

The Exorcism of Emily Rose I ISI 0. ISmII Demukxnn. I‘S. ZIIIISI l..IIIIII l.IIIIIc). ’l'nIII \\ IlkIIIxnII. (‘IIIIIplIcll SCUUI JI‘IIIIIlI-I ('III‘III'IIII'I. ll‘lnIIII liIIxI'Il nn lllL‘ IIIII' xInI} nl :\IIIII'lIL'xI' XIII‘III'I. II (icIIIIIIn \xnIIIIIII lI'nIII II IIII‘I' lnxwi' IIIIIIIlII' I'IIIxx (‘IIIlInhc IIIIIIII}. \Ihn \\;l\ l‘L'llL‘\k'tl In IIIIw lwcn |)()\\L‘\\L'll IIIIIl tllt‘tl IlIII'Ing IIII cxnI'I‘IxIII. ('II‘IIII} lll\llL'(l nIII In lII'III llL‘\l )I'III'x IIpI'nIniIIg (it‘I'IIIIIII IIIIIgIIIIgc liIIII

lI’I'I/IIII'III. \\ high Ix \'\[)Ck'lL‘tl In xIII) IIIII'I‘ In lllL' lL‘IIl L'H‘Illx. llllx \\ Ill IIIIIII‘III ln lllnxc

\\ IIII IIII llllL'lL‘\l III IlIcnlngit'IIl lInI'InI. (iI'III’I'Il/ II’II’IHI'.

The Family Stone Il’( il 0

I l'lInIIIIIx BC/IIL‘IIII. l'S. JINISI SIIIIIh JL'\\lk‘&l l’III'lch. ('lIIIII‘ l)IIIICx. DIIIIII‘ KI'IIInII. l)L‘llllUl \lIIlInIII'), lIHIIIIII. Scc Inn-xx. [IIIgL' 5‘)‘ (I'I'III'I'III I'¢'/('(l\('I

Fargo I Ih'I ooooo (JUL‘I (‘III-n. I‘S. I‘NIII l'I'IIIIu‘x .\lcl)nI'IIIIIIIIl. Slt'w liIIxu'IIII. \VIIIIIIIII ll .\lIIL‘_\. U71!!!” llanIIg In IIIIIkI' xUIllL‘ lIIII‘kx. II (III xIIleIIIIIII IIIII‘IIIIIIx In IIIIw lIIx \\ III' kidnapped h) lllllllL‘ll. lIIII hlnnIl Ix quickl) prll. Ax IhI' picgnIIIII pnlIt'I' III-Iccliw nn Ihc L'IIxc. MchIIIIIIIIIl [NIH ItlL'\ II \\;lllll llL‘illlk‘tl I'L'IIII'I' lnI Ihc IIIn\ II‘. “llllt' Ihc IIthIIIlIxI pInI IIIIII “Cll'tl InI‘IIl L'UlIIUI gIIIII lllUlllCllllllll. lI'll he t'nIIxIIlI‘II‘Il II L‘lIIxxII‘. giwn lllllL'. (Mm-u. I‘.(/IIl/)III_L'/I. Flightplan I IJAI oo IRIIIII‘II Sclmcnllxc. IX. 2005) JnIlII‘ l‘anI‘I. l’cIcI' SIII‘ngIIIIIl. SI‘IIII licIIn. l1IleII (‘lII'IxIL‘IIxcn ‘lh’IIIIII l’IIIIIc IlcxigIII-I K} It ll'U\lL‘l I Ix

ll} Ing llII‘ lInIl) nl lII-I‘ IchIIl lIIIthIIIII lIIIclx llUlllL‘. .v\l WWII) lI-cl \llL' xIIIlIchIl) II‘IIlIxI-x IlIIII lIcI IIIIIIgIIIcI Ix IIIixxIng hlll IInhnIl} lClllL'llth‘l\ xcL'IIIg Ihc gIIl. .'\III)lllL‘l

h) xIcIII'IIl ‘unIIIIIn IIIIIl chIIIl in IlIIIIgI'I‘ IlIIIllI'I lInIII l-anI'I'x IIIIIlchIclIIIIIIg IIIIIlIllI' L‘III‘I'I'I (in xcc ()IIn l’IcIIIIIIgL'I "x lII‘IllIIIIII l‘lIIS lilIn lfII/Im [uh I\ .lIInI/Ig llhlt‘iltl. II lIIIx Ihc \IIIIIL‘ plnl IIIIIl Ix lnIIle lk‘llcl. (iI'III‘III/ I'I'lI'IIu'

Frankenstein I I’( I I 0000. lJillllL‘x \VhIIlI'. [8. NH I linI'Ix KIIIlnll. '7lIIIiII. \VhIIlc'x \InIIIlI‘I'lIIII) I‘IIIIIp \cI'xInII nl lllL' lll_\lll IIIkI'x lIlII‘IIII‘x “llll IIx \UUI'L'L‘ IIIIIII-IIIII hIII Ix III'nhIIhI} lwIII'I' Run“ II IhIIII .\lill"\ SlIcllc} 'x IInwl. KIII lnll 'x IIIIIIII'II‘xx IIInanI'I \IIIx xn IIII‘IIInIIIhlI' IlIIIl IIIIIlIt'IIcI‘x L'IIIIII' In IlIIIIk nl II. IIIIIII'I IlIIIII IIx L‘I'I‘IIInI'. IIx ‘l‘IIInkI‘IIxIcIII'. l‘l/Ill/IUIHI’. It'IlIII/uug/I. Garbo I l 'I O... IKm III Bin“ lllU“. ('lIIIxInplII'I' Bird. [8. IINlSI 35min \I'II'IIIII liIIIIIIIIIkI'I' Blt)\\lll()\\ 'x ncu IlncIIIIIcIIIIII'} Ix II I’I'IIIIIIIIIIxIIl nl Ihc Ill}\lL‘l'lUll\ lllllt‘\ nl HIIC nl IlIc IIIan

lIL'lIn L'Il IIIIIl xL‘t‘l'L'lnL' IIl lliL' L‘III'l)

llnll} “(Hui xIIII'x (iIII'hn (iIIxIIIl'xnII AKA

One reviewer has said that this film is like being hit in the face with a dirty dishcloth so don’t miss Sérgio Machado’s steamy, mesmeric ménage a trois set in the slums of coastal Brazil and starring Alice Braga (Sonia’s daughter), Harildo Deda and José Dumont. We were told too late about this release to be able to cover it in this issue but there will be a full review and interview with the director next issue.

I (III/NIX) fI/I/IIxI/g/I fin/II in ($0 DUI; IIIII/ (if /. (S/I'Irggnw fin/II in (I JI'I/II/(l/I’

(iI‘cIII (iIII'hn, NIII'I'IIICIl b} Juhc (‘hrixliu Ihix Ix II git-III plIIcc In xIIII‘I Il' )nu'w new cr \L‘L‘ll IIII) nl Ihc gI'cIII lIIIl) 'x lilIIIx. l’III‘I nl (iIIIhn SCIIxnn. l‘l/III/IUHH'. Iz'IIIIIthg/I. Godzilla (Goiira) Il’(il oooo ll\llll() llnIIIlII. JIIpIIII/l '8. 105-1) lkII'II 'l‘IleIII'IIIl. MniIInkn KnhI. Akihikn llII‘IIIII. 98min. \VIIlI Ihc II-xInI'IIIInII nl 3(I IIIIIIIIch nl lilIII pm lIIIl\l_\ (Ill h) ['8 L‘L‘lenlx. Ihc nnu‘ lIIIIghIIhl} IlIIIIIlI crcIIIIII'c l'cIIIuI'c nnVI Plil}x IIx Ihc IlIII‘lx IIIIIi IIIIcchII‘ \IIII'lIII'c IIIII‘IIhlc IhIII IliI‘chnI' llnIIIlII nI'igiIIIIll) iIIIcnIchl it In lk', “illh llx xL‘L‘IICx 01 UN IlL‘xll'llCllIIn Ul inky) II} II gIIIIII I'IIIlinIIL‘Iixc. liI'c lIII‘IIIhIIIg. pic hixInI'ic L‘I'cIIIIII‘c. IIIIIl IIIIIIL‘II\L'I'. lt'lClCllCC\ [H [hr the” \llll ull- Inn I‘L'ccnl hninhing nl NIIgIIxIIki. black I‘IIIII. hnIIIh xhclIcI‘x and all Ihc illlll'

\\ t-IIpnIIx nl InIIxx IleII'ucIinII IIICxxIIgc IcnIIIIIchcl} L‘III nIII in Ihc l'SI ix pIIinlIIll) I‘II‘III. :\IIIII/iIIgI_\ I'nI‘ II IIIIIII in II lllUlhlL‘l xIIII llIII\ Ic. Ihc I‘lIIIIIIL‘Iic cnIIl'I'nIIIIIIInII hcnx ccn Ihc Cl'L‘illUl'L‘ and II xcicnIixI xx iIlI )Cl zlllUlllL‘l Alptk‘;ll_\pllc lll\L‘lIll()ll gcncrIIICx IIIIIIII-nxc pIIIhnx. llIglIl} I'ccnIIIIIIcndul. l’IIIl nl .\lnnxlcr .\ln\ ic xI'IIxnII. I'i/III/muu'. lzI/III/Im‘g/I.

Golden Balls I IXI oooo IBIgIIx l.IIIIII. SIIIIIII. I‘N iI .III\ II‘I' llIIIIlL‘III. \lIIIIII lh‘ \lI'IlI'IInx. \lill'll‘t‘l \I'I'IlII. 05min llcnIln ( ilHl/IllL‘\ lIIIx llllL'L' [IIIxxInIIx: II‘II'Il cggx. hIIIIIling xk}chIIpCIx IIIIIl lIII\ing xcx \thn he IIIIII'I'icx I'nI' IIInIIt‘). iI xccmx IhIII IIll lle tll'L‘illll\ cnulIl L‘IIIIIL‘ II‘III'. Cxpcciull) \\ hcn hc'x IIhlc In xcc hix lIIIIIlCl' girlfriend nII Ihc \ltlt‘. A xlCII/) IIlec nn lIIxI IIIIIl SIIIIIII'x llIIll\L‘;lll I‘ichc l'I‘nIII IlIc Ilircclnr nl

.lunum .IImIIm. l’III'l nl'('IIIIIlIIn SCIIxnII. SL‘I‘

llngIIIIIIIII) lL‘ullll'L‘. page 15. l-"Ilm/muu'. lziluiluu'g/I.

Save Money

see page 9 for details

15) [)(II: 2005) 5) Jan 7000 THE LIST 67